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Canada are you ready to be Enriched?

Started by Aryan, November 24, 2017, 11:31:13 AM

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Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"The liberals who champion diversity and less whites really haven't thought ahead. That goes for Jews too...... Do they really think that a country with a black and brown majority population will treat them with the same courtesy which whites have? Not a chance.  :laugh:

White lefties think they have immunity, but they often don't. I have seen several examples where the monsters they help create devour them too.  (one example"> ... kin-color/">   )

That's what will happen eventually, and that is the only good part of the whole process.

Ive been saying this for over 10 years .

Liberals are to fuckin thick to realise .

That the very 3RD World people they feverishly support , will turn on them cos there WHITE .

Liberals are the most idiotic / Nonsensical people u would ever meet .

In a few years , Liberals will be Begging , Fuckin Begging ,  the ' Right ' ( Who they brand as NAZIS ) to step in and Save Europe from the 3RD World Scum , THEY let in .


Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Zetsu"There's no doubt the quality of Canadian culture and customs have decayed noticeably over the past few decades when the libs started letting all kind of 3rd world people into the country.  Places filled with new immigrants are nothing but poor uneducated areas now, just driving property prices down due to the lack of quality in the neighbourhood.  It's just wrong to see the current government excessively taxing hard working Canadians and selling out the country to immigrants.

The same is happening in europe.

Countries dont decay by themselves.

Its the people and their culture that ruin countries.

The lefties are blaming white men for the ruin of the 3rd world countries but the truth is that they were more advanced when they were ruled by white men.

There's no doubt about it, if it wasn't for the Western nations the whole world would still be living in the dark ages, sadly this is something I have to tell and repeat every time to some anti-White person that takes Western civilization for granted.  Plus the world could use more leaders like Donald Trump or learn from countries like Japan, I mean look at how prestige their nation remains due to the strict immigration policies.  And White guilt is something that should be forgotten, its already centuries ago and has nothing to do with the people today, a good for nothing self-destructive practice.
Permanently off his rocker


Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Zetsu"There's no doubt the quality of Canadian culture and customs have decayed noticeably over the past few decades when the libs started letting all kind of 3rd world people into the country.  Places filled with new immigrants are nothing but poor uneducated areas now, just driving property prices down due to the lack of quality in the neighbourhood.  It's just wrong to see the current government excessively taxing hard working Canadians and selling out the country to immigrants.

The same is happening in europe.

Countries dont decay by themselves.

Its the people and their culture that ruin countries.

The lefties are blaming white men for the ruin of the 3rd world countries but the truth is that they were more advanced when they were ruled by white men.

There's no doubt about it, if it wasn't for the Western nations the whole world would still be living in the dark ages, sadly this is something I have to tell and repeat every time to some anti-White person that takes Western civilization for granted.  Plus the world could use more leaders like Donald Trump or learn from countries like Japan, I mean look at how prestige their nation remains due to the strict immigration policies.  And White guilt is something that should be forgotten, I mean its already centuries ago and has nothing to do with the people today, a good for nothing self-destructive practice.

JAPAN has the right idea . fair play .

It refuses to take any 3RD World Muslim scum .

Europe should take a leaf out of Japans book .


Why don't these idiot governments put their schemes to a plebiscite?? Let the people decide who lives amongst them!!!


Quote from: "Bricktop"Why don't these idiot governments put their schemes to a plebiscite?? Let the people decide who lives amongst them!!!

There shouldnt be a need for a Referendum ( plebiscite ) .

The Party that was voted in to office should automatically put the people FIRST .

The Liberal ruling elite flood us with 3RD World scam Asylum seekers , for the immigrant ' Vote ' and Cheap labor .

Its the Liberal Ruling Elite making sure they stay in power and stay Rich .


I agree with Zetsu, that Caucasians like my husband have done nothing to feel guilty about..

But, what is wrong with legal immigration that benefits a nation and keeps prosperity going?

Japan faces a dire economic future because the population is so old and they won't take hardly any immigrants.


Quote from: "Fashionista"I agree with Zetsu, that Caucasians like my husband have done nothing to feel guilty about..

But, what is wrong with legal immigration that benefits a nation and keeps prosperity going?

Japan faces a dire economic future because the population is so old and they won't take hardly any immigrants.

The problem with a massive and loose immigration policy is many have failed to assimilate or take Canada for granted, but worst is the integrity, culture and values are quickly fading.  Plus like others have mentioned there is a reason why most of the countries were Canada's immigrants come from still remain in 3rd world condition, the problem lies in the people and their culture.
Permanently off his rocker


Quote from: "Fashionista"I agree with Zetsu, that Caucasians like my husband have done nothing to feel guilty about..

But, what is wrong with legal immigration that benefits a nation and keeps prosperity going?

Japan faces a dire economic future because the population is so old and they won't take hardly any immigrants.

