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Will the GOP Go Back to Being an Anti Working Class Establishment Party Like the democRATS

Started by Anonymous, November 15, 2020, 07:14:45 PM

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Trump changed the Republican Party as much as Barry Goldwater did. Will the change last?

The 'Deplorables' Must Cement Control of the Republican Party

It's time for the "Deplorables" fully to take over the Republican Party.

Some have suggested starting a new party—and I can understand that, given the frustrations—but why go to the trouble when you have the numbers to have all the power?

An existing party apparatus is sitting there and is there for the taking. Let's do it.

Just to be clear—who do I mean by the "deplorables"?

They are the decent, hard-working Americans of all classes that revere our democratic republic and our founding documents and deplore (in the real sense of the word) the Deep State and the dominance of Washington DC over our lives.

They reject bureaucracy, the uni-party of insiders, and the dangerous Orwellian pervasiveness of Big Tech and its social media tentacles replete with censorship and thought control.

They also seek to preserve liberty and the capitalist system of open markets, while opposing, with all their strength, the incursions of socialism and communism into our country through the influence of the Communist Party of China and others on and in our media, religious institutions, entertainment and educational system.

Above all, they adamantly support our Bill of Rights with freedom of speech and worship and the right to bear arms impregnable.

As of now, these "deplorables" are at least seventy-four million strong—and are, in essence, more unified than any other group, even though sometimes they do not realize it.

This movement is only partly about Donald Trump. He can be looked upon as a founding father of this renewal of American values but, as he himself has said on multiple occasions, this is about us."> ... 20-12-18-5">


Jim Crow Joe is already starting a preparing an eco-extremist shadow agency to kill American resource jobs and reward his billionaire backers and of course China.

Joe Biden Is Building A Secret EPA"> ... 9Kf6ODYxcl">

We already have an Environmental Protection Agency, and we don't need another one pulling strings for radical climate activists behind closed doors.

This week, President-elect Joe Biden announced a slate of nominations and selections for a variety of environmental positions within his administration. Unsurprisingly, these announcements were met with open arms by the media. But, if Biden is so proud of his upcoming environmental actions, why is he building a new environmental office within the White House? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) exists for a reason – and it's not to operate in secret from the White House.

Less than three months ago, and while McCarty was leading the NRDC, members of Congress called for an investigation into the ties between foreign actors on environmental non-profits in the United States. Specifically, they called for an examination of the "Sea Change Foundation," which has given millions to the NRDC.

To anyone paying attention, it's clear Joe Biden is trying to play us for fools ... again.

After spending the last six months trying to convince us that he doesn't support extreme ideas like a full ban on fracking and the Green New Deal, Biden is creating bureaucratic positions for leaders that are fully behind those disastrous proposals. His awkward inability to appear as an environmental moderate while still appeasing the radical eco-left like Aleaxandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders led to more than few embarrassing moments during his campaign.

Now that he looks to govern, how will Biden strike the balance between the eco-left's insane demands and the moderate image he needs to project? His solution is simple, yet misleading — he'll have the EPA attempt to pacify the public, and his secret environmental office do the bidding of radical environmentalists. Again, if Joe Biden is so proud of what he's going to implement, he shouldn't shy away from Congress and the public.

The terrible reality is that Gina McCarthy will help form a direct line between her former questionable employer and the White House, leaving America's energy workers without a voice.

There is too much at stake for our country to allow Joe Biden to create a secret EPA that will operate behind closed doors.

In appointing Gina McCarthy to lead the newly created Office of Domestic Climate Policy, Joe Biden is placing his controversial environmental agenda out of view from the American people. McCarthy is set to join former Sen. John Kerry in a questionable environmental role which doesn't require Senate confirmation, meaning less congressional oversight. However, when you look at McCarthy's previous experience, you might understand why Biden doesn't want her in front of any congressional committee.

McCarthy would join the Biden White House after leading the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), an environmental organization that faced scrutiny for their relationship to Chinese entities. Of course, the "solutions" for which the NRDC routinely pushes just so happen to have the potential to destroy American energy independence in favor of Chinese-made solar panels, but I'm sure that's just a coincidence.


Jim Crow Joe will follow the same failed anti resource policies as Justine. Tell the masses were in a crisis and the only way to stop it is to ship energy industry jobs overseas, and import wind turbines and solar panels from China. It won't stop climate change, but it will put red state voters out of work and make his Chinese puppermasters happy.

