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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

It's Not All China's Fault

Started by Anonymous, March 28, 2020, 10:21:51 PM

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Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "cc"On that subject, and I detest Western companies who produce in  China, just a thought

what would those people do if we gave them no work?

I think once the dust settles, many firms will be forced by their mother countries to return home or suffer consequences

Once this is settled down China govt. will pay a huge price in many ways .. their spin and attempts at PR will not save them from Western wrath

For an example I just read of the seething anger among Johnson's cabinet  in UK .. will post on it

China owes the West. Rep. Marsha Blackburn has an excellent idea. China forgives some of the US debt they own as compensation for the devastation they have caused.

Yes, I agree with that too.

It might be coming.

China knows the World is Angry at them.

They're not gonna get away with it by sweeping it under the rug.

At very least there will likely beconcessions on trade.

We should remember not to say it is China's fault but the fault of the Chinese government. Mind you, some Chinese people wanted to expose the truth but they are no longer living. ac_dunno

[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: "caskur"
We should blame the USA... they invented planes that cart diseased people all over the planet.


One small problem with that line of reasoning...


...Count Ferdinand Adolph Heinrich August Graf Von Zeppelin already had airborne people movers in production three years before the Wright Brothers did, and they went further that the American model and traveled twice as fast as cruise liners did. And their inventor even had "Adolph" in his name too! Surely we should hold the Germans personally responsible?

Well... no. They weren't the first to put people in the air.


November 21st 1893, two clever dicks with fruity dress sense and who went by the name Montgolfier floated a couple of people skywards from where the Eiffel Tower now stands today. After testing on live animals first of course which is probably where the Russians got the idea from for firing dogs into space some 64 years later. That works... we should blame the French instead. I mean everybody hates the French, right?

But even they weren't the first, not if you believe the Portugese at any rate. You know, the same mongrels who colonized South America and gave us Bolsanaro.

Guess what? They also gave us Bartolomeu De Gusmao. "Who was he" I hear you cry in your eternal search to blame for all the world's problems? Ohhh, just some none Catholic priest who in a fit of pique and attention whoring managed to construct some ridiculous steampunk looking Jules Verne contraption for the the Portugese King in 1709.


Better get Rancidmilko in here, he's got some 'splainin to do I reckon.

But in the end, all roads lead back to Rome. Or Beijing in this case. Because someone had to come up with the idea that things might be lifted into the air, without which we might never have had the means to cough covid to all four corners of this rock. And you should know that it was the Chinese themselves who, just like they did with the Spooky-Wu Flu, were ground zero for all this malarky as early as 200 AD.


And with that damning evidence, I rest my case. Yer Pal Joe is full of steamy nappy batter, the Chinese have been laying the groundwork for this since the time when it was considered fashionable to nail people to trees.

Biggie Smiles

China screwed the whole world over and now they're trying to spin themselves as the savior


Go shove a pair of beng wah balls up your freckle Jersey Gurl, I've got this argument covered thanks.  :t0135:


Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Yer Pal Joe"We in the West like to point fingers at China & blame them entirely for this coronavurus mess.

But at least part of it is our fault.

We wanted cheap quality stuff built by work slaves eating bad food & making barely enough to feed themselves.

So we got what we wished for.

Sure its partly our politicians & business leaders faults.

But it's ours too.

While the malnourished Chinese worker was busting his or her butt 14 hrs a day making $3 an hour we were oblivious to their plight & neglected their suffering.

So I don't wanna completely blame the Chinese cuz they merely fed our greedy wasteful profligate Western lifestyle that we demandrd & asked for.

Plus we coulda made a lot of that atuff here at home.

We didnt support our workers or industries.

Anyways thats the way I seez it.

We should blame the USA...


[size=80]Sometimes, my comments have a touch of humor, often tongue-in-cheek, so don\'t take it so seriously.[/size]


Quote from: "@realAzhyaAryola"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Yer Pal Joe"We in the West like to point fingers at China & blame them entirely for this coronavurus mess.

But at least part of it is our fault.

We wanted cheap quality stuff built by work slaves eating bad food & making barely enough to feed themselves.

So we got what we wished for.

Sure its partly our politicians & business leaders faults.

But it's ours too.

While the malnourished Chinese worker was busting his or her butt 14 hrs a day making $3 an hour we were oblivious to their plight & neglected their suffering.

