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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman


Suicide by Democracy

Started by Anonymous, November 12, 2016, 09:45:12 PM

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I was not sure whether to put this Politics or Extremism, so it is here for now. Kiebers can decide where it belongs.

We are doing this to ourselves. We brought in an alien ideology that will not assimilate.">

We are living in an era of dis-ease. Our belief systems are under attack. We witness the horror of terrorism spreading in countries who do not share our values, as well as the spread of terror in democracies around the world. We are up against tribal societies whose ethic is one of honor and shame and where blood revenge is in the veins, where violence begets violence that, over time, can lead to a sense of helplessness, hopelessness, and victimhood. At the same time, too many of us born into freedom have become apathetic to, even neglectful of, the very ethic that underpins that freedom. And we are in the process of being abducted by a policy of "diversity."

Muslims coming to the West talk about our diversity. In Canada my Prime Minister tells us that diversity is our most important value. Yet the people to whom he is reaching out are the very people who will not tolerate diversity.

Obama said that more Muslims have been killed by terrorism than any other group. Well, he is partially right. More Muslims have been murdered than Christians, Yezidis, Jews, agnostics, atheists. But not from terrorism. Muslims kill Muslims because they will not accept diversity amongst themselves. They will not sit together, work together, or care for the other, even when the other is one of them. Diversity in Islam? Never.

That lack of tolerance for each other plays out all over the west. Muslims in their own countries kill the other with glee: Decapitating, burning, drowning, throwing off buildings, stoning to death, dragging human beings behind trucks, using people as human shields to protect themselves, using children and the disabled as suicide bombers; they use the same procedures throughout the West and then add a few more-like running people over with trucks-people just having fun, drinking coffee, playing with their children, buying groceries; or blowing up buses, or taking a gun and shooting randomly, or use a screw driver to attack the old and the young. Or fly planes into buildings.

These are the same people who come to America and Canada, who have already swarmed Europe demanding their "rights." Their freedom of religion! Their right to bring their intolerant, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic Culture into our open Culture, a Culture whose very foundation, rooted in caring for the other, makes pluralism possible.

Islam, a Culture in which different tribes (and there are so many groups you need a play book to keep track of them) cannot get along-murder each other in the most barbaric ways, this Culture is demanding they be tolerated in freedom-loving countries? That their intolerant ways be accommodated in freedom-loving countries? That their behaviours and rituals and symbols be included on our freedom-loving countries? That we accommodate women covered from head-to-toe including their faces in our freedom-loving OPEN countries? And we do this in the name of the "value" of diversity in a democracy?

It is not that those of us who are against free-flowing Muslim immigration are against diversity-it is that we are against self-destruction. We are against allowing those who refuse to say that they will honour our values, they will change their ways for ours, as we accept SOME of their ways-ways that do not attack our very freedoms-especially freedom of speech.

The Trudeau Government is coercing Canadians to accept people who do not tolerate their own brothers and sisters, by calling us racist (Islam is NOT a race) or xenophobic (when we have opened our doors to millions of people from around the world), or calling us Islamophobes (which means we cannot criticize Islam despite the fact that we are encouraged to criticize democracy). This is asking us to commit suicide-by-democracy; asking us to abuse our Constitution, including an attempt to stifle free speech. There are those who want to embarrass us into accepting those whose ideology demands the spread of Islam, Sharia Law around the world.

Democracy is fragile. Immigrants must be welcomed into Western countries for our Constitutions sit on the moral value that we care for the other and for that reason we put out the welcome mat. But we must not welcome people into our countries, in the name of "diversity" (a policy that does not seem to include White Anglo Saxon Protestants and French Catholics-the Two Solitudes),who will not accept that value, the Golden Rule, and the moral value that all people, including the Jewish people, are created with equal intrinsic value.

And we must not allow our government to bully us into welcoming people whose moral obligation is the destruction of Western countries. Let us never forget that people who scream "Death to Israel" and Death to the West" mean every word.


And here in Canada.

