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UK -(Nottingham now) - Trafficking Prostitution & Gang Rape Preying On 1,000s of Very Young Victims

Started by cc, October 21, 2018, 04:24:42 PM

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UK - Gang Members Convicted (Only) of TRAFFICKING PROSTITUTION and GANG RAPE

(Just from "known and convicted" > Most gangs / groups were using many girls (often 100s), most very young, each  literally 1000s of times for prostitution)

After decades of Govts, Police Forces, Media and Citizens Hiding Info, Denial that any problem even existed, some specifics that are known - albeit conveniently not publicized ("shhhh, don't say it .... the public must not know")

The earliest known conviction of one of these Muslim gangs -- who have been pimping and prostituting English schoolgirls to Muslim rapists -- was in 1975. As much as 35 years later, the biggest Muslim organisation in Britain, the organisation which speaks for 500 mosques, the organisation which has the ear of government -- this organisation was proclaiming that these gangs were "a racist myth".

In the 45 years of this cover-up by every single government, an army of state employees in Britain were tasked with covering up this industrial-scale rape of schoolgirls. When the activist group run by Tommy Robinson marched every month across the nation campaigning against these kinds of cover-up, the state could no longer keep the scandal hidden from the nation, so the state began a series of "historical" prosecutions. These prosecutions have been going on since 2010, but still the state is jailing those who speak of the racist sex-slavery instituted by Muslim immigrants. Below you can see the significant events in this timeline.

Identities and Cities of those "Convicted" (only) - staring with the present and working back in time - with details of what was and what was not done between "time" sections

Note: These are NOT mainly young "impressionable teens", so forget that hokey excuse

Some link it to part of the drive for supremacy - I'll leave that alone for now and keep it to "those who think they can bring in people of a barbarian violent misogynistic society and they magically give up the ways of islamic society and  change to Western ways are full of sh-t"

I thought of the sub for this, but as it deals with the form and norms of a society and is not at this time provably as part of the supremacy efforts, I'm posting it here
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


[Apologies - I Cannot reproduce in actual chart form spread out horizontally. In this medium chart spacing collapses]

Data is Govt listed trial conviction results for trafficking and rape of children


DATE - CITY - FIRST NAME - SURNAME - AGE (as available)  - Islamic RATIO of Muslims in total convicted - NB

2018-10-23 Tommy Robinson faces a re-trial at the Old Bailey.  To read the key points of the Court of Appeal quashing his sentence from the Leeds court in May go here.

2018-10-19 The three linked trials for Huddersfield were held in Leeds in secret throughout 2018. This was the trial for which Tommy Robinson was imprisoned for 10 months in May 2018 for not taking part in the judiciary/media conspiracy to conceal these trials. The trials connected to these men are not over, but the media decided at this point to get the reporting restrictions lifted, ONLY so they could report on this case when Tommy Robinson faces the highest criminal court in the land next week.  In this Huddersfield trial, the prosecution/police allowed one of the rapists to abscond and flee the country (the justice system has been allowing Muslim child rapists to flee like this for more than a decade). The dangerous child-rapist wasn't held on remand and was a flight-risk, whilst Tommy Robinson was in jail within 5 hours of seeing the judge who was judge, jury and prosecution.


