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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Government Spending

Started by Herman, July 12, 2023, 07:57:47 PM

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I aint some minimal government conservative like the Seoul brother. If a man or woman works hard all their lives, they should have adequate health care and some guaranteed income when they retire. They paid for both for a long time.

This is why I liked Trump's working class directed spending. Jim Crow Joe and Justine give trillions of working people's money to woke billionaires and corporations in the name of going green. Remember Justine giving $14 million to the billionaire Weston family of Loblaws to retrofit refrigeration in their stores.

The US and Canada cannot keep spending the way they are. The only folks that are benefitting from all this largesse are politically connected people who do not need help in the first place. While I want this spending to come to a screeching halt, I have a feeling any spending cuts will not come as the expense of prog crony capitalism."> ... ing%20News">

A coalition of 21 Republican lawmakers has drawn a line in the sand, warning House Speaker Kevin McCarthy that they will not support appropriations measures that fail to adequately address soaring government spending.

According to a letter that Fox News has posted, the lawmakers declared that they "cannot support appropriations bills that will produce a top-line discretionary spending level barely below the bloated FY 2023 level (already grossly increased by the lame-duck omnibus spending bill we all vehemently opposed a mere six months ago) and effectively in line with the cap set by the debt ceiling deal that we opposed and was supported by more Democrats than Republicans."

"For unity to exist, we must have a clear mission to actually cut the total discretionary federal bureaucracy to pre-pandemic levels and end the empowerment of President Biden's radical woke and weaponized government," the conservatives explained. "Absent adhering to the $1.471 trillion spending level – and/or achieving significant policy victories such as forcing President Biden to sign H.R. 2 and take the steps necessary to secure the border – we see an impossible path to reach 218 Republican votes on appropriations or other measures."


Hevin McCarthy has got some concessions on spending, but not nearly enough. I support entitlement reform, in particular social security. If reforms are not made soon the choice of how to reform will be taken away and across the board cuts will be necessary.

In Canada, the CHA, or Canada Health Act has to be modernized to reflect other G20 nations or drastic changes to how we deliver health care will be forced on Canadians.