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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Politics/Religion Consolidated Megathread Extravaganza

Started by Blazor, November 15, 2022, 12:42:03 PM

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Since January 2021, the Biden administration's policy actions have undermined U.S. national security vis-à-vis China, including plans to reduce Navy ships and aircraft, shrink the Army to fewer than 1 million soldiers for the first time in 20 years, divert military training focus from foreign threats to ideologically motivated personnel policies, and elevate "mitigating climate change" as a military priority.

But nowhere is the ongoing diminishment of U.S. national security more disastrous as the damage being wrought at the open U.S.-Mexico border.

Border security is absolutely a key component of national security. Secure borders directly affect the sovereignty, security, and well-being of the United States over time. Policies that promote tight immigration controls facilitate assimilation and stability over time. Such policies also minimize the entry of criminals, terrorists, sleeper agents from hostile countries, spies, drug runners (loaded with fentanyl produced in China), human traffickers, and disease-ridden people.

Unfortunately, the Biden administration's open borders policy implemented after Inauguration Day in 2021 was a complete reversal of the Trump administration's policies that emphasized border security and a return to the enforcement of preexisting U.S. immigration laws.

The Biden administration's immigration policies have included the diversion of border wall funding to other uses, the directed nonenforcement of existing U.S. immigration laws by the Department of Homeland Security's U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement directorate, the acceleration of amnesty processing at the border, the coordinated dispersal of "asylum seekers" into the U.S. interior at taxpayer expense, and the repeal of Title 42 restrictions (an action that will clear legal objections and lead to an enormous wave of illegal immigrants attempting to cross the southern border).

The results have been predictably disastrous. As announced by the president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) in October, "some 2.7 million migrants—those who illegally entered or were otherwise inadmissible at a port of entry—were encountered at our borders in FY 2022, bringing the total under President Biden to a whopping 5.5 million." And these numbers do not include 1.2 million illegal immigrants who avoided detection and incarceration when they crossed the border, as estimated by Customs and Border Patrol officials and reported by Fox News in January.

It gets worse. As reported by Axios, in January and February, "nearly 2,200 Chinese nationals have crossed into Panama through the thick jungle of the Darién Gap, according to migration data from Panama's government."

The United Nations and U.S. State Department are providing funding to support the Darien Gap camp in Panama, a transit point for people whose ultimate destination is the United States. The U.N. agency that supports the camp is the International Organization for Migration (IOM), which facilitates emigration from communist China and third-world countries to the United States and other Western countries. According to independent journalist Michael Yon, "The Chinese are coming through here [the Darien Gap camp] in large numbers, about 200 per day and increasing, heading to the U.S."

And most of these Chinese are reported to be military-age men. According to a Twitter post by Kyle Bass, founder of Conservation Equity Management, a Texas-based private equity firm, the Texas Department of Public Safety is "now apprehending as many as 530 Chinese nationals (almost entirely military-aged males) EACH WEEK. Over 2,000 per month at today's catch rates. These are the illegal entries [who are caught] (clearly there are many more)."

How many of these people are spies or future saboteurs? No one knows, but the number is certainly not zero.

Various nonprofit organizations are involved in assisting the Biden administration in supporting illegal aliens ("asylum seekers" and "migrants" in the left's softer vernacular) and dispersing them throughout the United States. For example, the American Red Cross openly advertises on its website: "The American Red Cross is providing relief supplies—such as cots, blankets, hygiene items, first aid kits, and towels—for use by local nonprofits caring for migrants." As reported by the New York Post, "FEMA's Emergency Food and Services Program board includes Catholic Charities and United Way, which pass the money to local nonprofits serving illegal immigrants" as a way to hide the use of taxpayer funds being used to support the administration's illegal immigration policies.

Even more deadly to Americans has been the unchecked flow of illegal narcotics into the United States from Mexico, particularly Chinese-manufactured fentanyl and other opioid precursor chemical precursors. The result has been an average of 100,000 dead Americans annually with no end in sight. It should be noted that there were 58,220 Americans killed during the Vietnam War.

On April 29, the Daily Mail (UK) reported a match made in hell between Chinese triad gangs and Mexican cartels. The triads are helping the cartels "launder millions in illicit drug money made by flooding the US with killer drug fentanyl." The article further quotes Rep. Lisa McClain (R-Mich.), chairwoman of the subcommittee on healthcare and financial services, who stated that "the State Department estimates that $154 billion in illicit [money-laundered] funds pass through China each and every year." Thus, the Chinese regime is making money off the death and destruction from the fentanyl crisis in the United States, in which they are directly complicit!


Canada has lost nearly a decade under Trudeau.

Canada's worst decade for real economic growth since the 1930s

Causes of our slumping growth are domestic, not external

Over the last ten years real GDP per capita grew just 0.8 per cent a year on average in this country, its lowest rate of growth since the 1930s. Total GDP has been growing because of our growing population. But GDP per person has been essentially stagnant. This extended period of slow growth has widened the gap between per capita growth in the United States and Canada, demonstrating that the causes of our slumping growth are domestic, not external.

From the fourth quarter of 2016 to the end of 2022, real per capita GDP rose 11.7 per cent in the U.S., but only 2.8 per cent in Canada. The U.S. outgrew us before, during and after the pandemic. From 2016 to the end of 2019 it outpaced us by 3.5 percentage points. During the worst of the pandemic, in the first half of 2020, per capita real GDP fell 9.7 per cent in the U.S. versus 13.2 per cent here. And since mid-2020, it has grown 15.3 per cent in the U.S. versus only 14.1 per cent here. The Americans' ability to sustain growth over the past decade shows that our stagnation was not the inevitable result of population aging or the exhaustion of technological innovations — which are hitting them, too — but instead reflects factors under our control.

One manifestation of chronically weak business investment and low productivity is the OECD's forecast that Canada's per capita GDP growth between 2020 and 2060 will be the lowest among its 29 member nations. This underscores that, without fundamental changes in our approach to growth, Canada's economic anemia will persist. Returning to faster economic growth requires, not one-time debt-financed boosts to income transfers, but harnessing the potential of Canada's innovators and entrepreneurs."> ... _TAhdEa9xI">


Jim Crow Joe napped at a reporter on Tuesday for asking a simple question about ongoing debt ceiling negotiations.

In January, the U.S. reached its debt ceiling, a statutory limitation on how much debt liability the U.S. government may accumulate. The Treasury Department responded by taking "extraordinary measures" to prevent default. But those measures will expire next month, and without a deal to raise the debt ceiling, the U.S. could default on its debt.

At a press conference following a meeting with congressional leaders about the negotiations, a reporter asked Biden about his apparent refusal to agree to spending cuts.

"Speaker McCarthy said that he asked you numerous times if there was anywhere in the federal budget for cuts, but he did not get an answer. So is there anywhere —" the reporter asked before Biden interrupted him.

"He got a specific answer. He got a specific answer again today," the president interjected.

"Which is what?" the reporter followed up."> ... g-question">

But that's not true. House Republicans passed a bill last month with very specific spending cuts, including taking back unused pandemic relief money, cutting IRS spending, and repealing expensive tax credits. The bill also caps future federal discretionary spending.

It's also not true that Biden has cut the deficit. CNN reported in March:

Biden has repeatedly taken credit for reducing the deficit in 2021 and 2022 even though experts have said that the vast majority of this reduction occurred simply because emergency Covid-19 pandemic spending from 2020 expired as planned – and that Biden's own initiatives made the deficits higher than they otherwise would be.


The House Oversight and Accountability Committee released new evidence on Wednesday of the Biden family's alleged "influence peddling schemes."

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) revealed that "thousands of pages of financial records" obtained during the investigation show that the Biden family and their associates created a "complicated network of companies" in an attempt to conceal millions of dollars of payments from foreign businesses.

According to the committee, Biden family members and their associates created over 20 companies sometime after Joe Biden assumed the vice presidency in 2009. The complex network of companies, most of which were limited liability corporations, raked in over $10 million from "foreign nationals' and their related companies" while Biden was vice president and after he left office.


The Biden administration stated on May 10 that it has rolled out a new regulation to coincide with the end of Title 42, under which many people who plan to illegally cross the southern border will be rendered ineligible for asylum.

Under the finalized rule (pdf), which essentially brings back a Trump-era travel policy, illegal immigrants will be disqualified from applying for asylum in the United States if they didn't first seek protection in countries that they traveled through on their way to the United States, with limited exceptions.

It will take effect as soon as the Title 42 public health order ends on May 11, along with the national emergency declaration over the COVID-19 pandemic.


In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis on May 10 signed an illegal immigration bill he said was the toughest in the country.

One of its provisions requires companies with more than 25 employees to use the federal E-Verify system to check a job applicant's eligibility.

At a signing ceremony in Jacksonville, DeSantis blasted the Biden administration's lack of border enforcement, allowing illegal immigration to surge.

DeSantis said that with the formal ending of the COVID crisis—and the expiration of immigration controls tied to it—illegal immigrants would enter the country at a rate of over 13,000 a day, more than 4.5 million a year.

He tied that to many problems: crime, record rates of drug overdose deaths, and a skyrocketing financial burden to taxpayers forced to fund services such as medical care, education, and law enforcement for illegals.


Quote from: DKG post_id=500331 time=1683806664 user_id=3390
The Biden administration stated on May 10 that it has rolled out a new regulation to coincide with the end of Title 42, under which many people who plan to illegally cross the southern border will be rendered ineligible for asylum.

Under the finalized rule (pdf), which essentially brings back a Trump-era travel policy, illegal immigrants will be disqualified from applying for asylum in the United States if they didn't first seek protection in countries that they traveled through on their way to the United States, with limited exceptions.

It will take effect as soon as the Title 42 public health order ends on May 11, along with the national emergency declaration over the COVID-19 pandemic.

Its like my wife and I were discussing this morning, title NOTHING is necessary because the POTUS already has the power to COMPLETELY STOP immigration, PERIOD. Its all bullshit. Mexcrements are flooding in because democRATs want them to and there will be no real change when title 42 reverts to title 8.


Quote from: Lokmar post_id=500344 time=1683808202 user_id=3351
Quote from: DKG post_id=500331 time=1683806664 user_id=3390
The Biden administration stated on May 10 that it has rolled out a new regulation to coincide with the end of Title 42, under which many people who plan to illegally cross the southern border will be rendered ineligible for asylum.

Under the finalized rule (pdf), which essentially brings back a Trump-era travel policy, illegal immigrants will be disqualified from applying for asylum in the United States if they didn't first seek protection in countries that they traveled through on their way to the United States, with limited exceptions.

It will take effect as soon as the Title 42 public health order ends on May 11, along with the national emergency declaration over the COVID-19 pandemic.

Its like my wife and I were discussing this morning, title NOTHING is necessary because the POTUS already has the power to COMPLETELY STOP immigration, PERIOD. Its all bullshit. Mexcrements are flooding in because democRATs want them to and there will be no real change when title 42 reverts to title 8.

The US had a secure border under the previous administration. For political reasons only, Biden has refused to do the most basic responsibility that comes with his job-protect the nation.


Quote from: Lokmar post_id=500344 time=1683808202 user_id=3351
Quote from: DKG post_id=500331 time=1683806664 user_id=3390
The Biden administration stated on May 10 that it has rolled out a new regulation to coincide with the end of Title 42, under which many people who plan to illegally cross the southern border will be rendered ineligible for asylum.

Under the finalized rule (pdf), which essentially brings back a Trump-era travel policy, illegal immigrants will be disqualified from applying for asylum in the United States if they didn't first seek protection in countries that they traveled through on their way to the United States, with limited exceptions.

It will take effect as soon as the Title 42 public health order ends on May 11, along with the national emergency declaration over the COVID-19 pandemic.

Its like my wife and I were discussing this morning, title NOTHING is necessary because the POTUS already has the power to COMPLETELY STOP immigration, PERIOD. Its all bullshit. Mexcrements are flooding in because democRATs want them to and there will be no real change when title 42 reverts to title 8.

Nearly correct. We saw under the the previous administration what I can best describe as a genuine effort to stop it, undermined as the effort was by Democrats and RINOcons alike. The Don did his best, agreed. But he had an uphill battle to get even as much as he did done in that regard. As laudable as his commitment and actions were, he never truly stopped it.

Compared to what is in office at the moment, weaseling its way back in the direction of the policies The Don was striving for, there really is no comparison. Nor would I expect there to be. Democrats love them illegal immigrants for the votes (when they can squeak them in) and the RINOs love their cheap labour. No serious effort will be made by POTatUS to actually DO anything, like Clinton, Obama, the Bushes, Reagan et al, Biden will only give the impression that it is a matter that something should be done about; his lobbyists will ensure he doesn't work too hard at it.


Quote from: Guest post_id=500396 time=1683866876
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=500344 time=1683808202 user_id=3351

Its like my wife and I were discussing this morning, title NOTHING is necessary because the POTUS already has the power to COMPLETELY STOP immigration, PERIOD. Its all bullshit. Mexcrements are flooding in because democRATs want them to and there will be no real change when title 42 reverts to title 8.

Nearly correct. We saw under the the previous administration what I can best describe as a genuine effort to stop it, undermined as the effort was by Democrats and RINOcons alike. The Don did his best, agreed. But he had an uphill battle to get even as much as he did done in that regard. As laudable as his commitment and actions were, he never truly stopped it.

Compared to what is in office at the moment, weaseling its way back in the direction of the policies The Don was striving for, there really is no comparison. Nor would I expect there to be. Democrats love them illegal immigrants for the votes (when they can squeak them in) and the RINOs love their cheap labour. No serious effort will be made by POTatUS to actually DO anything, like Clinton, Obama, the Bushes, Reagan et al, Biden will only give the impression that it is a matter that something should be done about; his lobbyists will ensure he doesn't work too hard at it.

Rinos love their illegal migrants, I know that.


Steven Guilbeault, Justin Trudeau's most radical cabinet Minister, recently talked about the social cost of carbon emissions being $247 per tonne - 5 times the current carbon tax.

He's trying to set the stage to raise the carbon tax even higher than it already is.

The Liberals have always insisted that, with the carbon tax rebates, the average home is better off.

The truth? The carbon tax is projected to cost the average household in Saskatchewan $1,723 per year.

That estimate doesn't come from a conservative think tank or business lobby group. That comes from the federal government itself - the Parliamentary Budget Office.


Chicago residents are furious that the city is planning on housing migrants in their neighborhood and are demanding politicians relocate the illegal immigrants somewhere else. The angry residents have filed a lawsuit in an attempt to stop the city of Chicago from housing migrants at a shuttered high school in the area.

A resident in the Democrat-dominated area demanded, "Build the wall. Make a border."

One person in the crowd was holding a sign that read: "Build the wall 2024."

President Joe Biden overwhelmingly won Cook County by capturing 74% of the vote against Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election.


Late Thursday evening, just hours before Title 42 ended, U.S. District Judge T. Kent Wetherell ordered the Biden administration to stand down, issuing a two-week restraining order against the policy. His ruling came after Gov. Ron DeSantis' administration filed a lawsuit asking for a temporary restraining order.

In his ruling, Wetherell explained there is no "material difference" between the new parole program and the "catch and release" program that he struck down as unconstitutional two months ago.

Wetherell also admonished the Biden administration for claiming that halting the parole program would "cause chaos." Any chaos, the judge said, is Biden's own doing.


Quote from: Herman post_id=500465 time=1683939233 user_id=3396
Chicago residents are furious that the city is planning on housing migrants in their neighborhood and are demanding politicians relocate the illegal immigrants somewhere else. The angry residents have filed a lawsuit in an attempt to stop the city of Chicago from housing migrants at a shuttered high school in the area.

A resident in the Democrat-dominated area demanded, "Build the wall. Make a border."

One person in the crowd was holding a sign that read: "Build the wall 2024."

President Joe Biden overwhelmingly won Cook County by capturing 74% of the vote against Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

Like most leftists they don't care about any problem until it personally effects them.


Quote from: Oerdin post_id=500489 time=1683955364 user_id=3374
Quote from: Herman post_id=500465 time=1683939233 user_id=3396
Chicago residents are furious that the city is planning on housing migrants in their neighborhood and are demanding politicians relocate the illegal immigrants somewhere else. The angry residents have filed a lawsuit in an attempt to stop the city of Chicago from housing migrants at a shuttered high school in the area.

A resident in the Democrat-dominated area demanded, "Build the wall. Make a border."

One person in the crowd was holding a sign that read: "Build the wall 2024."

President Joe Biden overwhelmingly won Cook County by capturing 74% of the vote against Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

Like most leftists they don't care about any problem until it personally effects them.

That seems to be the pattern.