Quote from: Dove post_id=478535 time=1666728188 user_id=3266Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=478528 time=1666723695 user_id=1728
I really couldn't say, perhaps you are totally irresistible in the flesh? Who knows, but under the current cicumstances, I can assure you that there won't be any crushes or general weirdness from my direction.
Totally not saying that to be arrogant or suggest I'm irresistible at all lol.
Being that comfortable with someone with the opposite sex that you already find physically attractive will usually start turning into feels. That whole "she gets it" vibe. And there are men who have mistaken my lower self esteem as humility and think they found something really specail....to their emotional detriment because I've been "damaged goods" for decades.
But will you cut yourself?