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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Politics/Religion Consolidated Megathread Extravaganza

Started by Blazor, November 15, 2022, 12:42:03 PM

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Biggie Smiles

Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=483874 time=1669230208 user_id=3389
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=483873 time=1669230057 user_id=1728
Who Blurt? I agree.   :laugh:

Jokes..... Yeah Admin is a 100% full blown fruit.... interesting how even at his age he still denies it.

They're a pair of nancyboys. Apegirl is more unbearable because he spams TDS shit.

Bum ass blurt is a close second tho.

and lily -- but she's just a fat fucking miserable Anna Navarro clone minus the in person interactions with other human beings in public


Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=483869 time=1669229289 user_id=1728
I don't even try and keep up with the nonsense in Clown World any more, there's just too much. Everyday almost, there's some new insanity...

WTF happened to the Nancy Pelosi story where her husband got beaten with a hammer by a San Fagdisco hippy?

That seems to have been memoryholed.

 It's looking like the guy is an unhinged leftard (shocker) and that her gross husband knew him.

 So they are distancing.

 Isnt it fucked up?  The most violent and hateful people in the country and all the media does is attack the rest of us using any story they think is usable and dropping it when it turns out to be one of theirs.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=483868 time=1669229061 user_id=3214
hahahahahahahahahaha is anyone else enjoying watching fagmin and that spastic little shit blurt run straight up tree trunks like stunned fucking cats over this whole debunked Colorado shooter story?


 Dude I haven't even gone over there because they actually make me sick at this point.

 Should I peek later?
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Dove post_id=483905 time=1669239366 user_id=3266
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=483868 time=1669229061 user_id=3214
hahahahahahahahahaha is anyone else enjoying watching fagmin and that spastic little shit blurt run straight up tree trunks like stunned fucking cats over this whole debunked Colorado shooter story?


 Dude I haven't even gone over there because they actually make me sick at this point.

 Should I peek later?

Eh... isn't worth the effort you would put in trying to reason with those cretinous sloths


Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=483908 time=1669239899 user_id=3214
Quote from: Dove post_id=483905 time=1669239366 user_id=3266

 Dude I haven't even gone over there because they actually make me sick at this point.

 Should I peek later?

Eh... isn't worth the effort you would put in trying to reason with those cretinous sloths

 Lol so keep my peace  ac_drinks
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Breakfall post_id=483749 time=1669201074 user_id=3358
Quote from: Oerdin post_id=483619 time=1669150030 user_id=3374

It doesn't take much to figure out you regarding have melties then the very next day post on the same topic you claimed was so terrible.  Hypocrite much?  Also, I will left my record of success be compared against yours any day.

God I hate that word "meltie". You're American (I think)...your nation relies on pharmaceuticals and head shrinks, and you want to insinuate to me that I'm having a "meltie"? In the real world I would just fuck up anyone that disrespects my family.

Dude...I was born South African, they don't make them as tough as us anymore kiddo!

Dude, you had a meltie so just accept it and move on.


Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, suggested on Tuesday that criticism against her is an incitement of violence.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is testing the waters for a 2024 presidential campaign.

Over the weekend, he said one of the most important issues facing Americans is education, and a central tenant of his campaign will be "making sure we don't teach our kids crap in schools."

He then laid into AFT President Weingarten, who leads the second-largest teachers' union in the U.S.

"If you ask, 'Who's the most likely to take this republic down?' It would be the teachers' unions, and the filth that they're teaching our kids, and the fact that they don't know math and reading or writing," he continued.

"If our kids don't grow up understanding America is an exceptional nation, we're done," Pompeo declared. "If they think it's an oppressor class and an oppressed class, if they think the 1619 Project, and we were founded on a racist idea — if those are the things people entered the seventh grade deeply embedded in their understanding of America, it's difficult to understand how Xi Jinping's claim that America is in decline won't prove true."

Weingarten responded by accusing Pompeo of fomenting "hate and division," rhetoric she claimed will "lead to violence."

The teachers' union president, in fact, said that Republican opposition to teachers indoctrinating young children with the progressive LGBT agenda, in general, is dangerous.


