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Re: Forum gossip thread by Lab Flaker

Why society is in a mess.

Started by Bricktop, June 05, 2017, 10:09:49 PM

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Talk about long winded...a foul wind as well.... :laugh3:

Everything you write is Neo Nazi horseshit straight out of William Lind's 1998 speech..."The Origins of Political Correctness". It was a speech given to the right-wing group "Accuracy in Academia", in which he described "political correctness" and "cultural Marxism" as "totalitarian ideologies".

It was paranoid bullshit 20 years ago and it's paranoid bull cookies now. You are parroting that garbage and you don't even realize it because your research doesn't go any further than the radical right propaganda found all over the net. That shit is tailor made to attract low brow, mush heads, like you who live in their own little bubble of social paranoia and fear.

I've explained this to you before but being the internet sponge head that you are, you can't grasp it. I'm not going to waste time on this issue any more.

Now you can run along and claim victory or whatever nonsense you want because I'm not going to engage you down that ignorant gutter you dwell in.

But that does not change the fact that you are nothing but a lunatic fringe, little plebe who is scared shitless of leaving the 2 block radius that surrounds your squalid, reactionary, little hovel. If your weren't such a deplorable, obnoxious little fuck...I would pity you.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


And after yet more babble, you still haven't addressed my question.  

Why? I'll tell you why, its because you can't, and the best you have is claiming everything I've said is 'right wing' propaganda.

What a lazy cop out.  :oeudC:


Quote from: "Renee"

Everything you write is Neo Nazi horseshit straight out of William Lind's 1998 speech..."The Origins of Political Correctness". It was a speech given to the right-wing group "Accuracy in Academia", in which he described "political correctness" and "cultural Marxism" as "totalitarian ideologies".

Ok and that's wrong why exactly?


Quote from: "Renee"

Now you can run along and claim victory or whatever nonsense you want because I'm not going to engage you down that ignorant gutter you dwell in.

This is priceless, Renee runs away and refuses to engage me on the subject any more when she's backed into a corner and exposed for being totally and completely out of her depth.   ac_lmfao  

I'm actually getting deja vu as we have already done this in the past, but it seems she still hasn't learned her lesson....


No, the problem is that you're the one who's out of his depth, Mouse.

You're just not smart enough to recognize the fact.

Before I met you on these boards, I had never heard said of anyone that they had "invented an ideology."

That you think ideologies are something someone "invents" made me size you up really fast; as it turns out, you are, indeed, the microcephalic cockalorum you initially seemed to be.
Aimin\' to misbehave.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Renee"

Now you can run along and claim victory or whatever nonsense you want because I'm not going to engage you down that ignorant gutter you dwell in.

This is priceless, Renee runs away and refuses to engage me on the subject any more when she's backed into a corner and exposed for being totally and completely out of her depth.   ac_lmfao  

I'm actually getting deja vu as we have already done this in the past, but it seems she still hasn't learned her lesson....

Thank you for doing exactly what I said you would do, ...again.

Your predictably is almost admirable. It shows a real and incredible lack of intellectual awareness on your part... :laugh3:

So while you are in the habit of jumping when I say new truck needs a's been rainy here and I think you need to get a bucket and a sponge and get to work.

I'd hire a Mexican day laborer BUT... you seem to be willing to do as I say for free.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Why don't you both try answering my question.

[size=150]If Cultural Marxism is a Conspiracy Theory as you claim, where on earth have all these leftist buzz words come from? Thin Air? Also how have they become so prevalent in western academia? Cultural Marxism is the liberal left's bread and butter...

Political Correctness.

- White Privilege/White Guilt.

- Feminism.

- Anti-Capitalism.

- Anti-Islamophobia.[/size]




Quote from: "Blurt"No, the problem is that you're the one who's out of his depth, Mouse.

You're just not smart enough to recognize the fact.

Before I met you on these boards, I had never heard said of anyone that they had "invented an ideology."