So I don't wanna completely blame the Chinese cuz they merely fed our greedy wasteful profligate Western lifestyle that we demandrd & asked for.

Plus we coulda made a lot of that atuff here at home.

We didnt support our workers or industries.

Anyways thats the way I seez it.

We should blame the USA...


Que mierda


Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "caskur"
We should blame the USA... they invented planes that cart diseased people all over the planet.


One small problem with that line of reasoning...


...Count Ferdinand Adolph Heinrich August Graf Von Zeppelin already had airborne people movers in production three years before the Wright Brothers did, and they went further that the American model and traveled twice as fast as cruise liners did. And their inventor even had "Adolph" in his name too! Surely we should hold the Germans personally responsible?

Well... no. They weren't the first to put people in the air.


November 21st 1893, two clever dicks with fruity dress sense and who went by the name Montgolfier floated a couple of people skywards from where the Eiffel Tower now stands today. After testing on live animals first of course which is probably where the Russians got the idea from for firing dogs into space some 64 years later. That works... we should blame the French instead. I mean everybody hates the French, right?

But even they weren't the first, not if you believe the Portugese at any rate. You know, the same mongrels who colonized South America and gave us Bolsanaro.

Guess what? They also gave us Bartolomeu De Gusmao. "Who was he" I hear you cry in your eternal search to blame for all the world's problems? Ohhh, just some none Catholic priest who in a fit of pique and attention whoring managed to construct some ridiculous steampunk looking Jules Verne contraption for the the Portugese King in 1709.


Better get Rancidmilko in here, he's got some 'splainin to do I reckon.

But in the end, all roads lead back to Rome. Or Beijing in this case. Because someone had to come up with the idea that things might be lifted into the air, without which we might never have had the means to cough covid to all four corners of this rock. And you should know that it was the Chinese themselves who, just like they did with the Spooky-Wu Flu, were ground zero for all this malarky as early as 200 AD.


And with that damning evidence, I rest my case. Yer Pal Joe is full of steamy nappy batter, the Chinese have been laying the groundwork for this since the time when it was considered fashionable to nail people to trees.

The post above = a lot of hot air.

Airplanes, not balloons. Heavier than air, not lighter.

Unclear on the concept?
Aimin\' to misbehave.


Quote from: "Blurt"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "caskur"
We should blame the USA... they invented planes that cart diseased people all over the planet.


One small problem with that line of reasoning...


...Count Ferdinand Adolph Heinrich August Graf Von Zeppelin already had airborne people movers in production three years before the Wright Brothers did, and they went further that the American model and traveled twice as fast as cruise liners did. And their inventor even had "Adolph" in his name too! Surely we should hold the Germans personally responsible?

Well... no. They weren't the first to put people in the air.


November 21st 1893, two clever dicks with fruity dress sense and who went by the name Montgolfier floated a couple of people skywards from where the Eiffel Tower now stands today. After testing on live animals first of course which is probably where the Russians got the idea from for firing dogs into space some 64 years later. That works... we should blame the French instead. I mean everybody hates the French, right?

But even they weren't the first, not if you believe the Portugese at any rate. You know, the same mongrels who colonized South America and gave us Bolsanaro.

Guess what? They also gave us Bartolomeu De Gusmao. "Who was he" I hear you cry in your eternal search to blame for all the world's problems? Ohhh, just some none Catholic priest who in a fit of pique and attention whoring managed to construct some ridiculous steampunk looking Jules Verne contraption for the the Portugese King in 1709.


Better get Rancidmilko in here, he's got some 'splainin to do I reckon.

But in the end, all roads lead back to Rome. Or Beijing in this case. Because someone had to come up with the idea that things might be lifted into the air, without which we might never have had the means to cough covid to all four corners of this rock. And you should know that it was the Chinese themselves who, just like they did with the Spooky-Wu Flu, were ground zero for all this malarky as early as 200 AD.


And with that damning evidence, I rest my case. Yer Pal Joe is full of steamy nappy batter, the Chinese have been laying the groundwork for this since the time when it was considered fashionable to nail people to trees.

The post above = a lot of hot air.

Airplanes, not balloons. Heavier than air, not lighter.

Unclear on the concept?
People getting flown about the world. Is this a piece of your brain?

Stupid meatshield, go stick a dildo in your bog-hole and moan about something you have a clue about.


Aimin\' to misbehave.




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