This is a very key admission."> ... 4426900480">


Far left Democrat school board vows they will ignore new law forbidding teachers from claiming one race is superior to other races.  Yes, that is what the left has degenerated into; trying to "teach" claims about racial superiority and inferiority.  To be a leftist is to be a racist bigot."> ... or-another">


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=483871 time=1669229655 user_id=2845
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=483868 time=1669229061 user_id=3214
hahahahahahahahahaha is anyone else enjoying watching fagmin and that spastic little shit blurt run straight up tree trunks like stunned fucking cats over this whole debunked Colorado shooter story?


Dude is HEATED. You cannot tell me that fool is NOT gay and into trans. He's way too emotional about it.

 Honestly it's because he has been propagandized...notice how they stuff they are mad about constantly shifts according to what corporate media pushes?

 Orwell nailed these people in 1984

 "And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp"

George Orwell, 1984
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: DKG post_id=483983 time=1669291222 user_id=3390
Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, suggested on Tuesday that criticism against her is an incitement of violence.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is testing the waters for a 2024 presidential campaign.

Over the weekend, he said one of the most important issues facing Americans is education, and a central tenant of his campaign will be "making sure we don't teach our kids crap in schools."

He then laid into AFT President Weingarten, who leads the second-largest teachers' union in the U.S.

"If you ask, 'Who's the most likely to take this republic down?' It would be the teachers' unions, and the filth that they're teaching our kids, and the fact that they don't know math and reading or writing," he continued.

"If our kids don't grow up understanding America is an exceptional nation, we're done," Pompeo declared. "If they think it's an oppressor class and an oppressed class, if they think the 1619 Project, and we were founded on a racist idea — if those are the things people entered the seventh grade deeply embedded in their understanding of America, it's difficult to understand how Xi Jinping's claim that America is in decline won't prove true."

Weingarten responded by accusing Pompeo of fomenting "hate and division," rhetoric she claimed will "lead to violence."

The teachers' union president, in fact, said that Republican opposition to teachers indoctrinating young children with the progressive LGBT agenda, in general, is dangerous.

 And considering it's this CRT narrative that has directly caused violence where we didnt have violence .....they are telling people to not believe what we all see but rather parrot the opposite.

 Everything about their dumb ass racist cult narrative is violence and incites hatred and violence.

 We have come to a place where children are not being taught basic education and our academic rates are dropping...Gen Z is painfully uneducated, and schools are pushing politcal indoctrination.  

 And these brainwashed hateful fucks are cool with this. They really do not see the problem with what is being done.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


This is what has been done to Gen Z"> ... d-b1907907">

 They are the least educated generation and they have alarmingly high rates of mental illness and depression. My own daughters say their peer group is fucked.  

 I am SO glad I supplemented at home and educated them on US History, government, sexuality and health...and had them reading a vast amount of literature including the Bible.  Because Gen Z doesnt even know what year America became the US, what's in our constitution, that we are a Constitutional Republic, and they dont know what 4th of July even celebrates.

 But they enjoy dark humor about suicide and wanting to die, and they think being heterosexual is boring and vanilla and "dates" are hook ups.  Girls dont even know what happens in pregnancy.

 But they can come out in droves to vote for fucking democrats without even being able to tell you a single fucking policy they agree with. They go off on some unhinged tangent about racism and homophobia.

 My 17 year old daughter who suffers anxiety....whose general mental and emotional health vastly improved when she stopped attending public school....thinks there is a correlation between the jacked up mental health of Gen Z and their lower level of education and inability to rationally and critically think.

 All my life I've never seen anyone shit on their own generation like I've seen from my daughters generation. The smart ones dont hesitate to call their peer group zombies.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


The American and perhaps  Canadian public school systems have not prepared Gen Z to take over and lead society in the future.


Quote from: DKG post_id=483995 time=1669299216 user_id=3390
The American and perhaps  Canadian public school systems have not prepared Gen Z to take over and lead society in the future.

 And suicide rates are higher.

 They havent prepared gen Z to do anything but vote for democrats and go to university so they can become debt slaves.

 Gen Z may very well destroy this country entirely.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

Shen Li

Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=483882 time=1669231835 user_id=3214
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=483874 time=1669230208 user_id=3389

They're a pair of nancyboys. Apegirl is more unbearable because he spams TDS shit.

Bum ass blurt is a close second tho.

and lily -- but she's just a fat fucking miserable Anna Navarro clone minus the in person interactions with other human beings in public

Then there is Lotusdunce.