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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Melbourne's COVID Groundhog came out this afternoon...

Started by Frood, July 07, 2020, 03:22:11 AM

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...and the idiot says 6 more weeks of Stage 3 Lockdown Winter (homeschool, minimum reasons to leave your residence ie food, exercise, critical work, medical care)... States are sealing off the borders to each other and flying FLIR enabled choppers along the boundaries, putting defence personnel and cops everywhere...

...this was after the groundhog (aka Premier Daniel Andrews) had let kids go back to school prior to this school holiday period...

Hello, 1984!  :laugh:

Fuck you, State of Victoria....  :oeudC:


Here too!  People have been starting up just fine, but now they want to start extending this bullshit again!  Possible mandatory masks, closures of what just opened, etc...

I'll sit on CERB for another two months if we want to play this game!  And then another two months after that also!


Quote from: Mel post_id=370207 time=1594107207
Here too!  People have been starting up just fine, but now they want to start extending this bullshit again!  Possible mandatory masks, closures of what just opened, etc...

I'll sit on CERB for another two months if we want to play this game!  And then another two months after that also!

It's idiotic kings relying on a fucktarded scientific clergy raising a panic cult generation...

I expect to have to flee from my home within 12-24 months because of this level of shit...


It's getting beyond ridiculous at this point...  We're many months into this, most people are just fine, and yet 'they' still want to keep shit stalled...  

I'm getting tired of this also.  Even RBC bank has a dude at the door to make sure your disinfect your hands before entry.  Fucking arrows stating what direction you can walk up and down an aisle.

Hey, I'll keep pulling in $2,000/month to sit at home, but I also know economically that no nation can continue to do so...


Quote from: Mel post_id=370209 time=1594111167
It's getting beyond ridiculous at this point...  We're many months into this, most people are just fine, and yet 'they' still want to keep shit stalled...  

I'm getting tired of this also.  Even RBC bank has a dude at the door to make sure your disinfect your hands before entry.  Fucking arrows stating what direction you can walk up and down an aisle.

Hey, I'll keep pulling in $2,000/month to sit at home, but I also know economically that no nation can continue to do so...

I'm about the same though wife works and I draw it out of a pseudo 401k plan... (something unheralded since 1995/1996).

The money will be gone before they raise the access age from 65 again to probably 70 to 75, or more...

Don't be an idiot... if you have no partner, kids, or fam, run for the hills and disappear.


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=370206 time=1594106531 user_id=1676
...and the idiot says 6 more weeks of Stage 3 Lockdown Winter (homeschool, minimum reasons to leave your residence ie food, exercise, critical work, medical care)... States are sealing off the borders to each other and flying FLIR enabled choppers along the boundaries, putting defence personnel and cops everywhere...

...this was after the groundhog (aka Premier Daniel Andrews) had let kids go back to school prior to this school holiday period...

Hello, 1984!  :laugh:

Fuck you, State of Victoria....  :oeudC:

I fear my province may reimpose restrictions on places they have opened..

We could be on the brink of another outbreak originating on an Aboriginal reserve just outside Calgary.


It's dumb. A complete beatup and the only possibly benefit that can come from it is a complete re-engineering of society. And I say "benefit" even though the only people it really benefits are an elite few.

Where I am, nobody is wearing masks. Why bother? If one or more of us gets sick, we stay at home, otherwise we're out and about, getting on with our lives and otherwise not coughing up lumps of phlegm on each other. Though yesterday I took a trip across town to an asian enclave to pick up an amplifier for my third stereo. Lots of people wearing masks over there. Strangely I noticed that the less almond shaped a person's eyes were, the less likely they were to be wearing masks. And nobody was hawking up globs of lung junket on each other there either. Then I went north a bit, talked to an old white dude and bought a cheapie computer from him for my old DOS games. He wasn't wearing a mask either and seemed to be in perfect health too in spite of this oversight.

And when I came home, I set up my computer, set up the amplifier, turned it on. Wall to wall coverage about COVID. "Shit, it's even pushed Trump off the front page" I thought. Funny how it's all coming out of the radio and the television, but otherwise people seem okay with it.

Defund the media I reckon. Probably should defund the government too, but at least they're paying us to behave like mindless sheeple. Yes, even the ones of us who aren't paying attention to their little exercises in remedial fascism.


Daniel Andrews driving Victorians off a cliff...



Quote from: Guest post_id=370302 time=1594199985
It's dumb. A complete beatup and the only possibly benefit that can come from it is a complete re-engineering of society. And I say "benefit" even though the only people it really benefits are an elite few.

