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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

  • US election 2024 5 0 5 1

US election 2024

Started by DKG, August 16, 2023, 02:55:00 PM

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The Libertarian Party has chosen Chase Oliver as their 2024 presidential nominee ahead of Robert F Kennedy Jr and Donald Trump, who failed to qualify.

The 38-year-old, who has run numerous times for Congress in Georgia, was elected after seven rounds of voting at the party's convention in Washington DC, on Sunday.

Mr Oliver has called for expanded work visas, a smoother pathway to citizenship for immigrants to the United States. Fuck him.


Quote from: Herman on May 27, 2024, 11:52:55 PMThe Libertarian Party has chosen Chase Oliver as their 2024 presidential nominee ahead of Robert F Kennedy Jr and Donald Trump, who failed to qualify.

The 38-year-old, who has run numerous times for Congress in Georgia, was elected after seven rounds of voting at the party's convention in Washington DC, on Sunday.

Mr Oliver has called for expanded work visas, a smoother pathway to citizenship for immigrants to the United States. Fuck him.

That faggit assed cuck can eat salad out of Aidsmans ass with a fork!


Quote from: Lokmar on May 28, 2024, 12:43:29 AMThat faggit assed cuck can eat salad out of Aidsmans ass with a fork!
Apegirl sucks his cock.


Some Democrats are reportedly freaking out over the state of President Joe Biden's re-election campaign.

For almost the entirety of the 2024 campaign, Biden has trailed Donald Trump in national polling. Not only is Biden losing to Trump, but the Democratic Party's coalition of voters is splintering, the polls show, as Trump and Republicans make inroads with black voters, Hispanic voters, and younger voters.

Biden's consistently bad polling is setting off alarm bells for Democrats — and a "full-blown freakout," according to Politico.

In fact, one prominent adviser to Democratic donors shared with Politico the list he gives donors with the reasons why Biden could lose re-election, which includes "nearly two dozen" reasons, Politico reported, including Biden's age, the economy, inflation, the border crisis and immigration, and Vice President Kamala Harris' deep unpopularity.

"The list of why we 'could' win is so small I don't even need to keep the list on my phone," the adviser said.

The problem for Biden, another Democratic strategist explained, is that Americans remember their lives were better when Trump was president.

"If the frame of this race is, 'What was better, the 3.5 years under Biden or four years under Trump,' we lose that every day of the week and twice on Sunday," Democratic strategist Pete Giangreco told Politico.

New York Democrats need to wake up. The number of people in New York, including people of color that I come across who are saying positive things about Trump, is alarming," Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine told Politico.


Biden seems to be putting all his election hope eggs into a Trump conviction basket.

I am left wondering what secret crime Trump committed that turns an out-of-date misdemeanor into a felony case with dire implications for American democracy. I don't get it.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Brent on May 29, 2024, 02:40:32 PMBiden seems to be putting all his election hope eggs into a Trump conviction basket.

I am left wondering what secret crime Trump committed that turns an out-of-date misdemeanor into a felony case with dire implications for American democracy. I don't get it.
The judge said something about breaking election laws today

But he also said that jury discretion as to what the crimes were were fine as well. So if someone draw the conclusion that these book keeping errors caused someone somewhere died as a result they could convict on any degree of homicide as well.

Throw enough spaghetti something will stick eventually
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The DNC apparently forgot Ohio needs the party to declare a candidate by August 8th in order to make it onto the Ohio state ballot so the DNC geniuses scheduled their convention for August 19th.

Instead of saying "mea culpa" and moving their convention up to late July or very early August they tried to make Ohio give them an exemption and are now talking about having a "virtual roll call" nomination to ensure Biden gets onto the Ohio ballot.

That's right... the Chicago convention will be meaningless because they will have already declared Biden the nominee in a Zoom meeting or what the fuck ever.

Is there *anything* the democrats AREN'T going to fuck up this election cycle?

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Quote from: Garraty_47 on May 29, 2024, 09:37:46 PMThe DNC apparently forgot Ohio needs the party to declare a candidate by August 8th in order to make it onto the Ohio state ballot so the DNC geniuses scheduled their convention for August 19th.

Instead of saying "mea culpa" and moving their convention up to late July or very early August they tried to make Ohio give them an exemption and are now talking about having a "virtual roll call" nomination to ensure Biden gets onto the Ohio ballot.

That's right... the Chicago convention will be meaningless because they will have already declared Biden the nominee in a Zoom meeting or what the fuck ever.

Is there *anything* the democrats AREN'T going to fuck up this election cycle?

I read this today. It is easy to forget the democRATs are the biggest political party in the world's biggest economy.


MSNBC analyst John Heilemann implored minority voters on Thursday not to go with former President Donald Trump, as polling shows he has made gains with the typically strong Democratic voting bloc. :s_laugh:


Quote from: Brent on May 30, 2024, 03:10:14 PMMSNBC analyst John Heilemann implored minority voters on Thursday not to go with former President Donald Trump, as polling shows he has made gains with the typically strong Democratic voting bloc. :s_laugh:
Biden will say they are not really Black.
gay, conservative and proud


Welcome to how the Dems buy elections 101.

Biden's all-of-government vote-buying scheme

To bet on the upcoming presidential election, don't just rely on polls. Look at the billions of taxpayer dollars President Joe Biden is pouring into "community organizations" in "disadvantaged communities" to tip the election scales.

