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Re: Forum gossip thread by DKG


How Rich is Hamas?

Started by caskur, November 13, 2023, 07:25:43 PM

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Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur on November 16, 2023, 04:28:51 PMHave underlaying health issues did he?
VAIDS probably. Whatever, it's never a good look when your fittest and healthiest start dropping like flies.

Quote from: caskur on November 16, 2023, 04:49:16 PMIf there is another pandemic people have already decided authorities can go shovel sand up their arse they aren't going along with it...

In my city, covid is doing another round. The other day cases were up to nearly 500.

They were talking about masking us again. I THINK we had 2 deaths.
Ohh, they'll give it a shot and enough people will buy into it to set the stage for those that do not to be persecuted. Yes, in spite of the common sense that it is a simple cold.

Imagine them making the same argument to take people's right to use their cars away from them. "Two road fatalities last weekend, you'll have to garage your cars"...

Too retarded, won't ever happen? Once upon a time they said the same thing about drag queens flashing their junk in children's faces.

Now it's progressive and appropriate live experience for the kiddies.

You get the governance you deserve.
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Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on November 17, 2023, 03:38:27 AMVAIDS probably. Whatever, it's never a good look when your fittest and healthiest start dropping like flies.
Ohh, they'll give it a shot and enough people will buy into it to set the stage for those that do not to be persecuted. Yes, in spite of the common sense that it is a simple cold.

Imagine them making the same argument to take people's right to use their cars away from them. "Two road fatalities last weekend, you'll have to garage your cars"...

Too retarded, won't ever happen? Once upon a time they said the same thing about drag queens flashing their junk in children's faces.

Now it's progressive and appropriate live experience for the kiddies.

You get the governance you deserve.

Spot on here bro. 1000%

I was stunned the way they herded an entire population into this idea that a fucking cold was life or death because a few people who were already predisposed to die if the wend blew upon them from the wrong direction kicked the bucket around the same time.

what the fuck? When did people become such incredibly weak pansies insanely terrified of a fate which must befall us all at some point? I understand taking reasonable and prudent measures to avoid things that could potentially kill you. But a normal and otherwise healthy person taking an experimental vaccine developed in less than a year which offered a) no real immunity b) no protection whatsoever from getting the virus c) no protection against spreading the virus once you do get it and d) no guarantee that it will mitigate the symptoms to the point where you don't end up expiring.


This was a mutation of the common flu and most of the population of the whole fucking world went absolutely haywire like the good little lemmings they are. COVID19 was a dry run for bigger and far worse things to come.


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on November 17, 2023, 08:45:17 AMSpot on here bro. 1000%

I was stunned the way they herded an entire population into this idea that a fucking cold was life or death because a few people who were already predisposed to die if the wend blew upon them from the wrong direction kicked the bucket around the same time.

what the fuck? When did people become such incredibly weak pansies insanely terrified of a fate which must befall us all at some point? I understand taking reasonable and prudent measures to avoid things that could potentially kill you. But a normal and otherwise healthy person taking an experimental vaccine developed in less than a year which offered a) no real immunity b) no protection whatsoever from getting the virus c) no protection against spreading the virus once you do get it and d) no guarantee that it will mitigate the symptoms to the point where you don't end up expiring.


This was a mutation of the common flu and most of the population of the whole fucking world went absolutely haywire like the good little lemmings they are. COVID19 was a dry run for bigger and far worse things to come.
The response to COVID was way over the top.

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on November 17, 2023, 08:45:17 AMSpot on here bro. 1000%

I was stunned the way they herded an entire population into this idea that a fucking cold was life or death because a few people who were already predisposed to die if the wend blew upon them from the wrong direction kicked the bucket around the same time.

what the fuck? When did people become such incredibly weak pansies insanely terrified of a fate which must befall us all at some point?
First, let me start by reminding you I have worked in both broadcast media and in direct sales. There is a definite art to the presentation of information in order to sell a concept, and both fields are adept at employing it. Appeals to authority and to tradition, fear of loss and more; I've seen a number of these being used during the course of the last three years where Covid is concerned and in a gullible population, this ensures people are highly susceptible to being led about by the nose.

How many years have people been lining up for their annual flu shot? Most of us view the weatherman with jaundice when they forecast rain, but we'll pack a raincoat and an umbrella nonetheless because occasionally the bureau will actually get it right. Short term predictive modeling of weather patterns and which way they are likely to jump are doable, but still wildly imperfect and more than one of us has rolled our eyes when we are told we're getting storms, only to find out we could practically count the raindrops on our fingers. Or in certain southern states, be caught utterly unprepared for power outages when blizzards set in.

So much for the weather. Virology is infinitely more complex. Mind telling me how it is possible to essentially predict how one of the myriad of virii is going to mutate in five or ten years time, come up with a preventative, test its efficacy in the approved manner and have a preventative or curative ready for market? When that virus is constantly evolving in the face of existing medicines? You can't, nor can the trusting souls that are rolling up their sleeves on the say-so of the "authorities" that are being marketed to them by other "authorities" who are not only supposedly in the know, but also (as was so visibly the case with CNN's reporting on Wikileaks email releases in the 2016 election cycle) actively marketing themselves as the gatekeepers of such information.

