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1990s Songs

Started by J E B Stuart, December 12, 2024, 04:06:38 PM

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J E B Stuart

Mark Slaughter heads up this glam band from Las Vegas which is still active. This 1990 number is good:

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J E B Stuart

Back in the 90's, I took my cousin on an epic road trip. He bought three CDs to listen to on the road. One was "Too High To Die" by The Meat Puppets. I'd never heard of 'em, but I ended up liking them. This is their biggest song:

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J E B Stuart

I can't say that I have listened to much Third Eye Blind, but I do like this song. I first heard it on the hilarious American Pie flick:

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J E B Stuart

I got to see The Toadies live about 30 years ago while they were riding a big wave of popularity occasioned by their song "Possum Kingdom."  And a damn fine song it is. Toadies hail from Fort Worth and Possum Kingdom is a real lake near Fort Worth:

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J E B Stuart

A person near and dear to me once said she loved Alice In Chains' "slouchy vocals."  She was referring, of course, to the late Layne Staley. Anyway, I like AIC, too. This is one of my favorites.  The intro is especially good, IMHO:

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J E B Stuart

STP was one of the most successful bands of the 1990s. Hard to pick a favorite from their catalog, but this number is hard to beat:

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Shen Li

J E B Stuart

Tool's first studio album was Undertow, issued in 1993. I bought the CD and it was excellent. This song wasn't released as a single, but it's my favorite. The video imagery was added by an AV wiz named Lou Zeffer. Even though it wasn't produced by Tool, I think it is really good - it fits the music:

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J E B Stuart

I first heard this song in that movie American Pie. I've never listened to anything else by Harvey Danger, but I do like this tune:

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J E B Stuart

I'd be lyin' if I said I've listened to a lotta Tori Amos. I haven't. I am, however, familiar with this song. As I understand it, a cornflake girl is one who'll hurt you despite being your friend.  Apparently, the motivation for this song was the female genital mutilations in Africa typically performed by a "friend."

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J E B Stuart

I saw Shen Li posted an Anthrax cut in the jamming too thread. I'd be lyin' if I said I was a big fan of Anthrax, but they covered a Joe Jackson tune called "Got The Time" on their 1990 album "Persistence of Time." I like it a lot and it frequently pops up on my playlists. Check it out:

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J E B Stuart

Formed in 1981, Tesla is from Sacramento. They've sold quite a few records over the years and this song  from the 1991 album Psychotic Supper is one of many reasons why:

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