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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

I am OFFICIAL UncleDiLF® - Let's meAT...hehe!!!

Started by UncleDilf, March 07, 2017, 05:14:41 AM

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Quote from: "SCOUSE"Dilf is a good guy, we go back a long way.  ac_smile

His posts are rather juvenile..

I'm sure it's all for entertainment purposes though.


Kissy meATS!!!

Lets all meATs and CUMpare some of our biGG and StiFF meATs!!!

Where can I park my meAt? On whiches SKULL? Maybe Kiefers the sad depressed attention seeking social loser? Or FAshista???

I crush all of you!!!


Quote from: "SCOUSE"Kissy meATS Dilf!! Where has your Premium SKULL been hiding?

Kissy meATs!!!! And Ahoi big SCOUSE!!!! How is England doing?? Is it white and pride???

Have you invested your money wisely? Invest in bitcoins my friend! By the end of the year it will stay at 3000!!! Invest now!

How your white CORPSE is in awesome shape.

Have ou hearded that DrPeadPepper hanged himself yesterday? With Zyklon? They playeded with each other cocks and then they dieded


Quote from: "UncleDilf"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Kissy meATS Dilf!! Where has your Premium SKULL been hiding?

Kissy meATs!!!! And Ahoi big SCOUSE!!!! How is England doing?? Is it white and pride???

Have you invested your money wisely? Invest in bitcoins my friend! By the end of the year it will stay at 3000!!! Invest now!

How your white CORPSE is in awesome shape.

Have ou hearded that DrPeadPepper hanged himself yesterday? With Zyklon? They playeded with each other cocks and then they dieded

You sticking around mate?  

Semen has rage quit because nobody likes him.   ac_lmfao


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "UncleDilf"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Kissy meATS Dilf!! Where has your Premium SKULL been hiding?

Kissy meATs!!!! And Ahoi big SCOUSE!!!! How is England doing?? Is it white and pride???

Have you invested your money wisely? Invest in bitcoins my friend! By the end of the year it will stay at 3000!!! Invest now!

How your white CORPSE is in awesome shape.

Have ou hearded that DrPeadPepper hanged himself yesterday? With Zyklon? They playeded with each other cocks and then they dieded

You sticking around mate?  

Semen has rage quit because nobody likes him.   ac_lmfao

I guess mate. At least this forum doesn't ban you for saying the truth or edit your posts/title as in shitty van forum.

I guess I stay. They like me here.

Let's meAT...hehe!!!


Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "RW"Wasn't the "Kissy MeAT Crew" the guys who wrecked up BF?

Well as always its a matter of perception. Some say wrecked, others say enriched......... I'd be part of the group who thought the latter.   :smiley_thumbs_up_yellow_ani:


Is it true that Uncle DiLF's big brother used to pee in a glass, tell him it was apple juice and DiLF would drink it and ask for more?  Because I heard that happened.
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "RW"Wasn't the "Kissy MeAT Crew" the guys who wrecked up BF?

Well as always its a matter of perception. Some say wrecked, others say enriched......... I'd be part of the group who thought the latter.   :smiley_thumbs_up_yellow_ani:

Which fails to explain why BF went belly up...what with such a RICH vein of wit, intellect and sparkling repartee.


Quote from: "Bricktop"

Which fails to explain why BF went belly up...what with such a RICH vein of wit, intellect and sparkling repartee.

It was probably because I wasn't posting much around that time.

Seriously, I think the owner just had some real life problems and decided abruptly to pull the plug. I don't think it was because of anything that had happened on the board.


C'mon...that place was going nowhere. It was filled with alters and nujobs.


It was a fun place, but yeah the alts were annoying. The site owner had this strategy of making fake accounts of women with the intention of attracting male posters...... Only trouble was it was obvious as fuck, and he used to get pissed at me for blowing his cover all the time.


Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Kissy meATS Dilf!! Where has your Premium SKULL been hiding?

You like his skull?

Its just BF talk, Dilfisms are very contagious.  ac_biggrin
BF means boyfriend. Sissy queers.


Quote from: "Guest"Yeah. So what?

Kissy meAT crew rocks!

How many people were part of that crew besides yourself?

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