President-Elect Biden Introduces Climate Team, EPA Nominee Promises To Combat 'Environmental Justice'"> ... QEZNb0h5Ky">

"I'm here today because climate change is not only a threat to the planet — it is a threat to our health and our wellbeing. It is a threat to the people everywhere," said Gina McCarthy, Biden's choice for National Climate Adviser. "Defeating this threat is the fight of our lifetimes."

Biden has long said that combatting climate change would be a top priority for his presidency, a message President Donald Trump and Republicans argued could ruin thousands of American energy jobs.

Biden also announced in late November that he plans to appoint former presidential candidate John Kerry to be climate czar and add him to the National Security Council. Kerry will pursue climate policy internationally in negotiations with China and other countries.

Biden faced harsh criticism following the second presidential debate with Trump after saying he wants the U.S. to transition away from the oil industry.

"I would transition from the oil industry, yes," Biden said when questioned. ""It has to be replaced by renewable energy over time, over time. I'd stop giving them federal subsidies."

Nearly 10 million Americans work in the oil industry, according to the American Petroleum Institute."> ... QEZNb0h5Ky">


Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=390536 time=1605488797 user_id=2015
Quote from: Odinson post_id=390532 time=1605488133 user_id=136
Its too bad that USA doesnt have functional unions..

They could go in general strike and really mix things for the democrats.

I am a member of a trade union. They take our dues and give it to a political party(NDP) who want to send Canadian jobs overseas.

Alberta's Bill 32 really made them go ballistic, because now members can withhold some of their dues if they are trying to give it away to political parties.

A certain union even went after small businesses that donated to the UCP, but that worked out as well as AOC's attack on Goya.


Quote from: sasquatch post_id=394953 time=1608657837 user_id=3246
Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=390536 time=1605488797 user_id=2015
Quote from: Odinson post_id=390532 time=1605488133 user_id=136
Its too bad that USA doesnt have functional unions..

They could go in general strike and really mix things for the democrats.

I am a member of a trade union. They take our dues and give it to a political party(NDP) who want to send Canadian jobs overseas.

Alberta's Bill 32 really made them go ballistic, because now members can withhold some of their dues if they are trying to give it away to political parties.

A certain union even went after small businesses that donated to the UCP, but that worked out as well as AOC's attack on Goya.

IHJ lives in Manitoba, so Bill 32 won't do anything for him..

Merry Christmas sasquatch.



Quote from: sasquatch post_id=394953 time=1608657837 user_id=3246
Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=390536 time=1605488797 user_id=2015
Quote from: Odinson post_id=390532 time=1605488133 user_id=136
Its too bad that USA doesnt have functional unions..

They could go in general strike and really mix things for the democrats.

I am a member of a trade union. They take our dues and give it to a political party(NDP) who want to send Canadian jobs overseas.

Alberta's Bill 32 really made them go ballistic, because now members can withhold some of their dues if they are trying to give it away to political parties.

A certain union even went after small businesses that donated to the UCP, but that worked out as well as AOC's attack on Goya.

Kenney's government did that? Standing up to big labour, especially big public sector bullying takes balls.


Quote from: seoulbro post_id=394959 time=1608660285 user_id=114
Quote from: sasquatch post_id=394953 time=1608657837 user_id=3246
Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=390536 time=1605488797 user_id=2015
Quote from: Odinson post_id=390532 time=1605488133 user_id=136
Its too bad that USA doesnt have functional unions..

They could go in general strike and really mix things for the democrats.

I am a member of a trade union. They take our dues and give it to a political party(NDP) who want to send Canadian jobs overseas.

Alberta's Bill 32 really made them go ballistic, because now members can withhold some of their dues if they are trying to give it away to political parties.

A certain union even went after small businesses that donated to the UCP, but that worked out as well as AOC's attack on Goya.

Kenney's government did that? Standing up to big labour, especially big public sector bullying takes balls.

yep. The AFL went fucking ballistic over bill 32."> ... disturbing">

the AFL clowns actually thought Alberta was full of woke leftists that will frogmarch to their tune of boycotting businesses because the UCP cut off a big part of their gravy train of funneling dues money to the NDP.

The boycott had the same effect as AOC calling for boycotts of goya. more people vowing to do more business with those businesses rather than less. Gil shuffled back into obscurity with an ass that matched his beliefs(communist red) and trying to pretend that backfired trainwreck never happened.

What the fuck dids they expect would happen in a deep blue(or red if you're american) province?


My respect level for Jason Kenney has gone up a lot. Doug Ford, talks a big game, but he backs down from our powerful public sector unions every time. His weakness is bad for Ontario taxpayers.