2018-10-19 Huddersfield  Mohammed  Akram  Y 301/346  

2018-10-19 Huddersfield Raj Singh  Barsran  - 300/345  

2018-10-19 Huddersfield Nahman  Mohammed  Y 300/344  

2018-10-19 Huddersfield Asif  Bashir  Y 299/343  

2018-10-19 Huddersfield Niaz  Ahmed  Y 298/342  

2018-10-19 Huddersfield Abdul  Rehman  Y 297/341  

2018-10-19 Huddersfield Mohammed  Ibrar  Y 296/340  

2018-10-19 Huddersfield Zahid  Hassan  Y 295/339  

2018-10-19 Huddersfield Mohammed  Aslam  Y 294/338  

2018-10-19 Huddersfield Irfan  Ahmed  Y 293/337  

2018-10-19 Huddersfield Manzoor  Hassan  Y 292/336  

2018-10-19 Huddersfield Sajid  Hussain  Y 291/335  

2018-10-19 Huddersfield Mohammed  Azeem  Y 290/334  

2018-10-19 Huddersfield Mansoor  Akhtar  Y 289/333  

2018-10-19 Huddersfield Amere Singh  Dhaliwal  Y 288/332 1

2018-10-19 Huddersfield Nasarat  Hussain  Y 287/331  

2018-10-19 Huddersfield Wiqas  Mahmud  Y 286/330  

2018-10-19 Huddersfield Mohammed  Irfraz  Y 285/329  

2018-10-19 Huddersfield Faisal  Nadeem  Y 284/328  

2018-10-18 Cardiff Avril Griffiths 61 - 283/327  

2018-10-18 Cardiff Peter Griffiths 65 - 283/326  

2018-06-12 Oxford Haji  Khan  38 Y 283/325  

2018-06-12 Oxford Alladitta Yousaf 48 Y 282/324  

2018-06-12 Oxford Raheem Ahmed 40 Y 281/323  

2018-06-12 Oxford Moinul Islam 41 Y 280/322  

2018-06-12 Oxford Kamran Khan 36 Y 279/321  

2018-06-12 Oxford Khalid Hussain 38 Y 278/320  

2018-06-12 Oxford Kameer Iqbal 39 Y 277/319  

2018-06-12 Oxford Assad Hussain 37 Y 276/318


2018-05-25 Tommy Robinson was sentenced to 13 months in prison for reporting outside of a trial in Leeds. The trial consisted of 3 linked trials and all reporting was restricted until the end of the third trial. Whilst is it seemed obvious that Robinson thought he was working within reporting restrictions, without access to his own solicitor the judge summarily sent him to prison and added on the 3 month suspended sentence from Canterbury in May 2017.  Robinson's imprisonment and the banning of the reporting of his conviction led to protests at Downing Street and around the world. A petition exceeding 500,000 names was created within just 4 days of his imprisonment.

2018-02   Burton   Sohail   Ali   19   Y   275/317   

2018-02   Burton   Shaheem   Ratyal   19   Y   274/316   

2018-02   Burton   Mohammed   Rizwan   18   Y   273/315   

2018-02   Burton   Taiyab   Hussain   19   Y   272/314   


2018-01-22 Court is told that Darren Osborne attempted to kill Muslims after watching BBC drama about the police cover-up of a grooming gang in Rochdale. His partner said "said she had never considered him to be a racist and had not heard him making derogatory comments about Muslims, before watching the Three Girls drama".  In the 1st edition of Easy Meat (2014) we predicted this would be the result of this cover-up which can be proven to have gone on for over 40 years (and continues to this day).

2017-11-16   High Wycombe   Mohammed   Kayani    64   Y   271/313   

2017-11-16   High Wycombe   Tariq   Hussain   46   Y   270/312   

2017-11-03   Newcastle   Saman   Obaid   29   Y   269/311   

2017-11-03   Newcastle   Palla   Pour   25   -   268/310   

2017-11-03   Newcastle   Ribas   Asad   29   Y   268/309   

2017-11-03   Newcastle   Soran   Azizi   28   Y   267/308   

2017-08-09   Newcastle   Nashir   Uddin   35   Y   266/307   

2017-08-09   Newcastle   Saiful   Islam   35   Y   265/306   

2017-08-09   Newcastle   Yasser   Hussain   28   Y   264/305   

2017-08-09   Newcastle   Mohammed   Azram   35   Y   263/304   

2017-08-09   Newcastle   Jahangir   Zaman   44   Y   262/303   

2017-08-09   Newcastle   Mohammed   Ali   34   Y   261/302   

2017-08-09   Newcastle   Badrul   Hussain   37   Y   260/301   

2017-08-09   Newcastle   Abdul   Sabe   40   Y   259/300   

2017-08-09   Newcastle   Mohibur   Rahman   44   Y   258/299   

2017-08-09   Newcastle   Habibur   Rahim   34   Y   257/298   

2017-08-09   Newcastle   Carol Ann   Gallon   22   -   256/297   

2017-08-09   Newcastle   Abdulhamid    Minoyee    34   Y   256/296   

2017-08-09   Newcastle   Taherul    Alam   32   ?   255/295   

2017-08-09   Newcastle   Monjur    Choudhury   33   -   255/294   

2017-08-09   Newcastle   Nadeem   Aslam    43   Y   255/293   

2017-08-09   Newcastle   Prabhat   Nelli   33   -   254/292   

2017-08-09   Newcastle   Eisa   Mousavi   42   Y   254/291   

2017-08-09   Newcastle   Redwan   Siddique   32   Y   253/290
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


[Apologies - I Cannot reproduce in actual chart form spread out horizontally. In this medium chart spacing collapses]

Data is Govt listed trial conviction results for trafficking and rape of children


DATE - CITY - FIRST NAME - SURNAME - AGE (as available)  - Islamic RATIO of Muslims in total convicted - NB

2017-07 BBC shows Betrayed Girls documentary - finally admits most of the gangs are Muslims.  Journalist Andrew Norfolk rightly confesses his shame in not having reported on grooming gangs between 2004 and 2011.  One has to ask: would he ever have written on this subject if it was not for the EDL marching across England from 2009 onwards?  By showing this documentary about the national scale of this scandal just 3 months after a multi-night drama that focused on three girls in Rochdale, the BBC ensured that the documentary got only a tiny fraction of the viewers that the drama got.  Thus most people in Britain were once again left with the impression that the problem only exists in Rotherham and Rochdale.

2017-06-05   Aylesbury   Mohammad   Aslam   ?   Y   252/289   

2017-06-05   Aylesbury   Berkley   John   ?   -   251/288   

2017-06-05   Aylesbury   Saeed   Ahmed   ?   Y   251/287   


Below is the outcome of the trial which led to Tommy Robinson being given a conviction for "contempt of court" in Canterbury.  The men below had raped a girl who went into their pizza shop.  She was lost and asked for directions.  Instead they took her into a back room and gang-raped her all night long, raping her in every orifice.  These men were not remanded when they were charged.  They were left to run their business and possibly rape other girls in the months while they awaited trial.  Again, the legal system allowed one of these child rapists to flee the country.

2017-05-26   Canterbury   Shershah   Muslimyar   20   Y   250/286   

2017-05-26   Canterbury   Rafiullah   Hamidy   24   Y   249/285   

2017-05-26   Canterbury   Hamid   Mohamadi   18   Y   248/284   

2017-05-26   Canterbury   Tamin   Rahmani   37   Y   247/283   


2017-05 BBC shows Three Girls drama about Rochdale trial of 2012, the case where Police/CPS (state prosecutor) refused to prosecute the gangs in 2008

2017-05-16   Liverpool   Ilvarasan   Rajenthiram   26   -   246/282   

2017-05-16   Liverpool   Vinothan   Rajenthiram   27   -   246/281   

2017-03-22   Sheffield   Matthew    Whiteley   24   -   246/280   

2017-03-22   Sheffield   Shane    Whiteley   30   -   246/279   

2017-03-22   Sheffield   Christopher   Whiteley   ?   -   246/278   

2017-03-22   Sheffield   Taleb   Bapir   38   Y   246/277   

2017-03-22   Sheffield   Amanda   Spencer   26   -   245/276   

2017-02-18   Rochdale   Joshim     Miah   32   Y   245/275   

2017-02-18   Rochdale   Ittefaq   Yousaf   26   Y   244/274   

2017-02-18   Rochdale   Mohammed   Sadeer   28   Y   243/273   

2017-02-18   Rochdale   Mohammed   Miah   41   Y   242/272   

2017-02-18   Rochdale   Ashafaq   Yousaf   31   Y   241/271   

2017-01-25   Rotherham   Basharat    Dad   32   Y   240/270   

2017-01-25   Rotherham   Nasar   Dad   36   Y   239/269   

2017-01-25   Rotherham   Tayab   Dad   34   Y   238/268   

2017-01-25   Rotherham   Mohammed   Sadiq   40   Y   237/267   

2017-01-25   Rotherham   Matloob   Hussain   42   Y   236/266   

2017-01-12   Colchester   Mehdi   Zare   32   Y   235/265   

2017-01-12   Colchester   Mohammad   Rostami   37   Y   234/264   

2016-12-21   Coventry   Marcus   Woolcock   22   -   233/263   

2016-12-21   Coventry   Waqaar   Khan   24   Y   233/262   

2016-12-21   Coventry   Keenan   Kelly   18   -   232/261   

2016-12-21   Coventry   Zahid   Chaudhary   20   Y   232/260   

2016-12-21   Coventry   Kadeem   Bourne   23   Y   231/259



2016-12 Prof. Jay takes over leadership of IIICSA - indicates her Inquiry won't focus on the fact that most grooming gangs are Muslims, focusing instead on how institutions responded to 'child sexual exploitation by organised networks'. The IIICSA is expected to take at least 7 years and to cost £100 million. A problem that is proven to have been public knowledge in 1975 will not receive any explanation until 2023. A 13yo victim from 1975 will be 61yo by the time the British state even expects to make a formal statement on what was done to her.

2016-11-03   Yeovil   Ahmet   Kurtyemez   29   Y   230/258   

2016-11-03   Yeovil   Mehmet   Citak   34   Y   229/257   

2016-11-01   Bristol   Sakariya   Sheikh   23   Y   228/256   

2016-11-01   Bristol   Mohammed   Dahir   24   Y   227/255   

2016-11-01   Bristol   Abdirashid   Abdulahi   23   Y   226/254   


2016-10 Judge Goddard resigns from IIICSA, 'said high rates of child abuse in the UK were "because it has so many Asian men"' (The Guardian). She is the 3rd woman to resign from this leadership of this Inquiry.