That you think ideologies are something someone "invents" made me size you up really fast; as it turns out, you are, indeed, the microcephalic cockalorum you initially seemed to be.

As usual you just nitpick without adding anything of value or substance....  :oeudC:  

Ok, how about 'contributed towards the spread of an ideology'?  

Is that ok for you Blurtrude?

The fact is it was Jewish intellectuals who developed and were the main instigators in spreading Cultural Marxism....... Go on, try and refute what I have just said.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"The fact is it was Jewish intellectuals who developed and were the main instigators in spreading Cultural Marxism....... Go on, try and refute what I have just said.

Refute what, Mouse?

Gimme names.

But first, gimme a definition of "Cultural Marxism" that isn't taken from The Daily Mirror.

I have no clue what you're even trying to talk about with the buzz words "Cultural Marxism." And neither do you.
Aimin\' to misbehave.


Re read the thread, I have already explained what it means.......

As for names, try reading this.">

''Since culture is considered the primary factor which sustain inequalities, Cultural Marxism is opposed to other explanations for inequalities such as religious explanations, individual choices, or genetic factors.

Unlike Marxism which primarily focuses on economic inequalities and economic classes, Cultural Marxism see culture as a main cause for many different kinds of inequalities:

Race (Whites/non-Whites)

Culture (Western/non-Western)

Family (nuclear family/non-nuclear family)

Religion (Christianity/atheism and religious minorities)

Gender (men/women)

Sexual orientation (heterosexual/LGBT)

Cultural Marxism places great emphasis on analyzing, controlling, and changing the popular culture, the popular discourse, the mass media, and the language itself. Seeing culture as often having more or less subconscious influences on people which create and sustain inequalities, Cultural Marxists themselves often try to remove these inequalities by more or less subtle manipulation and censorship of culture.

A term describing such censorship is political correctness where all views on equality that disagree with the Cultural Marxist view are avoided, censored, and punished.''


Quote from: "SCOUSE"Re read the thread, I have already explained what it means.......

As for names, try reading this.">//

Well, I've read it.

And it's a bucketload of antisemitic twaddle.

From Wikipedia (presumably, Cultural Marxist Wikipedia  :001_rolleyes:  ):

Metapedia is an electronic encyclopedia which contains far-right, white nationalist, white supremacist, white separatist, antisemitic, Holocaust denial and neo-Nazi points of view. The site describes itself as focusing on European culture, art, science, philosophy and politics. It was officially launched on 26 October 2006 with the Swedish-language edition. The English section was launched on 28 April 2007.

So, though everything out of Metapedia is tainted by bigotry, white nationalism, and anti-intellectualism, I'm still curious to see how they define "the Frankfurt School" (something I spent quite some time studying as part of my university degree in religion and philosophy).

History of the Frankfurt School (according to the antisemitic Metapedia):

The first generation of the Frankfurt School were all Jews and the Institute of Social Research itself was funded by a Jewish millionaire, Felix Weil. It was created during the Weimar Republic and soon become very influential. The Frankfurt School was perceived as a communist organization and closed down within six weeks of Hitler's ascent to power. It migrated to the United States (until after World War II) where it was also widely perceived as a communist front organization.

Prominent members of the Frankfurt school include Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Friedrich Pollock, Erich Fromm, Walter Benjamin, and Jürgen Habermas.

History of the Frankfurt School (according to Wikipedia):

The Frankfurt School (German: Frankfurter Schule) is a school of social theory and philosophy associated in part with the Institute for Social Research at the Goethe University Frankfurt. Founded during the interwar period, the School consisted of dissidents who felt at home in none of the existent capitalist, fascist, or communist systems of the time. Many of these theorists believed that traditional theory could not adequately explain the turbulent and unexpected development of capitalist societies in the twentieth century. Critical of both capitalism and Soviet socialism, their writings pointed to the possibility of an alternative path to social development.

