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Posted by Bricktop
 - June 18, 2019, 07:10:28 PM
Quote from: "Peaches"I heard a great joke recently about three old farts who walked into a bar, arguing about which of them was oldest and most gaseous.

Sadly, I can't recall the punchline ATM.

Did you know that aged care facilities here are now dispensing Viagara to all male residents.

It stops them rolling out of bed.
Posted by Anonymous
 - June 18, 2019, 02:07:06 PM
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Peaches"I heard a great joke recently about three old farts who walked into a bar, arguing about which of them was oldest and most gaseous.

Sadly, I can't recall the punchline ATM.

I remember. The punchline is Peaches. You have to be the oldest and most full of it.

No use your yammering for attention here, miss.  Not unless you're male and an old fart.
Posted by Anonymous
 - June 18, 2019, 08:50:46 AM
Quote from: "Peaches"I heard a great joke recently about three old farts who walked into a bar, arguing about which of them was oldest and most gaseous.

Sadly, I can't recall the punchline ATM.

I remember. The punchline is Peaches. You have to be the oldest and most full of it.
Posted by Anonymous
 - June 18, 2019, 08:16:44 AM
I heard a great joke recently about three old farts who walked into a bar, arguing about which of them was oldest and most gaseous.

Sadly, I can't recall the punchline ATM.
Posted by Bricktop
 - June 18, 2019, 03:13:10 AM
Quote from: "Blurt"
But you'll still be an old fart.

But will I be predator?

Or prey?
Posted by Blurt
 - June 18, 2019, 03:09:28 AM
Words of wisdom.

But don't call me "grasshopper." Only Rotwang can do so.

I take your advice and shall illico abandon all further attempts at flaming. I will excise this gangrene from my soul. I will perform a self-exorcism. I will be redeemed and made anew.

But you'll still be an old fart.

Just sayin'
Posted by Bricktop
 - June 18, 2019, 02:43:02 AM
Quote from: "Blurt"So, I take it that you're not interested in being my beloved Sancho Panza?

It could be the role of a lifetime, you know?

Also, before you further attempt to impugn my moral rectitude or my online socialization preferences, I'll have you acknowledge that, while I may be a member of SG, I was never a member at Flame Champs, Cosmic Outpost, Troll Valhalla, or Brawl Hall. That would be you, Sir

Sorry, but I must call out a rat when I smell one.

And I don't joust with Scouse. He has no lance. And no armor. I'm just playing with my food.


I could catalogue a vast array of past missteps, follies and sins.

Would you thus repeat them?

Especially as they are decades old. I've walked the path you're on, sweetcheeks. Those footprints you see in the sand ahead of you are mine. Be wary. There are 2 kinds of people in Flameworld; predators and prey. You are one or the other and there is no dignity in either.

Never forget if you don't know who you're're probably the one being played.

Posted by Blurt
 - June 18, 2019, 02:37:25 AM
So, I take it that you're not interested in being my beloved Sancho Panza?

It could be the role of a lifetime, you know?

Also, before you further attempt to impugn my moral rectitude or my online socialization preferences, I'll have you acknowledge that, while I may be a member of SG, I was never a member at Flame Champs, Cosmic Outpost, Troll Valhalla, Third Rail, or Brawl Hall. That would be you, Sir

Sorry, but I must call out a rat when I smell one.

And I don't joust with Scouse. He has no lance. And no armor. I'm just playing with my food.

Posted by Rotwang
 - June 17, 2019, 08:08:37 PM
Your chances of engaging my support in a flaming match are about the same as Joe scoring with one of his "supermodel" clients in the back seat of his Hyundai limp-ousine.

Those chances diminish even further if said match is to be held at SG, where the sum of the collective IQ would still fall short of that required to operate a step ladder correctly.

A day will come when you shall reflect on your derivation of pleasure through consorting with troglodytes such as those, and you will ask the eternal question;"What was I thinking?".

Fulfilling your need for stimulation by lowering yourself into the sewer to play with the rats is not something to commit to your memoirs.

If jousting with Scouse makes you happy, your life has lost its way. You are wandering a wasteland hoping to find an oasis of intellect that isn't there, Signor Quixote.
Posted by Blurt
 - June 17, 2019, 04:03:28 PM
Truth is, I'm just having fun. I've said this before. This is what it's about for me.

Shen, Herm, Leo, and whoever else may appear as though they are my antagonists ... they're online personas I enjoy engaging with for a minute or ten. I don't care about politics. Everybody has their views and opinions and these will not be changed nor affected by what anyone says or writes on the internet. Same goes for religion.

I want to play.

The two exceptions are Joe and Scouse. I know they're just online personas, too, but those personas are unfunny and unattractive. To me, anyway.

Even if Joe had Shen's beautiful, round butt, and Scouse Fashionista's pretty smile, I'd still find these two chowder-headed parrots unattractive.

There is one person I miss connecting with here, and that's Azhya. Our once pleasant blather sessions went south some time ago. Still not exactly sure why, but such is life.


