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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

I am OFFICIAL UncleDiLF® - Let's meAT...hehe!!!

Started by UncleDilf, March 07, 2017, 05:14:41 AM

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Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"I dont know who coined that name, but it came from one of Dilf's trademark catchphrases 'KIssy meATS!'.

The numbers of us have varied over the years, but its ranged from 3 or 4 to about 10 when we first joined BF. Me and Dilf came from a board called the YNC and after we were banned from there, thanks to an uptight, senile old mod, a lot of users who we got along with, and ones that hated us too, followed us over to BF.  

The BF owner even pm'd  me thanking me for all the traffic I'd brought, as there were around 15-20 new users that signed up on there from the YNC after we did.

Seems you get banned by a lot of mods on different forums.....and I see that it's always the mods fault....some kind of personal vendetta I suppose..... :laugh3:

Truth is you and your crew of losers, door knobs and window lickers are the problem. Between you and your asshole buddy, Uncle Dildo, you have the collective IQ of a bar of soap. The two of you add about as much value to a forum as tits do on a bull.

 I know you're all proud of yourself for all the weak ass forum trolling and PI lifting you've been involved in and you just can't wait to tell us ALL about it...... But what the hell makes you think anyone is interested in your totally inane forum travels? Do you think anyone here actually gives more than a lump of stale dog shit about where you've been or which talking puss filled boil followed your pimply ass from cesspool to cesspool?

But I guess I can't really fault you. I guess if my greatest achievement in life was laying carpet or mopping up vomit from the floor of a dive bar's unisex bathroom, I might be proud of being the terror of the internet equivalent of club retard as well. :laugh3:

Does your opinion matter? About anything?  Nope. Sorry for all the fucks I don't give about your post which I didn't even bother to read properly....

Apparently it mattered enough for you to read (however improperly.. :laugh3:) and respond.

So much for no fucks given.  :laugh3:

Thanks for validating my previous post, you fucking sped.

You're really boring the fuck out of me now, will you kindly fuck off please, cheers.

Oh I'm boring you.......weak tit acknowledged.....What's the matter douche....all out of snippy little, 3rd rate, fat lames?

That's rich.......YOU calling someone else "boring".....PKB much?  :001_rolleyes:

Go "terrorize" some halfwit with your one line schoolyard pablum....that's your fucking low life style.... :laugh3:
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.

Twenty Dollars">

 Scouse nazi and his blow up doll support group. Dilfs in there somewhere.


Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Nah, Badger just hated me because I terrorised him all the time.  Plus he had a bumchum called DrFuckingPepper who me and Dilf used to troll constantly, and he ended up pressuring badger to ban us both.

The stupid part is that they both followed us over to BF.....   Badger used an alt though the weak fuck.

So, why YNC is gone too?

When did it go?

No the YNC is still going I think. The owner has made a fortune because the site hosts gore videos and people pay to see so called 'premium' videos.  

I actually rarely ever watched any of the videos as gore isn't my thing at all. I just used to post on the forum.

Oh my, that's terrible SCOUSE.

Cracks my ass up, the shit you buy into.

Learn to comprehend a post Twenty Dollars..

It's not that difficult.


Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"

Cracks my ass up, the shit you buy into.

You're still batting a perfect 1000 for stupidity meatball. :laugh3:">



WTF is going on my UncleDiLF® Thread???

Please kindly get all the fuck out!

Only Alpha and fun people are alloweded here in my thread.

And Semen AKA twenty diapers:

How does it feels being 79 years old and being old and broke? No friends or wife or life? :D

I rather watch Michael Knight talking with K.I.T.T. than reading your garbage you weak incest freak.


Oh by the way.

We found Semen AKA Twenty diapers getting the healing. I took a selfie. Watch:



Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"I dont know who coined that name, but it came from one of Dilf's trademark catchphrases 'KIssy meATS!'.

The numbers of us have varied over the years, but its ranged from 3 or 4 to about 10 when we first joined BF. Me and Dilf came from a board called the YNC and after we were banned from there, thanks to an uptight, senile old mod, a lot of users who we got along with, and ones that hated us too, followed us over to BF.  

The BF owner even pm'd  me thanking me for all the traffic I'd brought, as there were around 15-20 new users that signed up on there from the YNC after we did.

Seems you get banned by a lot of mods on different forums.....and I see that it's always the mods fault....some kind of personal vendetta I suppose..... :laugh3:

Truth is you and your crew of losers, door knobs and window lickers are the problem. Between you and your asshole buddy, Uncle Dildo, you have the collective IQ of a bar of soap. The two of you add about as much value to a forum as tits do on a bull.

 I know you're all proud of yourself for all the weak ass forum trolling and PI lifting you've been involved in and you just can't wait to tell us ALL about it...... But what the hell makes you think anyone is interested in your totally inane forum travels? Do you think anyone here actually gives more than a lump of stale dog shit about where you've been or which talking puss filled boil followed your pimply ass from cesspool to cesspool?