So why can't the young Japanese keep the economy going?


Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I agree with Zetsu, that Caucasians like my husband have done nothing to feel guilty about..

But, what is wrong with legal immigration that benefits a nation and keeps prosperity going?

Japan faces a dire economic future because the population is so old and they won't take hardly any immigrants.

The problem with a massive and loose immigration policy is many have failed to assimilate or take Canada for granted, but worst is the integrity, culture and values are quickly fading.  Plus like others have mentioned there is a reason why most of the countries were Canada's immigrants come from still remain in 3rd world condition.

With our points based immigration system, the health care professionals,  engineers,  IT professionals, investors, teachers,  etc are better educated and therefore more first world in thinking and mannerisms than uneducated white trash like Scouse and Kam.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I agree with Zetsu, that Caucasians like my husband have done nothing to feel guilty about..

But, what is wrong with legal immigration that benefits a nation and keeps prosperity going?

Japan faces a dire economic future because the population is so old and they won't take hardly any immigrants.

So why can't the young Japanese keep the economy going?

Because there are not nearly enough young Japanese you ignorant fool.


Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I agree with Zetsu, that Caucasians like my husband have done nothing to feel guilty about..

But, what is wrong with legal immigration that benefits a nation and keeps prosperity going?

Japan faces a dire economic future because the population is so old and they won't take hardly any immigrants.

So why can't the young Japanese keep the economy going?

Because there are not nearly enough young Japanese you ignorant fool.

Nonsense. The theory that every country needs to accept mass immigration just to survive is nothing but leftist propaganda.


There are more adult diapers sold in Japan than baby diapers

Confirming that theory is Japan, where the number of babies born in 2012 was at its lowest on any year in record at 1,037,101. In 2015, the number even dipped to 1,008,000, while deaths was higher at 1,302,000, for a net loss of almost 300,000 Japanese. At the rate Japan's current population of 126 million is shrinking, it is projected to contract by one-third to about 84.5 million by 2060.

That same year, sales of adult nappies in 2012 outpaced that of baby pampers for the first time, reports The Guardian. It implies that there are more Japanese growing older and needing to use disposable diapers because of incontinence – a sign of aging – than babies being born and needing nappies for their first few years until they get toilet trained."> ... ex-1501770">

Ya, the Japanese face a prosperous future as a nation of old people with not enough working age people to pay the bills. :crazy:


I've asked SO many times for someone to explain exactly how multiculturalism is a benefit to the host country.

The answer is always the same.

You get different restaurants.

That's it.


Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I agree with Zetsu, that Caucasians like my husband have done nothing to feel guilty about..

But, what is wrong with legal immigration that benefits a nation and keeps prosperity going?

Japan faces a dire economic future because the population is so old and they won't take hardly any immigrants.

The problem with a massive and loose immigration policy is many have failed to assimilate or take Canada for granted, but worst is the integrity, culture and values are quickly fading.  Plus like others have mentioned there is a reason why most of the countries were Canada's immigrants come from still remain in 3rd world condition.

With our points based immigration system, the health care professionals,  engineers,  IT professionals, investors, teachers,  etc are better educated and therefore more first world in thinking and mannerisms than uneducated white trash like Scouse and Kam.

I duno, but the place just looks kind of chaotic compared to 30 years ago when we dun even have to lock our doors.  I used to live in Scarborough and that place was huge mess thanks to massive wages of immigrants coming from Hongkong, mainland China, India and Sri Lanka...  I hate to say this but that city now is pretty much worthless thanks to the years of experimentation of immigrants coming in and out throughout the place.
Permanently off his rocker


Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Zetsu"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I agree with Zetsu, that Caucasians like my husband have done nothing to feel guilty about..

But, what is wrong with legal immigration that benefits a nation and keeps prosperity going?

Japan faces a dire economic future because the population is so old and they won't take hardly any immigrants.

The problem with a massive and loose immigration policy is many have failed to assimilate or take Canada for granted, but worst is the integrity, culture and values are quickly fading.  Plus like others have mentioned there is a reason why most of the countries were Canada's immigrants come from still remain in 3rd world condition.

With our points based immigration system, the health care professionals,  engineers,  IT professionals, investors, teachers,  etc are better educated and therefore more first world in thinking and mannerisms than uneducated white trash like Scouse and Kam.

I duno, but the place just looks kind of chaotic compared to 30 years ago when we dun even have to lock our doors.  I used to live in Scarborough and that place was huge mess thanks to massive wages of immigrants coming from Hongkong, mainland China, India and Sri Lanka...  I hate to say this but that city now is pretty much worthless thanks to the years of experimentation of immigrants coming in and out throughout the place.

Every place where theres mass 3RD World immigration , the place turns into a 3RD World Ghetto .

Whats the point of coming to the 1ST World , to then carry on living there 3RD World culture ?