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Posted by Renee
 - November 24, 2015, 09:45:48 AM
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Keep swimming the the River DeNial.

You're my bitch and the whole forum, and the whole of Van, knows it. I am your permanent bad day, dumpling, and don't you forget it. My expiration date is way off. In fact, I'll be burying you. We know what obesity does for heart conditions.

If you were my night nurse, I'd throw you five bucks for a blow job and ask for change.

And you'd do it, too.

Sorry, I don't eat cocktail franks, especially when they are expired. So you're SOL, old man.

The only thing you bury is your biweekly bowel movement and I hear the only reason you do that is because the local sewer authority can't deal with the dangerous bio-aerosols in your cement like load. Try some prune juice, mother fucker. You'll be less nasty.  :laugh:
Posted by Bricktop
 - November 24, 2015, 02:02:42 AM
Keep swimming the the River DeNial.

You're my bitch and the whole forum, and the whole of Van, knows it. I am your permanent bad day, dumpling, and don't you forget it. My expiration date is way off. In fact, I'll be burying you. We know what obesity does for heart conditions.

If you were my night nurse, I'd throw you five bucks for a blow job and ask for change.

And you'd do it, too.
Posted by Renee
 - November 23, 2015, 06:04:12 PM
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"
Quote from: "Romero"

She left because she was offended at the "anti-Americanism", or what the rest of us call "criticism".

That's according to her own words!

"I've been thinking about pulling out of this forum for a while now"

Exactly, Romero.

And now she's trying to deny the fact that I kicked her ass!!

If she doesn't behave, she'll get some more. Everyone tells me that I should have taken up your position, not her. I would have made a much better moderator. I'm not flaky, I am experienced in administering justice, and I am fair and impartial.

I'm also better looking.

STFU, old man. You weren't even in the next county when it all went down. Stop deluding yourself. You should spend more time concocting fantasies that are more believable; like your dream of getting a second helping of tapioca at lunchtime.

I've had a bad day and you look like a dog's asshole; so keep clacking your dentures and you'll see just how tolerant I am of old people who have been around long past their expiration date. Right about now you're nothing more than a jug of sour milk and the kitchen drain is calling your name.

You're lucky I'm not your night nurse at the rest home. I'd whip you with your catheter simply for breathing too loud.
Posted by RW
 - November 23, 2015, 05:44:41 PM
You're not flaky?!?! You're flakier than a leper colony!
Posted by Bricktop
 - November 23, 2015, 05:36:42 PM
Quote from: "Romero"

She left because she was offended at the "anti-Americanism", or what the rest of us call "criticism".

That's according to her own words!

"I've been thinking about pulling out of this forum for a while now"

Exactly, Romero.

And now she's trying to deny the fact that I kicked her ass!!

If she doesn't behave, she'll get some more. Everyone tells me that I should have taken up your position, not her. I would have made a much better moderator. I'm not flaky, I am experienced in administering justice, and I am fair and impartial.

I'm also better looking.
Posted by RW
 - November 23, 2015, 04:38:42 PM
Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "RW"He really doesn't have any contextual perspective does he?  I guess when you live in a black and white world, the grey gets lost on the cut and paste floor.

Oh really? Because I remember it this way:

Quote from: "RW"Before Renee flipped her stack (yes, I'm angry she decided to leave and want to hunt her ass down and kick it!)

Of course I understand her "personal reasons" didn't help, but when has Renee ever not had "emotional distress"? She's never been able to control her anger. Never will.

She left because she was offended at the "anti-Americanism", or what the rest of us call "criticism".

That's according to her own words!

"I've been thinking about pulling out of this forum for a while now"

You've been hanging out on MB too much Ro.  You're turning into a proper cunt.
Posted by Renee
 - November 23, 2015, 04:20:34 PM
Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "RW"He really doesn't have any contextual perspective does he?  I guess when you live in a black and white world, the grey gets lost on the cut and paste floor.

Oh really? Because I remember it this way:

Quote from: "RW"Before Renee flipped her stack (yes, I'm angry she decided to leave and want to hunt her ass down and kick it!)

Of course I understand her "personal reasons" didn't help, but when has Renee ever not had "emotional distress"? She's never been able to control her anger. Never will.

She left because she was offended at the "anti-Americanism", or what the rest of us call "criticism".

That's according to her own words!

"I've been thinking about pulling out of this forum for a while now"

Romero, what the fuck do you really know about me?

You won't find an answer to that in the Huff & Puff or Media Matters, so I"ll tell you.......NOTHING; much like what you know about everything else.

Apparently you are now channeling posters like "RDL" and "Soon" because pot stirring for the hell of it, now seems to be your thing more than ever. I mean besides the fact that you look like a jackass for stirring up shit with an imaginary spoon; what exactly do you get out of interjecting your uninformed perspective on my life? Especially when this issue has nothing to do with you. Are you now trying to white knight Mr. Crowley?  :laugh:

Eat shit, you little weasel and I say that with no "anger" intended. Insert "honesty" or better yet "sincerity" and you will be more on the mark.
Posted by Romero
 - November 23, 2015, 03:54:47 PM
Quote from: "RW"He really doesn't have any contextual perspective does he?  I guess when you live in a black and white world, the grey gets lost on the cut and paste floor.

Oh really? Because I remember it this way:

Quote from: "RW"Before Renee flipped her stack (yes, I'm angry she decided to leave and want to hunt her ass down and kick it!)

Of course I understand her "personal reasons" didn't help, but when has Renee ever not had "emotional distress"? She's never been able to control her anger. Never will.

She left because she was offended at the "anti-Americanism", or what the rest of us call "criticism".

That's according to her own words!

"I've been thinking about pulling out of this forum for a while now"
Posted by RW
 - November 23, 2015, 03:20:10 PM
He really doesn't have any contextual perspective does he?  I guess when you live in a black and white world, the grey gets lost on the cut and paste floor.
Posted by Renee
 - November 23, 2015, 02:32:50 PM
Quote from: "Romero"
Quote from: "Renee"My reasons for leaving were of a personal nature

Oh really? Because I remember it this way:

Quote from: "Renee"I don't give a fuck what you think or any of your Canadian brethren think.

I've been thinking about pulling out of this forum for a while now, I have no patience for this anymore. So I think this clinches it.

I'm sick and tired how you people north of the border look down your noses at us. I've lived closed enough to the Canadian border and for enough years to know that you people are no gems in terms of smarts as well. So I have no idea where you come off with your shit. I don't suppose you have ever noticed that all the scumbags, nutjobs, whiners and morons on Van were and are all Canadian, SMP, Mel, Soon, Munday, evs, etc. Now they're a bunch to be proud of. :laugh:

Enjoy and good luck, I'm out of here.

That outburst was prompted by personal reasons. The aggravation I was feeling was just an outgrowth of emotional distress other than what was happening on this forum. The person and people involved know the real story.

As usual you really need to keep your shit stained nose out of what you have no clue about.

What's the matter, you little stalker creep? Feeling left out because I didn't mention you as one of the "scumbags" and "whiners"?  If it will make you feel any better, I can oblige.
Posted by Romero
 - November 23, 2015, 02:22:19 PM
Quote from: "Renee"My reasons for leaving were of a personal nature

Oh really? Because I remember it this way:

Quote from: "Renee"I don't give a fuck what you think or any of your Canadian brethren think.

I've been thinking about pulling out of this forum for a while now, I have no patience for this anymore. So I think this clinches it.

I'm sick and tired how you people north of the border look down your noses at us. I've lived closed enough to the Canadian border and for enough years to know that you people are no gems in terms of smarts as well. So I have no idea where you come off with your shit. I don't suppose you have ever noticed that all the scumbags, nutjobs, whiners and morons on Van were and are all Canadian, SMP, Mel, Soon, Munday, evs, etc. Now they're a bunch to be proud of. :laugh:

Enjoy and good luck, I'm out of here.
Posted by Renee
 - November 22, 2015, 10:30:51 PM
Okay let's end this perpetuation of the myth that you had some shred of involvement regarding my taking a break from the forum. Everyone knows that what you say regarding my previous absence is bullshit. My reasons for leaving were of a personal nature and they did not involve you at all. Get it thru that this Aussie skull of yours.

The only reason I can see why you would continue to lie about this is so that you can dude yourself into thinking that you are the big cheese around here. Believe me old man, no one is buying your masturbatory, self-promotional, rantings, so you can cut it out once and for all. You can stop kidding yourself that I am afraid of you because nothing could be further from the truth. I view you as a clown and a play thing and nothing more.

Seriously, why in the hell would I be afraid of an old has been who can't even handle a 4th rate troll? I am going to save you the embarrassment and not even recount how many times I beat you old ass up and down this forum as well as on VF. The spankings I have doled out on your wrinkled, gray, posterior are legion and legendary and everyone knows it.

Furthermore your depiction of where I live couldn't be further from the truth. In reality I dwell in a snug seaside cottage less than 3 blocks from the Mid-Atlantic coastline. Weather permitting I walk each morning on the beach and drink my morning coffee while I watch the sun come up over the Atlantic ocean. In the evenings I open my bedroom window and fall asleep to the sound of surf lapping the shoreline.

BTW, I had no idea they allowed single malt scotch to be consumed by the residents of your nursing home. Are you sure it's scotch? Better check because it just might be expired and unrefrigerated Jello that has discolored to a lovely shade of amber brown. :beurk:
Posted by Bricktop
 - November 21, 2015, 08:22:59 PM
Ah, Americans. You have to love their ignorance, their stupidity and above all else, their glaring hypocrisy.

Excuse me, flubberguts, but I seem to remember YOU taking a powder in the not too distant past. Or will you attribute that to memory loss on my part? In which case, perhaps other members would care to add their recollections of you pissing off after I bitchslapped you so hard my screen shook from the aftershocks. Something about your chagrin at my anti-American sentiment, as I remember.

See, this is the problem with being American. You point at shout at the conduct of others, oblivious and ignorant of your own identical conduct. No wonder you fucks can't manage a country, let alone foreign countries you march in and take control of because you don't like their politics. Calling Australians arrogant is the apex of hypocrisy; you brain dead bozos still call yourself the World's Greatest Democracy, and Leader Of The Free World, even when you fail miserably, as you always do. Australians don't have to pretend to be Canadians when abroad to avoid sneers of contempt and derision. If standing up to your bluster makes me appear egocentric, condescending and rude, then I will happily accept those epithets as compliments.

I have no problem showing my face anywhere, as you well know.

Now, if you don't mind, I shall sip a very fine single malt by my pool, whilst enjoying the delightful vista my home overlooks, whilst you hunker down in your parents house in the Projects, trying hard not to gag on the smell of human waste whilst running Days Of Our Lives at full volume to drown out the sirens and gunfire that are constant in your 'hood.
Posted by Renee
 - November 20, 2015, 09:36:57 PM
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"Honey, if its true, its not inflating. Just maintaining a natural buoyancy.

Although, claiming superiority over someone who thinks guns are essential to modern living and that Hulk Hogan was a gifted athlete is of no real merit.

My ego is inflated by triumph over equals or betters. You are neither.

May I offer a word of advice, being the philanthropist that I am. Inflating your ego with pizza really doesn't work.

You've never triumphed over anything. Unless you consider being named "king of the tantrum throwing little bitches" a triumph.

Frankly you have a lot of gall even showing your face around here. When you took your ball and went home this last time, most of us simply laughed at you and those that didn't; well they simply did care about you enough to give a single fuck.

Sorry to be the bearer of harsh news but that's the simple truth. You see, you Aussies simply do not endear yourselves to anyone. You are as a rule; arrogant, mean spirited, egocentric, condescending, rude, grossly verbose, socially stunted and just plain old.....unlikeable. The truth is you could disappear again tomorrow and almost no one here would even cock an eyebrow in curiosity as to why.
Posted by Bricktop
 - November 20, 2015, 07:35:55 PM
Honey, if its true, its not inflating. Just maintaining a natural buoyancy.

Although, claiming superiority over someone who thinks guns are essential to modern living and that Hulk Hogan was a gifted athlete is of no real merit.

My ego is inflated by triumph over equals or betters. You are neither.

May I offer a word of advice, being the philanthropist that I am. Inflating your ego with pizza really doesn't work.