'Standing Up For Forgotten Americans': Former Trump Admin Member Breaks Down President's Legacy

... e=emb_logo">[/media]


Are you listening Bernie and AOC.

Majority of Americans Support Free Market Over Socialist Economic System: Poll

A majority of Americans prefer a free-market economic system over a socialist economic system, according to a recent poll conducted jointly by The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports.

Respondents were asked, among other questions "which is better—a free-market economic system or socialism?" in which 75 percent chose the free-market economic system. Just 11 percent voted for socialism, according to the Dec. 18 poll that surveyed 1,000 people across the nation.

One question asked respondents for their impression of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.

Most of the respondents had a negative view of Cortez: 38 percent said they had a "very unfavorable" impression of the congresswoman while 20 percent said they had a "somewhat unfavorable" impression of her. Eighteen percent said they had a "very favorable" view of her, while 19 percent said they see her as "somewhat favorable." About 15 percent of likely voters said they were not sure.

Chris Talgo, editor and Research Fellow at The Heartland Institute, said in a statement that "despite the increased calls for socialism by many on the far left," most still believe that the United States "should embrace a free-market economy."

"Only a sliver of likely voters think that the United States should abandon the free-market capitalistic policies that are responsible for making the United States the wealthiest nation in world history," he added.

"Despite the countless calls for more socialism among elites in media and Hollywood, Americans aren't interested in adopting the same socialist policies that have led to mass poverty wherever they have been tried.""> ... 2020-12-25">


It seems GOP voters want to keep the blue collar, nationalistic focus of the Trump era.

72 Percent of Republicans See Trump as Model for Future of GOP: Poll

A new poll shows that 72 percent of likely Republican voters think President Donald Trump should be the role model for the GOP going forward, rather than the average Republican member of Congress.

"As the Republican Party reorganizes itself next year, should it be more like President Trump or more like the average GOP member of Congress?" respondents were asked on Dec. 21-22, according to a Rasmussen poll published on Monday.

With a sampling error of +/- 3 percentage points, 72 percent of GOP voters said "Trump."

Asked whether Republicans should look for a fresh face to run for president in 2024 or whether they should field a candidate that has already run in the past, 52 percent of likely GOP voters said they would like to see someone new. A similar question was put to voters six years ago, namely whether they thought the GOP needed a fresh face in 2016. At the time, 64 percent opted for new blood, with Trump beating out Republican rivals in the primaries two years later, before going on to win the race for the White House.

The results suggest there continues to be strong support for Trump among Republicans. Other surveys suggest broader support for his policies.

A Gallup poll several weeks ahead of the Nov. 3 election indicated that a clear majority (56 percent) of all voters declared that they were better off than they were four years ago, suggesting most Americans feel they have benefited from Trump's policies. These results were higher than in 1984, 1992, 2004, and 2012, when incumbent presidents ran for a second term.

But while the average American household, thanks to Trump's tax cuts, saved around $1,600 per year, and his economic policies saw record low unemployment, including among black and Hispanic Americans, a CBS exit poll following the November election found that 76 percent of voters who wanted a "unifying candidate" voted for Democrat Joe Biden, suggesting many had grown weary of Trump's style of politics.

Yet the fact that Republicans made strong gains in House races and, pending the Georgia runoffs, may hold their majority in the Senate, could mean that many voters repudiated the liberal agenda, and Trump's "Make America Great Again" platform enjoys popular support.

Meanwhile, a recent Gallup survey shows that Trump is the most admired man in America this year. Eighteen percent of respondents chose Trump as the most admired man of 2020, a year after he tied former President Barack Obama for first place."> ... 20-12-29-1">


Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan fundamentally changed the GOP and it stuck until Trump. I am not sure the Trump pro blue collar, nationalist stamp will stick. Likewise, the Democrats too are struggling to find a united front. The latest congressional races indicate the party will suppress the AOC/Sanders wing.
gay, conservative and proud


Polling data indicates that a vast majority of Republican voters want President Donald Trump to remain the GOP's standard-bearer even after the end of his term in office.

A poll released Monday by Rasmussen Reports found that 72% of likely Republican voters believe the GOP should be more like Trump than the average Republican member of Congress. Just 24% of respondents thought Congressional Republicans were a better model for the GOP's future.
gay, conservative and proud


I see Pelosi and Schumer will hold up those $2K stimilus checks if it means looking into electoral fraud in places like Fulton and Wayne counties.

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