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Rich Progs--America's Richest Billionaires Are Overwhelmingly Leftists, Democrats And Open Borders Globalists

Started by Wazzzup, August 02, 2018, 10:27:50 AM

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Jeff Bezos is a huge Democrat supporter who pushes open borders through his ownership of the Washington Post. He recently donated $33 million to fund scholarships for illegal aliens. He wants open borders so he can get unlimited cheap labor which he can push to the limit and then discard and replace.

Microsoft's Bill Gates is a liberal who is a founding member of the open borders lobbying group along with Mark Zuckerberg.  Gates is a major advocate for H-1B visas which replace American workers with foreigners. His wife is extremely liberal, openly discriminates against white people and recently attacked President Trump over his "alarming" immigration views.

Warren Buffett is a big time Democrat who backed Barack Obama in 2008 and throughout his presidency and rallied for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Despite cultivating the persona of a simple investor, Buffet made billions off the banker bailout which he championed.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is a liberal and a globalist who supports open borders and regularly attacks President Trump's immigration policies through his lobbying group  Since President Trump's election, Zuckerberg has turned Facebook into the most heavily censored website on the internet and moved to massively suppress right-wing websites.

Larry Ellison donates to Republicans but supports open borders through his company Oracle which backed Marco Rubio's Gang of Eight and I-Squared immigration bills. His company is a major user of H1-B visas. He's donated millions to Marco Rubio who has been a major advocate for mass amnesty in the past.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin own Google. They're the number one censors of right-wing content in the world, both through Google Search and their ownership of YouTube, and major advocates for open borders globalism and every far left cause in the book.

Michael Bloomberg is Michael Bloomberg.

The Koch brothers donate to Republicans like Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan but are completely opposed to Trump's nationalism and his strict immigration policies. The Kochs recently began running ads praising Democrats on immigration.  They just tried to get Paul Ryan to pass a mass amnesty bill but it fortunately failed to get anywhere near the needed votes in the House in late June.


The Walton family, who own Walmart, were major backers of Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic Party.

Steve Ballmer was an early supporter of Zuckerberg's, though his name is no longer on their website. He appears to mostly avoid politics.

Casino magnate Sheldon Adelson is a mega-donor to establishment Republicans like Marco Rubio who support open borders. He told Trump early on in his presidential campaign he would give him $100 million but ended up "snubbing" him and giving only $5 million. His main issue is Israel.

Phil Knight of Nike is rather reclusive but he attacked President Trump's 20 percent Border Adjustment Tax proposal back in March, 2017.

The Mars family don't appear to be very politically active.

Michael Dell of Dell Computers is another big Republican donor but he too advocates for open borders through the Technology CEO Council in the form of so-called "immigration reform."

Finally, at number 43 on Forbes' list (number 20 for just the US) with a net worth estimated at around $20.7 billion, we have Thomas Peterffy.

Peterffy is a Trump supporter, though he says he "wasn't his first choice" for president. He's a Hungarian immigrant and the founder and chair of Interactive Brokers.  He's a vocal critic of socialism and seems to be an all-around good guy. He urged Americans to vote Trump in 2016, warning that Hillary Clinton "will appoint liberal, activist judges who will work with her to give citizenship to 11 million illegal immigrants."

"They will all vote Democrat and we'll never have a Republican president ever again," Peterffy said.

He spent millions on ads during the 2012 election bashing socialism and saying he's going to vote Republican.

Though nearly all the other top billionaires are leftists, Democrats, and open borders globalists, Peterffy appears to be the only exception to the rule.


The uber rich are almost always left leaning politically. There's lots of theories about why this is but I believe popular culture and current trends are a major factor. Even the rich and powerful don't want to be shunned by their friends, and supporting Politically Incorrect right wing policies can certainly lead to being ostracised in some circles, especially among the highfalutin so called 'educated' upper middle classes. Then of course there's those limousine liberal do gooders who want mass immigration everywhere except for on their own doorstep, these people are some of the worst hypocrites around.

 Corporate big wigs and big business support the left because open borders results in a never-ending flow of cheap labor, meaning they can keep wages down. You should see the fuss most companies are making over Brexit, apparently the sky is going to fall after our departure from the EU and our economy will resemble that of pre-National Socialist Germany.  :001_rolleyes:



Quote from: "Wazzzup"">

The Walton family, who own Walmart, were major backers of Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic Party.

Steve Ballmer was an early supporter of Zuckerberg's, though his name is no longer on their website. He appears to mostly avoid politics.

Casino magnate Sheldon Adelson is a mega-donor to establishment Republicans like Marco Rubio who support open borders. He told Trump early on in his presidential campaign he would give him $100 million but ended up "snubbing" him and giving only $5 million. His main issue is Israel.

Phil Knight of Nike is rather reclusive but he attacked President Trump's 20 percent Border Adjustment Tax proposal back in March, 2017.

The Mars family don't appear to be very politically active.

Michael Dell of Dell Computers is another big Republican donor but he too advocates for open borders through the Technology CEO Council in the form of so-called "immigration reform."

Finally, at number 43 on Forbes' list (number 20 for just the US) with a net worth estimated at around $20.7 billion, we have Thomas Peterffy.