2016-10-17   Rotherham   Mohammed   Whied   32   Y   225/253   

2016-10-17   Rotherham   Naeem   Rafiq   33   Y   224/252   

2016-10-17   Rotherham   Masoued   Malik   32   Y   223/251   

2016-10-17   Rotherham   Ishtiaq   Khaliq   33   Y   222/250   

2016-10-17   Rotherham   Sageer   Hussain   30   Y   221/249   

2016-10-17   Rotherham   Asif   Ali   30   Y   220/248   

2016-10-17   Rotherham   Waleed   Ali   34   Y   219/247   

2016-09-28   Dewsbury   Ibrahim   Kola   36   Y   218/246   

2016-09-28   Dewsbury   Imran   Haji   36   Y   217/245   

2016-09-28   Dewsbury   Ismail   Haji   39   Y   216/244   

2016-09-28   Dewsbury   Mohammed   Chothia   37   Y   215/243   

2016-09-20   Rochdale   Gul   Zaman   44   Y   214/242   

2016-09-20   Rochdale   Irshad   Wani   39   Y   213/241   

2016-09-20   Rochdale   Shohaib   Shabbir   29   Y   212/240   

2016-09-20   Rochdale   Mohammed   Ishaque   57   Y   211/239   

2016-09-19   Manchester   Daniel   Thomas   23   -   210/238   

2016-09-19   Manchester   Mohammed   Mustafa   19   Y   210/237   

2016-09-19   Manchester   Lukas   Koky   23   -   209/236   

2016-09-08   Bradford   Ismail   Ali   26   Y   209/235   

2016-09-08   Bradford   Naheem   Uddin   26   Y   208/234   

2016-07-01   Oxford   Naim   Khan   37   Y   207/233   

2016-07-01   Oxford   Assad   Hussain   35   Y   206/232   

2016-07-01   Oxford   Akhtar   Dogar   35   Y   205/231   

2016-07-01   Oxford   Anjum   Dogar   33   Y   204/230   

2016-07-08   Oxford   Azad   Miah   37   Y   203/229   

2016-07-08   Oxford   Salik   Miah   34   Y   202/228   

2016-06   Halifax   Khalid   Zaman   38   Y   201/227   

2016-06   Halifax   Azeem   Subhani   25   Y   200/226   

2016-06   Halifax   Talib   Saddiq   31   Y   199/225   

2016-06   Halifax   Mohammed   Ramzan   35   Y   198/224   

2016-06   Halifax   Sikander   Malik   31   Y   197/223   

2016-06   Halifax   Fasil   Mahmood   37   Y   196/222   

2016-06   Halifax   Tahir   Mahmood   43   Y   195/221   

2016-06   Halifax   Sikander   Ishaq   31   Y   194/220   

2016-06   Halifax   Aftab   Hussain   37   Y   193/219   

2016-06   Halifax   Amaar   Ditta   27   Y   192/218   

2016-06   Halifax   Taukeer   Butt   31   Y   191/217   

2016-06   Halifax   Haider   Ali   41   Y   190/216   

2016-06   Halifax   Hedar   Ali   36   Y   189/215   

2016-06   Halifax   Mansoor   Akhtar   25   Y   188/214   

2016-06   Halifax   Mohammed   Ahmed   43   Y   187/213   

2016-06   Halifax   Haaris   Ahmed   32   Y   186/212   

2016-05   Littlehampton   Max   N'Gasa   25   -   185/211   

2016-05   Littlehampton   Osmon   Koroma   31   -   185/210
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


[Apologies - I Cannot reproduce in actual chart form spread out horizontally. In this medium chart spacing collapses]

Data is Govt listed trial conviction results for trafficking and rape of children


DATE - CITY - FIRST NAME - SURNAME - AGE (as available)  - Islamic RATIO of Muslims in total convicted - NB

2015-03 Following reports about what was allowed to happen in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford, etc. PM David Cameron criticises police, social workers, etc. "Young girls... being abused over and over again on an industrial scale, being raped, being passed from one bunch of perpetrators to another bunch of perpetrators. And all the while this has happened with too many organisations and too many people walking on by." Three years after saying that social workers and police officers would face criminal charges, nothing has happened.

2015-03   Banbury   Said   Saleh   20   Y   142/162   

2015-03   Banbury   Mohammed   Saleh   21   Y   141/161   

2015-03   Banbury   Kagiso   Manasae   26   -   140/160   

2015-03   Banbury   Takudzwa   Hova   21   -   140/159   

2015-03   Banbury   Ahmed   Hassan-Sule   21   Y   140/158   

2015-03   Banbury   Zsolt   Szalontai   18   -   139/157   

2015-02   Slough   Esmatullah   Haidaree   46   Y   139/156   

2015-02   Slough   Azim   Ahmed   23   Y   138/155   

2015-02 Rotherham - Casey report says "industrial scale" grooming (1400 victims) in that town is mostly done by Pakistanis

