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Re: Forum gossip thread by Herman

Prepare for disappointment

Started by shin, December 13, 2016, 06:54:43 AM

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I'm told someone who walks around with a toothpick sticking out of their mouth is someone to keep an eye on.

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Another one...I'm told to keep an eye on those folks with short nails on all their fingers except one finger has a very long nail. Creepy that one. What is that used for? I dread the answer.

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "shin"Ladies, what makes a guy "creepy" in your eyes?

Guys, what makes a woman boring/uninteresting?

Do you tend to find something you like in everyone, or are you difficult to please?

Creepy to me is a vibe or a feeling I get from a guy.  I almost instantly know if someone doesn't feel right.  For example, I was in a mall last weekend with my husband and this guy kept staring at me and then he'd show up in every store I went into.  That was creepy.  I also don't like it when guys push you to reject them because they can't take a hint.

Me too RW. If I get a negative vibe, my instincts are usually right.


I echo that. Creepy indeed.

What's worse are those who actually know you and you know them such as in the work place. Just because you greet them and smile at them, they think you are going to date them. Creepy.

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"I echo that. Creepy indeed.

What's worse are those who actually know you and you know them such as in the work place. Just because you greet them and smile at them, they think you are going to date them. Creepy.

That has never happened to me, but my niece had a workplace stalker. She quit.


Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"Another one...I'm told to keep an eye on those folks with short nails on all their fingers except one finger has a very long nail. Creepy that one. What is that used for? I dread the answer.

If it's the little finger nail it's nose picking or snorting coke.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"I echo that. Creepy indeed.

What's worse are those who actually know you and you know them such as in the work place. Just because you greet them and smile at them, they think you are going to date them. Creepy.

Those guys SUCK!  

A few years back I had to deal with a guy who turned a business meeting into a date.  After he got fired, it escalated until the police got involved.
Beware of Gaslighters!

Berry Sweet

Quote from: "RW" I also don't like it when guys push you to reject them because they can't take a hint.

^^ This.

I was seeing a guy last summer...honestly, I just wanted the summer booty call....he was a nice guy but just not for me.  Anyhow, I stopped texting him and didnt return any texts at all....he kept texting me all the time...finally I text him and told him I wasnt interested in a relationship and that he should find someone else...he texts me back and says he understands but we can still be friends and he'll come hang out...he still kept texting me...sending me kisses, roses, inviting me out to things and texting how he wanted to spank me....I just kept ignoring him and this went on for holy fuck!! Creepy or what....he finally stopped a few weeks ago...thank God!!

Berry Sweet

Quote from: "Wulf"To me, women who are "boring/uninteresting" are the the kind that think they need a man in their lives to be complete. There are tons of them out there, internet dating sites are flooded with them. They are the kind of women that brings nothing but a pussy and a mouth to feed to the table. They will jump from guy to guy just to say they are in a relationship because being in some kind of relationship is the only thing that gives them a purpose.

This kind of woman is not only "boring/uninteresting", they are to be avoided at all costs.

^^ there are a lot of guys like this too.

I will not go on dating sites...all the desperates on there...snakes, liars, whores, fuckin weirdos...the list goes on...

I have no desire to be in a relationship at all.  I have goals I want to accomplish and a guy would just be in my way causing problems I dont need in my im not interested in having sex like all the fuckin time.  Life is more than just sex...there are things to accomplish and to be done.  Im busy and im tired....I dont mind booty call when time allows for it...but most guys dont get the point in a booty call...its not a 24/7 service and its not going to turn into a relationship....ffs...its when I feel like the deed and then go the fuck home.


Quote from: "Berry Sweet"
Quote from: "RW" I also don't like it when guys push you to reject them because they can't take a hint.

^^ This.

I was seeing a guy last summer...honestly, I just wanted the summer booty call....he was a nice guy but just not for me.  Anyhow, I stopped texting him and didnt return any texts at all....he kept texting me all the time...finally I text him and told him I wasnt interested in a relationship and that he should find someone else...he texts me back and says he understands but we can still be friends and he'll come hang out...he still kept texting me...sending me kisses, roses, inviting me out to things and texting how he wanted to spank me....I just kept ignoring him and this went on for holy fuck!! Creepy or what....he finally stopped a few weeks ago...thank God!!

Yeah they do that.  Months is getting off light.  I didn't have feelings for a guy so he shacked up with my best friend just so he could hang around.

The ones that really give me the no-no feeling are the ones that get angry or aggressive when you tell them no.  Nothing turns out well with those fuckers.
Beware of Gaslighters!

Berry Sweet

I dont date a whole lot.  I dont like the feeling of a man trying to dominate uncomfortable with it, plus it turns me off.  

I hate it when guys try to pick up gals and act like chickens n peacocks....

Berry Sweet

One thing I also cannot stand is both male a female fb posters, post about going to the gym (but forgot to include its been months or a year since) and all of a sudden they are buff, healthy and just fab....but you never see the damn post again...


Quote from: "RW"Another creeper move is when a guy asks to buy you a drink or dinner or asks you to dance and you politely refuse, he calls flips out and says something douches like you're a slut anyway or your loss.  Those creeps make me super nervous.

I think there might be one of those that hangs out here.

Not naming any names but we all know who HE is.  ac_biggrin


I find it difficult to relate to what Berry Sweet and RW are saying..

I have never had a man stalk me, pursue me or show any romantic interest in me besides my husband..

I was not asked out on date until I was 21 and I always wanted a permanent committed relationship..

Berry wants to remain single and guys pursue her..

It makes me wonder if it's because I'm East Asian.



Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "RW"Another creeper move is when a guy asks to buy you a drink or dinner or asks you to dance and you politely refuse, he calls flips out and says something douches like you're a slut anyway or your loss.  Those creeps make me super nervous.

I think there might be one of those that hangs out here.

Not naming any names but we all know who HE is.  ac_biggrin

You're bang on.  He's a total creeper.
Beware of Gaslighters!