Where I am, nobody is wearing masks. Why bother? If one or more of us gets sick, we stay at home, otherwise we're out and about, getting on with our lives and otherwise not coughing up lumps of phlegm on each other. Though yesterday I took a trip across town to an asian enclave to pick up an amplifier for my third stereo. Lots of people wearing masks over there. Strangely I noticed that the less almond shaped a person's eyes were, the less likely they were to be wearing masks. And nobody was hawking up globs of lung junket on each other there either. Then I went north a bit, talked to an old white dude and bought a cheapie computer from him for my old DOS games. He wasn't wearing a mask either and seemed to be in perfect health too in spite of this oversight.

And when I came home, I set up my computer, set up the amplifier, turned it on. Wall to wall coverage about COVID. "Shit, it's even pushed Trump off the front page" I thought. Funny how it's all coming out of the radio and the television, but otherwise people seem okay with it.

Defund the media I reckon. Probably should defund the government too, but at least they're paying us to behave like mindless sheeple. Yes, even the ones of us who aren't paying attention to their little exercises in remedial fascism.

I always wear a mask when Ieave my house.


Quote from: Fashionista post_id=370331 time=1594213926 user_id=3254
Quote from: Guest post_id=370302 time=1594199985
It's dumb. A complete beatup and the only possibly benefit that can come from it is a complete re-engineering of society. And I say "benefit" even though the only people it really benefits are an elite few.

Where I am, nobody is wearing masks. Why bother? If one or more of us gets sick, we stay at home, otherwise we're out and about, getting on with our lives and otherwise not coughing up lumps of phlegm on each other. Though yesterday I took a trip across town to an asian enclave to pick up an amplifier for my third stereo. Lots of people wearing masks over there. Strangely I noticed that the less almond shaped a person's eyes were, the less likely they were to be wearing masks. And nobody was hawking up globs of lung junket on each other there either. Then I went north a bit, talked to an old white dude and bought a cheapie computer from him for my old DOS games. He wasn't wearing a mask either and seemed to be in perfect health too in spite of this oversight.

And when I came home, I set up my computer, set up the amplifier, turned it on. Wall to wall coverage about COVID. "Shit, it's even pushed Trump off the front page" I thought. Funny how it's all coming out of the radio and the television, but otherwise people seem okay with it.

Defund the media I reckon. Probably should defund the government too, but at least they're paying us to behave like mindless sheeple. Yes, even the ones of us who aren't paying attention to their little exercises in remedial fascism.

I always wear a mask when Ieave my house.

Unless you are sick that's pretty stupid. In which case you shouldn't be outside your home anyway.

Droplets from a single sneeze can travel up to 20 feet and enter your body through your eyes. The virus lives on hard surfaces for 24 to 72 hours and anything you touch is suspect. So wearing a mask as a prophylactic measure to avoid getting the virus is basically useless.


A quick search shows lots of evidence masks do prevent the spread of colds, influenza and COVID-19

One category of evidence comes from laboratory studies of respiratory droplets and the ability of various masks to block them. An experiment using high-speed video found that hundreds of droplets ranging from 20 to 500 micrometers were generated when saying a simple phrase, but that nearly all these droplets were blocked when the mouth was covered by a damp washcloth. Another study of people who had influenza or the common cold found that wearing a surgical mask significantly reduced the amount of these respiratory viruses emitted in droplets and aerosols.

A recent study published in Health Affairs, for example, compared the COVID-19 growth rate before and after mask mandates in 15 states and the District of Columbia. It found that mask mandates led to a slowdown in daily COVID-19 growth rate, which became more apparent over time. The first five days after a mandate, the daily growth rate slowed by 0.9 percentage-points compared to the five days prior to the mandate; at three weeks, the daily growth rate had slowed by 2 percentage-points.

Another study looked at coronavirus deaths across 198 countries and found that those with cultural norms or government policies favoring mask-wearing had lower death rates.

Two compelling case reports also suggest that masks can prevent transmission in high-risk scenarios, said Chin-Hong and Rutherford. In one case, a man flew from China to Toronto and subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. He had a dry cough and wore a mask on the flight, and all 25 people closest to him on the flight tested negative for COVID-19. In another case, in late May, two hair stylists in Missouri had close contact with 140 clients while sick with COVID-19. Everyone wore a mask and none of the clients tested positive."> ... ks-prevent">


I'd only wear a mask if I was out and about while infected.

Studies are suggesting that the wearing of a mask regularly actually concentrates the viral load in the respiratory system and ensures much more severe complications coupled with a decreased intake of oxygen and build up of carbon dioxide...


Quote from: Fashionista post_id=370331 time=1594213926 user_id=3254
Quote from: Guest post_id=370302 time=1594199985
It's dumb. A complete beatup and the only possibly benefit that can come from it is a complete re-engineering of society. And I say "benefit" even though the only people it really benefits are an elite few.

