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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Politics/Religion Consolidated Megathread Extravaganza

Started by Blazor, November 15, 2022, 12:42:03 PM

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I've come here to chew bubble gum, and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Quote from: Blazor post_id=484332 time=1669411011 user_id=2221,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/121/209/112/original/9f2459357371a7ea.png">

Lol...exzackery!  :laugh3:


Quote from: Oerdin post_id=483912 time=1669241051 user_id=3374
Quote from: Breakfall post_id=483749 time=1669201074 user_id=3358

God I hate that word "meltie". You're American (I think)...your nation relies on pharmaceuticals and head shrinks, and you want to insinuate to me that I'm having a "meltie"? In the real world I would just fuck up anyone that disrespects my family.

Dude...I was born South African, they don't make them as tough as us anymore kiddo!

Dude, you had a meltie so just accept it and move on.

Sure dude...let's move on...before things get exaggerated and leftarded. 100%  :001_rolleyes:


Quote from: Blazor post_id=484332 time=1669411011 user_id=2221,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/121/209/112/original/9f2459357371a7ea.png">

Kids must think their folks are crazy.


Recent data published by the Cook Political Report show that Republicans lead by some 3.5 million votes when all 435 House races are combined. As of Friday morning, Republicans had 54.13 million votes as compared with Democrats' 50.79 million votes.


Justine is a dictator wannabe.

Trudeau government discussed using tanks to crush peaceful Freedom Convoy protests"> ... ing%20News">

A public inquiry into Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's declaration of martial law in February has revealed that liberal ministers discussed the possibility of using war machines against the peaceful protesters who gathered inside the national's capital to protest medical tyranny and vaccination mandates.

The Public Order Emergency Commission, established on April 25, is presently conducting an inquiry to determine whether the Trudeau government's use of wartime measures to crush the trucker-led "Freedom Convoy" protests was justified.

Politico reported that the federal government has partially waived Cabinet confidence for the purposes of the inquiry, providing Canadians with a glimpse into the machinations of the state and the thinking behind Trudeau's unprecedented use of the Emergencies Act on Feb. 14.

On Wednesday, select Cabinet ministers and federal staff were questioned, including liberal Justice Minister David Lametti.

Lametti reportedly wrote to liberal Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino on Feb. 2, "You need to get the police to move. And the [Canadian Armed Forces] if necessary. Too many people are being seriously adversely impacted by what is an occupation."

Mendicino responded, "How many tanks are you asking for. I just wanna ask [Defense Minister] Anita [Anand] how many we've got on hand?"

Lametti answered, "I reckon one will do!"

Canada's go-to tank is the German-made Leopard 2, which was designed to engage Russian heavy armor in battle, reported the National Post.

Its 44-caliber 120-millimeter main gun produced by Rheinmetall may have been too much for the thousands of unarmed citizens protesting the vaccine mandates and COVID restrictions that one of the authors of Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms has said were unconstitutional.

The National Post reported that the use of heavy armor to crush a protest unfavorable to the incumbent political leader would have been unprecedented in Canada.

In the 1919 Winnipeg general strike, protesters were put down with gunfire and calvary charges, but not heavy armor.

Although street crime actually fell while the protesters exercised their mobility and speech rights downtown Ottawa, the Trudeau government nevertheless suggested that the abstract threat of violence was, along with other so-called factors, sufficient to confiscate protester funds, freeze bank accounts, tow vehicles, and arrest protesters.

r Trudeau's invocation of the wartimes measures that the Canadian government drew the ire, not just of members of the Conservative Party, but of civil rights organizations and foreign dignitaries the world over.

Romanian MEP Cristian Terhes compared Trudeau to the communist dictator Ceausescu, suggesting, "He's exactly like a tyrant, like a dictator."

The Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakusic addressed Trudeau, saying, "Canada, once a symbol of the modern world, has become a symbol of civil rights violations under your quasi-liberal boot in recent months. We watched how you trample women with horses, how you block the bank accounts of single parents so that they can't even pay their children's education and medicine, that they can't pay utilities ..."

The German MEP Christine Anderson criticized the prime minister for trampling "on fundamental rights by persecuting and criminalizing his own citizens as terrorists, just because they dared to stand up to his own perverted concept of democracy."

Republican Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) said that Trudeau's declaration of martial law to bring an end to the protests was "very, very dangerous," suggesting that overnight, "Canada became Egypt ... ruled by emergency edict that allows prohibition of public assembly, travel, and the commandeering of private companies without your day in court."


Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake said that she is planning a larger legal challenge than the one that her team filed against Maricopa County earlier this week.

"So we filed this lawsuit in court today asking the county to cough up some of the public documentation we need for our bigger lawsuit," she told Just the News Wednesday. Lake added that she has not determined what the remedy of the lawsuit would be.

"Many people are saying they want a redo of Maricopa County. I've heard people say throw it out. We have not determined what the remedy is. But I don't think you can fix what happened," she said.

Lake, a Republican backed by former President Donald Trump, criticized how the County ran the election, saying "there were three-hour lines" in part caused by problems with the tabulation equipment at polling locations, in an interview with Newsmax.

Earlier this week, Lake's team filed a lawsuit (pdf) against Maricopa County that called for the release of the country's election records.

"We have a case that we're putting together that I believe is going to be shocking," Lake, a former local television host, said of the lawsuit. "We have whistleblowers coming forward. We have inside information about how this was run, what was going on behind the scenes. What they did to our sacred vote is unforgivable."

Authorities in Maricopa County on Nov. 8 confirmed that tabulators in numerous polling locations had problems and told voters they had the option to leave their completed ballots in drop-boxes for later counting or to go to a different voting site. Later that day, those officials—Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates and County Recorder Stephen Richer—said they identified the printer problem and claimed that no voters were disenfranchised."> ... OHZg%3D%3D">

There were many irregularities in Arizona. Kari Lake is figting back.

"People were still able to vote, it was just a matter of maybe not voting in the way they wanted to," Gates said in a news conference on Nov. 8. "We do not believe that anyone has been disenfranchised, because no one has been turned away."


Two more conservative-leaning counties in eastern Oregon, and one politically split county in California, have voted to begin the process that could lead to secession from their respective blue states.

On Nov. 8, Oregon's Morrow County passed the Greater Idaho proposal with 60 percent of the vote and Wheeler County with 59 percent.

A similar measure in San Bernardino County, California, passed by a narrow margin, 51.3 percent to 48.7.

"These are solutions they want their elected leaders to look into," said Matt McCaw, spokesman for the Greater Idaho Movement based in Oregon.

Shen Li

The tyrannical Lib-NDP coalition wanted to use tanks on peaceful protesters. If you think Members of the European Parliament were disgusted with him before this shocking revelation.

This isn't the Canada we immigrated to in the 90's. What has happened to this once great country. Canadians are so screwed.


I know.....its horrible. The west is being taken over by authoritarians.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

Shen Li

Quote from: Dove post_id=484429 time=1669482712 user_id=3266
I know.....its horrible. The west is being taken over by authoritarians.

Australia was jackbooted about COVID too, but I don't think former pm Scott Morrison would use the army against peaceful protesters like True Dope wanted to.

Trump’s Niece


Shen Li

Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=484431 time=1669483015 user_id=2845
Shen, I gotta move this. Cmon you guys

It's a gray area, but I see your point too.


My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Dove post_id=484438 time=1669486061 user_id=3266What happened?

