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Quote from: Lokmar on April 01, 2024, 05:26:23 PMHe cant be voted out again. His next term will disqualify him from running again.Those wretched "F-curves" in Biden's ballot totals aren't something Semenjaw finds as "odd" or "out of the ordinary", he simply has a blind spot to them because he got the result he wanted. Were he in the possession of anything remotely approaching a spine, he would instead be laughing and telling you "yeah, your boy won, but we cheated him out of it."
Then again, we all fully expect tards like you to scream 22nd Amendment since we all know he was elected in 2020.
QuoteKamala Harris is doing her best to appear large and in charge in the final weeks before the election. President Joe Biden no longer appears interested in helping her maintain the illusion. Harris recently made a stink about her inability to work with authorities in Florida on hurricane relief efforts. Within hours, Biden announced that he was in touch with Gov. Ron DeSantis and ready to succeed where his former running mate had failed. [T]his turn of events amounts to yet another signal that Harris' boss is at the very least subconsciously working to sabotage her.
Amid the kerfuffle, Biden announced that DeSantis had taken his call — a signal that notwithstanding his decrepitude, Biden was still running the show. Keen observers concluded on the basis of the timing and phrasing of the post that Biden, who just weeks ago donned a red Trump 2024 hat, is "just trolling Kamala at this point." Charles Cooke, senior editor at the National Review, noted, "Harris under the bus." One user quipped, "He's def voting for Trump."
DeSantis' call with Biden amounts to another messaging defeat for the Harris campaign, which is desperate for Harris to take starring roles before the election. Biden has also been torpedoing Harris' effort to distance herself from the current administration's failures.
Quote from: hard R on October 10, 2024, 11:24:14 PMHappens all over. There are conservatives posting here who have used the excuse "so and so did this horrible thing, therefore it is right and just that I do the same horrible thing to them". Quite often it emerges long after the fact the person they claimed was doing it in the first place did not in fact do what was claimed of them.
Want to tell me how many times Trump's been falsely accused of shit by people who have provably done that and worse? That's not exactly a unique scenario. I know this first hand, and just like Trump my accusers did not come exclusively out of the left either.
Quote from: Herman on October 10, 2024, 10:59:58 PMIf anybody votes for Kameltoe because she is a gal, should they be shot too.
Quote from: Herman on October 10, 2024, 11:33:48 PMTrump being accused of sexual and financial misconduct by the Clintons and Bidens for Christ sake.Absolutely. And you should know there were Never Trumpers in the Republican party ranks that were quite content to ally themselves with the Clintons and Bidens, in spite of it being blatantly obvious that whatever nugget of truth might or might not have been present, the stories were being blown way out of proportion. By people who had no shortage of skeletons in their own closets that to this day go largely uncommented.
Quote from: hard R on October 10, 2024, 11:24:14 PMHappens all over. There are conservatives posting here who have used the excuse "so and so did this horrible thing, therefore it is right and just that I do the same horrible thing to them". Quite often it emerges long after the fact the person they claimed was doing it in the first place did not in fact do what was claimed of them.Trump being accused of sexual and financial misconduct by the Clintons and Bidens for Christ sake.
Want to tell me how many times Trump's been falsely accused of shit by people who have provably done that and worse? That's not exactly a unique scenario. I know this first hand, and just like Trump my accusers did not come exclusively out of the left either.
Quote from: Herman on March 29, 2024, 09:23:21 PMWhen it comes to pursuing power, however, tactics that they would consider "fascistic" are the very ones they adopt. Any and all tactics — "By any means necessary!" — are considered acceptable, even admirable and noble. Ultimately, higher education is churning out scores of nihilistic ingrates.Happens all over. There are conservatives posting here who have used the excuse "so and so did this horrible thing, therefore it is right and just that I do the same horrible thing to them". Quite often it emerges long after the fact the person they claimed was doing it in the first place did not in fact do what was claimed of them.
These left-wing students and their allies are today's Brownshirts.
Quote from: Herman on April 02, 2024, 07:40:26 PMAint happening. I like aint.
Quote from: Seamajor1 on April 02, 2024, 10:26:09 AMAin't? Try isn't or aren't for a change HermanAint happening. I like aint.
Quote from: Herman on April 01, 2024, 09:04:18 PMWTF are you babbling about. It aint part of what we are talking about.
Quote from: Seamajor1 on April 01, 2024, 04:47:27 PMAre you leading the charge Herman? Save it for when Trump is voted out, againWTF are you babbling about. It aint part of what we are talking about.
Quote from: Seamajor1 on April 01, 2024, 05:32:34 PMIs that why Joes in the White House? Do you regularly take stupid pills?
Quote from: Lokmar on April 01, 2024, 05:26:23 PMHe cant be voted out again. His next term will disqualify him from running again.
Then again, we all fully expect tards like you to scream 22nd Amendment since we all know he was elected in 2020.
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