Canada: 70 Muslim organizations advocate Sharia Bill 59 to criminalize criticism of Islam"> ... -of-islam/">


That's good Herm. So good that it deserves separation

As for me it's good here, at least until we decide how to deal with islam stuff - I have two methods to demonstrate  including the separate section as it is now - and will get back on it and we can all decide / finalize it together as to what is the best way to handle it

Would you be so kind as to edit the OP with paragraph separation at least - to make it a lot easier to read?


EDIT - Either delete OP and then copy paste the below ... or just paragraph the OP yourself - then I will delete this

We are doing this to ourselves. We brought in an alien ideology that will not assimilate.">

We are living in an era of dis-ease. Our belief systems are under attack. We witness the horror of terrorism spreading in countries who do not share our values, as well as the spread of terror in democracies around the world. We are up against tribal societies whose ethic is one of honor and shame and where blood revenge is in the veins, where violence begets violence that, over time, can lead to a sense of helplessness, hopelessness, and victimhood. At the same time, too many of us born into freedom have become apathetic to, even neglectful of, the very ethic that underpins that freedom. And we are in the process of being abducted by a policy of "diversity."

Muslims coming to the West talk about our diversity. In Canada my Prime Minister tells us that diversity is our most important value. Yet the people to whom he is reaching out are the very people who will not tolerate diversity.

Obama said that more Muslims have been killed by terrorism than any other group. Well, he is partially right. More Muslims have been murdered than Christians, Yezidis, Jews, agnostics, atheists. But not from terrorism. Muslims kill Muslims because they will not accept diversity amongst themselves. They will not sit together, work together, or care for the other, even when the other is one of them. Diversity in Islam? Never.

That lack of tolerance for each other plays out all over the west. Muslims in their own countries kill the other with glee: Decapitating, burning, drowning, throwing off buildings, stoning to death, dragging human beings behind trucks, using people as human shields to protect themselves, using children and the disabled as suicide bombers; they use the same procedures throughout the West and then add a few more-like running people over with trucks-people just having fun, drinking coffee, playing with their children, buying groceries; or blowing up buses, or taking a gun and shooting randomly, or use a screw driver to attack the old and the young. Or fly planes into buildings.

These are the same people who come to America and Canada, who have already swarmed Europe demanding their "rights." Their freedom of religion! Their right to bring their intolerant, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic Culture into our open Culture, a Culture whose very foundation, rooted in caring for the other, makes pluralism possible.

Islam, a Culture in which different tribes (and there are so many groups you need a play book to keep track of them) cannot get along-murder each other in the most barbaric ways, this Culture is demanding they be tolerated in freedom-loving countries? That their intolerant ways be accommodated in freedom-loving countries? That their behaviours and rituals and symbols be included on our freedom-loving countries? That we accommodate women covered from head-to-toe including their faces in our freedom-loving OPEN countries? And we do this in the name of the "value" of diversity in a democracy?

It is not that those of us who are against free-flowing Muslim immigration, are against diversity-it is that we are against self-destruction. We are against allowing those who refuse to say that they will honour our values, they will change their ways for ours, as we accept SOME of their ways-ways that do not attack our very freedoms-especially freedom of speech.

The Trudeau Government is coercing Canadians to accept people who do not tolerate their own brothers and sisters, by calling us racist (Islam is NOT a race) or xenophobic (when we have opened our doors to millions of people from around the world), or calling us Islamophobes (which means we cannot criticize Islam despite the fact that we are encouraged to criticize democracy). This is asking us to commit suicide-by-democracy; asking us to abuse our Constitution, including an attempt to stifle free speech. There are those who want to embarrass us into accepting those whose ideology demands the spread of Islam, Sharia Law around the world.

Democracy is fragile. Immigrants must be welcomed into Western countries for our Constitutions sit on the moral value that we care for the other and for that reason we put out the welcome mat. But we must not welcome people into our countries, in the name of "diversity" (a policy that does not seem to include White Anglo Saxon Protestants and French Catholics-the Two Solitudes),who will not accept that value, the Golden Rule, and the moral value that all people, including the Jewish people, are created with equal intrinsic value.

And we must not allow our government to bully us into welcoming people whose moral obligation is the destruction of Western countries. Let us never forget that people who scream "Death to Israel" and Death to the West" mean every word.
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell



Yes - source is in the OP">

It's an opinion piece, but seems pretty accurate at 1st glance - I have not slowly read it all yet
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Hmmm...whilst I do not entirely disagree, the hebrew script kinda taints the sentiment.

