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Trump's Sh**hole Countries comment

Started by Wazzzup, January 12, 2018, 11:44:47 AM

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Angry White Male

I KNOW how different races react.  I KNOW Asians may not like Whites, or Arabs, or vica versa.

I KNOW the human nature.  I am a realist, that isn't hampered by religion or educational 'teachings.'

I WISH it was different, but it can never be!

I KNOW the Indians hate us.

It DOESN'T fucking matter what you do, different races of people stick to their own, and do what they do.

They DO NOT like Whitey.  NONE of them do.

We must understand this, before we flood ourselves to death with immigrants.

Angry White Male

However, our biggest enemy is ourselves...  White people are their own greatest enemy, and this is only a recent phenomenon...

Angry White Male

I'll explain why:

The reason White people have managed to do what they do, is due to their fierce independence...  They don't stick together, and have no qualms about setting out sail for an Island that may not even exist.

White people do this.  They will take this risk, disregarding family back home.

ALL other cultures come in "packs"...  They cannot do what White man does, on their own.

Now that independent White man has set up nice nations, non-white 'packs' want a little piece of the pie.

They are permitted to enter, and to do as they will...

They often recreate the same shithole that they are escaping from...  And they do it in "packs."

White people are not allowed to associate anymore in group form, since that would be deemed a "Klan Meeting."

Blacks are encouraged to associate with one another in group form, usually leading to nothing good.


Just FYI it is still very much in question what Trump actually said

This Republican senator is adament that Trump didn't say it

QuoteRepublican Senator David Perdue of Georgia came to President Trump's defense Sunday after he said reports of the president's choice of words during a meeting on immigration last week were "a gross misrepresentation."

Speaking to ABC News' George Stephanopoulos on "This Week," Perdue slammed reports that Trump used the word "s---hole" to reference Haiti and Africa during a bipartisan immigration meeting on Thursday.

"I'm telling you he did not use that word, George," Perdue said. "And I'm telling you it's a gross misrepresentation."

This other republican agrees trump didn't say it

QuoteSen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., had released a joint statement on Friday with Perdue, denying the offensive language.

Dick Dirtbag Durbin, super lefty extremist says

Quote"He said these hate-filled things, and he said them repeatedly," Durbin told reporters, calling the words "vile and racist."

There were six people in the room the only one who specifically said that Trump said this is Dirtbag Durbin

Quote"There were six of us in the room," Perdue said. "I haven't heard any of those six sources other than Senator Durbin talk about what was said."

Dirtbag Durbin has lied before about  this exact kind of story

QuoteThe senator was referencing a 2013 incident when Durbin said in a Facebook post that a House Republican told then-President Barack Obama, "I cannot even stand to look at you," during a meeting.

The White House and House speaker's office later denied that these claims were true, Politico reported.

based on that I would say it is in doubt what Trump actually said.  And dirtbag Durbin is a most likely a lying tattletale.  This is what Trump gets for trying to deal with democrats who he should have just shut out of the process from the beginning which is exactly what Obama did to republicans.

Hopefully this is the end of the DACA CACA charade.


It doesn't matter, most Americans believe Dirtbag Durbin.


Quote from: "mugwump"It doesn't matter, most Americans believe Dirtbag Durbin.

True. the little tattle tale , Dick Dirtbag,  whether lying or not, got his mission accomplished

I know that no matter what was said, Trump wants to make a better America, and he is friustrated that, because of political correctness, and democrat party games, we are expected to take in all kinds of immigrants who are going to make America worse and not better.

We really should adopt a Canadian style system with points.  Also--Lower the rate of people coming in, and keep people from most Muslim countries out.  To me that would be the ideal solution.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "mugwump"It doesn't matter, most Americans believe Dirtbag Durbin.

True. the little tattle tale , Dick Dirtbag,  whether lying or not, got his mission accomplished

I know that no matter what was said, Trump wants to make a better America, and he is friustrated that, because of political correctness, and democrat party games, we are expected to take in all kinds of immigrants who are going to make America worse and not better.

We really should adopt a Canadian style system with points.  Also--Lower the rate of people coming in, and keep people from most Muslim countries out.  To me that would be the ideal solution.

I remember seeing the reaction when Trump floated the idea of an Australian and Canadian style points system. There are points for speaking English.  So, a Democrat said that only  immigrants from Great Britain or Australia need apply. I guess he doesn't know English is a universal language.


Quote from: "mugwump"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "mugwump"It doesn't matter, most Americans believe Dirtbag Durbin.

