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Re: Forum gossip thread by Lab Flaker


good morning SCOUSE

Started by Anonymous, September 18, 2021, 11:35:52 AM

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Quote from: Renee post_id=426145 time=1636137311 user_id=156
Quote from: AV77M post_id=426138 time=1636128429
English ancestry is comprised largely of Anglo Saxon and Germanic lineage. Brits aren't "mongrelized", you clown.

I've been hanging around these forums for at least 15 or more years and at times it still amazes and even amuses me just how stupid some of you people are...  :laugh3:

So let's examine the word "mongrel"... By definition, it is a dog of uncertain or mixed breed.  

In offensive terms applied to people, it means a person of mixed descent.

As for white British ancestry... In simple terms it's this... Celt+Romani+Saxon+Dane+Norman French.

Since white British bloodlines are not purely one genetic ancestry; (learn the difference between ethnicity and race) white brits by definition are very much "mongrelized" as are most humans today regardless of what the ignorant would consider race.

Now that being said, any biologist will tell you that a mongrel animal is much less likely to suffer from many of the genetic diseases, birth defects and retardation that result from keeping bloodlines pure; i.e. inbreeding. In Scouce's case, and possibly yours, claiming that you are genetically pure would explain a lot... :laugh3:

Now all kidding aside, since Scouse is most likely, almost certainly, mongrelized through his likely ancestry, as I have demonstrated, his labling of white Americans and Canadians as mongrels or "mutts" obviously falls flat as well. Now he will have to explain the difference between his white (mongrelized) ancestry and that of other white North Americans.... and since he cannot even provide one single non-nazi source for his other insane arguments, I highly doubt he will be able to put up a convincing argument in this case as well.

It's not air, it's not fair.  ac_crying  All I have are my fantasies that we yellow toothed Brits are descendents of Aryans. Not the real Iranian Aryan. I mean the fairy tale ones that I believe in.


Quote from: Scouse. post_id=426195 time=1636163278
Quote from: Renee post_id=426145 time=1636137311 user_id=156
Quote from: AV77M post_id=426138 time=1636128429
English ancestry is comprised largely of Anglo Saxon and Germanic lineage. Brits aren't "mongrelized", you clown.

I've been hanging around these forums for at least 15 or more years and at times it still amazes and even amuses me just how stupid some of you people are...  :laugh3:

So let's examine the word "mongrel"... By definition, it is a dog of uncertain or mixed breed.  

In offensive terms applied to people, it means a person of mixed descent.

As for white British ancestry... In simple terms it's this... Celt+Romani+Saxon+Dane+Norman French.

Since white British bloodlines are not purely one genetic ancestry; (learn the difference between ethnicity and race) white brits by definition are very much "mongrelized" as are most humans today regardless of what the ignorant would consider race.

Now that being said, any biologist will tell you that a mongrel animal is much less likely to suffer from many of the genetic diseases, birth defects and retardation that result from keeping bloodlines pure; i.e. inbreeding. In Scouce's case, and possibly yours, claiming that you are genetically pure would explain a lot... :laugh3:

Now all kidding aside, since Scouse is most likely, almost certainly, mongrelized through his likely ancestry, as I have demonstrated, his labling of white Americans and Canadians as mongrels or "mutts" obviously falls flat as well. Now he will have to explain the difference between his white (mongrelized) ancestry and that of other white North Americans.... and since he cannot even provide one single non-nazi source for his other insane arguments, I highly doubt he will be able to put up a convincing argument in this case as well.

It's not air, it's not fair.  ac_crying  All I have are my fantasies that we yellow toothed Brits are descendents of Aryans. Not the real Iranian Aryan. I mean the fairy tale ones that I believe in.

Dere dere SCOUSE..

Your racial fantasy life wasn't really much for you anyway.


The British Isles are a polyglot of many invading ethnicities. Even some Arab blood is found in old stock Brits.


And thats why the British empire fell.

Hitler said that racemixing will cause the downfall of nations.

Berry Sweet


Quote from: Herman post_id=426168 time=1636157442 user_id=1689
QuoteAs for white British ancestry... In simple terms it's this... Celt+Romani+Saxon+Dane+Norman French.

Since white British bloodlines are not purely one genetic ancestry; (learn the difference between ethnicity and race) white brits by definition are very much "mongrelized" as are most humans today regardless of what the ignorant would consider race.

True, but this will break old Scouse's heart.

Again, how does being comprised of various different Nationalities and cultures, all of which are white, make someone a "'mongrel"?

A white mixed with Asian, Arab, black or Jewish blood is a mongrel, ie, anything non-white.

It really isn't all that difficult to understand....


Quote from: Guest post_id=426216 time=1636188282
Quote from: Herman post_id=426168 time=1636157442 user_id=1689
QuoteAs for white British ancestry... In simple terms it's this... Celt+Romani+Saxon+Dane+Norman French.

Since white British bloodlines are not purely one genetic ancestry; (learn the difference between ethnicity and race) white brits by definition are very much "mongrelized" as are most humans today regardless of what the ignorant would consider race.

True, but this will break old Scouse's heart.

Again, how does being comprised of various different Nationalities and cultures, all of which are white, make someone a "'mongrel"?

A white mixed with Asian, Arab, black or Jewish blood is a mongrel, ie, anything non-white.

It really isn't all that difficult to understand....

That's like saying that since a dog is samoyed, border collie, poodle, and Japanese chin, it's a pure bred..

Remember how Renee explained the difference the difference between ethnicity and race and also gave you a history lesson.

British people are a mix of many different ethnicities and traces of North African which is understandable since the two continents are barely separated..

Like France, the Philippines and Sicily, Britain has been a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities....celebrate it, don't stew about it.


Korea used to be one of the most homogeneous countries in the world when my parents were young. Multiculturalism through immigration and marriage are unravelling that quickly.

No country in Europe was ever as homogeneous as Korea was. No country in Europe is as old as Korea is or as closed as Korea was.  Iceland was probably the closest. Not that I really care. Invaders spreading their seed over one thousand years ago is not something that I can do anything about or care about even if I could.


Quote from: seoulbro post_id=426225 time=1636196844 user_id=114
Korea used to be one of the most homogeneous countries in the world when my parents were young. Multiculturalism through immigration and marriage are unravelling that quickly.

No country in Europe was ever as homogeneous as Korea was. No country in Europe is as old as Korea is or as closed as Korea was.  Iceland was probably the closest. Not that I really care. Invaders spreading their seed over one thousand years ago is not something that I can do anything about or care about even if I could.

Nobody besides SCOUSE cares....he has unusual priorities for an adult.


Quote from: seoulbro post_id=426225 time=1636196844 user_id=114
Korea used to be one of the most homogeneous countries in the world when my parents were young. Multiculturalism through immigration and marriage are unravelling that quickly.

No country in Europe was ever as homogeneous as Korea was. No country in Europe is as old as Korea is or as closed as Korea was.  Iceland was probably the closest. Not that I really care. Invaders spreading their seed over one thousand years ago is not something that I can do anything about or care about even if I could.

That is why they called Korea the hermit kingdom. Japan was closed off to the world until about the mid 1800's.


Quote from: Fashionista post_id=426217 time=1636194038 user_id=3254
Quote from: Guest post_id=426216 time=1636188282
Quote from: Herman post_id=426168 time=1636157442 user_id=1689
QuoteAs for white British ancestry... In simple terms it's this... Celt+Romani+Saxon+Dane+Norman French.

Since white British bloodlines are not purely one genetic ancestry; (learn the difference between ethnicity and race) white brits by definition are very much "mongrelized" as are most humans today regardless of what the ignorant would consider race.

True, but this will break old Scouse's heart.

Again, how does being comprised of various different Nationalities and cultures, all of which are white, make someone a "'mongrel"?

A white mixed with Asian, Arab, black or Jewish blood is a mongrel, ie, anything non-white.

It really isn't all that difficult to understand....

That's like saying that since a dog is samoyed, border collie, poodle, and Japanese chin, it's a pure bred..

Remember how Renee explained the difference the difference between ethnicity and race and also gave you a history lesson.

British people are a mix of many different ethnicities and traces of North African which is understandable since the two continents are barely separated..

Like France, the Philippines and Sicily, Britain has been a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities....celebrate it, don't stew about it.

Brits don't have negro DNA ffs.  :001_rolleyes:

Renee can shove her biased, Politically Correct history lessons up her spotty fat ass.

For someone who claims not to care about the subject, you're sure going out of your way to undermine and argue with everything I say. (As per usual)

I'll try one last time to explain.... All the different ethnicites and Nationalites which make up English ancestry are white. Danes, Germans, Anglo Saxons, Romans etc are all members of the white race. How is this so difficult to understand?

Furthermore, the out of Africa theory, which hilariously claimed that we all descend from negroes, has long since been debunked. Human remains have been found in Europe which date back even further than the ones discovered in Africa.


Quote from: Herman post_id=426025 time=1635987999 user_id=1689
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=426003 time=1635973189 user_id=3254
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=426001 time=1635970161 user_id=1728
Because you're not white, so why would you?

I know at least as many Caucasians as you do including my inlaws..

I can't recall any of them ever feeling dejected because they found out Ashkenazis are ethnically European..

Most posters on these forums are Caucasian and they aren't interested either.....I believe it's an extreme minority who make this a priority.

I have posted this before. Ashkenazis are not Jewish. At least not ethnically. Unlike the Roma who migrated out of Northern India starting in the seventh century, Ashkeanzis are native to Europe and are ethnically European.

Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European"> ... genes.html">

All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East.

Virtually none came from the North Caucasus, located along the border between Europe and Asia between the Black and Caspian seas.

The finding should thoroughly debunk one of the most questionable, but still tenacious, hypotheses: that most Ashkenazi Jews can trace their roots to the mysterious Khazar Kingdom that flourished during the ninth century in the region between the Byzantine Empire and the Persian Empire, Richards and Ostrer said.

But, like you said Fash, nobody is losing sleep after finding out this.

There are no true descendents left of the ancient Israelites. Not even the Mizrahim and certainly not the Ashkenazim.

Judaism is only a culture and a religion today. Israel knows that but they need citizens that are not Islamics.
The Russian Rock It


The whole idea of mongrelized people is a ridiculous and a moot point. Since the early 2000s when scientists first started cracking the human genome the growing genetic evidence has been showing that race in the biological sense is basically meaningless.

Today most scientists reject the concept of "race" as a biological concept, race exists, undeniably, as a social and political concept. Hence the dumbass nazi using race as a vehicle to spew his idiotic, hatefilled, propaganda regarding jews and white supremacy.

In reality, the popular classifications of race are based chiefly on skin color, with other relevant features including height, eyes, and hair. Although these physical differences may appear superficially to be very dramatic, they are determined by only a minute portion of the human genome. We as a species have been estimated to share 99.9% of our DNA with each other. The few differences that do exist reflect differences in environment and external factors, NOT core biology.

Most importantly, the evolution of skin color occurred independently, and did not influence other traits such as intelligence or behavior. In fact, science has yet to find evidence that there are genetic differences in intelligence  between populations. Intelligence and behavior are indicators of environment, socioeconmic circumstance and culture. So there is no such thing scientifically as "the master race" and the so called mongrelization is bullshit based on a .1% difference in DNA across groups of people globally.

In other words, this whole flap about mongrelized people, on a biological level, is the stuff of ignorance which Scouce fits right into. In reality the only mixing or mongrelizing going on is in ethnic background or culture.

Of course that ignorant rat fuck nazi will blame this scientific reality on the JOOOOOS and their supposed global cabal. He will no doubt claim that the science of the human genome is a conspiracy perpetrated by Jooooos to hide their evil designs on humanity just as conventional history is written and or influenced by Jooooooos. It's a convient fall back excuse of which Scouce is well practiced in, even if it is absolute bullshit pulled directly out of his intellectually low rent ass.

So now our little man-boy nazi has something else to argue against...The science of human genetics....Does anyone here want to lay odds that he isn't up to the task? It's pretty much a sure thing.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


On the topic of Axis powers.

Japan has the death-sentence too.

The difference is that they tell the time of your execution only couple of hours before the thing.

You dont know if it happens today, tomorrow or maybe a month or a year from now..

Thats fucked up.  :laugh3:


Quote from: Renee post_id=426253 time=1636229979 user_id=156

In reality, the popular classifications of race are based chiefly on skin color, with other relevant features including height, eyes, and hair. Although these physical differences may appear superficially to be very dramatic, they are determined by only a minute portion of the human genome. We as a species have been estimated to share 99.9% of our DNA with each other. The few differences that do exist reflect differences in environment and external factors, NOT core biology.

Don't humans and chimps share 96 percent of their DNA sequence?

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