But I guess I can't really fault you. I guess if my greatest achievement in life was laying carpet or mopping up vomit from the floor of a dive bar's unisex bathroom, I might be proud of being the terror of the internet equivalent of club retard as well. :laugh3:

Does your opinion matter? About anything?  Nope. Sorry for all the fucks I don't give about your post which I didn't even bother to read properly....

Apparently it mattered enough for you to read (however improperly.. :laugh3:) and respond.

So much for no fucks given.  :laugh3:

Thanks for validating my previous post, you fucking sped.

You're really boring the fuck out of me now, will you kindly fuck off please, cheers.

Oh I'm boring you.......weak tit acknowledged.....What's the matter douche....all out of snippy little, 3rd rate, fat lames?

That's rich.......YOU calling someone else "boring".....PKB much?  :001_rolleyes:

Go "terrorize" some halfwit with your one line schoolyard pablum....that's your fucking low life style.... :laugh3:

LOL; the butch dyke Renee with the fat ass wanna fight with Scouse!!! Bahahahaha!!! ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao

Renee VERSUS an ALPHA!!!

Go and make us a sandwich you BUTCH DYKE. You like BUTCH DIXON or BUCK ANGEL, you lezzy???

You are just jealous, because you never will sniff ALPHA CLUTCH!!!

We are the famous Alpha!!! In our peak we CRUSHED everybody!!! BF was the best example. 10 ruthless and aggressive fighters turned things upside down!!!

Same happened to van forum.

And things here will never evaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrr be the same again!!!

Let's meAT...hehe!!!">


the membership at BF had no effect on its closing. the closing was due to emotional distress/revenge due to outside circumstances.... BF was alive and well.... whats more it was a great board. the 20 ppl that came to VF were only part of the members. the rest were unreachable or were not interested in a PG13 board.... the 'kissy crew' were pretty much confined to the basement as 'punishment' but oddly enough ppl stayed there with them just to complain about em.... the better posters rarely even read shit downstairs. it was like the garbage chute of an apartment building. nobody even gave it a second thought except garbage collectors and ppl who roll around in garbage....


Quote from: "deadskinmask"the membership at BF had no effect on its closing. the closing was due to emotional distress/revenge due to outside circumstances.... BF was alive and well.... whats more it was a great board. the 20 ppl that came to VF were only part of the members. the rest were unreachable or were not interested in a PG13 board.... the 'kissy crew' were pretty much confined to the basement as 'punishment' but oddly enough ppl stayed there with them just to complain about em.... the better posters rarely even read shit downstairs. it was like the garbage chute of an apartment building. nobody even gave it a second thought except garbage collectors and ppl who roll around in garbage....

I cracked up!!!

 ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao

Were we really garbage and scum? LOL!!!

But hell, many piss sippers came downstairs and "played with the garbage".

We were just too sweet and too good.

We made history.


Quote from: "deadskinmask"the membership at BF had no effect on its closing. the closing was due to emotional distress/revenge due to outside circumstances.... BF was alive and well.... whats more it was a great board. the 20 ppl that came to VF were only part of the members. the rest were unreachable or were not interested in a PG13 board.... the 'kissy crew' were pretty much confined to the basement as 'punishment' but oddly enough ppl stayed there with them just to complain about em.... the better posters rarely even read shit downstairs. it was like the garbage chute of an apartment building. nobody even gave it a second thought except garbage collectors and ppl who roll around in garbage....

Some people enjoy the act of slumming. They like to see how the forum window lickers and door knobs live.

Why? Who knows, same reason why RR is popular here.....same reason why freak shows were so popular in the early part of the 20th century.

I guess it can all be chalked up to morbid curiosity. A strange desire to view some poor unfortunate slob and say to yourself...."there for the grace of God go I".
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Quote from: "UncleDilf"
Quote from: "deadskinmask"the membership at BF had no effect on its closing. the closing was due to emotional distress/revenge due to outside circumstances.... BF was alive and well.... whats more it was a great board. the 20 ppl that came to VF were only part of the members. the rest were unreachable or were not interested in a PG13 board.... the 'kissy crew' were pretty much confined to the basement as 'punishment' but oddly enough ppl stayed there with them just to complain about em.... the better posters rarely even read shit downstairs. it was like the garbage chute of an apartment building. nobody even gave it a second thought except garbage collectors and ppl who roll around in garbage....

I cracked up!!!

 ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao

Were we really garbage and scum? LOL!!!

But hell, many piss sippers came downstairs and "played with the garbage".

We were just too sweet and too good.

We made history.

don't take it as an insult. garbage is a natural byproduct of success.... you and the rest of your crew were equally as valuable or more (in some cases) than any other posters. you and yours generated more posts and more topics than anyone else i can recall.... you're just not everybodys cup of tea. thats all....


Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "deadskinmask"the membership at BF had no effect on its closing. the closing was due to emotional distress/revenge due to outside circumstances.... BF was alive and well.... whats more it was a great board. the 20 ppl that came to VF were only part of the members. the rest were unreachable or were not interested in a PG13 board.... the 'kissy crew' were pretty much confined to the basement as 'punishment' but oddly enough ppl stayed there with them just to complain about em.... the better posters rarely even read shit downstairs. it was like the garbage chute of an apartment building. nobody even gave it a second thought except garbage collectors and ppl who roll around in garbage....

