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Re: Forum gossip thread by Shen Li

avatar_Biggie Smiles

More strange shit with this latest indictment

Started by Biggie Smiles, August 16, 2023, 07:57:19 PM

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Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 17, 2023, 11:27:00 AMAnd now the real motive begins to unfold

you'd think a party which got 81 million votes and is doing such a good job currently wouldn't be so worried about a rematch eh?

vermin scumbags
Just a coincidence.


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 17, 2023, 11:27:00 AMyou'd think a party which got 81 million votes and is doing such a good job currently wouldn't be so worried about a rematch eh?

They can't even handle competition within their own caucus, you think they want it from outsiders?
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Quote from: Garraty_47 on August 17, 2023, 11:54:52 AMThey can't even handle competition within their own caucus, you think they want it from outsiders?
Aint that the inconvenient truth.

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 17, 2023, 11:27:00 AMAnd now the real motive begins to unfold

you'd think a party which got 81 million votes and is doing such a good job currently wouldn't be so worried about a rematch eh?

vermin scumbags
Precisely. Sunlight is the best disinfectant and the light that Trump's presidency shone on these fuckpigs was far more worth it that all of the election promises that he made good on.

They cannot allow him in for another four years, too many people are aware of their antics and more will come to understand that the real architects of the shitstorm are out there, cowering and shaking their fists from behind a wall of eroding public sentiment. They need someone they can control, a sympathist to the Uniparty's cause so at odds with our own.

It's why I'm not a Republican OR a Democrat. MAGA might have largely succeeded with the Republican caucus where Bernie failed with the Democrats, but at the end of the day the two are parties, not individuals, and as such are more easily bought off. We as people need to be a lot more proactive in our selection of who we choose to represent US. Not a party, but US. MAGA oriented ideals notwithstanding, if your first allegiance is to a party instead of the people electing you, then I do not trust you to represent ME. You shouldn't either.

And getting persecuted to the levels Trump has been (and for far more minor stuff that regularly goes uncommented when anyone else does it) is the clearest advertisment I'me seen that tells me he's my guy. And you know what, in the end he might not be, but at the very least I know he's not in the habit of putting people like Bitch McConnell ahead of my interests. Besides, I have the demonstration of his first term to draw from and from where I sit, I'm more than prepareed to take the chance he'll acquit himself as admirably as he did the first time around.

The only other tried and tested option is a demented cunt that starts wars and fondles little children. Sue me, I know what I'd rather.
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Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

Reggie Essent

Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on August 18, 2023, 10:34:45 PMPrecisely. Sunlight is the best disinfectant and the light that Trump's presidency shone on these fuckpigs was far more worth it that all of the election promises that he made good on.

They cannot allow him in for another four years, too many people are aware of their antics and more will come to understand that the real architects of the shitstorm are out there, cowering and shaking their fists from behind a wall of eroding public sentiment. They need someone they can control, a sympathist to the Uniparty's cause so at odds with our own.

It's why I'm not a Republican OR a Democrat. MAGA might have largely succeeded with the Republican caucus where Bernie failed with the Democrats, but at the end of the day the two are parties, not individuals, and as such are more easily bought off. We as people need to be a lot more proactive in our selection of who we choose to represent US. Not a party, but US. MAGA oriented ideals notwithstanding, if your first allegiance is to a party instead of the people electing you, then I do not trust you to represent ME. You shouldn't either.

And getting persecuted to the levels Trump has been (and for far more minor stuff that regularly goes uncommented when anyone else does it) is the clearest advertisment I'me seen that tells me he's my guy. And you know what, in the end he might not be, but at the very least I know he's not in the habit of putting people like Bitch McConnell ahead of my interests. Besides, I have the demonstration of his first term to draw from and from where I sit, I'm more than prepareed to take the chance he'll acquit himself as admirably as he did the first time around.

The only other tried and tested option is a demented cunt that starts wars and fondles little children. Sue me, I know what I'd rather.

Only Ron Paul could have saved the America I grew up in.  Trump tried his best, and he'll try again if given the chance, but I really think it's too late.

The America of sucking down chili dogs behind the Tastee Freeze is dead and gone and is never coming back.
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Biggie Smiles

It's over guys

Far too much damage has been done to far too many institutions

We are a nation in decline. End of.

Enjoy what you can while you can. I don't even stash money away for retirement anymore. I splurge it on whatever it is I enjoy most NOW

they'll be nothing left to enjoy in 20 years

Biggie Smiles

You know what sickens me the most about your average run of the mill carbon copy shit for brains replica libtard like Admong or Sewage?

When you call out the err in their processes as it relates to taking down Trump and how those tiny little cracks, one by one, begin to compromise the strength of a bed rock principle as a whole, the only thing their trained Monkey Minds can conjure up is "Yoo iz the Trump tard"

No fuckhead, it's not about Trump, it's about setting precedents that will one day come back to bite all of us in the ass.

How fucking stupid and shortsighted can these people be?
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Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 18, 2023, 11:07:49 PMYou know what sickens me the most about your average run of the mill carbon copy shit for brains replica libtard like Admong or Sewage?

When you call out the err in their processes as it relates to taking down Trump and how those tiny little cracks, one by one, begin to compromise the strength of a bed rock principle as a whole, the only thing their trained Monkey Minds can conjure up is "Yoo iz the Trump tard"

No fuckhead, it's not about Trump, it's about setting precedents that will one day come back to bite all of us in the ass.

How fucking stupid and shortsighted can these people be?
Remember the whole stink about black face? How terrible it was to use the word "nigger"? Want to remind us all what happened when it came calling for the Justin Trudeaus and Anna Kasparians of this world?

It's not so much about the cracks in the bedrock coming back to bite us all, because they'll simply ignore it when it comes calling for them. Case in point, the #MeToo and #BelieveHer movements and how quickly it all went away Tara Reade made allegations against Joe Biden. Credible allegations I tend to think, certainly more so than a good many others who were cancelled, in some cases not even being told what it was they had done to warrant it.

No. This is about slavery. What you are witnessing is the left's desire to lord it over a slave class. I saw the same thing at BH - the regs were allowed to get away with murder at unregged users expense, flip the tables though and all manner of reasons to eject and ban were thrown about. As in the microcosm of forum politics, so too in the macrocosm of world politics.

And you can refuse this standard. All cards on the table, I know enough about you to know you are capable of building for the future. I've got that in me as well, so have a number of others here. Where you will fail will be if you get to dooming out on blackpills,giving up in the face of all this bullshit and letting it wash over you. It is up to you if you want better than that, just remember the only person who fails is the one who sees it all taken from him and lacks the will and motivation to rebuild.

We're always going to see people coming in to tear it all down. The left has been infected with this ethos, particularly over the last 20 years and too many of them know nothing else. The right can and likely will find themselves following the descent into Fail and Fuckment, but you needn't follow it's decline. Build. Personal responsibility is key to your success or failure, identifying others in need of a leg up and decent enough to return the favour should you start to fall is similarly key.

I cannot give you a roadmap for it because it works differently depending on who you are. And you will fuck up, it's the one constant we all share, but you can always learn not to tread the same paths that authored previous mistakes, as well as salvaging some of the more useful aspects from any you might currently be experiencing.

And that's not a right or left thing, just you taking charge of your own destiny.
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Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on August 17, 2023, 06:41:35 AMIt's not that. The establishment are terrified of Donald Trump. They want him off the campaign trail, they do NOT want to see him become the nominee, yet everything they do to him only seems to increase his popularity.

Hence the openly blatant election interference. That's essentially what this is all about. They are shit scared their election steal tactics will not be sufficient to carry the day in 2024, so they arethrowuing everything they can at the guy in the hopes that any of it sticks. 

The Dem elites do want to see Trump as the nominee.  They just want him to lose the general

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: Oerdin on August 20, 2023, 11:30:10 AMThe Dem elites do want to see Trump as the nominee.  They just want him to lose the general
It that were true then you wouldn't have seen them throwing out all these spurious court cases until after the primaries were over. Nor would you have seen them pushing names like De Simps or Ramhis Rajah to the front of the queue.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on August 20, 2023, 12:16:26 PMIt that were true then you wouldn't have seen them throwing out all these spurious court cases until after the primaries were over. Nor would you have seen them pushing names like De Simps or Ramhis Rajah to the front of the queue.

Look at when the court cases actually begin.  After the primaries but before the general election.  Hell, Dems and leftists even help find Trump and Trump informed candidates in the primaries because they want them to win.  Why?  Simple, because they correctly believe Trump is the easiest candidate to be beat as are Trump endorsed candidates whom they can tar as "extremists".

They had to tee up the court cases months in advance if they want the court cases to reach their conclusions just before the election day.  So they deliberately timed everything for that.  Dems full expect one or more to be successful because of a partisan jury in a 95% Democrat voter area.  Yes, that conviction will almost certainly get tossed on appeal but not until after election day.  That means they will be able to scare moderates with "Trump is a convicted felon" in order to influence the election which is their goal.


I would love to see a Vivik/DeSantis ticket.


Quote from: Oerdin on August 20, 2023, 03:23:51 PMI would love to see a Vivik/DeSantis ticket.
Vivik could be on Trump's ticket. Trump will be the nominee.


Trump will lose the general election and I doubt Vivik wants to be associated with Trump.


Quote from: Oerdin on August 20, 2023, 03:28:04 PMTrump will lose the general election and I doubt Vivik wants to be associated with Trump.
Trump will lose the general. But, Vivik said he would pardon Trump.