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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Politics/Religion Consolidated Megathread Extravaganza

Started by Blazor, November 15, 2022, 12:42:03 PM

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Quote from: Oerdin post_id=486381 time=1670312865 user_id=3374
Leftist teacher in California claims speaking grammatically correct English is "white supremacy".  No wonder so many children can't speak correctly or even read yet still get diplomas.  We are in clown world."> ... dermine-bs">

If she's not going to teach kids proper English, she is not doing her job and should be fired.


Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=486372 time=1670305297 user_id=1676
Quote from: Dove post_id=486368 time=1670304242 user_id=3266

 I decided years ago to only buy second hand because of pollution, slave labor and all the plethora of ethical problems that so many brands come with. There are brands that financially support shit like Planned Parenthood...politcal orgs I find offensive, and its SO many of them that I decided it was easier to just use thrift and consignment and resale shops.

 So we do thrift stores, Platos Closet, Thred Up...and there are a few others.

 And we are very happy doing this and money goes farther. The only stuff we buy new are sock, and underwear and bras. Or if we need a specific thing and cant find it that way.

 And I sure the fuck am never giving Disney a penny ever again.

 Even buying second hand....there are certain brands i refuse to even wear. Adidas just made that list. And I avoid names and logos because its tacky. It just is.

 Like you not a damn billboard.


I haven't bought Nike in over 25 years or Levi's in 12 plus years. Aside from the horrible quality of late.

I buy a few Carhart baseball caps per year or maybe a jacket, but I cut the leather patches off immediately.

All my tshirts are blank. Straight up just colours, usually earth tones or my go to.... black.  

When I've needed to buy suits, it's from a local ancient Italian tailor who runs a quality business for the last 50 years from a large tin roofed warehouse.

Yet, I cut an impressionable path wherever I go....because?

It's classic. No bling, no tags, I stay in my nondescript lane and only make slight alterations to keep it current.

I mean... I don't fucking care what I'm wearing as long as it's cool in summer and warm in winter, but I hate looking like a retard or worse, slob.... in front of other people.

I also hate wasting clothing... so when those yearly cheap blank tshirts get washed out and stretchy along the neck, they become my car washing and waxing bitches!  :laugh:

 I donate all the clothes that get grown out of or just not worn and the ones that get wore out become cleaning rags lol

 My daughter sent me a video about "Y2K" fashion coming back.  First...I didnt even understand what "Y2K fashion" even is, because we didnt call it that at the time lol. But all that style is coming back.  This is the video she sent me


 It doesnt seem like the early 00s were that long ago where the kids today would be bringing any of this "back" but since I actually STILL have clothes from those days, my daughter asked if her girlfriend can come check out my "Y2k dresses"

 Lmao.  They should pick up our music taste and fix this mainstream music mess lol.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=486382 time=1670319571 user_id=1728
Quote from: Dove post_id=486281 time=1670291245 user_id=3266
I bet next she will be announcing that Flea and Rancid are not white.


Huh? Rancid's paler than I am.  :laugh:

Turdy Murdy must have been on the boxed wine last night, the weird libtard rhetoric was flowing extra hard.

One of her best comments was claiming that White colonisers stole land from the Indians by getting them drunk and tricking them into signing deeds which gave away their property.  :roll:

 Rancid may be paler than you but he is Brazilian lol


 And yeah I saw that......the "settlers" showed up and killed the natives with alcohol  ac_toofunny

 Like I said over there. Theyll never cite their stupid sources because they know Vox and Salon are not sources anyone outside their cult would take seriously.  

 They seriously wanna leave the topic of our history.....something that fucking the fucking New York Times and other left wing propagandists.

 What Murd and Oak should do is immediately give their properties to natives. I birthed and raised a native lesbian so my I actually have more "woke" points. Murd trying to announce Big isnt if I dont know this?  Bitch my own daughter isnt white.

 Fucking retard.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

Trump’s Niece

I thought everyone knew Joo isn't white. Everyone is off the chain these days


Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=486393 time=1670337689 user_id=2845
I thought everyone knew Joo isn't white. Everyone is off the chain these days

 Nope. We all FORGOT that and we "accept" him as white.

 Shes so gross and dumb.

 She doesnt accept people as just human beings, she needs to slap race labels on people. Ick. I cant stand white CA progs. They are the most racist and condescending fucktards in the country.

 How do you manage to live there and not wanna run them all over in your car?
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


The native-americans were nationalist white supremacists who attacked immigrants.

By liberal standards, the native-Americans were evil.


Quote from: Odinson post_id=486396 time=1670338745 user_id=136
The native-americans were nationalist white supremacists who attacked immigrants.

By liberal standards, the native-Americans were evil.


 And the way they talk about "the natives" as if these were all unified people who loved eachother and nature and whites just busted in and ruined them and murdered them because they were brown. And brown is "scary".  