I want to see our "leaders"...elected members of parliament...make such statements. I want to see these political class elites admit to what we all know is the truth. I want to see them fess up and admit they've acted recklessly and contrary to the wishes of the people, not the wishes of the placard carrying "intelligentsia" that make much noise and no sense.


This topic comes up frequently on this board and I am still not ready to form an opinion yet. I do not know much about the Muslim religion/ideology or it's international reach. I am more of a policy wonk guy. I would like to know more about the funding and support behind it rather than the scriptures in the Koran.


Earthquake 7.4 has hit NZ again...

10 or so minutes ago...
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: "caskur"Earthquake 7.4 has hit NZ again...

10 or so minutes ago...

My God. I think that deserves it's own thread.


Did it hit Christchurch again?

Edit -  112 miles north of Christchurch

Tsunami hits N. Zealand after powerful earthquake, aftershocks"> ... ge-threat/">
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell




7.8 mag. One metre waves but possibly larger later they said.


New Zealand earthquake: Two dead following powerful tremor

A powerful magnitude-7.8 earthquake has struck New Zealand's South Island, killing at least two people.

The quake hit just after midnight on Monday (11:02 GMT on Sunday), north-east of Christchurch.

It was felt as far afield as the capital Wellington on the North Island, 120 miles (200km) away.

A tsunami arrived about two hours later. Officials warned everyone along the eastern coast to head inland or for higher ground.

Police said one person died in the town of Kaikoura on the eastern coast, which has been cut off by road and where electric power is out and phones are down.

Another died in Mount Lyford, a ski resort nearby. It is not yet clear how they were killed.

Tsunami waves

A gauge at Kaikoura, 181 km (112 miles) north of Christchurch, measured a wave of 2.5m (8ft 2ins) in the early hours of the morning, according to

At one point, the ministry of civil defence suggested tsunami waves as tall as five metres could hit the eastern coast.

But just after 08:00 local time (19:00 GMT), the warning was scaled back to a "marine and beach threat" with waves of just one metre along a small stretch of coast.

Aftershocks continued throughout Monday morning. Many schools and offices stayed closed while engineers checked the buildings, and ferries and trains were cancelled.">


Quote from: "seoulbro"New Zealand earthquake: Two dead following powerful tremor

A powerful magnitude-7.8 earthquake has struck New Zealand's South Island, killing at least two people.

The quake hit just after midnight on Monday (11:02 GMT on Sunday), north-east of Christchurch.

It was felt as far afield as the capital Wellington on the North Island, 120 miles (200km) away.

A tsunami arrived about two hours later. Officials warned everyone along the eastern coast to head inland or for higher ground.

Police said one person died in the town of Kaikoura on the eastern coast, which has been cut off by road and where electric power is out and phones are down.

Another died in Mount Lyford, a ski resort nearby. It is not yet clear how they were killed.

Tsunami waves

A gauge at Kaikoura, 181 km (112 miles) north of Christchurch, measured a wave of 2.5m (8ft 2ins) in the early hours of the morning, according to

At one point, the ministry of civil defence suggested tsunami waves as tall as five metres could hit the eastern coast.

But just after 08:00 local time (19:00 GMT), the warning was scaled back to a "marine and beach threat" with waves of just one metre along a small stretch of coast.

Aftershocks continued throughout Monday morning. Many schools and offices stayed closed while engineers checked the buildings, and ferries and trains were cancelled.">



Quote from: "Oberon"Hmmm...whilst I do not entirely disagree, the hebrew script kinda taints the sentiment.

I want to see our "leaders"...elected members of parliament...make such statements. I want to see these political class elites admit to what we all know is the truth. I want to see them fess up and admit they've acted recklessly and contrary to the wishes of the people, not the wishes of the placard carrying "intelligentsia" that make much noise and no sense.

Wasn't it the French Prez who told the people of France that terror was the new norm? Like WTF?? Live with fucking terror? He is a fucking traitor to his country, but leadership that brought in the first waves of muslimes are bigger traitors.