Looks like I'm (possibly) preparing to participate in my very first flaming match over at BG. I told them I want both Rotwang and Scouse to be on the same team I am.

How's that for a party mix?  ac_biggrin
Posted by Anonymous
 - June 17, 2019, 08:54:44 AM
Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Peaches"This thread reeks of professional jealousy.

Blurt has a history with some of the people here..

I doubt there is any real animosity on any side though.

I understand a bit of the history; I've been perusing posts in this forum for a few years now.  And like you, I don't take the animosity too seriously (although for some posters forum life is a bit more "real" than I consider healthy.)

What I described as professional jealousy probably could be better described in other terms.  I'm seeing the same sort of thing around Herman's conversations on SG.  Like Blurt, he is again able to converse with posters like Scouse and Joe.  And I'll be first to admit that like Blurt, Old Herman definitely has the upper hand in most of those least to a reader like me who is mostly here to have a good time.

So the jealousy of which I speak is mostly not about how well Blurt delivers in F2F dialogue, it's about Blurt's being in the right place to get F2F.  

And of course, it's a transitory thing because very shortly, the freshness of those circumstances will fade -- and all concerned will be back to noticing that Scouse and Joe only bring butthurt to the table, and spammy repetitive posting, and one is better served by ignoring their posts just as before.

Stated simply, it's not that kicking Scouse around like a soccer ball is a high attainment, but rather that Blurt gets the pleasure of doing it at will, and Rotty doesn't.

Blurt and Shen Li used to go at each other a lot, but I know Shen Li and I she has no has no ill will against Blurt...decision draw..

Herman does not take Joe or Seamajor seriously, and for him, it's all for laughs, but I'm not so sure about Joe and Seamajor.....unanimous decision to Herman..

I believe it's the same as Herman for Blurt when he posts with SCOUSE....also unanimous decision to Blurt.
Posted by Anonymous
 - June 17, 2019, 08:12:17 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Peaches"This thread reeks of professional jealousy.

Blurt has a history with some of the people here..

I doubt there is any real animosity on any side though.

I understand a bit of the history; I've been perusing posts in this forum for a few years now.  And like you, I don't take the animosity too seriously (although for some posters forum life is a bit more "real" than I consider healthy.)

What I described as professional jealousy probably could be better described in other terms.  I'm seeing the same sort of thing around Herman's conversations on SG.  Like Blurt, he is again able to converse with posters like Scouse and Joe.  And I'll be first to admit that like Blurt, Old Herman definitely has the upper hand in most of those least to a reader like me who is mostly here to have a good time.

So the jealousy of which I speak is mostly not about how well Blurt delivers in F2F dialogue, it's about Blurt's being in the right place to get F2F.  

And of course, it's a transitory thing because very shortly, the freshness of those circumstances will fade -- and all concerned will be back to noticing that Scouse and Joe only bring butthurt to the table, and spammy repetitive posting, and one is better served by ignoring their posts just as before.

Stated simply, it's not that kicking Scouse around like a soccer ball is a high attainment, but rather that Blurt gets the pleasure of doing it at will, and Rotty doesn't.
Posted by Blurt
 - June 17, 2019, 04:10:09 AM
Oh, Leo. That smarts.  :icon_wink:

I'm not ignoring this thread; I just now stumbled upon it. Despite what ol' Rotwang may believe, I don't sit in front of a computer screen breathlessly awaiting his every keyboard warble. And you can tell him I said that. This being said, and to give credit where credit is due, it's accurate to say that Rotwang was a good sensei. Because, indeed, he was. Please note the use of the past tense, here. We're faced with the classic situation where the student now outclasses, outstrips, and outperforms his former master. But I'll still prepare his tea if his hands are shaking too much or if his beard keeps getting caught under the teapot lid.

Now please be fair to me, Leo, and admit at least this much, that your failure to provide both the context in which I delivered the quoted words and the identity of their intended recipient is an attempt on your part to either make me appear more savage than I am or to mask the insubstantiality of your accusation. Probably both.

I was responding to my eternal nemesis, Scouse, whose weak sauce antics haven't much changed over the past few years. His fag-laming, fat-shaming carousel has but one pony prancing on it. Just as his Nazi preoccupations are the only car on his Ferris wheel. Scouse and I have been at this for a while. It's nothing new. So, please, Leo, be the fair person I know you can be when Rotwang isn't holding up your trousers from behind the curtain, and paint a more nuanced picture of your ol' pal, Blurt.

Posted by Bricktop
 - June 17, 2019, 12:39:14 AM
Quote from: "Peaches"This thread reeks of professional jealousy.

Perhaps you should have your olfactory senses seen to.

And perhaps a brush up on our history. He will understand the irony.
Posted by Anonymous
 - June 16, 2019, 11:58:03 PM
Quote from: "Peaches"This thread reeks of professional jealousy.

Blurt has a history with some of the people here..

I doubt there is any real animosity on any side though.