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Posted by Shen Li
 - August 11, 2024, 09:20:30 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 11, 2024, 04:30:59 PMNot really worried too much about florida but me and a few of my buddies might be taking a ride up to Georgia armed to the hilt to camp out in front of one them ground zero ballot harvesting centers. We'll have a cam corder fixated on the drop off box and voting area the entire night.

no violence. No interaction whatsoever. Just watching and recording.

The weapons are only there in the event one of these blue haired looney's don't feel like their lives are worth living anymore and decide to fuck with us.
I wish you luck Biggz. Meaning I hope those Antifa animals don't see you and start something. Because you will be charged, not them.

I hope more Americans are proactive instead of reactive in this election.
Posted by caskur
 - August 11, 2024, 07:40:16 PM

the left wing press have been manipulating language  since the 1990 that I have observed. For all I know they have always done it.... but the 1990s was when I first really noted it was a problem of GREAT magnitude.
Posted by caskur
 - August 11, 2024, 07:36:42 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 10, 2024, 09:47:19 PMThis is all part of the democrat plan. they are both trying to pull this cunt across the finish line while attempting to see how much they can actually get away with during the entirety of the exercise. THis is most commonly known as "pushing the envelope in any other context" .

THIS is what is behind the whole "orange man is going to eat earf" propaganda ploy. It's a litmus test to the idiots in their base and by extension the country at large. Designed carefully and methodically  to observe just how much people are willing to stomach when they are inspired through lies to hate the opposing candidate.

Do we really need policy and phony promises or do we just need to make them hate the other person more?

And from what you can see the latter is far more effective when dealing with a society which has the attention span of a goldfish and the intelligence of a turnip. Make no mistake about that. Even if Trump wins they have already compiled all the data which they will spend the next 4 years examining to see where improvements can be made to the mind control process.

Every plan has a contingency and one day they will have perfected the technique. And should this avenue not bear the type of fruit they are looking for? They still have the dismantling of the electoral college and the influx of millions of biased freebee seeking immigrants being imported to help the ballot harvesting process which they are so actively pursuing.

this is why I was so very for Vivek Rammeswamy - He represented a fresh face, sharp wit and solid policies. But most of all he was a fly in the ointment to this propaganda machine they have constructed around one man. Imagine 10 years of such hard work down the drain in an instant.

But my republican brothers and sisters couldn't see themselves voting for a little brown man so here we are. Taking our chances with a man who is undoubtedly one of the greatest presidents in US history but also has, by virtue of merely being alive, given these vermin cocksuckers 10 years worth of time to perfect the greatest smear campaign in world history.

See -- I am all about throwing a monkey wrench in the process which is exactly what Vivek would have been. He stripped them of their race card. He stripped them of their old white guy card. He stripped them of their misogynistic card and many many many of the other single subject elements they have the average stupid American hung up on.

Not saying I don't love trump and don't support him. I do. I donate to his campaign and will be the first in line (figuratively) to vote for him and any name with a (R) next to it down ballot. All I am saying we had the opportunity to run with a formidable student of Trump. Same policies. Same ferocity. None of the liabilities.

Just imagine every last person planning on voting for Trump suddenly gifted with the mental acumen to understand what I am saying here and maintain the resolve to vote accordingly. Imagine how many of the duped we could have won over under such a circumstance.

I would have cheered Trump on into instance living Sainthood had he told America "I am stepping aside and giving the mantle to this man. Not because I don't want to be your leader. Not because I cant be your leader but because the stakes are far too high to leave anything to chance and I believe he can peer into areas the left has made sure I cannot. I will guide him. I will advise him and he is thoroughly committed to a cause greater than any one of us"

Oh well. Let us pray Trump can pull it off and if not, pray there is still a country left to vote in someone like a Vivek in 2028.

He would have done nothing like the UK Indian leader Rishi Sunak. They can't please everyone so they do nothing.

