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Re: Forum gossip thread by Aylana

ATTN: Renee

Started by Chuck Bronson, August 24, 2018, 05:05:22 AM

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Quote from: "Bricktop"I don't dispute that a MAJORITY of movies feature violence, but I would hesitate to debate that it is American movies that are world leaders in producing movies featuring gratuitous other words, not violence as part of a story, but violence for its own sake.

Quentin Tarantino does not make romantic comedies. He makes movies ABOUT violence.

On the other hand, as an example, Stanley Kubrick made a movie called "A Clockwork Orange" that featured violence as a part of the human psyche that is difficult to eradicate.

American's also tend to portray violence as a romanticised part of its culture. "The Godfather", for example, implied that it was based on the reality of organised crime, in which the vile butchers that are part of that organisation come across almost as heroes.

I think Australia's most violent movies were the "Mad Max" trilogy, where the context was more science fiction that reality.

British movies are not always squeaky clean either. "Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" and "Snatch" were very much portraying criminals as good guys at heart.

However, American entertainment media features violence as a constant. Even the current trend of lycra clad fictitious superheroes are based on violence, and these movies are targeted at kids.

Its just supply and demand.  America just happens to make more movies than anybody else, many of them are violent because violence sells tickets.

As far as inspiring violence in viewers.  I can possibly see the point that in SOME people, seeing a violent movie may aid in making them want to commit violence.  But the idea that only americans watching these movies are inspired to violence but other people watching the same moves are not, seems pretty far fetched to me.

Occasionally when you bash America you may have a point, but this is not one of those times. :001_tongue:


What I think America's popular media does is not so much inspire violence (although I'm not convinced some of your loonies are not motivated by movies) as to normalise it.

It becomes an acceptable part of modern life. 30 people are shot in Chicago on a weekend.

Meh...more than that get killed in 2 hours in "John Wick".

Its a part of the equation that feeds the death industry. Not the main part, perhaps, but add it to the easy availability of guns, the breakdown of social cohesion, the rise of gangs and the failure of government to control mentally ill people, and it becomes a real issue.

More petrol on the conflagration.


Quote from: "Bricktop"What I think America's popular media does is not so much inspire violence (although I'm not convinced some of your loonies are not motivated by movies) as to normalise it.

It becomes an acceptable part of modern life. 30 people are shot in Chicago on a weekend.

Meh...more than that get killed in 2 hours in "John Wick".

Its a part of the equation that feeds the death industry. Not the main part, perhaps, but add it to the easy availability of guns, the breakdown of social cohesion, the rise of gangs and the failure of government to control mentally ill people, and it becomes a real issue.

More petrol on the conflagration.
Well again its the demographics of chicago. In white neighborhoods violent crime is very infrequent.  Almost all of the shootings are in black and to a smaller extent Hispanic neighborhoods. Most of the murder in black areas is gangs fighting over turf or shooting each other for revenge.   I don't think movies has much to do with it, maybe a very very small amount.  Whites see these same moves and don't shoot each other.  IMO the reason for Chicago's high homicide rate is mostly cultural/racial.


I think we're on the same page in the sense movies are not causal...but they contribute, as does race and culture.

But when's the last time a black offender shot up a school, or cinema, or music concert?

I would suggest that in terms of mass shootings, and serial killings, whites are far more likely to be the offenders than blacks or hispanics.

What you are suggesting in fact is that at least blacks and hispanics have some perverted sense of territory that demands they defend with lethal force. White mass murderers have no such imperative.

The Las Vegas killer was defending no turf, fighting no gang or exacting no revenge.

He slaughtered 58 people for absolutely no rational reason whatsoever.

Chuck Bronson

I spent some time today wandering around Cabela's in Habibsford, which was a pleasant enough experience apart from some obese gimp in an electric mobility scooter that decided to follow me around no matter where the fuck I went...  I had to escape into the fishing section just to lose him.  When I went back to the ammo isles, guess who came rolling up right on my ass?  Would've liked to disconnect his batteries in the boot/footwear section so he'd be stranded there and out of everyone's way...

I needed to purchase some heavy hitting rounds.

I'm not a loader, and found HSM Bear Loads...  Hard cast, and loaded up to pressures on the higher side of what Marlin 1895's are designed to handle...  I will assume this is a Renee Approved load!

On the left is a standard jacketed lead 300 grain round.  On the right is a 430 grain hard-cast lead alloy round.  One is fine for deer, but I don't hunt...  

Hard-cast round is loaded up close to maxi pressures...  Is this Renee approved?  I think so!">


Quote from: "Bricktop"I think we're on the same page in the sense movies are not causal...but they contribute, as does race and culture.

But when's the last time a black offender shot up a school, or cinema, or music concert?

I would suggest that in terms of mass shootings, and serial killings, whites are far more likely to be the offenders than blacks or hispanics.

What you are suggesting in fact is that at least blacks and hispanics have some perverted sense of territory that demands they defend with lethal force. White mass murderers have no such imperative.

The Las Vegas killer was defending no turf, fighting no gang or exacting no revenge.

He slaughtered 58 people for absolutely no rational reason whatsoever.

That's true I can't think of a time when a black kid or Hispanic kid shot up a school.  It may have happened but its predominantly whites doing it.

I think the mass shootings is a different phenomenon than ordinary street crime.  Availability of guns probably has something to do with .  maybe a very slight bit of video games and movies.  But I think the main factors are-- someone is mentally ill, usually suicidally depressed and furious at the world.   So rather than quietly just commit suicide they want to take others out with them..  I think many like the Las vegas guy have a perverse desire to become famous.  Then couple that with the copycat factor, the more they see stuff like this happening in the news the more they are inspired to do the same.


Mental illness, a society at odds with one another, antidepressants, violent fiction and video games, socialism, constant war in the background, intolerance, indifference, big government



The whorepig is somewhat reticent to show one of her porcine visages around these parts.

She prefers environments where she can utilise both faces.

But be sure to say hi for me if you see her around. And she sure is a round.


Well, you're finally right about something.  ac_biggrin


Right, Aaron.

Wait...that's TWO things.


Again with the accusations.  :001_rolleyes:


That wasn't an accusation.

It was a statement of fact.

Learn the will make your life soooo much easier.




Speaking of ..... I have questions that remain in my mind since the very first time I saw her on the net

- How does anyone actually "know" that she is fat?  (or done porn for that matter)

- How does anyone know that it's not just a fun "internet persona" platform she created "to play with" suckers and beat them up?

- Even if she has shown pics at some point in the past, how does anyone know they would be her?

After all, this is the internet, eh?

Admit it, she loves to have people insult her ..  and then uses that to have great fun eating them alive  :wink:
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell