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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

avatar_Trump’s Niece

Sit down Trump

Started by Trump’s Niece, November 09, 2022, 09:29:16 AM

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Tomorrow Trump is supposed to announce he is running again.


Quote from: Edward post_id=481748 time=1668481109
Tomorrow Trump is supposed to announce he is running again.

So the media keeps bleating. Considering everything they've got wrong over the last two and a half years (Covid origin, maskerbation, "vaccine" mandates, lockdowns, the Biden's corrupt dealings with Burisma, the economy, who fucked Paul Pelosi up etc etc etc), it would almost qualify as a sympathy fuck if that broken clock would be right even once a day.


Quote from: Breakfall post_id=480600 time=1668030392 user_id=3358
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=480598 time=1668029360 user_id=2845

I'm gonna toss all the politics on to its proper board after the results come in.

Nice one. The usual suspects will just tire us all out. They have their political points of view and it'll be a case of just glossing over the mindless drivel.

So many talented and artistic members across many boards are lost because of an unrelenting boring few... it's not even entertaining in the least.

I think the only entertaining thing about Biden was his gaffs and farting/sharting live on air. And as for that Trump fuckwit, he can cause a riot in seconds. That sets a dangerous precipice for America and her allies on the world stage.

Let's make forums great again...


Pretend you have some self control and do not click on threads if you dislike the topic.  Even small children know how to do that so why don't you?


Quote from: Edward post_id=481748 time=1668481109
Tomorrow Trump is supposed to announce he is running again.

He should shut his mouth until after the Georgia Senate run off.  All Trump will do is harm the Republican party.


Quote from: Dove post_id=480918 time=1668216806 user_id=3266
Quote from: Guest post_id=480914 time=1668216356

And that is why the leftist media is looking to fan as much division as they can, forcing MAGA republicans to pick a side when in truth you could have both. That scares the crap out of the progs, as much as it does the neo-cons and neo-libs. Four more years of Trump they cannot abide, and if they can sucker DeSantis into dropping the ball in Florida to try his hand at getting around the fortifications at the federal level while they shuffle some Disney friendly lacky to assume the gubernatorial position, then so much the better.

You should all be saying "fuck that shit". I agree, DeSantis is good, his place at the moment however is in Florida where his results have enjoyed wildly popular support. I also agree that after close to eight years worth of character assassination, Trump's name is mud in certain quarters, but the bad press didn't stop him kicking ass 2016-20 and earning three Nobel Peace Prize nominations from the international community. He should be your first pick for 2024. If you secure the senate, you might do a lot worse than to install him as house speaker, placing him but two impeachments away from the Commander in Chief spot. That would really give your opponents something to go "REEEEEEEE" about.

Keep DeSantis in your back pocket a few more years. The guy is good and will acquit himself admirably in the gubernatorial slot of a revived and booming Florida. 2024 should be a Trump/Paul ticket, then Paul/DeSantis in 2028 and 2032, then DeSantis for eight years in 2036. And who knows, maybe  by that time the DemonKKKrats might have unclogged their pipes by that stage and actually bothered to cough up a platform worthy of consideration, if not actually voting for.

This is assuming Trump intends to run. We don't have a definite on that just yet, but while it does seem a safe bet given the amount of braying the donkeys have been doing, I put it to you they literally have nothing better to offer than division and demoralization within our ranks.

Don't give in to them. They spent eight years amplifying everything they could to make him look bad because he wouldn't feed their war machine. If peace and prosperity comes at the cost of a rampaging loudmouth scaring the foreign cunts into line and the zipper-tittied wokeists into chopping their own genitals off, turn him loose in the white house and reap the rewards.

 This has to be Sum Cunt.  

 And I agree with all of this. Perfect!  I'd definately vote DeSantis in 2024 but I'd rather have Trump and then 8 years of DeSantis. We can and should eek another term out of Trump.

Trump is the weakest candidate and would lose again.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Guest post_id=480914 time=1668216356
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=480684 time=1668095643 user_id=3351
When it was Graham, McConnell, McCain, and Bush running the GOP, I voted 3rd Party (Constitution Party) and will again if they go back there. As far as DeSantis, I'll vote for him if he's the guy but right now, TRUMP 2024!!! Trump has done everything to strengthen the GOP while the RINO's continue to fuck it up.

And that is why the leftist media is looking to fan as much division as they can, forcing MAGA republicans to pick a side when in truth you could have both. That scares the crap out of the progs, as much as it does the neo-cons and neo-libs. Four more years of Trump they cannot abide, and if they can sucker DeSantis into dropping the ball in Florida to try his hand at getting around the fortifications at the federal level while they shuffle some Disney friendly lacky to assume the gubernatorial position, then so much the better.

You should all be saying "fuck that shit". I agree, DeSantis is good, his place at the moment however is in Florida where his results have enjoyed wildly popular support. I also agree that after close to eight years worth of character assassination, Trump's name is mud in certain quarters, but the bad press didn't stop him kicking ass 2016-20 and earning three Nobel Peace Prize nominations from the international community. He should be your first pick for 2024. If you secure the senate, you might do a lot worse than to install him as house speaker, placing him but two impeachments away from the Commander in Chief spot. That would really give your opponents something to go "REEEEEEEE" about.

Keep DeSantis in your back pocket a few more years. The guy is good and will acquit himself admirably in the gubernatorial slot of a revived and booming Florida. 2024 should be a Trump/Paul ticket, then Paul/DeSantis in 2028 and 2032, then DeSantis for eight years in 2036. And who knows, maybe  by that time the DemonKKKrats might have unclogged their pipes by that stage and actually bothered to cough up a platform worthy of consideration, if not actually voting for.

This is assuming Trump intends to run. We don't have a definite on that just yet, but while it does seem a safe bet given the amount of braying the donkeys have been doing, I put it to you they literally have nothing better to offer than division and demoralization within our ranks.

Don't give in to them. They spent eight years amplifying everything they could to make him look bad because he wouldn't feed their war machine. If peace and prosperity comes at the cost of a rampaging loudmouth scaring the foreign cunts into line and the zipper-tittied wokeists into chopping their own genitals off, turn him loose in the white house and reap the rewards.

100% spot on

DeSantis should stay in Florida as running for pres in this corrupt federal garbage system we have serves only to unseat him

The Dem scum is going to cheat their way in no matter who you put in the ring (Arizona was proof of that) so why lose a great governor in a great state and leave Floridians fate in the hands of a bunch of mutant hillbilly dipshits that voted in a dead body in Pennsylvania , or even worse, in the hands of cuck spastics who think that placing tampons in all boys bathroom is a prudent use of tax payer monies


I see your point Biggie. It could be that federally, the US is a defacto one party state like Canada is.


I can name at least a half dozen GOP front runners for POTUS that are miles behind Trump.

1. Rubio

2. Kasich

3. Romney

4. Jebulon Bush

5. Mike Pence

6. Crisp Crispy

7. Ted Cruz



Quote from: Edward post_id=481820 time=1668536700I don't mind Mitt Romney.

You'd like to get penetrated by Kasich too. Very squishy like Mittens.


Quote from: Oerdin post_id=481788 time=1668529667 user_id=3374
Quote from: Breakfall post_id=480600 time=1668030392 user_id=3358

Nice one. The usual suspects will just tire us all out. They have their political points of view and it'll be a case of just glossing over the mindless drivel.

So many talented and artistic members across many boards are lost because of an unrelenting boring few... it's not even entertaining in the least.

I think the only entertaining thing about Biden was his gaffs and farting/sharting live on air. And as for that Trump fuckwit, he can cause a riot in seconds. That sets a dangerous precipice for America and her allies on the world stage.

Let's make forums great again...


Pretend you have some self control and do not click on threads if you dislike the topic.  Even small children know how to do that so why don't you?

I've heard it all before...just try refrain from inundating us with useless tripe politics and try to contribute throughout the rest of the board. It's not rocket science kiddo!


Quote from: Lokmar post_id=481807 time=1668534347 user_id=3351
I can name at least a half dozen GOP front runners for POTUS that are miles behind Trump.

1. Rubio

2. Kasich

3. Romney

4. Jebulon Bush

5. Mike Pence

6. Crisp Crispy

7. Ted Cruz

That Mike Pence is a Great Guy...Lokmar!

If I was a Republican, I'd vote for him.

You should too, Bud!


Quote from: "Joe Ho Ho" post_id=482039 time=1668589267
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=481807 time=1668534347 user_id=3351
I can name at least a half dozen GOP front runners for POTUS that are miles behind Trump.

1. Rubio

2. Kasich

3. Romney

4. Jebulon Bush

5. Mike Pence

6. Crisp Crispy

7. Ted Cruz

That Mike Pence is a Great Guy...Lokmar!

If I was a Republican, I'd vote for him.

You should too, Bud!

Shush, Mongo.


Quote from: Edward post_id=481820 time=1668536700I don't mind Mitt Romney.

 You are an establishment cuck who supports the uniparty wouldn't.

 It's people who go against the uniparty and give us actual party options that irritate you.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

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