Trump is fearless and NOT a politian who isnt in the business of appeasing different interest groups. Trump knows what is right and wrong because he is from the generation that knows right from wrong.

Posted by Logic Sandwich
 - August 11, 2024, 06:42:19 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 11, 2024, 04:30:59 PMNot really worried too much about florida but me and a few of my buddies might be taking a ride up to Georgia armed to the hilt to camp out in front of one them ground zero ballot harvesting centers. We'll have a cam corder fixated on the drop off box and voting area the entire night.

no violence. No interaction whatsoever. Just watching and recording.

The weapons are only there in the event one of these blue haired looney's don't feel like their lives are worth living anymore and decide to fuck with us.
Yeah, Crowder seems to be planning something similar, on a US-wide basis though. After the 2020 election he noted there were things about that election that didn't sit right with him, but without boots on the ground there was little that he could do about it (or comment on it). This time around, he's reportedly invested a ton of his company's money into documenting the election integrity "first hand" as it were, without relying upon the efforts of lamestream media or other third party organisations.

I don't see what difference it makes, especially not if law enforcement decide to pull the same kind of stunts we're seeing over in England, but I'm cautiously optimistic.
Posted by Herman
 - August 11, 2024, 05:02:29 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 11, 2024, 04:59:03 PMcouple of guys sitting in a car recording to make sure 10 duffel bags filled with fraudulent ballots don't suddenly arrive at 3:00am in the morning is an insurrection.
That is how it works.
Posted by Biggie Smiles
 - August 11, 2024, 04:59:03 PM
Quote from: Herman on August 11, 2024, 04:38:38 PMThe democRATs and their media allies will call it election interference. Maybe an insurrection.
yeah.. that's how low they are

couple of guys sitting in a car recording to make sure 10 duffel bags filled with fraudulent ballots don't suddenly arrive at 3:00am in the morning is an insurrection.

these people are lower than loathsome.
Posted by Herman
 - August 11, 2024, 04:38:38 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 11, 2024, 04:30:59 PMNot really worried too much about florida but me and a few of my buddies might be taking a ride up to Georgia armed to the hilt to camp out in front of one them ground zero ballot harvesting centers. We'll have a cam corder fixated on the drop off box and voting area the entire night.

no violence. No interaction whatsoever. Just watching and recording.

The weapons are only there in the event one of these blue haired looney's don't feel like their lives are worth living anymore and decide to fuck with us.
The democRATs and their media allies will call it election interference. Maybe an insurrection.
Posted by Biggie Smiles
 - August 11, 2024, 04:30:59 PM
Quote from: Logic Sandwich on August 11, 2024, 02:29:25 AMThey've done it before, as recently as 2020 in fact. They were astoundingly successful in getting an accused rapist and provable paedophile[/p] into the White House at a time where the left was losing their minds over Trumps "if you're rich, women will let you grab them on the pussy" comment.

They will make any and all attempts to get their morally reprehensible candidate du jour into the White House in 2024. And I don't mind telling you I am laughing my guts up at just how blatantly transparent some of those attempts have become.

If Vivek were all that and a box of crabcakes, he'd still have been at a disadvantage. Because he IS a fresh face, at least as far as the voting public is concerned. Trump had already served four years, three of which were replete with a booming economy. Additionally over those four years the US was both energy dominant and surprisingly reluctant to start any new wars. There were other positives of course, but those three achievements still stand as a track record of what Trump was capable of, something he can point to. Vivek cannot boast such on his cv.

He can run again, I would be surprised if he did not. But I will tell you this much; when I see a political establishment positively shitting themselves over the spectre of a guy that's already proven he can stand fast in the face of everything they're throwing in his way including the astro turfing of candidates like De Santis, Ramiswamy and Haley, running puff pieces on them 24/7 on the conservative equivalent of CNN (that would be FOX News), I am naturally going to keep a close eye on their Golden Boy. Accordingly, should Vivek run again, I should inspect him with all due diligence.

You may be right with your interpretation of him, I'm not saying you aren't. What I am saying is he needs to prove himself to me before I would cast a ballot for the guy. After all the puff pieces the MSM ran on him, I'm afraid he's got his work cut out for him.

Trump has already proven himself by virtue of his first term. It wasn't perfect by any means, though it was, in the balance, acceptable to me. And the weaponization of every arm of government (including the media) against him only cements my opinion that he's the guy. I'm not throwing away the chance of what might be a soft landing from four years of the current regime simply because a new shiny gets dangled in front of my eyes.

Especially not when I see some of the plays Trump has succeeded in pulling off in the primaries this time around. Knocking Biden out of the running and leaving the democrats with no option but to run THE most unlikeable candidate in the roster. I am jonesing to see her debate performance against him and suspect there's a good chance Joe won't be the only democrat nominee thrown under the bus this election cycle. Quite a track record for the party of Democramacy and Unity and you can bet I'll be roaring with laughter if it pans out that way.

All cards on the table, I don't trust the electoral process as far as I could kick it. I saw what happened in 2020 and was appalled at just how much fuckery was allowed to slide through to the keeper. Particularly when it came to the counting of votes and their chain of custody. You should know that there is a list of metrics that determine the integrity of the electoral process. In 2020 the US failed all but one of them, ranking that election as shady as any tinpot dictatorship you care to name.

A dickhead like Joe can come in here spouting libtard talking points on if we will or won't accept the outcome and I might in the name of decorum refrain from knocking his dentures out the back of his scrawny pole-gobbing neck. Because one of those metrics is the ability to question if the results are valid, to recount them if necessary and to establish if the pool of voters were eligible to lodge ballots in the first place. This was not observed in 2020; had it been then I strongly suspect our libtard friends would be breathing a sigh of relief right about now because Trump would be nearing the end of his second term and they would have less reason to white knuckle it over what the next four years might bring.

I believe that the election in 2020 was a complete an total abortion when it comes to integrity and I believe they are gearing up to steal it again. Additionally, I believe there is support for the Machiavellian ideal that all acts are being considered as excusable in pursuit of their end goal that no matter who the candidate is, that will remain a constant.

In closing, I am reminded of a saying; namely "age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill". Trump has more experience against the entrenched establishment treachery. If he cannot prevail against it, I don't give much for a freshfaced greenhorn even if he might be pure as the driven snow.

Not really worried too much about florida but me and a few of my buddies might be taking a ride up to Georgia armed to the hilt to camp out in front of one them ground zero ballot harvesting centers. We'll have a cam corder fixated on the drop off box and voting area the entire night.

no violence. No interaction whatsoever. Just watching and recording.

The weapons are only there in the event one of these blue haired looney's don't feel like their lives are worth living anymore and decide to fuck with us.
Posted by Herman
 - August 11, 2024, 04:10:31 PM
Quote from: Oerdin on August 11, 2024, 03:25:00 PMJ.D. Vance is a very good speaker.
I am liking the fella better all the time. If Trump wins, he might not even finish a term. Vance is well suited to carry on the working class movement and make sure the Bush-Cheney-Romney-Kristof pricks never take back the GOP.
Posted by Oerdin
 - August 11, 2024, 03:25:00 PM
J.D. Vance is a very good speaker.
Posted by Thiel
 - August 11, 2024, 02:30:13 PM
Until the pandemic or plandemic, Trump had an enviable record as president. Full employment, real wage increases, low inflation, low fuel prices, peace, better trade agreements, and energy security.
Posted by Logic Sandwich
 - August 11, 2024, 02:29:25 AM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 10, 2024, 09:47:19 PMThis is all part of the democrat plan. they are both trying to pull this cunt across the finish line while attempting to see how much they can actually get away with during the entirety of the exercise. THis is most commonly known as "pushing the envelope in any other context" .

THIS is what is behind the whole "orange man is going to eat earf" propaganda ploy. It's a litmus test to the idiots in their base and by extension the country at large. Designed carefully and methodically  to observe just how much people are willing to stomach when they are inspired through lies to hate the opposing candidate.

Do we really need policy and phony promises or do we just need to make them hate the other person more?
They've done it before, as recently as 2020 in fact. They were astoundingly successful in getting an accused rapist and provable paedophile[/p] into the White House at a time where the left was losing their minds over Trumps "if you're rich, women will let you grab them on the pussy" comment.

They will make any and all attempts to get their morally reprehensible candidate du jour into the White House in 2024. And I don't mind telling you I am laughing my guts up at just how blatantly transparent some of those attempts have become.

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 10, 2024, 09:47:19 PMthis is why I was so very for Vivek Rammeswamy - He represented a fresh face, sharp wit and solid policies. But most of all he was a fly in the ointment to this propaganda machine they have constructed around one man. Imagine 10 years of such hard work down the drain in an instant.
If Vivek were all that and a box of crabcakes, he'd still have been at a disadvantage. Because he IS a fresh face, at least as far as the voting public is concerned. Trump had already served four years, three of which were replete with a booming economy. Additionally over those four years the US was both energy dominant and surprisingly reluctant to start any new wars. There were other positives of course, but those three achievements still stand as a track record of what Trump was capable of, something he can point to. Vivek cannot boast such on his cv.

He can run again, I would be surprised if he did not. But I will tell you this much; when I see a political establishment positively shitting themselves over the spectre of a guy that's already proven he can stand fast in the face of everything they're throwing in his way including the astro turfing of candidates like De Santis, Ramiswamy and Haley, running puff pieces on them 24/7 on the conservative equivalent of CNN (that would be FOX News), I am naturally going to keep a close eye on their Golden Boy. Accordingly, should Vivek run again, I should inspect him with all due diligence.

You may be right with your interpretation of him, I'm not saying you aren't. What I am saying is he needs to prove himself to me before I would cast a ballot for the guy. After all the puff pieces the MSM ran on him, I'm afraid he's got his work cut out for him.

Trump has already proven himself by virtue of his first term. It wasn't perfect by any means, though it was, in the balance, acceptable to me. And the weaponization of every arm of government (including the media) against him only cements my opinion that he's the guy. I'm not throwing away the chance of what might be a soft landing from four years of the current regime simply because a new shiny gets dangled in front of my eyes.

Especially not when I see some of the plays Trump has succeeded in pulling off in the primaries this time around. Knocking Biden out of the running and leaving the democrats with no option but to run THE most unlikeable candidate in the roster. I am jonesing to see her debate performance against him and suspect there's a good chance Joe won't be the only democrat nominee thrown under the bus this election cycle. Quite a track record for the party of Democramacy and Unity and you can bet I'll be roaring with laughter if it pans out that way.

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 10, 2024, 09:47:19 PMOh well. Let us pray Trump can pull it off and if not, pray there is still a country left to vote in someone like a Vivek in 2028.
All cards on the table, I don't trust the electoral process as far as I could kick it. I saw what happened in 2020 and was appalled at just how much fuckery was allowed to slide through to the keeper. Particularly when it came to the counting of votes and their chain of custody. You should know that there is a list of metrics that determine the integrity of the electoral process. In 2020 the US failed all but one of them, ranking that election as shady as any tinpot dictatorship you care to name.

A dickhead like Joe can come in here spouting libtard talking points on if we will or won't accept the outcome and I might in the name of decorum refrain from knocking his dentures out the back of his scrawny pole-gobbing neck. Because one of those metrics is the ability to question if the results are valid, to recount them if necessary and to establish if the pool of voters were eligible to lodge ballots in the first place. This was not observed in 2020; had it been then I strongly suspect our libtard friends would be breathing a sigh of relief right about now because Trump would be nearing the end of his second term and they would have less reason to white knuckle it over what the next four years might bring.

I believe that the election in 2020 was a complete an total abortion when it comes to integrity and I believe they are gearing up to steal it again. Additionally, I believe there is support for the Machiavellian ideal that all acts are being considered as excusable in pursuit of their end goal that no matter who the candidate is, that will remain a constant.

In closing, I am reminded of a saying; namely "age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill". Trump has more experience against the entrenched establishment treachery. If he cannot prevail against it, I don't give much for a freshfaced greenhorn even if he might be pure as the driven snow.
Posted by Shen Li
 - August 10, 2024, 11:42:12 PM
The coverage of Harris is a lot more balanced here. However, nobody here is keeping her quiet so they can raise hundreds of millions of dollars off of her.
Posted by Herman
 - August 10, 2024, 09:52:53 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 10, 2024, 09:47:19 PMThis is all part of the democrat plan. they are both trying to pull this cunt across the finish line while attempting to see how much they can actually get away with during the entirety of the exercise. THis is most commonly known as "pushing the envelope in any other context" .

THIS is what is behind the whole "orange man is going to eat earf" propaganda ploy. It's a litmus test to the idiots in their base and by extension the country at large. Designed carefully and methodically  to observe just how much people are willing to stomach when they are inspired through lies to hate the opposing candidate.

Do we really need policy and phony promises or do we just need to make them hate the other person more?

And from what you can see the latter is far more effective when dealing with a society which has the attention span of a goldfish and the intelligence of a turnip. Make no mistake about that. Even if Trump wins they have already compiled all the data which they will spend the next 4 years examining to see where improvements can be made to the mind control process.

Every plan has a contingency and one day they will have perfected the technique. And should this avenue not bear the type of fruit they are looking for? They still have the dismantling of the electoral college and the influx of millions of biased freebee seeking immigrants being imported to help the ballot harvesting process which they are so actively pursuing.

this is why I was so very for Vivek Rammeswamy - He represented a fresh face, sharp wit and solid policies. But most of all he was a fly in the ointment to this propaganda machine they have constructed around one man. Imagine 10 years of such hard work down the drain in an instant.

But my republican brothers and sisters couldn't see themselves voting for a little brown man so here we are. Taking our chances with a man who is undoubtedly one of the greatest presidents in US history but also has, by virtue of merely being alive, given these vermin cocksuckers 10 years worth of time to perfect the greatest smear campaign in world history.

See -- I am all about throwing a monkey wrench in the process which is exactly what Vivek would have been. He stripped them of their race card. He stripped them of their old white guy card. He stripped them of their misogynistic card and many many many of the other single subject elements they have the average stupid American hung up on.

Not saying I don't love trump and don't support him. I do. I donate to his campaign and will be the first in line (figuratively) to vote for him and any name with a (R) next to it down ballot. All I am saying we had the opportunity to run with a formidable student of Trump. Same policies. Same ferocity. None of the liabilities.

Just imagine every last person planning on voting for Trump suddenly gifted with the mental acumen to understand what I am saying here and maintain the resolve to vote accordingly. Imagine how many of the duped we could have won over under such a circumstance.

I would have cheered Trump on into instance living Sainthood had he told America "I am stepping aside and giving the mantle to this man. Not because I don't want to be your leader. Not because I cant be your leader but because the stakes are far too high to leave anything to chance and I believe he can peer into areas the left has made sure I cannot. I will guide him. I will advise him and he is thoroughly committed to a cause greater than any one of us"

Oh well. Let us pray Trump can pull it off and if not, pray there is still a country left to vote in someone like a Vivek in 2028.
Trump built the working class movement, but I wanted him to step aside and endorse someone else.

I liked your governor. He turned a purple state solid red. He is great with policy and a fierce with his opponents.
Posted by Herman
 - August 10, 2024, 09:48:08 PM
This would be a good fit for the LAmestream Media and Double Standards thread.