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The Guest Nest / Re: Well there goes that - SHE...
Last post by hard Я - Today at 03:06:56 PM
Quote from: DKG on Today at 09:21:19 AMThe Dems are stuck with Harris. They will not worry about bombing interviews anymore. Her campaign team just will not let her do anymore interviews.

Policy details will come after tens of thousands of illegals and dead people in swing states have voted for her.
They already got somewhat of an airing though; they bore a suspicious resemblance to Biden's campaign notes, which is weird considering Harris has been wittering on about a "new way forward". Oh, and the wildly popular tax policies she stole from Trump's campaign promises of course, can't forget those.

With tens of thousands of votes already in the can I would have thought they were stuck with Biden to tell you the honest truth. If you recall, there were a number of states where the democrats stood to lose outright with the candidate if he dropped out, those votes could not be subject to a "do-over" even without the aforementioned states stringent laws about deadlines for swapping out one candidate for another. It's why they coronated Kamala in the first place, arguing that it was the Biden/Harris ticket that received the votes for the presumptive presidential spot, and not the individuals themselves.

Because Harris wasn't running for president when those votes were cast. No, those votes were for a second Biden presidency, with Harris running at VP. And to be clear, it isn't lost on me just how hollow the claims of "democracy is on the ballot" are when the DNC can just arbitrarily swap out a candidate and expect the votes already submitted to be transferred over, right along with the campaign donations that were made to Biden.

I don't think they are "stuck" with Harris at all. They did it once already, what's stopping them from doing it again? "Sorry Kamalflaps, but we think you're as big a liability to our chances of beating Trump as the kiddie sniffer was...  Wallz gets the warchest and you can get the fuck out." Then a couple of phonecalls to CNN, MSN and NYT to give them their new talking points, a Hollywood stooge or three. It would be as easy as handing a shiny new Palestinian flag bto your average leftie college student - they wouldn't barely even notice they were trampling over a pile of recently discarded BLM regalia.

Please... feel free to change my mind.

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on Today at 09:23:44 AMThey are hoping the phony polls and endorsements ditzy airheads will drag her over the finish line

and if that doesn't work, they'll have the millions of fake ballots that suddenly appear at 3:00am ready to roll

Riiiight, and three months ago they were convinced they had it in the bag for Biden... and for much the same reasons.

I'm saying I wouldn't be surprised if they dropped he like a sack of steaming shit. If she fucks up royally enough. They were sure quick on the calls for a rematch in the wake of the ABC debate and I put it to you they wouldn't have done so if they truly thought Kumgargler had nailed the performance effectively and without question. Even with the weight of the propaganda apparatus behind her, her polling suffered the most negligible of bumps in the weeks that followed; not reports are emerging to the extent of the rigging that took place behind the scenes (curating the questions with her office beforehand, assurances she would not be fact checked, et al) and even CNN is taking the piss out of her post debate interviews.

Maybe the October Surprise is yet another palace coup. With no definitive argument on offer as to why they are incapable of it, I have to consider it an option. Maybe Garraty has an idea on its potential validity because I sure wouldn't put it past them if there's a possibility of shoehorning in someone the party faithful is (a) unfamiliar with and (b) isn't so unpleasant to listen to for extended periods. For the average dem and swing voter I mean.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Last post by Lokmar - Today at 03:06:46 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on Today at 02:48:22 PMHey guise

My barber told me this afternoon he's voting Kamala. He cuts a lot of peoples hair and says he has 8,000 followers on Instagram

do you think maybe I should reconsider my support of trump?

Maybe reconsider the barber. He could flip out like Aidsman and cut you!
avatar_Biggie Smiles
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Last post by Biggie Smiles - Today at 02:48:22 PM
Hey guise

My barber told me this afternoon he's voting Kamala. He cuts a lot of peoples hair and says he has 8,000 followers on Instagram

do you think maybe I should reconsider my support of trump?
The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
Last post by Lokmar - Today at 02:43:06 PM
Quote from: Aryan on Today at 02:16:56 PMLOL. You know which ones I mean.

Dewd, do me a favour and watch this short video and give me your take on it, because I still don't understand how Christian zionism can be a thing.

That dude is a fucking moron! He should read the rest of the New Testament including the parts that state GOD will restore the Jews to their land in Israel, never to be expelled again, the Temple will be rebuilt, and a remnant of the Jews will be saved and accept Christ just to name a few examples.

Air-E-Ann, you remind me of the accusation against Christians who get told they "pick and choose".
The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
Last post by Lokmar - Today at 02:31:31 PM
BTW, I watched another 7 minutes of that so called "JOOO!" in the green shirt debating that catlick muhzie loving fucktard and it was another 7 minutes of the green shirt dude fucking up the shit propaganda of the old catlick who loves muhzies. BTW, the green shirt dude condemned all jews promoting degeneracy of ANY kind including abortion, the rejection of Jesus, or/and the acceptance of kweirdos.

Dipshit catlick thinks muhzies have more in common with Christians than jews and Christians! LMFAO! I've heard of Jews For Jesus, Muhzies for Jesus, not so much!

Maybe watch that video for yourself and FFS man, get an education in religious beliefs!!!!.
The Guest Nest / Re: So which Harris/Walz suppo...
Last post by hard Я - Today at 02:23:55 PM
Quote from: Biggie Smiles on Today at 12:51:44 PMSame here. I would never take the word of a music artist, actor, sports star etc when it comes to policies. Even if they happen to be supporting trump.

Kid rock supports trump as does 50 cent. Both are artists I enjoy but fuck if I'd make a decision based on their endorsement. they are signers. If they want to provide me with advice on music, which recording studios are higher quality than others and who to avoid in the industry I'm all ears. Anything else? It's taken with a grain of salt at best
I'm pretty sure this is a subject that's been touched on in this forum before, but it bears revisiting. Each and every one of us has our own unique set of requirements of what needs to happen in order that we flourish. Yes, there is some overlap with each other, but there are also those instances which fall outside of the Venn diagram overlap; those areas where one of us wants, maybe even deserves something that is useless to the majority of other posters here, never mind the wider world.

If you take the time to understand that much, along with what your own requirements are, a truth begins to emerge. Namely, that only you can understand what is right for you, along with how much you are prepared to do without while still keeping yourself whole. It's more or less at that point that you also realise the value of any endorsement made by anyone else is effectively nil, especially when it's a someone who you've never met and who therefore has no idea of what your requirements are, or (as it is in Taylor Swift's case) has fuck all interest in finding any of that out.

I hear any endorsement, my immediate "go-to" is "ohh, that's nice". This goes for anyone here too, and I would not be in the slightest bit offended to have it applied to me should I ever be caught endorsing anything or anyone. Because I'm not you, I'm me. I know what's right for Me, I've taken the time to check out the options and I have a pretty good idea. I may give you an argument as to why I think a particular choice is worthy of consideration, but at the end of the day the onus is on each and every one of you to do your own due diligence to determine if the pros and cons I've identified apply to you. Accepting mine or anyone else's endorsement... of anything... is you handing your self agency off to an outsourced third party who by necessity has their first allegiance other than you.

That is just the way it is and if you think it through enough, you will come to the exact same conclusion. From Kid Rock to Ugly Kid J , they none of them can boast the level of devotion to your own interests as you can, therefore any endorsement they make must be at the very least subjected to a sniff test first.

That said, I endorse this message. Get the word out to the people; the sooner that they get to choosing their own future in lieu of letting some random Taylor Swift dictate it to them, the better.
The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
Last post by Aryan - Today at 02:16:56 PM
Quote from: Lokmar on Today at 02:09:14 PMLove that guy!!!!

LOL. You know which ones I mean.

Dewd, do me a favour and watch this short video and give me your take on it, because I still don't understand how Christian zionism can be a thing.

The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
Last post by Lokmar - Today at 02:11:24 PM
Quote from: Aryan on Today at 01:20:58 PMThe Irish guy is correct though, woke shit is pushed by jews and is a rebranding of cultural marxism.

The kike in the green t-shirt sperged out after hearing that. They always do, I've witnessed it countless times over the years. Even libtard jews rarely acknowledge this fact, despite fanatically promoting the ideology.

Is he a member of the Kikes Wearing Crosses Clan?  :popcorn:
avatar_Biggie Smiles
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
Last post by Biggie Smiles - Today at 02:11:14 PM
P. Kiddie

I'll be missing court appearances

The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
Last post by Lokmar - Today at 02:09:14 PM
Quote from: Aryan on Today at 02:06:28 PMThoughts on the dancing Israelis? 

Love that guy!!!!