2014-11   Bristol   Said   Zakaria   22   Y   137/154   

2014-11   Bristol   Sakariah   Sheik   21   Y   136/153   

2014-11   Bristol   Omar   Jumale   20   Y   135/152   

2014-11   Bristol   Mohamed   Jumale   24   Y   134/151   

2014-11   Bristol   Mohamed   Dahir   22   Y   133/150   

2014-11   Bristol   Abdirashid   Abdulahi   21   Y   132/149   

2014-11   Bristol   Jusuf   Abdirizak   20   Y   131/148   

2014-10   Sheffield   Mohammed   Shapal   22   Y   130/147   

2014-10   Sheffield   Shakeal   Rehman   26   Y   129/146   

2014-10   Sheffield   Bekir   Rasheed   37   Y   128/145   

2014-10   Sheffield   Yaseen   Amini   37   Y   127/144   

2014-10   Sheffield   Usman   Ali   21   Y   126/143   

2014-10   Chesham   Lee   Wakelin   32   -   125/142   

2014-10   Chesham   Arslan   Khan   21   Y   125/141   

2014-08   Newcastle   Hafeez Cole   Oye-Dada   44   Y   124/140   

2014-08   Newcastle   Moses   Ologbenla   31   -   123/139   


2014-07 former judge Baroness Butler-Sloss appointed to lead IIICSA (Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse)

2014-07   Bristol   Idleh   Osman   22   Y   123/138   

2014-07   Bristol   Arafat   Osman   20   Y   122/137   

2014-07   Bristol   Mustapha   Farah   21   Y   121/136   

2014-07   Bristol   Mustafa   Deria   22   Y   120/135   

2014-07   Bristol   Abdulahi   Aden   20   Y   119/134   

2014-07   Bristol   Liban   Abdi   22   Y   118/133   

2014-06   Burton   Anees   Hanif   19   Y   117/132   

2014-06   Burton   Umber   Farrouq   21   Y   116/131   

2014-06   Burton   Junaid   Ali   20   Y   115/130   

2014-06   Burton   Matab   Ali   21   Y   114/129   

2014-06   Burton   Nasir   Ahmed   41   Y   113/128   

2014-05   Peterborough   Daaim   Ashraf   19   Y   112/127   

2014-05   Peterborough   Yasir   Ali   28   Y   111/126   

2014-05   Blackburn   Zhaid   Mohmmed   44   Y   110/125   

2014-05   Blackburn   Imran   Khan   36   Y   109/124   

2014-04   Chesham   Omar   Sharif   25   Y   108/123   

2014-04   Chesham   Haroon   Rauf   30   Y   107/122   

2014-04   Chesham   Ghulfaraz   Nawaz   27   Y   106/121   

2014-04   Chesham   Nazakat   Mahmood   28   Y   105/120   


2014-03 Easy Meat first published - the only chronology of the national grooming gang cover-up. The book shows that the authorities and media were aware of the grooming gangs since at least 1975.  This book is the only attempt to look at the morality and history of sex-slavery by Muslims, offering this as the only explanation why this modern sex-slavery is happening in countries like England and Holland, with their rising Muslim populations.

2014-01   Peterborough   Zdeno   Mirga   18   -   104/119   

2014-01   Peterborough   Jan   Kandrac   17   -   104/118   

2014-01   Peterborough   Renato   Balog   18   -   104/117   

2014-01   Peterborough   Hassan   Abdulla   33   Y   104/116   

2014-01   Peterborough   anon   ?   14   -   103/115   

2014-01   Leeds   Harris   Uddin   30   Y   103/114   

2014-01   Leeds   Shah   Miah   28   Y   102/113   

2014-01   Leeds   Mohammed   Hussain   28   Y   101/112   

2013-12   Middlesbrough   Shakil   Munir   32   Y   100/111   

2013-12   Middlesbrough   Ateeq   Latif   17   Y   99/110   

2013-12   Middlesbrough   Sakib   Ahmed   19   Y   98/109   


2013-11 After 3 years of investigations, two back-to-back criminal trials of the leader of EDL ended. Trial (1) for tax evasion failed to find him guilty. This failure was immediately followed by Trial (2), for "mortgage fraud" (the same fraud done by 1 million people in Britain), resulting in Tommy Robinson going to prison.  SOCA, who were behind My Dangerous Loverboy (2008), had spent more effort pursuing Tommy Robinson than pursuing the grooming gangs.

2013-11   Rochdale   Roheez   Khan   27   Y   97/108   

2013-11   Rochdale   Freddie   Kendakumana   27   -   96/107   

2013-11   Rochdale   Abdul   Huk   37   Y   96/106   

2013-11   Rochdale   Chola   Chansa   33   -   95/105   

2013-11   Rochdale   Mohammed   Abubaker   32   Y   95/104   

2013-10   London   Muhammad   Shabbir   25   Y   94/103   

2013-10   London   Mohammad   Shabbir   34   Y   93/102   

2013-08   Leicester   Wajid   Usman   21   Y   92/101   

2013-08   Leicester   Bharat   Modhwadia   25   -   91/100   

2013-08   Leicester   Chandresh   Mistry   37   -   91/99   

2013-08   Leicester   Rakib   Iacub   20   Y   91/98   

2013-08   Leicester   Aabidali   Ali   39   Y   90/97   

2013-08   Leicester   Hamza   Ali   28   Y   89/96   

2013-07   Manchester   Shamin   Uddin   26   Y   88/95   

2013-07   Manchester   Giash   Uddin   27   Y   87/94   

2013-07   Manchester   Robert   Jackson   23   -   86/93   

2013-07   Barking   Hassan   Raza   24   Y   86/92   

2013-07   Barking   Nabeel   Ahmed   24   Y   85/91   

2013-07   Barking   Naeem   Ahmed   25   Y   84/90   

2013-05   Oxford   Bassam   Karrar   34   Y   83/89   

2013-05   Oxford   Mohammed   Karrar   38   Y   82/88   

2013-05   Oxford   Kamar   Jamil   27   Y   81/87   

2013-05   Oxford   Assad   Hussain   32   Y   80/86   

2013-05   Oxford   Anjum   Dogar   31   Y   79/85   

2013-05   Oxford   Akhtar   Dogar   32   Y   78/84   

2013-05   Oxford   Zeeshan   Ahmed   28   Y   77/83   

2013-03   Keighley   Shazad   Rehman   30   Y   76/82   

2013-03   Keighley   Bilal   Hussain   23   Y   75/81   

2013-03   Birmingham   Adeeb   Sultan   27   Y   74/80   

2013-03   Birmingham   Raja   Khan   23   Y   73/79   

2013-02   Ipswich   Surin   Uddin   31   Y   72/78   

2013-02   Ipswich   Mohammed   Sheikh   31   Y   71/77   

2013-02   Ipswich   Hamza   Ali   38   Y   70/76   

2012-05   Rochdale   Mohammed   Sajid   35   Y   69/75   

2012-05   Rochdale   Hamid   Safi   22   Y   68/74   

2012-05   Rochdale   Abdul   Rauf   43   Y   67/73   

2012-05   Rochdale   Abdul   Qayyum   43   Y   66/72   

2012-05   Rochdale   Adil   Khan   42   Y   65/71   

2012-05   Rochdale   Kabeer   Hassan   25   Y   64/70   

2012-05   Rochdale   Abdul   Aziz   41   Y   63/69   

2012-05   Rochdale   Mohammed   Amin   45   Y   62/68   

2012-05   Rochdale   Shabir   Ahmed   59   Y   61/67   

2012-05   Bradford   Munwar   Khan   42   Y   60/66   

2012-05   Bradford   Shabir   Ahmed   39   Y   59/65   

2012-03   Telford   Adil   Saleem   20   Y   58/64   

2012-03   Telford   Shamrez   Rashid   20   Y   57/63   

2012-03   Telford   Jahbar   Rafiq   28   Y   56/62   

2012-03   Telford   Amar   Hussain   21   Y   55/61   

2012-03   Telford   Amer   Choudhrey   20   Y   54/60   

2011-08   Accrington   Amjad   Hussain   38   Y   53/59   

2011-08   Accrington   Shahid   Hussain   34   Y   52/58   

2011-08   Accrington   Tanveer   Butt   39   Y   51/57
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


[Apologies - I Cannot reproduce in actual chart form spread out horizontally. In this medium chart spacing collapses]

Data is Govt listed trial conviction results


DATE - CITY - FIRST NAME - SURNAME - AGE (as available)  - Islamic RATIO of Muslims in total convicted - NB

2011-01 Andrew Norfolk shows 50 out of 56 convicts (in 13 years from 1997 to 2010) are Muslims. He is showered in awards for journalism. In the subsequent 7 years over 300 men (mostly Muslims) would be convicted for these crimes.

