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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan


O.di: Did You Attend This Event?

Started by Aryan, December 07, 2017, 05:15:06 PM

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Angry White Male

Quote from: "Odinson"What is the end game..

Good question...

Most likely to "water down" the white race, and thus majority white nations.

Look at it this way:  White people, due to immigration laws, have a very difficult time leaving their current nation.  In contrast, everyone else is free to move around to wherever they want to live.

This effectively prevents any western nation from EVER increasing its white population due to immigration, instead decreasing it by steady flow from the third world.

Perhaps the "powers that be" really do fear a strong, economically sound, safe, mostly white nation.


Quote from: "Angry White Male"
Quote from: "Odinson"What is the end game..

Good question...

Most likely to "water down" the white race, and thus majority white nations.

Look at it this way:  White people, due to immigration laws, have a very difficult time leaving their current nation.  In contrast, everyone else is free to move around to wherever they want to live.

This effectively prevents any western nation from EVER increasing its white population due to immigration, instead decreasing it by steady flow from the third world.

Perhaps the "powers that be" really do fear a strong, economically sound, safe, mostly white nation.

Caucasians generally live in nations where there is no need to leave for educational and employment opportunities.

Angry White Male

It would be quite difficult for us to leave, even if we wanted to...


Quote from: "Angry White Male"It would be quite difficult for us to leave, even if we wanted to...

If you wanted to immigrate to Australia, New  Zealand, Brazil or Argentina the criteria would be no different for you than for me.


Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"My guess is they're resisting Zionist EU oppression.  

The EU has already threatened to sue Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic for refusing to accept migrant quotas imposed on them....

Zionists like Fashionista eh Scouse.

Her definition of a Zionist differs greatly from mine...

Your definitions of most everything differs greatly from most if not all here.

O r'lly?  Funny how you only ever creep out of the woodwork to take potshots at certain users isn't it?  Such a great contributor to the place.   :001_rolleyes:


Truth hurts, eh?

I'm sorry, didn't mean to hurt your widdle feelings.

At least I don't keep trying to shove hate down peoples throats.

Other than that....fuck off cause I could give a shit about what you think about anything.
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


If anyone's jimmies are rustled here it's yours, 2 posts in the space of a week?  Slow down old timer, any more and you might cause yourself a mischief.  :laugh3:


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Odinson"I dont understand why the lefties depict women and kids in their "refugees welcome" signs...

They are all men... A few kids and women is not gonna change that fact..

You have to ask that question?

For some reason they have such a strong need to get potential terrorists in here that they resort to propaganda..


What is the end game..

If the public knew it was able bodied working age men coming in they would be pissed off.

Why do the lefties whom work at the refugee centers find it acceptable that all the able bodied men have deserted their women and children to a warzone?

Neither side would think of exaggeration.


Well apparently its a warzone since we cant deport them due to "bombs and bullets flying"... They can take vacation trips to their homelands though on taxpayers dime..

Millions of these cultural enrichers have left their countries.. Whole generations of males..

And all of them are "machine engineers"..

They are taking a piss on us and lefties think its just regular rain.

Maybe these cowardly cocksuckers should grow some balls and protect their communities in their own fucking country.


Quote from: "kiebers"Truth hurts, eh?

I'm sorry, didn't mean to hurt your widdle feelings.

At least I don't keep trying to shove hate down peoples throats.

Other than that....fuck off cause I could give a shit about what you think about anything.

He's a thin skinned nazi.


Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "kiebers"Truth hurts, eh?

I'm sorry, didn't mean to hurt your widdle feelings.

At least I don't keep trying to shove hate down peoples throats.

Other than that....fuck off cause I could give a shit about what you think about anything.

He's a thin skinned nazi.

And you're a shrimp dicked rice n1gger. We all gotta be something right?   ac_dunno


Quote from: "Angry White Male"
Quote from: "Odinson"What is the end game..

Good question...

Most likely to "water down" the white race, and thus majority white nations.

Look at it this way:  White people, due to immigration laws, have a very difficult time leaving their current nation.  In contrast, everyone else is free to move around to wherever they want to live.

This effectively prevents any western nation from EVER increasing its white population due to immigration, instead decreasing it by steady flow from the third world.

Perhaps the "powers that be" really do fear a strong, economically sound, safe, mostly white nation.

Mixing with these monkeys is gonna send us back to stoneage..

They are not physical specimens nor are they very smart... And they carry horrible diseases which have been eradicated in europe.

Their genes are pure crap.

Yes.. Somehow the regular immigration laws dont apply when the dickhead entering a white nation is brown..


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "kiebers"Truth hurts, eh?

I'm sorry, didn't mean to hurt your widdle feelings.

At least I don't keep trying to shove hate down peoples throats.

Other than that....fuck off cause I could give a shit about what you think about anything.

He's a thin skinned nazi.

And you're a shrimp dicked rice n1gger.





Finland as received 2nd highest honour in europe..

2nd place in the most racist countries chart.

If we work together.. I´m sure we can reach the 1st place.


Quote from: "Odinson"Finland as received 2nd highest honour in europe..

2nd place in the most racist countries chart.

If we work together.. I´m sure we can reach the 1st place.

Is Finland number one in the alcohol abuse chart?