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Re: Forum gossip thread by Lokmar


SCOUSE's Jewish conspiracy thread

Started by Aryan, November 29, 2017, 11:21:49 AM

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Actually, that's quite funny. Even funnier, it wasn't intended as satire

And not too surprising from a collection of dolts
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: "Bricktop"Yep. Its got lots of neat stuff. Eg;

"What is National-Socialism?

National-Socialism is a philosophy (or worldview) for White people that is based on three principles:

(1) Natural Order. We believe that the universe is governed by natural laws. In order for Man to be happy and successful, he must first learn what these laws are and then follow them. We believe that Man is a part of the natural world and that he is in no way separate or distinct from it. Consequently, we believe that society should be structured in accordance with the laws of Nature, and not in opposition to them as is the case today.

Under National-Socialism, every aspect of society will be in accord with the Natural Order: the way we structure the goverment, the way we raise our children, the way we plan our cities, the way we grow our food--EVERYTHING. Indeed, in this context, National-Socialism is the original "green movement!"

(2) Racial Idealism. Racial idealism is based on the love of your own people. It means placing the welfare and interests of the racial community to which you belong ahead of yours own personal interests and desires. As racial idealists, we have no wish to harm, persecute, control or exploit other racial groups. We are only interested in protecting our own people.

We believe that all men are NOT created equal. Just as every individual has his own personal strengths and weaknesses, so each race certain qualities that make it different from other races. We believe that the White (or Aryan) race has the right to maintain its biological, cultural and political independence, and that it has the right to control its own destiny. We also believe that White people have the right to defend themselves against all attacks--no matter where they come from.

(3) The Upward Development of the White Race. We want to do more than just defend our Race: we want to see it improve. This can be done by encouraging a high birthrate among those Whites who are the healthiest, strongest and most intelligent. At the same time, science should work to eliminate hereditary weaknesses and defects among our people. Our goal is that each new generation of White children will be better off than the one before it."

Even the writer of this gibberish doesn't know what national socialism is.

It's about the advancement and preservation of the white race. It isn't all that hard a concept to grasp.....


Quote from: "cc"Actually, that's quite funny. Even funnier, it wasn't intended as satire

And not too surprising from a collection of dolts

We all know the preservation of the white race is far from being at the top of your list of priorities.   :001_rolleyes:


I prefer concepts that advance and preserve the HUMAN race.


Well, when a certain parasitic tribe of nation wreckers are doing everything they can to sabotage white countries, it's every white person's duty to oppose them.  

As far as I'm aware nobody is currently trying to genocide negroes or Asians through mass immigration and racial mixing.

If ever in fact such thing happened, I would speak out for them, because I believe every race of people has a right to exist.


I'm not disputing the current sociological and ideological war being waged against white males.

But what are these muppets actually achieving?? I'm not seeing white male governments crashing. White males are not being harassed and assaulted in the street. White males aren't being discriminated against.

The noisemakers can carry their signs, yell their slogans and stamp their feet all they like. Their time will pass, and everything will stay as it is - because white males make a better world.

National socialism, however, is a POLITICAL ideology. It seeks to impose a dictatorship form of government. That's not on.


If by 'muppets' you mean the people orchestrating the assault on white Europeans, they are playing the long game.  At the rate things are going what do you picture England looking like in 50 years time? Certain towns and cities have already been completely overrun with muslims and other foreign undesirables and our services and infrastructure are buckling under the strain.  Things are not going to get better over time, they will get worse, and that is their plan. Europe is to be turned dark brown, naturally of course at the expense of the native indigenous people.

Also don't kid yourself that we live in a democracy. It's a sham, and as someone famous once said, if voting really changed anything, it would be abolished.  The elite string pullers put on the voting pantomime to give the sheeple the illusion that they have a choice, but they are essentially choosing between AIDS or cancer, both of which are controlled by uber wealthy backers who dictate what policies are to be lobbied for and what laws are passed.  In America it's the Democrats and Republicans, here in England it's Labour and Conservative, which these days are only marginally different from each other.  As I've said before, genuine nationalist parties don't have a cat in hell's chance of prospering and being successful in this heavily rigged and corrupt electoral system.  Any party which isn't part of the establishment status quo get's stamped out, just like the BNP eventually was. It too seems like UKIP are heading that way unfortunately.  