I put it to you that we have been prepped for this. I put it to you that the instance of lab leaks has been going on for decades and that Covid 19 was that very same animal, but on steroids. More on that later.

It is not at all surprising to me that the world "got Got" in this melodrama. Enough of us were either too happy to outsource our views on the topic to the sonic lightbulb in the corner, particularly when so many of our cult heroes were parading about on it, claiming the need for radical action that we might return to Normal. We never did get back to Normal, did we? Not unless you equate increasing mental zombification and nannying under increased authoritarianism as "Normal", in which case we never really left it.

And we will continue to "get Got" for as long as we blindly accept what we are told by our preferred snake oil salesmen. Oh I get it; there's only so many hours in the day to process the barrage of infotainment, to weigh it all and to decide what is the shit and what is the shinola. Far easier to simply dismiss what our third party "fact checkers" and "authorities" tell us to call "conspiracies" and "misinformation" that they might hope to get rich while we suffer for it.

Quite a lot of them are only just now realising they "got Got" too, yet continue to bury their heads in the sand in the hopes that if they cannot see this Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal, then it won't see them.

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on November 17, 2023, 08:45:17 AMThis was a mutation of the common flu and most of the population of the whole fucking world went absolutely haywire like the good little lemmings they are. COVID19 was a dry run for bigger and far worse things to come.
And just how were those mutations realised? Who or what realised them? authors are hypothesising that the Omicron variants may have been artificially synthesised, based on their finding that "most of the mutations" in the S protein of the Omicron variants "are non-synonymous", which they claim is "highly unnatural". The authors suggested that the mutations may have been "artificially generated to identify amino acids of the S protein involved in the infectivity and virulence" of the coronavirus... they are suggesting that the Omicron variant may have been introduced as an accidental lab leak of gain-of-function research into SARS-CoV-2. [The] paper aims to "point out" that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has undergone "unthinkable mutations under conventional coronavirus mutation mechanisms", and the authors "hope" that the "possibility of artificial theory" be "included in the discussion".

archived link of original Techarp fact check

I found that buried at the bottom of a fact check into a recent article regarding Japanese studies of the lineage of Covid 19's Omicron variant. I was aware of the study about a month and a half ago thanks to my daily consumption of podcasts (where the study itself was referenced) and while I haven't read the article this fact check seeks to debunk (they never linked it), I can however recognise a lie by structure when I see one. I would need to see the original article to determine whether or not the fact check was making a strawman argument as well. I suspect it could be, but knowing either way isn't necessary for my purposes.

The lie by structure is easier to spot. Most people (hi Herman!  :happy-smileys-emoticons206: ) are accustomed to scanning a headline, reading a paragraph or two, watching a thirty second news grab... and formulating their position on the information presented therein and that information only. A disingenuous (some might say "unscrupulous") fact checker knows this and has no problem misdirecting the reader/viewer with half truths and critical omissions of truth, burying the actual detail towards the end of the article where most people don't bother to read. Hence the name "lie by structure".

I'm seeing that in the fact check I quoted. I don't trust the fact check as a source and I only quote the detail that coroborates the reports I heard. Detail which the fact check itself appears to be trying to bury. And it occurs to me that given the importance of the issues it raises (the potential of ongoing lab leaks of new Covid scariants), there would appear to be a concerted effort among "the authorities" (CNN, MSN, FOX) to bury it too... omitting it entirely in fact.

Now I'm no expert on virology, it is true. What I do have an intimate understanding of is logical argument. Taking the pieces of an intellectual jigsaw puzzle and seeing how it might fit together based on the information that is available to me. I would like to see further study on the possibility of these supposed "variants" being leaks and not simply organic mutations of a previous strain. I'd like it explained how it is in any way beneficial to the wider population to splice together frankenvirii that otherwise do not exist in nature, I'd like it explained why it needs to happen in laboratories that have more leaks than the average sieve. That this discussion is barely being entertained AT ALL in the media leads me to suspect they are shielding a bunch of assholes that hate our guts enough to treat us like experimental cattle (or should that be Dr Fauci's beagles?)... for their fun and profit.

No matter; I know the nature of this beast, I've worked with it. Because I've worked with it, I refuse to "get Got" by its pretense of having my best interests at heart. Others are gullible enough to trust it as far as they can kick it; that is why we are in the shit we are in now... and I am not surprised, nor amazed.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


It isn't a "Simple cold" at all.

Simple colds don't kill 9 old people on cruises to Fremantle harbour nor do they kill 700 in nursing homes.

Some people are truly dumb.

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: DKG on November 17, 2023, 02:24:54 PMThe response to COVID was way over the top.

And how many doctors and nurses did you work with in the early days?

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: caskur on November 18, 2023, 05:04:08 PMAnd how many doctors and nurses did you work with in the early days?

My son in law saw perfectly healthy people come into the ER after the COVID shot with blood clots that killed them. The reaction to COVID was so over the top, people should have been hanged for it.

