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Posted by Shen Li
 - Today at 10:05:41 PM
Quote from: caskur on Today at 01:31:35 AMTheir Trump Derrangement Syndrome is over the top. But it is fun calling everyone a simpleton or worse.

Those 4-5 TDS suffering unemployed childless incels have no skin in the game in their own country let alone the US.
Posted by deadskinmask
 - Today at 06:54:06 PM
Quote from: Shen Li on March 03, 2025, 11:11:18 PMThey are left with a handful of incels who don't work and hate Trump.

i'll admit it ain't exactly "maga country".... but it ain't quite "bluesky" either.... 
Posted by Garraty_47
 - Today at 06:19:59 PM
Quote from: It's Poppy on Today at 09:56:15 AMDid you see Prowler's white corvette? He also has a replica WWE wrasslen belt.

He'd poasted his albino 'Vette multiple times before I left BF so yes, I've seen it. I don't recall if I've ever peeped the belt however it's not the sort of thing I'd pay attention to anyway; I might have seen it a dozen times and just don't remember.

Quote from: It's Poppy on Today at 09:56:15 AMAnyway, Reggie said he will download all of Blandscape's Vocaros and send you a MP3 collection of them for your birthday...Coffee served in a King Martini replacement coffee mug and listening to Blandscape vocaro in the morning, that is as close to heaven on earth you are going to get.

That Reggie is a fine gent, I don't care what everyone else says.
Posted by Reggie Essent
 - Today at 04:04:30 PM
Quote from: Ravey on Today at 03:13:10 PM:s_laugh:

I'm gonna steal that and post it next time Blandy goes on a Vacaroo binge.
Posted by Biggie Smiles
 - Today at 03:18:03 PM
Quote from: James Bond on Today at 02:35:12 PMJack is embarrassed that all it took for Flynn to troll him was a dot.
and these are the ppl trying to tell us the richest man on earth is stupid
Posted by Ravey
 - Today at 03:13:10 PM

Posted by James Bond
 - Today at 02:35:12 PM
Jack is embarrassed that all it took for Flynn to troll him was a dot.
Posted by Biggie Smiles
 - Today at 11:42:07 AM
That blandscape guy gives me the creeps for real

he posts like he's some kind of hillbilly cannibal tripping out on large quantities of alcohol and mollies
Posted by .
 - Today at 10:06:02 AM
Quote from: It's Poppy on Today at 09:56:15 AM...and listening to Blandscape vocaro in the morning...
Has that skirt wearing cunt learned to speak the King's English yet or is he still too busy gurgling through a month's full of condom casseroles?
Posted by It's Poppy
 - Today at 09:56:15 AM
Quote from: Garraty_47 on March 03, 2025, 09:44:42 AMReally?
I thought it was Prowler's cars and TDS that fueled postcount at BF.
Huh. I reckon things have changed since I left.

<checks calendar>

Oh great.
Only a few more months until *that* crap returns, like an ugly rash that refuses to be cured.

Did you see Prowler's white corvette? He also has a replica WWE wrasslen belt.

Anyway, Reggie said he will download all of Blandscape's Vocaros and send you a MP3 collection of them for your birthday...Coffee served in a King Martini replacement coffee mug and listening to Blandscape vocaro in the morning, that is as close to heaven on earth you are going to get.

Posted by .
 - Today at 08:38:17 AM
Quote from: DKG on March 02, 2025, 09:31:38 AMI have no time for trolls flamers or whatever you want to call them.
"Haters" were what we knew them as at Flame4Cash. "Tards" were what they were called at Brawl Hall.

Flange was offered the chance to become a troll with Legion of The Damned. It was beyond his skill level and he left within 48 hours.

Quote from: It's Poppy on March 02, 2025, 11:06:06 AMPeople are still "flaming" on the forums?

Not really. I certainly don't bother to nowadays, there being too few people steeped in the craft to participate in it and to take it in the spirit it deserves to be offered in. Take this place... a decent enough crew, but not really the type to engage in the kinds of activity that made F4$ a powerhouse of flaming, certainly not the bastardization of it that Danger promoted from the earliest days at Brawl Hall. Hell, if BH post-2004 was truly flaming, I wouldn't be surprised that nobody wanted anything to do with it.

Why do you think I stepped down from my admin spot there?

Quote from: caskur on March 03, 2025, 10:12:54 AMFlaming is dead easy.... I do it to you and your mullet hairstyle all the time ..
I know you think you do, but you really don't. I don't blame you for nistakenly thinking otherwise; you arrived too late to the party, BH and its copycats were the examples you had to learn from and they were inferior.

Pre 9/11 F4$ was the benchmark to measure everything else by. Attempting to interest the ~T~D~T~ in it was undoubtedly the mistake; it led to the creation of Brawl Hall and the preferencing of traffic over content. By the time you arrived, the few of us that were left were phoning it in pretty much and a generation of "kill or be killed" personas had taken root. To be replaced by copycats and cheerleaders who would assume the identities of flamers and utterly fail to deliver the zingers the genuine article could rattle off with ease.

Your callout with Projectile Vomit at TRF? That was one such copycat... Poofer and Pickles unless I am mistaken. I saw how quickly they disappeared as soon as I showed up as NSFW... probably because they knew I'd spot the subterfuge as quickly as I did at Digital Strife.

No matter... you have your photo skills, you can converse when you choose to. That has merit in and of itself and better yet - in this day and age running a flame site a-la F4$ would be an open invitation to get the site netcopped and you chased through the street by an angry pitchfork waving crowd of lefties. Do you really want to run that risk and learn the fine art of delivering paragraph after paragraph of adjective-laden run-on sentences of humourous homoerotica designed to get your opponent rolling about in laughter before they return you the favour?

Forgive me when I say you don't seem the type. And it's okay, really. You can be good at what you do, you don't need to pretend it to be flaming.
Posted by caskur
 - Today at 01:31:35 AM
Quote from: Shen Li on March 03, 2025, 11:11:18 PMThat place hasn't been a decent board in twelve years. All the good posters left long ago. I don't know why Evs keeps it going. She's hard;ly ever there anyway.

They are left with a handful of incels who don't work and hate Trump.

Their Trump Derrangement Syndrome is over the top. But it is fun calling everyone a simpleton or worse.

Posted by Shen Li
 - March 03, 2025, 11:11:18 PM
Quote from: caskur on March 03, 2025, 03:20:36 PMI have been over on memebee kicking lefturds in the crotch for days...
That place hasn't been a decent board in twelve years. All the good posters left long ago. I don't know why Evs keeps it going. She's hard;ly ever there anyway.

They are left with a handful of incels who don't work and hate Trump.
Posted by caskur
 - March 03, 2025, 07:31:12 PM
Got it finally by clicking the link here.

Posted by caskur
 - March 03, 2025, 07:24:57 PM
Quote from: Garraty_47 on March 03, 2025, 04:53:20 PMLike I have any choice to be someone else?
We are who we are. Innit.

That link I put up comes from a picture at another site. I can usually hold the stylus pen on the picture and download to my phone but it's not working.

Quote from: @ratty" source="/post/73402/thread" timestamp="1740997792[img alt=" " src=""]