SMF - Just Installed!
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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar
Started by Blazor, November 15, 2022, 12:42:03 PM
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Quote from: DKG post_id=504452 time=1687782420 user_id=3390Quote from: Oerdin post_id=504194 time=1687537044 user_id=3374
So all the American Social media is going to block news links for Canadian news sites for users because the Canadian government is to stupid to understand basic economics. If social media users share links to Canadian news websites then the Canadian government demands welfare be givien to those Canadian news sites. Like most socialists the Canadian government is stupid and instead of paying welfare money to Canadian companies American companies will just ban the sharing of links from Canadian news sites thus decreasing traffic and ad revenue for Canadian news sites.
They should have been happy to have companies link to their website thus driving traffic to their websites so they can sell more ads. Instead their ad revenue will crater because Canada's governing officials are low I.Q. imbeciles.
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=504544 time=1687854755 user_id=3409Quote from: DKG post_id=504452 time=1687782420 user_id=3390
Shame on the NDP for voting with the government on this bill.
The Australian government tried something similar last year or the year before if memory serves. "Mu h media is losing money, you must pay" and all that crap. Fecesbook yanked its services for a few days instead, throwing the government into utter chaos since they were quite reliant on the free service Fecesbook provided.
They backed down in the end and Fecesbook restored services.
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=504586 time=1687895579 user_id=3389
That commie cow, Olivia Chow is the new mayor of Toronto. She has never held a real job in her life and she thinks there's no end to other people's money.
Quote from: "Berry Sweet" post_id=504626 time=1687916456 user_id=164
Is this where we can talk politics?
Is this Canadian or world wide politics?
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