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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar
Started by Blazor, November 15, 2022, 12:42:03 PM
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Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=486364 time=1670303803 user_id=1676
I cut the tags or embroidery off of new clothing I buy.
Quality or inexpensive.
And I won't buy anything I can't do that to.
I'm not a free billboard.
Quote from: Dove post_id=486368 time=1670304242 user_id=3266Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=486364 time=1670303803 user_id=1676
I cut the tags or embroidery off of new clothing I buy.
Quality or inexpensive.
And I won't buy anything I can't do that to.
I'm not a free billboard.
I decided years ago to only buy second hand because of pollution, slave labor and all the plethora of ethical problems that so many brands come with. There are brands that financially support shit like Planned Parenthood...politcal orgs I find offensive, and its SO many of them that I decided it was easier to just use thrift and consignment and resale shops.
So we do thrift stores, Platos Closet, Thred Up...and there are a few others.
And we are very happy doing this and money goes farther. The only stuff we buy new are sock, and underwear and bras. Or if we need a specific thing and cant find it that way.
And I sure the fuck am never giving Disney a penny ever again.
Even buying second hand....there are certain brands i refuse to even wear. Adidas just made that list. And I avoid names and logos because its tacky. It just is.
Like you not a damn billboard.
Quote from: Dove post_id=486370 time=1670304338 user_id=3266
I'm not breaking anyone down. I'm just observing what they show about themselves.
Shes her own problem.
I just think its gross how she treats people who gave her friendship for ten years. What she said about Big and his race was ignorant and disgusting. A lot of things shes said about him is ignorant and disgusting.
Quote from: Dove post_id=486281 time=1670291245 user_id=3266
I bet next she will be announcing that Flea and Rancid are not white.
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=486382 time=1670319571 user_id=1728Quote from: Dove post_id=486281 time=1670291245 user_id=3266
I bet next she will be announcing that Flea and Rancid are not white.
Huh? Rancid's paler than I am.
Turdy Murdy must have been on the boxed wine last night, the weird libtard rhetoric was flowing extra hard.
One of her best comments was claiming that White colonisers stole land from the Indians by getting them drunk and tricking them into signing deeds which gave away their property.
Quote from: Dove post_id=486314 time=1670293961 user_id=3266Quote from: Lokmar post_id=486308 time=1670293585 user_id=3351
True, but I dont waste time building a defense for those assholes who say otherwise.
I never really looked at Murdy as a racist as much a stupid assed virtue signaling beyotch!
Now the pig? DAMN! That bitch be RAYYYYCIS!!!! I was rolling at the stupidity of her talking shit about Puerto Ricans at Biggie. I thought I was in the fucking twilight zone or some shit!
Virtue signalers are almost always racists. Js.
And yeah Planet Oink is racist AF.
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