2010-11   Rotherham   Razwan   Razaq   30   Y   50/56   

2010-11   Rotherham   Umar   Razaq   24   Y   49/55   

2010-11   Rotherham   Zafran   Ramzan   21   Y   48/54   

2010-11   Rotherham   Mohsin   Khan   21   Y   47/53   

2010-11   Rotherham   Adil   Hussain   20   Y   46/52   

2010-11   Derby   Ziafat   Yasin   31   Y   45/51   

2010-11   Derby   Abid   Siddique   27   Y   44/50   

2010-11   Derby   Mohamed   Rehman   26   Y   43/49   

2010-11   Derby   Faisal   Mehmood   24   Y   42/48   

2010-11   Derby   Mohammed   Liaqat   28   Y   41/47   

2010-11   Derby   Naweed   Liaqat   33   Y   40/46   

2010-11   Derby   Akshay   Kumar   38   -   39/45   

2010-11   Derby   Graham   Blackham   26   -   39/44   

2010-11   Derby   Farooq   Ahmed   28   Y   39/43   

2010-09   Preston   Mohammed   Moosa   24   Y   38/42   

2010-09   Preston   Faisal   Ghani   25   Y   37/41   

2010-08   Rochdale   Najibullah   Safi   32   Y   36/40   

2010-08   Rochdale   Mohammed   Safi   31   Y   35/39   

2010-08   Rochdale   Ahmed   Noorzai   29   Y   34/38   

2010-08   Rochdale   Mohammed   Khan   26   Y   33/37   

2010-08   Rochdale   Aftab   Khan   31   Y   32/36   

2010-08   Rochdale   Abid   Khaliq   30   Y   31/35   

2010-08   Rochdale   Asad   Hassan   28   Y   30/34   

2010-08   Rochdale   Mohammed   Basharat   28   Y   29/33   

2010-08   Rochdale   Mohammed   Atif   29   Y   28/32   


2010-08 Andrew Norfolk (of The Times) reports on EDL protest in Bradford

2010-06   Nelson   Azeem   Shah   23   Y   27/31   

2010-06   Nelson   Tabassum   Shah   24   Y   26/30   

2010-02   Rochdale   Imtiaz   Syed   20   Y   25/29   

2010-02   Rochdale   Mohammed   Raja   20   Y   24/28   

2010-02   Rochdale   Tayub   Hussain   19   Y   23/27   

2010-02   Rochdale   Mustafa   Arshad   17   Y   22/26   

2010-02   Rochdale   Ajmal   Afridi   19   Y   21/25   


2009 & 2010 Muslim Council of Britain and Unite Against Fascism (organisations who consistently opposed the English Defence League) publish electoral pamphlet, claiming that the Muslim grooming gangs were "a racist myth"

2009-08 BBC Newsnight, 1st TV interview with white & black leaders of EDL. Journalists and politicians have never attempted to correct the imputation that EDL are "racist", which has continued to this day.

2009-07   Skipton   Mohammed   Zackriya   21   Y   20/24   

2009-07   Skipton   Mohammed   Taj   37   Y   19/23   

2009-07   Skipton   Mohammed   Shabir   36   Y   18/22   

2009-07   Skipton   Shafaq   Hussain   21   Y   17/21   

2009-04   Blackburn   Imran   Pervez   27   Y   16/20   

2009-04   Blackburn   Zaheer   Khan   24   Y   15/19   


2009-03 English Defence League starts national protests against grooming gangs, FGM, terrorism, sharia law, etc.2008 Serious Organized Crime Agency finishes production of the video My Dangerous Loverboy, to warn schoolgirls how the grooming gangs operate. This video was never shown in school, no plans existed for what should be done with it. Questions need to be asked as to which organisations/individuals prevented thousands of schoolgirls from being warned of the criminal organisations waiting to seduce, drug, rape and prostitute them.

2008-11   Manchester   Mohammed   Ditta   39   Y   14/18   

2008-11   Manchester   Mirza   Baig   35   Y   13/17   

2008-11   Blackburn   Andrew   Wells   49   -   12/16   

2008-11   Blackburn   Ian   Hindle   32   -   12/15   

2008-08   Oldham   Shofiqul   Islam   21   Y   12/14   

2008-08   Oldham   Shamim   Ahmed   21   Y   11/13   

2007-11   Sheffield   Ayad   Mahmood   35   Y   10/12   

2007-11   Sheffield   Aziz   Hamed   24   Y   9/11   

2007-08   Blackburn   Qaiser   Naveed   32   Y   8/10   

2007-08   Blackburn   Zulfqar   Hussain   46   Y   7/9   

2007-06   Oldham   Mohammed   Suleman   39   Y   6/8   

2007-06   Oldham   Shahzad   Masood   33   Y   5/7   

2006-04   Blackpool   Puppy   Parmar   31   -   4/6   

2006-04   Blackpool   Sandeep   Chauhan   28   -   4/5   


2006-02 After nearly a decade in trying, UK Labour government passes a law making it a crime to criticise Islam and Muslims, sending the messsage to police, social workers, journalists, academics: "do not talk about the grooming gangs being Muslim"

2005-02   Keighley   Munwar   Khan   30   Y   4/4   

2005-02   Keighley   Shabir   Ahmed   32   Y   3/3   

2004 Andrew Norfolk of The Times reports on Channel 4 TV documentary on Bradford

BBC describes this 2004 Channel 4 documentary (directed by Anna Hall) as "racist"

Anna Hall said she had been told by Barnardo's staff as early as 1996 that the grooming gangs were Asian

West Yorkshire Police and the local government in that area both claim there is no evidence that the grooming gangs exist. By 2017 mothers of victims are STILL waiting for a public inquiry, one that the council and the police refuse to support.

1997-11   Leeds   Abid   Sadique   21   Y   2/2   

1997-11   Leeds   Mohammed   Rashid   21   Y


1995 Bradford - Children's charity Barnardo's received £670,000 (approx $1,000,000) funding from UK government for project dealing with "child prostitutes" in this one town.

1991 Bradford - social workers admit knowing of Muslim grooming gangs

1988 Wolverhampton - Sikh men resort to armed violence to stop Muslim gangs entrapping Sikh girls as "sex slaves"

1975 Rotherham - local newspaper recorded a court case of underage girls who were being plied with alcohol and then being raped by multiple Pakistani and Arab men.  

UK government, police, social workers, journalists, childrens' charities were only to admit that they'd come to be aware of such behavior in 2011.
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell



Getting the drift of what has been happening to 1,000s of children?

and covered up with such GREAT effort for DECADES?  .... and STILL not mentioned much?? ... and NO ONE in positions to do something about it gave a damn about the kids

and the too obvious trend???? ... that continues TODAY for the same reasons ??

I'm not a big Tommy fan at times, but he was the most effective person  in bringing  this to light

And so what do they do IMMEDIATELY? Jail him and put him out of site

I have known this was going on on a HUGE scale for many many years ... didn't say a lot because so much was covered up that it was hard to nail down in writing

And the above are ONLY the ones they finally "allowed themselves to catch" ..  despite trying to pretend it was not happening .. Imagine if they openly and genuinely acknowledged the problem  ... and actually tried to end it

I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


The UK is a mess. It saddens me when I visit, to see how it has been corrupted by immigration.


Quote from: "cc".

Getting the drift of what has been happening to 1,000s of children?

and covered up with such GREAT effort for DECADES?  .... and STILL not mentioned much?? ... and NO ONE in positions to do something about it gave a damn about the kids

and the too obvious trend???? ... that continues TODAY for the same reasons ??

I'm not a big Tommy fan at times, but he was the most effective person  in bringing  this to light

And so what do they do IMMEDIATELY? Jail him and put him out of site

I have known this was going on on a HUGE scale for many many years ... didn't say a lot because so much was covered up that it was hard to nail down in writing

And the above are ONLY the ones they finally "allowed themselves to catch" ..  despite trying to pretend it was not happening .. Imagine if they openly and genuinely acknowledged the problem  ... and actually tried to end it


It's still not not widely known. At least on this side of the pond.



Who will speak for the Huddersfield girls? (and for the young girls of the dozens of other cities)[/url]

The political class's silence on Muslim grooming gangs is shameful.[/b]">

, whom they hold responsible for every bad thing, balks at having to condemn men from ethnic-minority backgrounds. Isn't that Islamophobic? More importantly, won't it stir up mob-like behaviour among the masses? Very often, the reluctance to condemn Muslim grooming gangs is driven by an ugly and prejudiced view of ordinary Britons as being a pogrom in waiting, biting at the bit to attack Muslim communities. The elites frown upon frank discussion about these sexual crimes for fear that the unpredictable little people will turn mad and racist in response to them.

The political and media classes have elevated the protection of multiculturalism from analysis and debate above the safety of white working-class girls. This is the trade-off they have made. And it's an unforgivable one. It is time we had a reckoning, not with diversity, which is no bad thing, but with the institutionalisation of separatism and communal tension that has been unleashed by the divisive outlook of multiculturalism.

Because it seems increasingly clear that a multiculturalist worldview that encourages people to live in their own ethnic and religious bubbles, and which also encourages them to look with suspicion upon 'institutionally racist' mainstream society, has nurtured a situation where some members of certain ethnic groups appear to harbour a profound contempt for certain white people. Especially the poorer ones, the female ones, the 'bad' ones.

[size=110] A fractured society fractures communities and people's lives – this is what we need to face up to now.
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell



They are, at least ol' whisky nose isn't scared to speak the truth.

I've spoken many times about this subject and why I don't focus too much attention on Islam, so I've nothing more to say apart from deport the fuckers, families included.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"ol' whisky nose

Well, it's better than lavendar arse, I guess.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"They are, at least ol' whisky nose isn't scared to speak the truth.

I've spoken many times about this subject and why I don't focus too much attention on Islam, so I've nothing more to say apart from deport the fuckers, families included.

Yo mama like them. :icon_wink:


And yo mama probably still lives in a mud hut surviving on wild dog meat and warm piss.