A genuine white nationalist dictatorship is hugely more preferable than the leftist Judeo-Democratic farce we live under today.


You're repeating my own mantra...but a Nazi dictatorship is not the answer.

Racism will solve nothing, and you need to be reminded that in this world, whites are the minority. A racial confrontation won't help.

However, a "benign" dictatorship has merit, such as that imposed by Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore. He controlled the government, but worked for the good of all. There aren't many dictators around that follow that model.

But you are correct in stating the current form of governance we call "democracy" is a sham. A grand deception. And there is only one way it will end.



I agree. That's whats in the cards for it. A matter of time
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell

Angry White Male

The two books I've ordered, I have read through the majority of one...  Canada in Decay.  When finished, will get to 'The Strange Death of Europe.'

What is clear, as already has been stated, is that it doesn't matter who you vote for.  The left and the right both equally encourage the mass immigration of non-Whites into ethnically White nations, and at this current rate Whites will NOT have a majority homeland ANYWHERE in the entire world in a few decades.

We are soon to be the only race to be a minority everywhere.

No other nations or races 'embrace' this ideology and self-destruction, but we do.  The Africans don't want to eliminate themselves.  The Jews don't.  The Japanese do not.  Nor do the Chinese.  Why this is happening is becoming more clear, but I wish to finish reading both books in their entirety before commenting much more on the matter, but it certainly does start in schools, colleges and Universities across the Western World.  The indoctrination is clear, and you are not permitted to disagree.


Quote from: "Angry White Male"The two books I've ordered, I have read through the majority of one...  Canada in Decay.  When finished, will get to 'The Strange Death of Europe.'

What is clear, as already has been stated, is that it doesn't matter who you vote for.  The left and the right both equally encourage the mass immigration of non-Whites into ethnically White nations, and at this current rate Whites will NOT have a majority homeland ANYWHERE in the entire world in a few decades.

We are soon to be the only race to be a minority everywhere.

No other nations or races 'embrace' this ideology and self-destruction, but we do.  The Africans don't want to eliminate themselves.  The Jews don't.  The Japanese do not.  Nor do the Chinese.  Why this is happening is becoming more clear, but I wish to finish reading both books in their entirety before commenting much more on the matter, but it certainly does start in schools, colleges and Universities across the Western World.  The indoctrination is clear, and you are not permitted to disagree.

Some facts to consider--

here's a list of the 12 best countries to live in in the world.  11 of 12 are majority white.  Singapore is the lone exception."> ... 29601.html">

Here is another list of the 10 best counrties in the world to live in. 9 are majority white. The lone exception is Japan"> ... world.html">

Here is another list of the top 15 countries in the world.  13 are majority white the two exceptions are singapore and Hong Kong"> ... 2-years-15">

here is a list of the 25 worst countries in the world to live in.  Not a white majority country in the whole lot."> ... e-world/6/">

Whites have built most of the nicest countries in the world to live.  Why should they cede control of them, when doing so may well risk them staying the best countries?  ONLY Because the left says it "wayciss" not to.   Not a good enough reason, not even close.

And what is the lefts track record on countries that have gone extreme left?-- Venezuela, Viet Nam, North Korea, Cuba, the USSR, Maoist China.  They have failed everywhere they take control, and in many they have left mass murder in their wake.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Some facts to consider--

I dont know about those sources man, the 2nd link said this....

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Germany's chancellor Angela Merkel were the most respected leaders.

I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


I don't believe the sources Wazzzup posted either..

South Korea, Taiwan and Japan were not on the list and they have lower taxes than many of the countries on the list..

Just like happiness surveys that place the Philippines higher than Japan or South Korea.


Quote from: "Blazor"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Some facts to consider--

I dont know about those sources man, the 2nd link said this....

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Germany's chancellor Angela Merkel were the most respected leaders.


They're respected in the middle east


Quote from: "Fashionista"I don't believe the sources Wazzzup posted either..

South Korea, Taiwan and Japan were not on the list and they have lower taxes than many of the countries on the list..

Just like happiness surveys that place the Philippines higher than Japan or South Korea.

I'm good with other surveys and other criterion.  I found three at random. Either way I'm sure most Asian countries are better places to live than most of Africa and South America.

My point is that whites have built some of the best places to live in the world, and they should not have to cede them over because of racial extortion.