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Entire Family Turns Transgender

Started by Aryan, December 15, 2017, 05:06:38 PM

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An entire family – man, woman, son and daughter – in Arizona is transgender.

The father identifies as a woman. His fiancée, the mother-to-be, identifies as a man. The son considers himself a girl and, of course, the daughter thinks she's actually a boy. An entire transgender family, all under one roof.">"> ... ransgender">


They must live near Cell phone towers.
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


I think there are some people who legitimately believe they got put in the wrong meatsuit.  

But there's also a lot of retarded goofballs that want to get in on a trend and will probably end up sorry they did.  

when the left takes everything over, you will be able to have your pronoun of choice, but not much else. :sad:


Quote from: "Wazzzup"I think there are some people who legitimately believe they got put in the wrong meatsuit.  

But there's also a lot of retarded goofballs that want to get in on a trend and will probably end up sorry they did.  

when the left takes everything over, you will be able to have your pronoun of choice, but not much else. :sad:

This is all sad but true.

My grandmother is one of those that believe she is Grandpa and not Grandma. They diagnose her with schitzo, but the meds depress her I think. I like her Grandpa persona lol.
I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


And these people can now roam free.. And raise kids.

Back in the day they were put where they belong.. In an asylum.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"I think there are some people who legitimately believe they got put in the wrong meatsuit.  

But there's also a lot of retarded goofballs that want to get in on a trend and will probably end up sorry they did.  

when the left takes everything over, you will be able to have your pronoun of choice, but not much else. :sad:

A trend?


Quote from: "Odinson"And these people can now roam free.. And raise kids.

Back in the day they were put where they belong.. In an asylum.

Or shot....

Perhaps Lavender Arse could rehouse them, all under the guise of 'diversity' and 'alternative lifestyles'?  ac_lmfao


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Odinson"And these people can now roam free.. And raise kids.

Back in the day they were put where they belong.. In an asylum.

Or shot....

Perhaps Lavender Arse could rehouse them, all under the guise of 'diversity' and 'alternative lifestyles'?  ac_lmfao

Lavender Ass ( SHITBRICK ) would try to Sexualy Touch em when there asleep .

Hes weird like that .

Angry White Male

Quote from: "Fashionista"
A trend?

That's exactly what it is.


A retarded trend. Seriously, the LGBT brigade have a lot to answer for with all the crap they've filled weak minded fool's heads with...


Quote from: "Angry White Male"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
A trend?

That's exactly what it is.

I don't know one person who has decided to changes genders because it's trendy.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Angry White Male"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
A trend?

That's exactly what it is.

I don't know one person who has decided to changes genders because it's trendy.

The point is it's been put in people's heads and promoted. Years ago people who wanted to change sex would have been locked in a mental hospital, not put on a pedestal and their mental illness celebrated.  

I know most people on here won't believe me, but this has all been planned, and is an effort to turn western civilisation upside down. Men can be women, bad is good, everything is being turned on it's head.  It's all laid out in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.


Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Angry White Male"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
A trend?

That's exactly what it is.

I don't know one person who has decided to changes genders because it's trendy.

it aint that far fetched..

I know people whom want to have minority DNA so that they can victimize themselves.

They want to be different..

Tattooing your face, mutilating your ears with hole earrings, claiming that you are gay etc..

All goes in the same sick category.


Some assholes implant some plastic balls under their skins so that they have horns..

These people belong in the looney bin.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Angry White Male"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
A trend?

That's exactly what it is.

I don't know one person who has decided to changes genders because it's trendy.

The point is it's been put in people's heads and promoted. Years ago people who wanted to change sex would have been locked in a mental hospital, not put on a pedestal and their mental illness celebrated.  

I know most people on here won't believe me, but this has all been planned, and is an effort to turn western civilisation upside down. Men can be women, bad is good, everything is being turned on it's head.  It's all laid out in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

I'm a Zionist and I never planned on turning you into a woman SCOUSE.