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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Politics/Religion Consolidated Megathread Extravaganza

Started by Blazor, November 15, 2022, 12:42:03 PM

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Quote from: "The Treasurer" post_id=498918 time=1682537319 user_id=3382
Quote from: DKG post_id=498906 time=1682533473 user_id=3390
Biden is the most unpopular president since polling began. The only chance he has of being reelected is Trump, who is less popular, is the GOP nominee.

I thought Trump was polling better than DeSantis.

For the GOP nomination. I think they are about even in a general.



Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley went on the attack against Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis in his fight against Disney, and many noted that she used a nickname insult coined by former President Donald Trump.

DeSantis has been in feud with the massive corporation over land used by Disney World in the state. On Wednesday, Disney filed a lawsuit against DeSantis, alleging that he and other state officials had waged a "relentless campaign to weaponize government power" against the company."> ... ctimonious">


Prog hyprocrisy again.

Los Angeles Councilwoman Nithya Raman recently blamed Toyota for catalytic converter thefts from the Prius — and reportedly did so after opposing a council motion targeting the crime.

The Westside Current reported that the April 11 council motion — which makes it unlawful to possess detached catalytic converters without valid documentation or other proofs verifying lawful possession — passed 8-4.


Robert F Kennedy Jr is running for president. But, Jim Crow Joe will not debate him for the democRATic nomination.


Tennessee's democratically elected lawmakers and governor successfully executed the will of the people last month, passing a law prohibiting health care providers both from mutilating children's genitals and administering them irreversible puberty blockers. The law goes into effect on July 1 — unless, of course, the Biden Department of Justice gets its way.

The DOJ filed a lawsuit Wednesday seeking to block Senate Bill 1, claiming the law violates the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause by discriminating against "transgender youth."

Federal overreach at it's worst.


The Idaho State Board of Education announced that it approved a resolution that prohibits public institutions from requesting or requiring diversity statements from prospective employees.

The ban, applies to four-year public institutions that may or may not have required candidates applying for employment to give statements in support of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

DKG"> ... r-question">


North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum signed legislation that requires people to use bathrooms and shower rooms in accordance with their biological sex at state-run facilities.

While the bill does not cover all state-run facilities, the list contained prisons, youth correctional centers, dormitories, or any housing controlled by the state board or higher education.


Socialists, AOC and Pramila Jayapal are endorsing Biden's reelection. ac_umm


Biden continues to bleed liberal support to RFK Jr, Marianne Williamson in 2024 Dem-on-Dem showdown. According to a Fox News poll, Kennedy and Williamson both carry a combined 28% of the blue vote. :shock:


Democraps elites know 70% of people don't want Biden to run again so they are rigging the primaries for him.  They officially cancelled all primary debates because the dementia patient is to far gone to do well in them and they are afraid challengers would get favorable coverage.


Jim Crow Joe's approval rating has sunk to an all-time low as he embarks on his 2024 re-election effort, a new poll shows.

The survey, released by Gallup on Thursday, found that just 37% of US adults approved of the 80-year-old president's job performance, the lowest the polling outfit has measured since the start of his presidency.

Gallup found that 59% of adults said they disapproved of the job Biden has done as commander in chief.

The poll was conducted between April 3-25. It was completed on the day Biden announced he would seek a second term in office.


Today is a sad day for free speech in Canada.

With the official passage of Bill C-11, which aims to censor and regulate the internet through the manipulation of social media algorithms (including Twitter), Canadians can no longer be confident that the content they see on social media is being independently distributed and ranked according to their interests and activity.

Instead, this bill, which was/is supported by both the NDP and Liberals, gives the government (through the CRTC) the power to compel certain content from "preferred distributors" (like the CBC) to the top of Canadians' news feeds, "recommended videos" and "up next" playlists – and, by extension, to bury the rest.

In short, this is an attempt to control what Canadians think, by controlling what they see. To interfere and meddle in the marketplace of ideas in an effort to engineer cultural outcomes complimentary to the ideology they prefer.

It is this undeniable political motivation that makes this legislation so antithetical to the core Canadian values of free speech and free expression, and why all Canadians, regardless of political affiliation, should seriously question the ethics, wisdom and necessity of such unprecedented government intervention whenever the next federal election is called.


Governor Jim Justice is going to challenge Joe Manchin for a senate seat in West Virginia. Governor Justice has higher approval ratings than Manchin.