 When in reality the native tribes were in a perpetual war and brutalizing other tribes. If they think the trail of tears was bad?  They should learn some native history.  There were tribes so brutal they slaughtered the infants and impregnated the mothers (against their will to take over that tribe) and they would make things out of the babies skin. They would cannibalize them. They (SOME native tribes) were called savages for a reason.

 Equating all natives with eachother is offensive to their history.

 I have seen SO many very white woke women in prog states ranting in videos about they are natives and bitching about culture and such....and they are clearly white as fuck. If they have native blood you cannot see it. Theyve probably never spent time with natives or been to any native lands. But they sure masturbate themselves on behalf of natives for woke cred.

 The remaining natives who live on native lands (reservations) are what's left of the peaceful tribes. I remember a group of them that used to go around educating people about their tribes history and culture. Now today the left doesnt allow that because it's not politcal, doesnt seek to demonize white people, and because now sharing culture is "appropriation".  Real natives believe in unity and peace.

 Woke wackos are so next level ignorant they dont even understand that the US government literally entered a contract with reservations to leave them alone. We dont enforce law there. We dont make decisions there. And they want us to advance upon reservations with socail safety programs moreso than we already do and they dont get that it's a complicated matter and maybe they dont WANT our government "helping" them.  

 The natives on their native lands are probably terrified of the rest of us with all our division and hostility they dont believe in and dont want infecting their areas.  Dems wont be happy until we have destroyed the tribes and turn them into a complete welfare state like Canada has done.

 I know many tribes make money selling stuff to us and they run businesses and open reservations up for public tours....there is the Isabella reservation out here where you can go spend a day.  They are all very friendly and they love sharing their culture.  If you talk to woke psychos they make natives sound like these weak, disempowered, disenfranchised, abused and poor pitiful people who need to be rescued by the government.  That's is so far from the truth. When I went to a reservation i saw warm and wonderful people eager to teach and foster harmony(my daughter is half native due to her dad's side of the family are natives).  They are not prisoners either they can leave and live with us anytime they want and there are already programs to help them get started. They kind of remind me of the Amish community, not the church or clothing but how they have their own communities separate from ours. If you wouldnt speak of the Amish as these pitiful and abused people who need help from the government .....then you shouldnt speak of natives that way either.

 But that's how woke wackos talk about everyone who isnt white.  They are all disempowered weaklings who cant even obtain an ID or get to a voting poll.  And law shouldnt be applied to any nonwhite person because none of them know better and they are responding to "white supremacy".

 If point out their racism....they already see themselves as "inherently" racist just by being white and they believe "anti racism"(rebranded racism) is the way to salvation.  They are mentally locked into a cult.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

Shen Li

Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=486268 time=1670290473 user_id=3214
The poor thing. The personal misery, delusions of grandeur  and a shoddy liver after decades of alcoholism seem to have all laid siege to her at once and rotted out what was already a sub functional brain to begin with.

Anyone who knows her or knows of her knows she is the covert racist and it doesn't take 20/20 in any form either literal or figurative to see that.

What next in left coast indiotville? Is she going to go on some big reveal that I date black women?

I could tell Murdy was a fucking idiot from the first post of hers I read.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=486382 time=1670319571 user_id=1728
Quote from: Dove post_id=486281 time=1670291245 user_id=3266
I bet next she will be announcing that Flea and Rancid are not white.


Huh? Rancid's paler than I am.  :laugh:

Turdy Murdy must have been on the boxed wine last night, the weird libtard rhetoric was flowing extra hard.

One of her best comments was claiming that White colonisers stole land from the Indians by getting them drunk and tricking them into signing deeds which gave away their property.  :roll:

Good lord I am so fucking sick of these hypocritical virtue signaling libtards whining about THEIR forefathers and stolen land

and so fucking what if white colonizers did steal land from primitive spear chuckers? It was their own fault for not properly defending themselves. Conquering nations has been a thing all throughout human history

and had these white colonizers not stolen this land you wouldn't be living in your lap of luxury 1100sq foot shoebox with the 12 person table wedged in your dinning room at an angle today, now would you?


Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Dove post_id=486395 time=1670337905 user_id=3266
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=486393 time=1670337689 user_id=2845
I thought everyone knew Joo isn't white. Everyone is off the chain these days

 Nope. We all FORGOT that and we "accept" him as white.

 Shes so gross and dumb.

 She doesnt accept people as just human beings, she needs to slap race labels on people. Ick. I cant stand white CA progs. They are the most racist and condescending fucktards in the country.

 How do you manage to live there and not wanna run them all over in your car?

So basically the point, other than the one at the top of her head, is that I am trying to gain favor with white bigots hoping they forget that I am not white in any capacity whatsoever (Italian is also considered non white) with all my comments about black women and my ganglife history?