Where I am, nobody is wearing masks. Why bother? If one or more of us gets sick, we stay at home, otherwise we're out and about, getting on with our lives and otherwise not coughing up lumps of phlegm on each other. Though yesterday I took a trip across town to an asian enclave to pick up an amplifier for my third stereo. Lots of people wearing masks over there. Strangely I noticed that the less almond shaped a person's eyes were, the less likely they were to be wearing masks. And nobody was hawking up globs of lung junket on each other there either. Then I went north a bit, talked to an old white dude and bought a cheapie computer from him for my old DOS games. He wasn't wearing a mask either and seemed to be in perfect health too in spite of this oversight.

And when I came home, I set up my computer, set up the amplifier, turned it on. Wall to wall coverage about COVID. "Shit, it's even pushed Trump off the front page" I thought. Funny how it's all coming out of the radio and the television, but otherwise people seem okay with it.

Defund the media I reckon. Probably should defund the government too, but at least they're paying us to behave like mindless sheeple. Yes, even the ones of us who aren't paying attention to their little exercises in remedial fascism.

I always wear a mask when Ieave my house.

Yes, and you're Asian. See above. The great majority of people I've encountered who were wearing masks were Asian. Not even the ANTIFA mugs are bothering t cover up as much these days.

You would think that might be reflected in the demographics of people getting sick, except that outside of the media, I'm hearing nothing about it. The only proof I have that the commie cough exists at all is because it's apparently what killed my wife earlier this year.

I was in the habit of wearing a mask outside the house, but in this neighbourhood I was the only person doing so and after a while I just said "fuck it" and stopped bothering. Before I left Canada, masks were not uncommon, but the *ahem* "essential" construction projects around Ottawa were being conducted by workmen, none of whom were bothering to cover their mouths. One of those projects involved earth works with enough detonations taking place that I could taste the dust on the air. Multiple testing later and I still haven't caught the bug.

Maybe there is something to those french tests that showed nicotine was a useful additive to a person's life experience in the face of this earth-buggering pandemic.

Maybe it's simply all a storm in a teacup.

Defund the media anyway.


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=370343 time=1594219532 user_id=1676
I'd only wear a mask if I was out and about while infected.

Studies are suggesting that the wearing of a mask regularly actually concentrates the viral load in the respiratory system and ensures much more severe complications coupled with a decreased intake of oxygen and build up of carbon dioxide...

Oh well, that suits the state narrative admirably. "See? The evil bat bug that most certainly is not the Chinese Flu even if it did originate there is really, really BAD and will kill you on contact"... never mind that any potential damage could be being exacerbated by the methods being used to contain it.

You know, I read an interesting article on that contact tracing app you poor bastards were being nagged to install on your phones. You know the one - it didn't work on iOS devices when they were minimized, it allowed hackers a vector to do a bunch of things between jamming it to taking control of phones to using it to track individuals themselves because the data wasn't properly anonymised. Strange, I seem to recall that your government was trumpeting a quick end to the lockdown as more people installed it... well one in four of you kangaroo molesters had phones infected with this marvelous app-cum-virus, meanwhile people are moaning that it's not enough and are beseeching people to sign guest books at various businesses and your city and indeed the entire state is being told to stay indoors anyway.

I guess it makes it easier to round you all up when they decide their Monsanto-styled RNA modifying treatment is ready to be shot up your arms. That'll surely work. Because everything else they've tried so far has worked ever so well.

Just calling the bullshit for what it is.


Quote from: Guest post_id=370355 time=1594220863
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=370343 time=1594219532 user_id=1676
I'd only wear a mask if I was out and about while infected.

Studies are suggesting that the wearing of a mask regularly actually concentrates the viral load in the respiratory system and ensures much more severe complications coupled with a decreased intake of oxygen and build up of carbon dioxide...

Oh well, that suits the state narrative admirably. "See? The evil bat bug that most certainly is not the Chinese Flu even if it did originate there is really, really BAD and will kill you on contact"... never mind that any potential damage could be being exacerbated by the methods being used to contain it.

You know, I read an interesting article on that contact tracing app you poor bastards were being nagged to install on your phones. You know the one - it didn't work on iOS devices when they were minimized, it allowed hackers a vector to do a bunch of things between jamming it to taking control of phones to using it to track individuals themselves because the data wasn't properly anonymised. Strange, I seem to recall that your government was trumpeting a quick end to the lockdown as more people installed it... well one in four of you kangaroo molesters had phones infected with this marvelous app-cum-virus, meanwhile people are moaning that it's not enough and are beseeching people to sign guest books at various businesses and your city and indeed the entire state is being told to stay indoors anyway.

I guess it makes it easier to round you all up when they decide their Monsanto-styled RNA modifying treatment is ready to be shot up your arms. That'll surely work. Because everything else they've tried so far has worked ever so well.

Just calling the bullshit for what it is.

Our household says fck no to contact tracing apps, door to door testing, and giving up our ID for anywhere except the hospital where a loved one resides...

We haven't worn masks at all through this pandemic either...

Lysol on our footwear taken off at our front door and alcohol gel if we have to touch public items... aside from that, we're eating popcorn and watching the Covid Drama unfold....

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