Now that we have all the facts, its a medical FACT that people should have never been forced or coerced into getting it.

My wife got it and she now wishes she hadnt. It didnt stop her from getting the rona at all.

My son in law works with several people at the hospital that refused the COVID shot. Enough of them saw the aftermath and said "fuck that!" He had it once where he had symptoms and then he was exposed so often at the hospital, he never got another noticeable case of it.
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Quote from: Lokmar on November 18, 2023, 10:14:00 PMMy son in law saw perfectly healthy people come into the ER after the COVID shot with blood clots that killed them. The reaction to COVID was so over the top, people should have been hanged for it.

Now that we have all the facts, its a medical FACT that people should have never been forced or coerced into getting it.

My wife got it and she now wishes she hadnt. It didnt stop her from getting the rona at all.

My son in law works with several people at the hospital that refused the COVID shot. Enough of them saw the aftermath and said "fuck that!" He had it once where he had symptoms and then he was exposed so often at the hospital, he never got another noticeable case of it.

It isn't really a vaccine apparently and it was designed to stop you dying of covid.

Most people got the jab where I live. I think most people got the Pfizer shot. I think there was much reluctance with AstraZeneca   stuff.

It is not a cold as people here like to suggest.

I am worried about shingles. MY MUM got shingles. I think I will get the shot but it isn't free for me just yet I don't think...or it might be. If it isn't free for me it'll cost $500.

I notice the only people poo-hooing the covid shots are men in their prime.

They never once said in Australia it didn't stop you getting the virus, it helped you surviving the virus. That was all it ever promised.

Most people are sick to death of talking about it.

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: caskur on November 18, 2023, 10:52:40 PMIt isn't really a vaccine apparently and it was designed to stop you dying of covid.

Most people got the jab where I live. I think most people got the Pfizer shot. I think there was much reluctance with AstraZeneca   stuff.

It is not a cold as people here like to suggest.

I am worried about shingles. MY MUM got shingles. I think I will get the shot but it isn't free for me just yet I don't think...or it might be. If it isn't free for me it'll cost $500.

I notice the only people poo-hooing the covid shots are men in their prime.

They never once said in Australia it didn't stop you getting the virus, it helped you surviving the virus. That was all it ever promised.

Most people are sick to death of talking about it.

Many in America are pissed because of the lies. Mistrust of government has never been higher. Maybe worse still was all the hollyweird and liberal news assholes that swore it would prevent covid, prevent the spread of covid, and guarantee you only a mild case if you got it.

Like I said, my son in law personally saw multiple people who appeared to die from the clot shot. One was Moderna for certain. Worse yet, they had no REAL way to report suspected COVID vax deaths. To report these deaths as COVID shot related, you had to have all the vax info for the patient, stuff that a grieving family wouldnt be likely to produce and they would be lucky to produce it if they werent in a state of shock. It was yet another lie for the authorities to tell us doctors had a way to report suspected COVID vax deaths.

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur on November 18, 2023, 05:00:31 PMIt isn't a "Simple cold" at all.
Yeah it is. You're just a wussy.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

Adolf Oliver Bush

Hey, I saw another clot-shot victim earlier... a bubbly vivacious blonde with an excruciatingly wonky eye and a history of strokes that only appeared in the last three years or so.

And she has no idea why it happened, nor apparently do her trained medical staff.

I'm supposed to take an experimental treatment deemed "safe" by these incompetents. Nahh, I have more brains, I'll continue to sit this cold remedy out I think.

Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on November 19, 2023, 12:11:33 AMHey, I saw another clot-shot victim earlier... a bubbly vivacious blonde with an excruciatingly wonky eye and a history of strokes that only appeared in the last three years or so.

And she has no idea why it happened, nor apparently do her trained medical staff.

I'm supposed to take an experimental treatment deemed "safe" by these incompetents. Nahh, I have more brains, I'll continue to sit this cold remedy out I think.

LOL! Put this in the "I'll just take my chances with ACTUAL rona!" column!
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Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: Lokmar on November 19, 2023, 12:29:50 AMLOL! Put this in the "I'll just take my chances with ACTUAL rona!" column!
'Ken bloody oath. The day I submit to some silly fairytale "100% safe and effective" "vaccine", you have my explicit permission to take me out the back and shoot me on the pretext that I'm "past it".
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Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Quote from: caskur on November 18, 2023, 10:52:40 PMIt isn't really a vaccine apparently and it was designed to stop you dying of covid.

We paid billions to big pharma for real vaccines. You know, that control the spread. We did get anything close to what we paid for.

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: Herman on November 19, 2023, 01:21:50 AMWe paid billions to big pharma for real vaccines. You know, that control the spread. We did get anything close to what we paid for.
The cues were there from the start. There was no intention to "flatten the curve" or "control the spread". When tried and tested treatments were getting yanked and hidden (as early as March 2020) and your government is doing everything it can to herd the populace into chain shops on free public transport, a rational man can make one of two conclusions. Either the government is criminally incompetent, or simply just criminal.

You want to trust a criminal?

Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles