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Halal and Kosher Methods of Slaughter

Started by Aryan, December 28, 2016, 10:01:04 PM

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What are your views on this? Should they be banned? Or is it more important to avoid the potential shit storm it would cause?

The only reason I'm asking is because I'm seeing more and more people calling for Halal to be outlawed, even by people who are in the center ground on political issues...

Naturally if it was upto me I'd ban them both in a heartbeat.


Both are stupid, baseless and cruel.

Just like the religions that support them, really.


I believe Hungary has outlawed both practices.  

I grow fonder and fonder of that country by the day....

Berry Sweet

Quote from: "Oberon"Both are stupid, baseless and cruel.

Just like the religions that support them, really.

I agree.

Angry White Male

I am not religious, so I see no purpose in slaughtering any animal in a way that wouldn't decrease discomfort.

However, the Muslims and the Jews believe they must do so.

I understand that people must eat, however, religion should not play a part in preparation.

Hitler would not have allowed this crap, and the modern West should not either.


All commercial slaughter of animals is cruel. Just because you buy your meat from a grocery store and never see what the animal goes through, it doesn't make their lives any less traumatic.

Slicing an animals throat as in Halal or Kosher slaughter is nothing different than what farmers have been doing for centuries. Now here comes 21st century man with his fake high ideals and his faux concern for the welfare of Halal butchered animals while he consumes billions of pounds of penned up poorly treated livestock each year.

We all know what this is. Stop fucking around and call it what it is. Forbidding Halal practices is just one more little micro-aggression toward Muslims in the west because you all haven't got the stones to get rid of the problem proper.

Angry White Male

I, for one, support humane practices at any plant also.

I know conditions at some plants are deplorable as well...


Hitler was an animal lover.

He was a good man but he should have eradicated them filthy fucking Joos.

Point in issue cc when she sucks ya cawk slobs all over the place.

For that I'm gonna go a full Auschwitz on her ass.


Quote from: "GORDY GAMBINO"Hitler was an animal lover.

He was a good man but he should have eradicated them filthy fucking Joos.

Point in issue cc when she sucks ya cawk slobs all over the place.

For that I'm gonna go a full Auschwitz on her ass.

Yeah, it will be a nice change from your usual full retard.


Quote from: "Oberon"Both are stupid, baseless and cruel.

Just like the religions that support them, really.

Islam and Judaism are more than mere religions.


Quote from: "Wulf"All commercial slaughter of animals is cruel. Just because you buy your meat from a grocery store and never see what the animal goes through, it doesn't make their lives any less traumatic.

Slicing an animals throat as in Halal or Kosher slaughter is nothing different than what farmers have been doing for centuries. Now here comes 21st century man with his fake high ideals and his faux concern for the welfare of Halal butchered animals while he consumes billions of pounds of penned up poorly treated livestock each year.

We all know what this is. Stop fucking around and call it what it is. Forbidding Halal practices is just one more little micro-aggression toward Muslims in the west because you all haven't got the stones to get rid of the problem proper.

They don't stun the animal prior to Halal or Kosher slaughter, because they believe the meat tastes better that way, so naturally the animal is terrified during the ordeal and feels excruciating pain.

I suggest you watch some Halal slaughter videos, if you've got the stomach for it, to get an idea of the cruelness and barbarity...

Berry Sweet

Quote from: "Wulf"All commercial slaughter of animals is cruel. Just because you buy your meat from a grocery store and never see what the animal goes through, it doesn't make their lives any less traumatic..

All of it os cruel, period.  We as humans dont need meat to survive...we've been brain washed into thinking we do.

But people are dumb.  They go to the super market and buy the packaged meat with the sticker on it that says halal or kosher and they'll buy it in confidence without even questioning where the meat came from and whats in it.

I hate being out and listening to people talk about how their food is "halal" like its a big deal..or "is it kosher?" fuckin seriously!?!? Makes me wanna ask them, "are you really that stupid?"




I see what you did there, you've been taking joke tips from Deadskinmask  ac_wot


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Wulf"All commercial slaughter of animals is cruel. Just because you buy your meat from a grocery store and never see what the animal goes through, it doesn't make their lives any less traumatic.

Slicing an animals throat as in Halal or Kosher slaughter is nothing different than what farmers have been doing for centuries. Now here comes 21st century man with his fake high ideals and his faux concern for the welfare of Halal butchered animals while he consumes billions of pounds of penned up poorly treated livestock each year.

We all know what this is. Stop fucking around and call it what it is. Forbidding Halal practices is just one more little micro-aggression toward Muslims in the west because you all haven't got the stones to get rid of the problem proper.

They don't stun the animal prior to Halal or Kosher slaughter, because they believe the meat tastes better that way, so naturally the animal is terrified during the ordeal and feels excruciating pain.

I suggest you watch some Halal slaughter videos, if you've got the stomach for it, to get an idea of the cruelness and barbarity...

The "stomach for it"???? :laugh3:

If slaughtering livestock offends your delicate sensibilities then how are you going to kill all the Jew's?

Have you ever killed anything, Sonny?

The potted plant in your mums loo that turned brown after your last nasty shit doesn't count.