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Re: Forum gossip thread by Sloan


What Old Trump Might Do in His Retirement

Started by Anonymous, November 10, 2020, 08:33:19 PM

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Quote from: Poppy post_id=390424 time=1605366537 user_id=3287
i heard trump is going to bring back celebrity apprentice.

I didn't mind that show.


I don't know a lot about Australia's domestic politics. I do know that the current Aussie pm took deficit reduction seriously. Trudeau, just like his father before thinks there's an infinite supply of other people's money.


Quote from: seoulbro post_id=390432 time=1605377035 user_id=114
I don't know a lot about Australia's domestic politics. I do know that the current Aussie pm took deficit reduction seriously. Trudeau, just like his father before thinks there's an infinite supply of other people's money.

I lived In Queensland. Australia is not nearly as progtardy as Canada. Their Liberal party would be considered fascist by our Conservative party standards for Christ sakes. In fact, the Australian Labour party is basically Trump's plan on immigration.


Queensland, state of the pumpkin scones, peanut shearing sheds and banana mines. Most notable for electing a gibbering fuckwit with a speech impediment that made Joe Biden look eridite... for nineteen years running. Probably would have been longer too, except the silly old bastard ran for federal prime mincer in the late eighties and the rest of Australia said "geeeeeet faaaaaaaarked"...

Only in Queensland, and presumably... the United States. Sergio Be-often Peedupon was definitely a colourful character, at least as colourful as the bleached sections of Australia's Great Barrier Reef. Which, according to Australia's greates ever elected dribbler (and I quote) "I've seen them and I don't know what all the fuss is about... they look wonderful, all gleaming white" stands testament to just how patently stupid and utterly moronic the denizens of that state actually are. Also that gerrymandering works. Nineteen years? You'd have to be a moron for that, or be a boot licking masochist to sign on for such malarkey.

If that's the great benchmark for political excremence old Herman uses to proclaim Frog Gimp Johnny How-Hard and Scott-no-mates Morrison (whose fiscal responsibility in terms of government paid for hotels for returning citizens and *ahem* liberal distribution of taxpayer dollars to double unemployment benefits for the duration of lockdowns even the Chinese Health Organization says don't work) as somehow "desireable" then well and good. Personally, if the state of Queensland hadn't given us that Fran Drescher voiced 'Ranga Pauline Hanson, I'd be all for kicking it clean out of Australia. Fuck the inbred bastards, they've been mooching off the federal purse for far too long, what with debt relief packages for their inabilities to maintain their levees and building in flood plains, to say nothing of those fuel excise rorts they've been indulging in for more decades than anyone cares to count.

Fair fucking dinkum, even Sir Robert Menzies was a better leader... and he was a sleazy old fuckpig who made a pass at Lizzie Windsor... AND in front of his own wife. Cunt hated Australia so much, he begged the UK to bomb the fuck out of Maralinga extensively, then flew Australian servicemen through the fallout plumes to see what the results were.

Liberals - fucked up no matter what country you find them running. Yes Herman my boy, even in Australia. And I know you know this... because even you couldn't wait to get the fuck out of the place.


Also, I love I'm still seeing the message of "post will appear pending moderator approval" (or whatever), meanwhile you have Viagrabots spamming up the threads. "Priorities"... perhaps you should petition Trudeau for some.

Let me know if you want a good word put in on your behalf. Only two degrees separation between him and believe it or not, the guy isn't as bad as you think. Neither might I add are a good many of the other corrupt bastards in your government. At least they give you a comparatively easy choice to make, unlike Australia which functions politically as a vassal of the US for the most part, both major parties being willing enough to sell the citizenry short for old Uncle Sam. Probably Xi Xingpongping too when Beijing Biden finally gets access to the White House ornamental dribble cups...


Lucky country be fucked... more like Caskur's unlucky cunt.


Quote from: Guest post_id=391889 time=1606388451
Also, I love I'm still seeing the message of "post will appear pending moderator approval" (or whatever), meanwhile you have Viagrabots spamming up the threads. "Priorities"... perhaps you should petition Trudeau for some.