Peterffy is a Trump supporter, though he says he "wasn't his first choice" for president. He's a Hungarian immigrant and the founder and chair of Interactive Brokers.  He's a vocal critic of socialism and seems to be an all-around good guy. He urged Americans to vote Trump in 2016, warning that Hillary Clinton "will appoint liberal, activist judges who will work with her to give citizenship to 11 million illegal immigrants."

"They will all vote Democrat and we'll never have a Republican president ever again," Peterffy said.

He spent millions on ads during the 2012 election bashing socialism and saying he's going to vote Republican.

Though nearly all the other top billionaires are leftists, Democrats, and open borders globalists, Peterffy appears to be the only exception to the rule.

Power hungry scum.


There is one flaw in their schemes of domination.

Each and every one of them, without exemption, has just one vote. The same as the burger flipper.


Quote from: "Bricktop"There is one flaw in their schemes of domination.

Each and every one of them, without exemption, has just one vote. The same as the burger flipper.
that's true the rich only technically have one vote

But a rich person giving money has way more influence over the political process than the average voter, so in a democracy they effectively have the equivalent of several votes while the burger flipper has one.


In the past, that may have been true.

But the election of Trump via a campaign that spent far less money than Clinton's suggest that their largesse went down the S bend of history with no net effect.

This is the lesson we're learning from Trump's victory, Brexit and the rise of the anti-left in Austria, Poland, Hungary and other European nations.

No matter how much they spend, it is to no avail if the people aren't listening.

And they aren't listening even more now than ever.

Chuck Bronson

Any businessman knows that it is ideal to always have a massive flow in of A:  Cheap labour, and B: New consumers.

This is one of the most basic concepts that must be understood when thinking like these guys do.  These guys give a fuck about nothing other than their bank accounts, but how 'generous' of them to claim that their ambitions are otherwise...


Quote from: "Bricktop"In the past, that may have been true.

But the election of Trump via a campaign that spent far less money than Clinton's suggest that their largesse went down the S bend of history with no net effect.

This is the lesson we're learning from Trump's victory, Brexit and the rise of the anti-left in Austria, Poland, Hungary and other European nations.

No matter how much they spend, it is to no avail if the people aren't listening.

And they aren't listening even more now than ever.

touche--good points.  At times the money factor can disappear.  It has in the latest worldwide backlash against the left and I sure hope that continues.

However, I would say though that a lot of republicans in particular are pro-open borders because their donors are.


Quote from: "Bricktop"In the past, that may have been true.

But the election of Trump via a campaign that spent far less money than Clinton's suggest that their largesse went down the S bend of history with no net effect.

This is the lesson we're learning from Trump's victory, Brexit and the rise of the anti-left in Austria, Poland, Hungary and other European nations.

No matter how much they spend, it is to no avail if the people aren't listening.

And they aren't listening even more now than ever.

Trump's election was a one time only event. Eastern Europe never allowed themselves to become hotbeds of islamic extremism and took preventive measures to make sure they are not flooded with millions of aliens they cannot assimilate.


Quote from: "Wazzzup"
Quote from: "Bricktop"There is one flaw in their schemes of domination.

Each and every one of them, without exemption, has just one vote. The same as the burger flipper.
that's true the rich only technically have one vote

But a rich person giving money has way more influence over the political process than the average voter, so in a democracy they effectively have the equivalent of several votes while the burger flipper has one.

Exactly. And the blilionaire decides for the burger flipper who the candidates issues will be. The burger flipper gets to think his or her vote if equal to that of blillionaires, but of course it does not.


Quote from: "Herman"
Trump's election was a one time only event.

Which is why I always claim that it is not the Trump era that will set the changes in stone, but whoever follows.

As always, Australia lags behind the rest of the world in terms of social change (it's the heat...nobody gives a fuck for 6 months of the year, so it takes us twice as long to catch up), but I think we're getting close...maybe the next Federal election in May, 2019. The current "conservative" (actually a prog in sheep's clothing) PM has no chance, but the opposition leader, a socialist, is even less popular.

It will be hard for either party to get a majority, and independents will have their best chance ever to take a seat in the house. Hell, I'd stand myself if I wasn't disqualified from doing so.


Quote from: "Bricktop"
Quote from: "Herman"
Trump's election was a one time only event.

Which is why I always claim that it is not the Trump era that will set the changes in stone, but whoever follows.

As always, Australia lags behind the rest of the world in terms of social change (it's the heat...nobody gives a fuck for 6 months of the year, so it takes us twice as long to catch up), but I think we're getting close...maybe the next Federal election in May, 2019. The current "conservative" (actually a prog in sheep's clothing) PM has no chance, but the opposition leader, a socialist, is even less popular.

It will be hard for either party to get a majority, and independents will have their best chance ever to take a seat in the house. Hell, I'd stand myself if I wasn't disqualified from doing so.

Because you were born abroad?

We've had recent federal party leaders with dual citizenship.


Yes. To be eligible to stand for Federal parliament, I would have to renounce my British citizenship, which I would never be prepared to do.

I am British by birth, and a dual citizen. "Renouncing" would not change that...yet our moronic laws preclude dual citizens from standing unless they sign a piece of paper declaring they are no longer their original nationality.

As in many cases, Governments seem to think that signing pieces of paper is an accurate reflection of one's thoughts, feelings and sentiments.