Although sometimes only loosely affiliated, Frankfurt School theorists spoke with a common paradigm in mind; they shared the Marxist Hegelian premises and were preoccupied with similar questions. To fill in the perceived omissions of classical Marxism, they sought to draw answers from other schools of thought, hence using the insights of antipositivist sociology, psychoanalysis, existential philosophy, and other disciplines. The school's main figures sought to learn from and synthesize the works of such varied thinkers as Kant, Hegel, Marx, Freud, Weber, Simmel, and Lukács.

Following Marx, they were concerned with the conditions that allow for social change and the establishment of rational institutions. Their emphasis on the "critical" component of theory was derived significantly from their attempt to overcome the limits of positivism, materialism, and determinism by returning to Kant's critical philosophy and its successors in German idealism, principally Hegel's philosophy, with its emphasis on dialectic and contradiction as inherent properties of human reality.

Since the 1960s, Frankfurt School critical theory has increasingly been guided by Jürgen Habermas's work on communicative reason, linguistic intersubjectivity and what Habermas calls "the philosophical discourse of modernity". Critical theorists such as Raymond Geuss and Nikolas Kompridis have voiced opposition to Habermas, claiming that he has undermined the aspirations for social change that originally gave purpose to critical theory's various projects—for example the problem of what reason should mean, the analysis and enlargement of "conditions of possibility" for social emancipation, and the critique of modern capitalism.

Now, I can see much more clearly how you derive your simple-minded and moronic views of the world, S'Mouse; you parrot fascist propaganda unquestioningly, unthinkingly. Because questioning and thinking would require a brain.
Aimin\' to misbehave.


Quote from: "Blurt"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Re read the thread, I have already explained what it means.......

As for names, try reading this.">//

Well, I've read it.

And it's a bucketload of antisemitic twaddle.

From Wikipedia (presumably, Cultural Marxist Wikipedia  :001_rolleyes:  ):

Metapedia is an electronic encyclopedia which contains far-right, white nationalist, white supremacist, white separatist, antisemitic, Holocaust denial and neo-Nazi points of view. The site describes itself as focusing on European culture, art, science, philosophy and politics. It was officially launched on 26 October 2006 with the Swedish-language edition. The English section was launched on 28 April 2007.

So, though everything out of Metapedia is tainted by bigotry, white nationalism, and anti-intellectualism, I'm still curious to see how they define "the Frankfurt School" (something I spent quite some time studying as part of my university degree in religion and philosophy).

History of the Frankfurt School (according to the antisemitic Metapedia):

The first generation of the Frankfurt School were all Jews and the Institute of Social Research itself was funded by a Jewish millionaire, Felix Weil. It was created during the Weimar Republic and soon become very influential. The Frankfurt School was perceived as a communist organization and closed down within six weeks of Hitler's ascent to power. It migrated to the United States (until after World War II) where it was also widely perceived as a communist front organization.

Prominent members of the Frankfurt school include Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Friedrich Pollock, Erich Fromm, Walter Benjamin, and Jürgen Habermas.

History of the Frankfurt School (according to Wikipedia):

The Frankfurt School (German: Frankfurter Schule) is a school of social theory and philosophy associated in part with the Institute for Social Research at the Goethe University Frankfurt. Founded during the interwar period, the School consisted of dissidents who felt at home in none of the existent capitalist, fascist, or communist systems of the time. Many of these theorists believed that traditional theory could not adequately explain the turbulent and unexpected development of capitalist societies in the twentieth century. Critical of both capitalism and Soviet socialism, their writings pointed to the possibility of an alternative path to social development.

Although sometimes only loosely affiliated, Frankfurt School theorists spoke with a common paradigm in mind; they shared the Marxist Hegelian premises and were preoccupied with similar questions. To fill in the perceived omissions of classical Marxism, they sought to draw answers from other schools of thought, hence using the insights of antipositivist sociology, psychoanalysis, existential philosophy, and other disciplines. The school's main figures sought to learn from and synthesize the works of such varied thinkers as Kant, Hegel, Marx, Freud, Weber, Simmel, and Lukács.