Some people enjoy the act of slumming. They like to see how the forum window lickers and door knobs live.

Why? Who knows, same reason why RR is popular here.....same reason why freak shows were so popular in the early part of the 20th century.

I guess it can all be chalked up to morbid curiosity. A strange desire to view some poor unfortunate slob and say to yourself...."there for the grace of God go I".

LOL! You sound you jealous and bitter.

Look, butch renne. In life, there are SUPERSTARS!!! The cool boys who fucks every chick. PUMPING and DUMPING! They drive Lambos, have startups and lots of money. And you know what? They scat on people like you!

YOU are a loser. The loser in school nobody noticed. You are lifetime bitter, wishing the SUPERSTARS failures .

You must let go. See life in a more positive way. Whatever shiftwork you work, whomever you are married with! Never forget one thing:

WE always WIN ;)


Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "deadskinmask"the membership at BF had no effect on its closing. the closing was due to emotional distress/revenge due to outside circumstances.... BF was alive and well.... whats more it was a great board. the 20 ppl that came to VF were only part of the members. the rest were unreachable or were not interested in a PG13 board.... the 'kissy crew' were pretty much confined to the basement as 'punishment' but oddly enough ppl stayed there with them just to complain about em.... the better posters rarely even read shit downstairs. it was like the garbage chute of an apartment building. nobody even gave it a second thought except garbage collectors and ppl who roll around in garbage....

Some people enjoy the act of slumming. They like to see how the forum window lickers and door knobs live.

Why? Who knows, same reason why RR is popular here.....same reason why freak shows were so popular in the early part of the 20th century.

I guess it can all be chalked up to morbid curiosity. A strange desire to view some poor unfortunate slob and say to yourself...."there for the grace of God go I".

the best circus always has the biggest freakshow.... thats just the human condition....

Twenty Dollars

Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Nah, Badger just hated me because I terrorised him all the time.  Plus he had a bumchum called DrFuckingPepper who me and Dilf used to troll constantly, and he ended up pressuring badger to ban us both.

The stupid part is that they both followed us over to BF.....   Badger used an alt though the weak fuck.

So, why YNC is gone too?

When did it go?

No the YNC is still going I think. The owner has made a fortune because the site hosts gore videos and people pay to see so called 'premium' videos.  

I actually rarely ever watched any of the videos as gore isn't my thing at all. I just used to post on the forum.

Oh my, that's terrible SCOUSE.

Cracks my ass up, the shit you buy into.

Learn to comprehend a post Twenty Dollars..

It's not that difficult.

OH my that's terrible FASHIONISTA. Are you glad dilfs here now? More nazis the merrier.


Quote from: "UncleDilf"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "deadskinmask"the membership at BF had no effect on its closing. the closing was due to emotional distress/revenge due to outside circumstances.... BF was alive and well.... whats more it was a great board. the 20 ppl that came to VF were only part of the members. the rest were unreachable or were not interested in a PG13 board.... the 'kissy crew' were pretty much confined to the basement as 'punishment' but oddly enough ppl stayed there with them just to complain about em.... the better posters rarely even read shit downstairs. it was like the garbage chute of an apartment building. nobody even gave it a second thought except garbage collectors and ppl who roll around in garbage....

Some people enjoy the act of slumming. They like to see how the forum window lickers and door knobs live.

Why? Who knows, same reason why RR is popular here.....same reason why freak shows were so popular in the early part of the 20th century.

I guess it can all be chalked up to morbid curiosity. A strange desire to view some poor unfortunate slob and say to yourself...."there for the grace of God go I".

LOL! You sound you jealous and bitter.

Look, butch renne. In life, there are SUPERSTARS!!! The cool boys who fucks every chick. PUMPING and DUMPING! They drive Lambos, have startups and lots of money. And you know what? They scat on people like you!

YOU are a loser. The loser in school nobody noticed. You are lifetime bitter, wishing the SUPERSTARS failures .

You must let go. See life in a more positive way. Whatever shiftwork you work, whomever you are married with! Never forget one thing:

WE always WIN ;)

"The loser in school nobody noticed".... ac_lmfao

That's do puke up an extensive amount of horseshit....I'll give you that.

But truth be told, if you could mange to keep your noisy annoying ass from being banned for more than a few days, you might eventually realize that your appraisal of me is nothing but a figment of your enormous capacity for self delusion.

In other words you need to artificially pump yourself up to keep from remembering that you are little more than a distasteful little stain on a flop house mattress...... A dried ejaculatory deposit left behind by a drippy diseased phallus.

It is very interesting how you think you are going to turn this place "upside down" while locked in this cage...this purgatory for the mentally retarded. I really don't see you as much of a problem beyond the occasional bowel movement that you may squeeze out onto the cage floor.

So do yourself a big favor and stop begging for my attention because this is the last you will get of it.

Have a nice life in the corral, you horse's ass. ac_hithere
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.

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