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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

Prepare for disappointment

Started by shin, December 13, 2016, 06:54:43 AM

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Ladies, what makes a guy "creepy" in your eyes?

Guys, what makes a woman boring/uninteresting?

Do you tend to find something you like in everyone, or are you difficult to please?


You create some great threads shin..


Men with smoking and drinking habits, although not creepy are unappealing to me..

I may be the wrong person to respond because I have never dated any man other than my husband, but I would say a man who likes a lot of porn would be creepy to me.


Quote from: "Angry White Male"I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place.

There are Males and Females here, but I can assure you that you will not get a proper answer to your question...

Shin is not you Mel, he doesn't have a problem with everyone.


To me, women who are "boring/uninteresting" are the the kind that think they need a man in their lives to be complete. There are tons of them out there, internet dating sites are flooded with them. They are the kind of women that brings nothing but a pussy and a mouth to feed to the table. They will jump from guy to guy just to say they are in a relationship because being in some kind of relationship is the only thing that gives them a purpose.

This kind of woman is not only "boring/uninteresting", they are to be avoided at all costs.


Quote from: "shin"Ladies, what makes a guy "creepy" in your eyes?

Guys, what makes a woman boring/uninteresting?

Do you tend to find something you like in everyone, or are you difficult to please?

Creepy to me is a vibe or a feeling I get from a guy.  I almost instantly know if someone doesn't feel right.  For example, I was in a mall last weekend with my husband and this guy kept staring at me and then he'd show up in every store I went into.  That was creepy.  I also don't like it when guys push you to reject them because they can't take a hint.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Overly complimentary guys are creepy too.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Women with too much emotional baggage from previous relationships.


Quote from: "RW"Overly complimentary guys are creepy too.

Your insight into the male psyche is superb, and your wit and wisdom exemplary.

I just love the way you write.



Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "RW"Overly complimentary guys are creepy too.

Your insight into the male psyche is superb, and your wit and wisdom exemplary.

I just love the way you write.


Awww thanks.  ac_wub
Beware of Gaslighters!



Quote from: "RW"Overly complimentary guys are creepy too.

Would I be overly complimentary if I yell out "hey, nice tits" if I see you on the street?

Just checking because I wouldn't want to creep you out or anything.


Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "RW"Overly complimentary guys are creepy too.

Would I be overly complimentary if I yell out "hey, nice tits" if I see you on the street?

Just checking because I wouldn't want to creep you out or anything.

Funny story...

My husband and I were leaving a restaurant (The Keg in Banff) when I walked by two guys at the bar area who were absolutely sloshed.  The one guy turned to me and said, "Nice tits" and without missing a beat my husband said, "Thanks.  They're mine."  I gutted myself Haha

Guys have said all sorts of piggish things in passing.  It's when they stop and keep talking or touch that things get creepy.

The guys that give me the heebies are the ones that go on and on about things.  They'll tell you you're beautiful. That you have beautiful eyes and pretty hair and kissable lips.  On and on about how they could stare at your face all day or how they'd love to take you for dinner sometime.  You aren't attracted to them but they'll keep on and on.  They don't take the hint and fuck off.  That's creepy!!!

And no Obi, you aren't creepy. :p
Beware of Gaslighters!


Another creeper move is when a guy asks to buy you a drink or dinner or asks you to dance and you politely refuse, he calls flips out and says something douches like you're a slut anyway or your loss.  Those creeps make me super nervous.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "RW"

And no Obi, you aren't creepy. :p

But you're so beautiful. I stare at your pictures all day...even the ones where you're wearing clothes.


Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "RW"

And no Obi, you aren't creepy. :p

But you're so beautiful. I stare at your pictures all day...even the ones where you're wearing clothes.

Now I feel less creepy for drawing pictures of your face every day.
Beware of Gaslighters!