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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Politics/Religion Consolidated Megathread Extravaganza

Started by Blazor, November 15, 2022, 12:42:03 PM

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i avoid churches altogether.... i have yet to see one that aligns with my beliefs at a comfortable level.... i'm willing to forgo flat earth  but there seems to be a plethora of subjects that rub me wrong.... particularly as of recent.... such as the liberal stance of fags and trannys.... not to mention the pushing of that devil-juice vaccine and masks....


Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=483234 time=1669037955 user_id=1582
i avoid churches altogether.... i have yet to see one that aligns with my beliefs at a comfortable level.... i'm willing to forgo flat earth  but there seems to be a plethora of subjects that rub me wrong.... particularly as of recent.... such as the liberal stance of fags and trannys.... not to mention the pushing of that devil-juice vaccine and masks....

 There is church by me, well over more in east Lansing that has the BLM and Trans lgbtqa plus flags on it. I think they have a female "pastor"(which means they have no pastor.....women cannot be pastors) and when I pass it, it depresses me.

 If you are surrounded by worldly and apostate churches, you must live in a very woke area.

 Try to find a reformed church. We moved an hour away from our church and I still havent joined a new one. I cant bring myself to do that. You want a church that aligns biblically.  Which isnt always easy these days. But we are not supposed to forsake the assembly of God (Hebrews 10:25).  Mind you "church" isnt a building but the gathering togther of believers in Christ. So as long as you have a biblically solid group of people to fellowship with, in're good.  

 I learned the hard way how important this actually is.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


alabama is a very religious state historically.... i believe thats why satan is trying so hard to subvert the churches.... while none of them actively engage with fags and trannys, they all seem to bring the 'message' of inclusiveness.... i think thats wrong from the ground up.... but the 'power of the vaccine' is the most focused on.... most of these churches even had vaccine tents and community outreach.... i can't be a party to that nonsense....


Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=483238 time=1669039896 user_id=1582
alabama is a very religious state historically.... i believe thats why satan is trying so hard to subvert the churches.... while none of them actively engage with fags and trannys, they all seem to bring the 'message' of inclusiveness.... i think thats wrong from the ground up.... but the 'power of the vaccine' is the most focused on.... most of these churches even had vaccine tents and community outreach.... i can't be a party to that nonsense....

 Find some street preachers......they rock  :thumbup:

 That's what I did lol. People willing to be cursed at, spit on, threatened and possibly assaulted or killed are the way to go.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


An overlooked memory card in Cobb County, Georgia, with uncounted ballots changed the final results of a special election, officials have said.

The county's Board of Elections and Registration voted to recertify the results of the Nov. 8 Kennesaw City Council special election during a Nov. 18 meeting, according to a statement.

"The recertification was necessary after workers discovered a memory card had not been included in the previous results. The additional ballots resulted in a change in the Kennesaw City Council Post 1 Special Election," the release said.

Madelyn Orochena was originally declared the winner of the special election. However, when additional ballots were located on the memory card, Lynette Burnette was shown as the winner of the race by 31 votes, officials told local media.

"Unfortunately, once found we did upload it, and it changed the outcome of the Kennesaw City Council race," Janine Eveler, Cobb County's director of elections, told local media outlets.

Cobb election officials said that the memory card was located in Kennesaw when workers were preparing for an audit of the election, according to 11Alive. Further details weren't provided about why the card was overlooked or where it was located.


The Arizona Attorney General's Elections Integrity Unit sent a letter to Maricopa County demanding answers on problems that took place with the election on Nov. 8.

In a letter to Civil Division Chief Thomas Liddy of the Maricopa County Attorney's Office, Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Wright said the AG's office had "received hundreds of complaints since Election Day," and the complaints "go beyond pure speculation [and] include first-hand witness accounts that raise concerns regarding Maricopa County's lawful compliance with Arizona election law."

According to Maricopa County election officials, at least 60 of 223 voting locations experienced technical problems related to ballot-on-demand (BOD) printers having "non-uniform" printer configuration settings.

These non-uniform settings resulted in some ballots "unable to be read by on-site ballot tabulators."

County officials estimate the technical problems may have impacted more than 17,000 ballots on Election Day.

"The way they run elections in Maricopa County is worse than in banana republics around this world,"Kari Lake, a Republican rising star, told the Daily Mail.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=483225 time=1669034304 user_id=1582
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=483174 time=1669001751 user_id=3214On this you and I can certainly agree. And I don't necessarily disagree with you on the flat earth premise either. I seriously don't give a shit either way as it is an inconsequential matter in my mind.  I just feel it is more beneficial to these vermin on the left to spit in the face of God on matters such as "male and female he created them" and "be fruitful and multiply". Two Godly utterances that have remained steadfast and pristine from the corruption of man only until very recently. Now, with the advent of medical mutilation and social encouragement mental illness which flies in the face of God's decree and can be implemented at scale.

brother, i'll take 'common ground' wherever i can find it.... you can keep your little ol' spinning ball.... no objections here.... :laugh:

thank you. And you sir can continue believing we all live on a dinner plate.

At least you are no stinking cock sucking vermin liberal -- so this point you could believe we all live on the back of a giant space hamster and I would be 100% ok with you none-the-less

Trump’s Niece



No spam, no stupidity. Very unusual

He must be in deep mourning over the 5 young cocks that were lost in this tragedy

Biggie Smiles

Have the libtards started crying yet?

The three stooges are getting removed from committee assignments"> ... committees">


Nope. He's there right now spamming twitter links after saying twitter was going to fail because no one is using it anymore since the evil madman musk took over and made liberals cry



Quote from: Noodles post_id=483267 time=1669049832
Nope. He's there right now spamming twitter links after saying twitter was going to fail because no one is using it anymore since the evil madman musk took over and made liberals cry


Libtard fascists hate that they can no longer control all social media.


Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=483260 time=1669047777 user_id=3214
Have the libtards started crying yet?

The three stooges are getting removed from committee assignments"> ... committees">

What is good for the goose is good for the gander.


Quote from: Noodles post_id=483267 time=1669049832
Nope. He's there right now spamming twitter links after saying twitter was going to fail because no one is using it anymore since the evil madman musk took over and made liberals cry


That is fu NY as Twitter posts and interactions are at record highs.  Leftists are demanding advertiser boycotts using made up false "hate speech" claims but 1) Leftists don't buy f4om these advertisers anyway and 2) So far it is only bots probably controlled by Leftists posting the n word.  It all started the moment Leftists announced their pressure campaign on advertisers.

Twitter just banned the bot nets and the problem instantly went away while Leftists cried.  Dumb is dumb and they are dumb.  Advertisers will go where the eyeballs and clicks are and right now that is twitter.

Trump’s Niece
