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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

avatar_Biggie Smiles

The whole Russia topic

Started by Biggie Smiles, April 07, 2024, 06:31:32 PM

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Biggie Smiles

Convo started in the shout-box about Putin allegedly wanting to invade some other toilet country with a name most Americans cant even pronounce

[07|Apr 04:10 PM] Whisper to Garraty_47 Garraty_47: I haven't seen/heard anything about Russia and Kazakhstan yet so I don't know what (if anything) is happening with that. But I do know all the anti-Russia nonsense is just leftover cold war bullshit.
Lokmar [07|Apr 04:31 PM] Whisper to Lokmar Lokmar: Yea, the Kazakhstan stuff may be a big ol pile of steamy bullshit. If not, time to fuck up russia. LET THE WW# GAMES BEGIN!!!
Lokmar [07|Apr 04:32 PM] Whisper to Lokmar Lokmar: WW3 that is
Thiel [07|Apr 04:38 PM] Whisper to Thiel Thiel: The States cannot let go of the cold war.
Lokmar [07|Apr 05:18 PM] Whisper to Lokmar Lokmar: Them Ruskies are sneaky and deviants...more like chanks than white peepeo!!!!!
Lokmar [07|Apr 05:19 PM] Whisper to Lokmar Lokmar: Dont believe me tho, just ask General Patton!
Lokmar [07|Apr 05:24 PM] Whisper to Lokmar Lokmar: "The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he is not a European but an Asiatic and therefore thinks deviously. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinaman or a Japanese and, from what I have seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. In addition to his other amiable characteristics, the Russian has no regard for human life and is an all-out son of a bitch, a barbarian, and a chronic drunk."
Lokmar [07|Apr 05:26 PM] Whisper to Lokmar Lokmar: This is a gem: [link]
Biggie Smiles [07|Apr 06:27 PM] Biggie Smiles: what's with all the Russia hate when it's the chinese who are stating boldly and openly that they want to rule the world and are invoking every covert tactic they can to make good on that proclimation
Biggie Smiles [07|Apr 06:28 PM] Biggie Smiles: are teh russias invading the minds of our most vulnerable with social media apps designed to decay the very moral fabric of our country?
Biggie Smiles [07|Apr 06:28 PM] Biggie Smiles: does russia have a strangle hold on the health supplies used by average americans?
Biggie Smiles [07|Apr 06:29 PM] Biggie Smiles: can russia snap their fingers and cause a 6 month delay on essential computer chips the US needs to run those fancy airplanes we so often brag about?
Biggie Smiles [07|Apr 06:29 PM] Biggie Smiles: Russia is a fucking distraction


The problem with most 'Muricans' attitudes toward Russia is that it's all based on pentagon and state department propaganda that hasn't been updated since the iron curtain was still a thing.

McCarthy-ite xenophobic red-baiting bullshit to hide the fact that USA/NATO has been positioning itself (almost a thousand military bases all over the world including encircling nations like Russia and China) to launch an attack on Russia for decades because Russia:

Has a lot of resources that 'Murica doesn't control

Doesn't want to hand over control of their resources to western corporate interests

It's the fucking money and global hegemony, as usual. The average 'Murican has way more in common with the average Russian than they do with western oligarchs and the professional managerial classes that keep trying to convince us to hate each other.

Biggie Smiles

We're talking about this in the shoutbox now

I'd prefer it to be here.

So yeah, someone tells me what the harm is if Putin returns the entire geography back to the days before the USSR collapsed.

Are we at any greater risk than we were in the 50s? 60s? 70s? 80s? 90s?

land masses don't mean shit. Resources that can increase the effectiveness of the war machine do

so what resources do Ukraine or that other boot of a country have that would make him invincible if he were to conquer them?


Russia doesn't *need* more resources, especially energy. Anything they don't have they can get from one or more of the other BRICS nations.

Even Europe benefited from trade with Russia. That's why we blew up the Nordstream pipelines; Russia was providing the cheap natural gas that made Germany the European Union's industrial powerhouse. Now the German economy is contracting and showing signs of de-industrialization.

If Germany is smart they'll leave NATO and the EU and join BRICS; the sooner the better.
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