Idiot. for real

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Dove post_id=486395 time=1670337905 user_id=3266
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=486393 time=1670337689 user_id=2845
I thought everyone knew Joo isn't white. Everyone is off the chain these days

 Nope. We all FORGOT that and we "accept" him as white.

 Shes so gross and dumb.

 She doesnt accept people as just human beings, she needs to slap race labels on people. Ick. I cant stand white CA progs. They are the most racist and condescending fucktards in the country.

 How do you manage to live there and not wanna run them all over in your car?

I don't give a shit what any one says but America, AS A WHOLE, was on the right trajectory when it came to abandoning the tenants of racism UNTIL we had our first black president. Then we started on this downward path

the irony is sublime

especially when 90% the racist activity reported in the news occurs in Blue states and municipalities

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=486408 time=1670345432 user_id=3389
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=486268 time=1670290473 user_id=3214
The poor thing. The personal misery, delusions of grandeur  and a shoddy liver after decades of alcoholism seem to have all laid siege to her at once and rotted out what was already a sub functional brain to begin with.

Anyone who knows her or knows of her knows she is the covert racist and it doesn't take 20/20 in any form either literal or figurative to see that.

What next in left coast indiotville? Is she going to go on some big reveal that I date black women?

I could tell Murdy was a fucking idiot from the first post of hers I read.

She's always been a little on the flaky side. Even when she was consorting both publicly and privately with avowed racists but she was never THIS bad

this new person she's become since smoking that Seattle weed is simply insufferable


Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=486411 time=1670345990 user_id=3214
Quote from: Dove post_id=486395 time=1670337905 user_id=3266

 Nope. We all FORGOT that and we "accept" him as white.

 Shes so gross and dumb.

 She doesnt accept people as just human beings, she needs to slap race labels on people. Ick. I cant stand white CA progs. They are the most racist and condescending fucktards in the country.

 How do you manage to live there and not wanna run them all over in your car?

So basically the point, other than the one at the top of her head, is that I am trying to gain favor with white bigots hoping they forget that I am not white in any capacity whatsoever (Italian is also considered non white) with all my comments about black women and my ganglife history?

Idiot. for real

 Big....dont you see that only Murd TRULY saw you as the Puerto Rican that you are and only she cares about that?

 The rest of have to pretend you are white. Yanno?  God shes so gross.

 Stupid and ignorant shit Murd blathered last night

 Once again she thinks Christianity is a european religion pushed upon nonwhite people. Because shes completely retarded and knows nothing about it.

 She thinks white settlers introduced natives to alcohol and that they couldnt quite do it without whites.

 She claimed she "cant imagine" how much worse family dysfunction is in poor families. And I'm completely sure if she had the opportunity to find out....she would do all the talking.

 Yeah. I mean.....what a fucking pig she is lol.

 I really should have known when she would go on about how she "even hangs out with broke people" if they have 5 and she has 20 they have 25 that she was indirectly insulting me.

 Oh well lol.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=486415 time=1670346536 user_id=3214
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=486408 time=1670345432 user_id=3389

I could tell Murdy was a fucking idiot from the first post of hers I read.

She's always been a little on the flaky side. Even when she was consorting both publicly and privately with avowed racists but she was never THIS bad

this new person she's become since smoking that Seattle weed is simply insufferable

 No shit.

 I did read narcissism gets worse with age. Add in her drinking and the MK Ultra trigger words from the establishment media and it all makes sense.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Dove post_id=486416 time=1670347407 user_id=3266
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=486411 time=1670345990 user_id=3214

So basically the point, other than the one at the top of her head, is that I am trying to gain favor with white bigots hoping they forget that I am not white in any capacity whatsoever (Italian is also considered non white) with all my comments about black women and my ganglife history?

Idiot. for real

 Big....dont you see that only Murd TRULY saw you as the Puerto Rican that you are and only she cares about that?

 The rest of have to pretend you are white. Yanno?  God shes so gross.

 Stupid and ignorant shit Murd blathered last night

 Once again she thinks Christianity is a european religion pushed upon nonwhite people. Because shes completely retarded and knows nothing about it.

 She thinks white settlers introduced natives to alcohol and that they couldnt quite do it without whites.

 She claimed she "cant imagine" how much worse family dysfunction is in poor families. And I'm completely sure if she had the opportunity to find out....she would do all the talking.

 Yeah. I mean.....what a fucking pig she is lol.

 I really should have known when she would go on about how she "even hangs out with broke people" if they have 5 and she has 20 they have 25 that she was indirectly insulting me.

 Oh well lol.

She's Catlick.. from what I remember and you cannot expect their priests to properly multitask their limited schedules binge drinking in the convents, raping little boys in the confessional with actually teaching their gullible disinterested flock anything about the bible or the history of Christianity do you?

So Murdy get theology points via a "the view" episode here and an episode there. Who are we to judge?