The community organizer who became president, Barack Obama, was a master at machine politics, using federal tax dollars to turn community organizations — left-wing not-for-profits — into a fifth estate. Their staff, paid using taxpayer money but not tied to government rules, could hit the streets at election time and build turnout. Biden has scaled up Obama's playbook, using billions of dollars instead of mere millions.

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) made headlines last week with the discovery that in December 2023 the Environmental Protection Agency awarded a $50 million "environmental justice" grant to the Climate Justice Alliance. Capito is distressed to learn that the Climate Justice Alliance vows "the path to climate justice travels through a free Palestine."

In fact, the Climate Justice Alliance serves up a full agenda of radical activities, including fighting "political oppression" and "placing race, gender, and class at the center" of its climate solutions.

But $50 million for the Climate Justice Alliance is a drop in the bucket.

Had members of Congress read the Inflation Reduction Act before passing it — a novel idea — they would know the law provides $2.8 billion to the EPA for environmental and climate justice block grants," (Section 60201). That's a license to hand out walking-around money to many political activists, not just the Climate Justice Alliance.

Another recipient: the New York Immigration Coalition, which describes itself as a "coalition of immigrant and refugee organizations" pushing for more government services and political clout.

Same is true of the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice, another recipient. The words "climate" and "environment" don't appear anywhere on these groups' websites or literature.

Lawmakers may have assumed the money was for climate improvement, but the IRA's fine print allows the moolah to be used for "facilitating engagement of marginalized communities in Local, State and Federal public processes, such as advisory groups, workshops, rulemakings." Translation: elections.

How easy is it to get the dough? Piece of cake. The EPA says it wants to "alleviate much of the burden that the federal grants process places on small, resource-constrained community-based organizations supporting underserved communities and marginalized populations." In short, no jumping through hoops.

The money can only go to a disadvantaged community or a southern border town. There are 27,521 disadvantaged communities on the census map, according to Biden's "Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool," which targets non-English speakers, people with diabetes, and other factors that mostly correspond to heavily minority populations. These communities customarily vote Democratic.

Adding eligibility for border towns is an interesting twist. As waves of migrants overwhelm resources in these towns, Democrats are growing divided over Biden's open border policies. Money may shore up support.

During his first week as president, Biden announced the Justice40 initiative by executive order, requiring that 40% of many types of federal spending — not just EPA grants — must go to these "disadvantaged communities."

The Department of Energy is spreading money to these "disadvantaged communities," using what it calls "community benefit plans" and promising that application requirements will be "intentionally flexible."

The playbook started with the Affordable Care Act. The ACA, or "Obamacare," authorized the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to hand out "community transformation grants." Community Health Councils, a typical recipient, pledged that its mission was to advance "social justice." It distributed 65% of the money to partner community groups that promoted "voter engagement," conducted "one-on-one education in the streets" or led tenants' rights, anti-fracking and anti-drilling efforts. And you thought the ACA was about covering the uninsured.

A decade after Obama, Biden is tasking every agency and department of the federal government to promote voter engagement.

Biden's community grants pale in size compared to the student debt cancellation vote-buying that now totals $620 billion. But the community grant money lands directly in the hands of political activists who know what to do with it.

Tell your congressional rep to read the bills before voting on them and strip out these provisions for community giveaways that make a mockery of democracy.


Minutes after the jury returned a guilty verdict in former President Donald Trump's criminal trial in New York, an influx of donations to his presidential campaign as an apparent show of support caused his donation page to temporarily become unavailable.


I hope no idiots are going to sue anybody over the covid pandemic.... the whole world was in uncharted waters ffs.

Please.... no more fake and phony lawsuits clogging up courts.

We went through it and survived largely... another round is coming so none of us are out of the water yet.

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Trump's campaign raked in a massive cash haul in the hours after the guilty verdict.
Atop Silicon Valley venture capitalist announced Thursday that he donated $300,000 to Donald Trump's re-election effort after the former president's conviction.

Shaun Maguire, a general partner at Sequoia Capital, is not only donating to Trump's campaign. He is supporting Trump — no matter the cost.

"Back in 2016 I had drunk the media Kool-Aid and was scared out of my mind about Trump. As such I donated to Hilary Clinton's campaign and voted for her," Maguire explained on X. "Now, in 2024, I believe this is one of the most important elections of my lifetime, and I'm supporting Trump.

I know that I'll lose friends for this. Some will refuse to do business with me. The media will probably demonize me, as they have so many others before me," he added. "But despite this, I still believe it's the right thing to do."

Maguire, moreover, believes the Democrats have used double standards and "lawfare" to target Trump because he is the Democratic Party's No. 1 opponent.

"I believe Trump was one of the best foreign policy presidents in decades, and during the most complex period in almost a century," Maguire wrote.

Maguire is not the only American to put his money where his mouth is.

On Friday, the Trump campaign announced it raised $34.8 million from small-dollar donors in the hours after Trump was convicted, a record single-day haul for the campaign.

Even more shocking is that nearly 30% of the donations came from first-time donors. That means the verdict motivated voters, who may not have financially supported Trump's campaign otherwise, to spend their hard-earned money to help send Trump back to the White House.

Oliver the Second

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