Following Marx, they were concerned with the conditions that allow for social change and the establishment of rational institutions. Their emphasis on the "critical" component of theory was derived significantly from their attempt to overcome the limits of positivism, materialism, and determinism by returning to Kant's critical philosophy and its successors in German idealism, principally Hegel's philosophy, with its emphasis on dialectic and contradiction as inherent properties of human reality.

Since the 1960s, Frankfurt School critical theory has increasingly been guided by Jürgen Habermas's work on communicative reason, linguistic intersubjectivity and what Habermas calls "the philosophical discourse of modernity". Critical theorists such as Raymond Geuss and Nikolas Kompridis have voiced opposition to Habermas, claiming that he has undermined the aspirations for social change that originally gave purpose to critical theory's various projects—for example the problem of what reason should mean, the analysis and enlargement of "conditions of possibility" for social emancipation, and the critique of modern capitalism.

Now, I can see much more clearly how you derive your simple-minded and moronic views of the world, S'Mouse; you parrot fascist propaganda unquestioningly, unthinkingly. Because questioning and thinking would requiring a brain.

So let me get this straight, because Wikipedia claims that Metapedia is right wing, racist blah blah, that makes it so?  

Well lets take a look at what Metapedia has to say about Wikipedia.....   :001_rolleyes:

''In general Wikipedia has a leftist, politically correct, and anti-White bias. This has contributed to the creation of alternative Wikis such as Metapedia.

Why Wikipedia has this bias has been discussed. One explanation is that since the content is decided by majority vote by non-experts it will be heavily influenced by the views promoted by the leftist mass media rather than the views which can be found among experts and in the scientific literature.

Cultural Marxism and political correctness are other explanations. They have been enormously influential in academia, the media, and elsewhere and likely to some degree influences many Wikipedia writers.''">

Here is a video of some Israeli Jews openly admitting to influencing what gets written on Wikipedia.  

0.27 ''....we wanna be there...we wanna be the guys who influence WHAT is writen there , HOW is writen and insure that is balanced and ZIONIST IN NATURE...''


Thoughts Blurtie boi?


Ah yes....Scouse is citing Kevin McDonald....again...the author of "Jewish Group Evolutionary Strategy", "Culture of Critique" and other typical antisemitic horseshit...Scouse have you actually read any of his work?

Yes, yes we've all heard your parroting about the Jew's being guilty of ethnocentrism, high xenophobia, high aggressiveness against outsiders, group think and a desire to kill the white man but that don't mean jack shit...... :laugh3:

Unfortunately McDonald's bullshit is all steeped in "genetic determinism" which claims culture springs entirely from biology and environment...Bullshit... because that only explains part of where culture comes from. McDonald uses incorrect evolutionary principles to blame the Jew's ethnically, socially and even genetically for all the wrongs in the western world. It's little more ethnocentric, xenophobic blather.

This thread was started as a criticism of how academia has a tendency to produce theories and publish papers that are little more than nonsense and consequently never really get questioned or examined.....Kevin McDonald's work is exactly that kind of nonsensical tripe.

Scouse your an idiot and at the end of the day all you can do is wave your arms hysterically and scream...IT'S THE JEWS...THE GOD DAMN JOOOOOOOS... :laugh3:
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Quote from: "Renee"Scouse your an idiot and at the end of the day all you can do is wave your arms hysterically and scream...IT'S THE JEWS...THE GOD DAMN JOOOOOOOS... :laugh3:

Even so, Renee, that makes S'Mouse teachable.">
Aimin\' to misbehave.


Quote from: "Blurt"
You, Sir, are a dilettante and a dabbler (so is Inspector Sillypants, but at least he reaches for a thesaurus once in a while).

And what are you, Priscilla??

An ideologue so deeply embedded in leftardism, you can only see the world through the perpective of those you regard as oppressed or discriminated against.

You are by any measure one of those I have identified as being a massive waste of taxpayers money, whilst simultaneously working against those who fund your deluded crusade against the common man.

Enlighten me, and the viewers, dear.

Who are you employed by?