True. the little tattle tale , Dick Dirtbag,  whether lying or not, got his mission accomplished

I know that no matter what was said, Trump wants to make a better America, and he is friustrated that, because of political correctness, and democrat party games, we are expected to take in all kinds of immigrants who are going to make America worse and not better.

We really should adopt a Canadian style system with points.  Also--Lower the rate of people coming in, and keep people from most Muslim countries out.  To me that would be the ideal solution.

I remember seeing the reaction when Trump floated the idea of an Australian and Canadian style points system. There are points for speaking English.  So, a Democrat said that only  immigrants from Great Britain or Australia need apply. I guess he doesn't know English is a universal language.

Yep a dummycrat :laugh: .  BTW I saw that trump was talking about a points system back in August but have not seen mention of it since.  i don't know if he dropped ot or not and why.

I think a points syustem is a great idea, if Trump tried to implement it and the dems cried racism (which you know they would) he could just tell them to take it up with Australia and Canada.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "mugwump"
Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "mugwump"It doesn't matter, most Americans believe Dirtbag Durbin.

True. the little tattle tale , Dick Dirtbag,  whether lying or not, got his mission accomplished

I know that no matter what was said, Trump wants to make a better America, and he is friustrated that, because of political correctness, and democrat party games, we are expected to take in all kinds of immigrants who are going to make America worse and not better.

We really should adopt a Canadian style system with points.  Also--Lower the rate of people coming in, and keep people from most Muslim countries out.  To me that would be the ideal solution.

I remember seeing the reaction when Trump floated the idea of an Australian and Canadian style points system. There are points for speaking English.  So, a Democrat said that only  immigrants from Great Britain or Australia need apply. I guess he doesn't know English is a universal language.

Yep a dummycrat :laugh: .  BTW I saw that trump was talking about a points system back in August but have not seen mention of it since.  i don't know if he dropped ot or not and why.

I think a points syustem is a great idea, if Trump tried to implement it and the dems cried racism (which you know they would) he could just tell them to take it up with Australia and Canada.

It's hard to believe the United States doesn't have a points based immigration system.


Quote from: "mugwump"
It's hard to believe the United States doesn't have a points based immigration system.
 Most countries don't from what I can tell.  But yeah we'll let anyone in, unless they are proven criminals (and many of those sneak in anyway).  Its crazy.  But the democrat party loves it, they want a permanent underclass coming in to vote them in and give them monopolies on power like they have in California. Anything less would be waycist!


BTW This shows perfectly exactly how the left, media and democrat party operate in America"> ... ompromise/">

In other words they are going call people racist, and the only way you can buy your way out  of it, is to do what they want politically.  yep race card blackmail, and using the American immigration system as a political weapon.  That's the America democrat party.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"This shows perfectly exactly how the left, media and democrat party operate in America

Schumer to Trump: You Can Begin to Prove You're Not Racist or Bigoted By Supporting Bipartisan Immigration Compromise"> ... ompromise/">

In other words they are going call people racist, and the only way you can buy your way out  of it, is to do what they want politically.  yep race card blackmail, that's

the favorite tactic of the modern democrat party.

I saw that on ABC news.


Regarding Haiti, It should be noted what Rand paul said about Trump--

"and it's unfair to all of a sudden paint him as 'he's a racist' when I know for a fact he cares very deeply about the people in Haiti because he (Trump) helped finance a trip where we were able to get vision back for 200 people in Haiti," Paul concluded.[/quote]

Versus what the clintons did to Haiti--

It filtered money through Haiti and back to itself.[/quote]

But I guess words matter more than deeds.  Because most of the leftists screaming Waycist about Trumps shithole comment, had nothing to say about the rich white Clintons stealing money from poor black people in Haiti.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"Regarding Haiti, It should be noted what Rand paul said about Trump--

"and it's unfair to all of a sudden paint him as 'he's a racist' when I know for a fact he cares very deeply about the people in Haiti because he (Trump) helped finance a trip where we were able to get vision back for 200 people in Haiti," Paul concluded.

Versus what the clintons did to Haiti--

It filtered money through Haiti and back to itself.[/quote]

But I guess words matter more than deeds.  Because most of the leftists screaming Waycist about Trumps shithole comment, had nothing to say about the rich white Clintons stealing money from poor black people in Haiti.[/quote]
The Clintons are covered in teflon. But, how did two hundred people in Haiti get their vision back? Did Trump pay for Christ's trip to the island?


Cataract surgery. People in poor countries with poor diets often suffer from cataracts. Its a 20 minute fix.



[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]