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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

avatar_Biggie Smiles

I was having this conversation with my Girlfriend this morning.

Started by Biggie Smiles, September 04, 2023, 04:24:49 PM

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Biggie Smiles

Actually Fiancee -- but don't say that outloud. I dont want to jinx myself


We all know what happened with the Christian Baker in Colorado don't we?

Business owner in the bakery market, selling cookies, cakes, etc etc .. but also has a talent for designing custom cakes for weddings, birthdays, Christmas parties etc etc.

One day two deviant and disgusting shit pistons walk into his bakery and believe just because the local legislature are a bunch of low life perverted heathen degenerates EVERYONE else must be too. So they go on to ask this devote christian to design a cake celebrating their marital union.

The Baker respectfully declines citing his belief in a marriage being the union of one man and one woman under the eye of the almighty. He declines to use his personal talents for such an endeavor but offers them anything else they wish to purchase out of his store and even recommends several other shops in the area which may not have identical hangups due to matters of personal faith and conscience.

 Fare enough - right?

Well no. NO No No no... cause god forbid these disgustingly perverse shit stabbers and the democrat vile vermin scum who support them should show this man the same respect he has shown them. Absolutely NOT. This racist, homophobe MONSTER must be CRUSHED. and the dust from his bones must be scattered across a landfill with his horrified family looking on for us, as a society, to evolve into a utopia where tolerance and empathy are exemplified in our daily lives.

4 Fucking years this poor man spends working his way through the courts. And finally once a favorable verdict is handed down from the supreme court, what do the next band of child grooming cockroaches do? send one of their more perverse and disgusting ilk in for a transition party.

Surprise surprise the financially draining process starts itself over once again!

So anyway, I have to ask at this point. If this is the direction we are headed, then how long will it be before these sick and twisted rodents start demanding straight men and even lesbians date them by court order or penalty ?

I mean, if this is possible in matters of personal conscience and work effort are we really that far away from such an outcome?
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 They already are demanding gay men and lesbians bang them.

 Look up the "cotton ceiling"
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My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


I am moar and moar convinced this tranny bullshit is mostly because it is the only way a regular white man can get on the privileged minority status train.
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Quote from: Biggie Smiles on September 04, 2023, 04:24:49 PMActually Fiancee -- but don't say that outloud. I dont want to jinx myself


We all know what happened with the Christian Baker in Colorado don't we?

Business owner in the bakery market, selling cookies, cakes, etc etc .. but also has a talent for designing custom cakes for weddings, birthdays, Christmas parties etc etc.

One day two deviant and disgusting shit pistons walk into his bakery and believe just because the local legislature are a bunch of low life perverted heathen degenerates EVERYONE else must be too. So they go on to ask this devote christian to design a cake celebrating their marital union.

The Baker respectfully declines citing his belief in a marriage being the union of one man and one woman under the eye of the almighty. He declines to use his personal talents for such an endeavor but offers them anything else they wish to purchase out of his store and even recommends several other shops in the area which may not have identical hangups due to matters of personal faith and conscience.

 Fare enough - right?

Well no. NO No No no... cause god forbid these disgustingly perverse shit stabbers and the democrat vile vermin scum who support them should show this man the same respect he has shown them. Absolutely NOT. This racist, homophobe MONSTER must be CRUSHED. and the dust from his bones must be scattered across a landfill with his horrified family looking on for us, as a society, to evolve into a utopia where tolerance and empathy are exemplified in our daily lives.

4 Fucking years this poor man spends working his way through the courts. And finally once a favorable verdict is handed down from the supreme court, what do the next band of child grooming cockroaches do? send one of their more perverse and disgusting ilk in for a transition party.

Surprise surprise the financially draining process starts itself over once again!

So anyway, I have to ask at this point. If this is the direction we are headed, then how long will it be before these sick and twisted rodents start demanding straight men and even lesbians date them by court order or penalty ?

I mean, if this is possible in matters of personal conscience and work effort are we really that far away from such an outcome?

Society is unravelling at an exponential rate. That's part and parcel to western authorities plans'... and then they'll provoke foreign attacks to eradicate much of their own citizenry.

Make no bones about it. They're elitist cowards and they view the vast majority of us as mold or rancid sewer fats.
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Here I am with my broken record again. God says homosexuals should be executed, end of. We are simply seeing the end result of tolerance. Still, 90% of society continue to engage this problem like the woman doing math meme, convinced that if they could only figure out how to tolerate kweirdos just right, all will be utopia. There isnt some kind of trick to dealing with kweirdos.

God told us all, the right way to treat them is to kill them.


Almost forgot, eventually, you'll have to engage in homosexuality and reject Christianity or else. Dont believe me? Well, imagine telling someone in 1980 how faggotry would be today with adopting kids, faggit marriage, the Catholic Church being excluded from adoptions, trannies, sex change operations for death row inmates paid for by us.....

Those people back then would tell you you're fucking nuts and the faggit lovers of the time would tell you you're a hate filled fear monger.

I still would like to see my own dad brought back from the dead for the sole purpose of me slapping the fuck outta him, kicking him in the nuts, and then screaming "I TOLD YOU SO ABOUT THESE FAGGITS" to him.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Dove on September 05, 2023, 03:03:17 AMThey already are demanding gay men and lesbians bang them.

 Look up the "cotton ceiling"

I know that part, but how long before they will be able to enlist power of the courts to force others to become romantically involved with them or suffer some type of aggravating penalty

Biggie Smiles

These faggots and deviant troons have gone way way past live and let live.

And it's like L is saying - you give these degenerate shit pressers an inch and they begin demanding a yard.
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Quote from: Biggie Smiles on September 05, 2023, 11:17:23 AMThese faggots and deviant troons have gone way way past live and let live.

And it's like L is saying - you give these degenerate shit pressers an inch and they begin demanding a yard.

It was never really about "live and let live". That was just a platitude used to get the camels nose under the tent. As I've said before, my own father tried to convince me that kweirdos just wanted to be left alone to live their lives without harassment. He was wrong to say the least.
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Quote from: Biggie Smiles on September 04, 2023, 04:24:49 PMActually Fiancee -- but don't say that outloud. I dont want to jinx myself


We all know what happened with the Christian Baker in Colorado don't we?

Business owner in the bakery market, selling cookies, cakes, etc etc .. but also has a talent for designing custom cakes for weddings, birthdays, Christmas parties etc etc.

One day two deviant and disgusting shit pistons walk into his bakery and believe just because the local legislature are a bunch of low life perverted heathen degenerates EVERYONE else must be too. So they go on to ask this devote christian to design a cake celebrating their marital union.

The Baker respectfully declines citing his belief in a marriage being the union of one man and one woman under the eye of the almighty. He declines to use his personal talents for such an endeavor but offers them anything else they wish to purchase out of his store and even recommends several other shops in the area which may not have identical hangups due to matters of personal faith and conscience.

 Fare enough - right?

Well no. NO No No no... cause god forbid these disgustingly perverse shit stabbers and the democrat vile vermin scum who support them should show this man the same respect he has shown them. Absolutely NOT. This racist, homophobe MONSTER must be CRUSHED. and the dust from his bones must be scattered across a landfill with his horrified family looking on for us, as a society, to evolve into a utopia where tolerance and empathy are exemplified in our daily lives.

4 Fucking years this poor man spends working his way through the courts. And finally once a favorable verdict is handed down from the supreme court, what do the next band of child grooming cockroaches do? send one of their more perverse and disgusting ilk in for a transition party.

Surprise surprise the financially draining process starts itself over once again!

So anyway, I have to ask at this point. If this is the direction we are headed, then how long will it be before these sick and twisted rodents start demanding straight men and even lesbians date them by court order or penalty ?

I mean, if this is possible in matters of personal conscience and work effort are we really that far away from such an outcome?

The process is designed to be the punishment.  They get free lawyers to file endless lawsuits, which they have lost and will continue to lose, but they want to drain the gentleman's resources.  He needs a givebsend go fundraiser (as GoFundMe is lying thieving leftist filth) and he needs to make sure he demands legal fees from the pedophiles.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Oerdin on September 06, 2023, 01:47:53 PMThe process is designed to be the punishment.  They get free lawyers to file endless lawsuits, which they have lost and will continue to lose, but they want to drain the gentleman's resources.  He needs a givebsend go fundraiser (as GoFundMe is lying thieving leftist filth) and he needs to make sure he demands legal fees from the pedophiles.

thing is, they're not losing. They're actually winning on lower court appeals filed by the baker. It's only once it makes it's way to the supreme court is when they ulimately fail, but by that time, as you pointed out, the punishment has been so severe and financially draining it makes one wonder if it was worthwhile at all

and THAT's the point. That no matter the outcome THE PROCESS is so painfully that most will not have the will to sustain it. And THAT's what they are banking on

vermin cock sucking filth

reaps the honest

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Biggie Smiles

Quote from: reaps the honest on September 06, 2023, 03:18:31 PM

you know, I never quite looked at it from that particular angle

and it's true.. the only people they seem to want to read this garbage too are the most impressionable among us all
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Quote from: reaps the honest on September 06, 2023, 03:18:31 PM

Because liberals wanna fuck children. Just look at all these white liberal whore teachers. They're way worse than even the Seamolesters in the world. We can all deride him for fucking kids but you've see where even an ugly white skank teacher is fucking kids and all the CONservative men declare " He was the boy that lived" and "He fucked up talking about it!"

I can tell you this, if my boys teacher would have been fucking him at 13, I'd have split roasted that cunt with my log splitter, filmed it all, and posted it on facebook! Then I wouldnt have burned her fukin ass, alive or no!


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on September 04, 2023, 04:24:49 PMActually Fiancee -- but don't say that outloud. I dont want to jinx myself


We all know what happened with the Christian Baker in Colorado don't we?

Business owner in the bakery market, selling cookies, cakes, etc etc .. but also has a talent for designing custom cakes for weddings, birthdays, Christmas parties etc etc.

One day two deviant and disgusting shit pistons walk into his bakery and believe just because the local legislature are a bunch of low life perverted heathen degenerates EVERYONE else must be too. So they go on to ask this devote christian to design a cake celebrating their marital union.

The Baker respectfully declines citing his belief in a marriage being the union of one man and one woman under the eye of the almighty. He declines to use his personal talents for such an endeavor but offers them anything else they wish to purchase out of his store and even recommends several other shops in the area which may not have identical hangups due to matters of personal faith and conscience.

 Fare enough - right?

Well no. NO No No no... cause god forbid these disgustingly perverse shit stabbers and the democrat vile vermin scum who support them should show this man the same respect he has shown them. Absolutely NOT. This racist, homophobe MONSTER must be CRUSHED. and the dust from his bones must be scattered across a landfill with his horrified family looking on for us, as a society, to evolve into a utopia where tolerance and empathy are exemplified in our daily lives.

4 Fucking years this poor man spends working his way through the courts. And finally once a favorable verdict is handed down from the supreme court, what do the next band of child grooming cockroaches do? send one of their more perverse and disgusting ilk in for a transition party.

Surprise surprise the financially draining process starts itself over once again!

So anyway, I have to ask at this point. If this is the direction we are headed, then how long will it be before these sick and twisted rodents start demanding straight men and even lesbians date them by court order or penalty ?

I mean, if this is possible in matters of personal conscience and work effort are we really that far away from such an outcome?
If you had told me that trannies would be talking to little kids in schools five years ago, I would have said that is crazy. Now, nothing is off limits to them.
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