Let me know if you want a good word put in on your behalf. Only two degrees separation between him and believe it or not, the guy isn't as bad as you think. Neither might I add are a good many of the other corrupt bastards in your government. At least they give you a comparatively easy choice to make, unlike Australia which functions politically as a vassal of the US for the most part, both major parties being willing enough to sell the citizenry short for old Uncle Sam. Probably Xi Xingpongping too when Beijing Biden finally gets access to the White House ornamental dribble cups...


Lucky country be fucked... more like Caskur's unlucky cunt.

I believe that's changed now..

And it's nice to see you again.



Peaches and the rest of the CBT gang will be there marching for election transparency.

'March for Trump' Organizers Plan Large Rally in December

The organizers of the large march and rally in Washington this month say they're planning an event that could potentially draw even more people in the nation's capital on Dec. 12.

The date is significant because it's two days before the Electoral College electors meet in their states and vote for president and vice president.

Estimates of the turnout at the first march, which took place on Nov. 14, ranged from the low hundreds of thousands to 1.5 million.

"I think if the amount of outreach that we've had to us since the day of the March is indicative of crowd size, I wouldn't be surprised if this one is larger than other. People are excited about it. We've already got messages that hotel rooms are being booked, that they're driving from across the country and whatnot," said Kremer, who is CEO of Women for America First, a nonprofit that says its goals include supporting an America first agenda and stopping liberals from controlling the media's narrative.

The purpose of the march is to call for legal, not illegal, ballots to be counted in states across the nation.

"We want election integrity. This is to protect our elections, and we want our president to know that we're out here standing with him, we support him in fighting for election integrity, and we stayed with him," Kremer said. "We hope that all Trump supporters will come and join us, let the president know you're standing with him, and this is about the spirit of America. These are patriotic freedom-loving Americans from coast to coast, from all four corners.""> ... 2020-11-26">


Quote from: Fashionista post_id=391899 time=1606399842 user_id=3254
Quote from: Guest post_id=391889 time=1606388451
Also, I love I'm still seeing the message of "post will appear pending moderator approval" (or whatever), meanwhile you have Viagrabots spamming up the threads. "Priorities"...

I believe that's changed now..

And it's nice to see you again.

And you. For all the shit I give the old dag, I don't mind seeing Herman either. It's all good. As is the viagrabots... a totally pissweak act which I'm sure someone is getting a chubby over somewhere, but to my mind it's totally ineffectual and speaks to the overwhelming impotence and lack of cranial porridge of the person who practices it. Yes, that's a dyed in the wool shitposter telling you this, whoever you are. I'm sure you'd love it if I cared enough to bother familiarizing myself with your complete lack of nousse, but I don't. Keep firing those anonymous blanks, buddy, earn enough of those e-box tops and you might be able to trade them in on your very own assgasm.

And speaking of anonymity, I'm thinking that going forward it's arguably an asset to be so. When an entire nation gets to stand back and allow its elections t be stolen by the Occasional-Cortexes of this world that they might realise their wet dreams of stasi lists of "political dissidents" to deplatform from society, anonymous shitposting is perhaps the only non-violent form of protest left open to the common man. Clearly the ballot box is no longer an option.

At least it gets under someone's feelie-feels... which is more than might be said for the kind of wanker whose best play is to register a forum with a spam farm.


I liked what I heard about Joh Bjelke-Petersen when I lived in Queensland. I liked Johnny Howard too. Morrison too is A-okay too compared to anything we have in this sickening ultra progtard country. But, old Herman is only a redneck who spent his working life on drilling and service rigs all over the world.


Quote from: Herman post_id=392135 time=1606528173 user_id=1689
But, old Herman is only a redneck who spent his working life on drilling and service rigs all over the world.

And there's the rub.




The only people sorry to see Joh Bjelke -Pumpkinscone gone were the cartoonists and comedy speech writers.

And Herman.


Quote from: Guest post_id=392570 time=1606811804
The only people sorry to see Joh Bjelke -Pumpkinscone gone were the cartoonists and comedy speech writers.

And Herman.

Seattle and Portland need Joh Bjelke Petersen types for mayor to crack down hard on Antifa and BLM.

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