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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


Anyone feeling brave enough to refute this?

Started by Aryan, September 30, 2021, 02:20:44 PM

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This isn't going to become another Gordo thang, is it?

Sorry, now I forget who it was for sure .. you chase so many
I really tried to warn y\'all in 49  .. G. Orwell


Quote from: cc post_id=425340 time=1635465808 user_id=88
This isn't going to become another Gordo thang, is it?

Sorry, now I forget who it was for sure .. you chase so many

A gentleman never kisses and tells.


Quote from: seoulbro post_id=425331 time=1635464226 user_id=114
Quote from: kiebers post_id=425305 time=1635455841 user_id=193
Your subject matter isn't worth my time.

It's worth my time. I hang on Scouse's every word. I anxiously look forward to reading his posts. I learn so much that helps me in the real world. I'm making more money for my clients. My relationship with my girlfriend has gotten better. My golf game has improved. Hell. even my hair is growing in thicker. And I owe it all to Scouse's posts.

sure :001_rolleyes:


Hey IHJ, are you now retired and living the good life in Central America???


Quote from: Bricktop post_id=425351 time=1635467976 user_id=1560
Hey IHJ, are you now retired and living the good life in Central America???

I've got a little over two years to go. I can't wait.


Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=425296 time=1635453945 user_id=1728
You have to laugh at anonymous morons who are happy to voice their opinion but are too scared to reveal themselves, for fear of repercussions....

That's the problem with this guest posting nonsense. It gives cowards a platform.

Awww, did you get trolled on an anonymous guest posting subforum?.... Oh you poor thing, does guest posting violate you master race code of ethics????.. :laugh3:

BTW dipshit, what do you think an anonymous guest posting forum is for?... Sitting around quoting passages from Shakespeare or E.E. Cummings? Maybe we should be discussing quantum physics or molecular mechanics?...  :nea:

Your situational awareness is obviously as shitty as your self awareness.... It's absolutely incredible, almost unbelievable but your wobbling back and forth from common ordinary idiot to slack jawed moron, without realizing it, is startling....  :laugh3:

Just so you know, on forums like this, you may not always get what you ask for but invariably you get what you deserve.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Quote from: kiebers post_id=425298 time=1635454708 user_id=193
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=425296 time=1635453945 user_id=1728
You have to laugh at anonymous morons who are happy to voice their opinion but are too scared to reveal themselves, for fear of repercussions....

That's the problem with this guest posting nonsense. It gives cowards a platform.

What difference does it make who makes what post. You are going to be ridiculed posting this crap regardless. It is a given. It is the way it has always been when you start this stuff.

Did he lodge a formal complaint about being unfairly harassed yet?.... You know it's coming.... :laugh3:
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Quote from: Renee post_id=425438 time=1635526094 user_id=156
Quote from: kiebers post_id=425298 time=1635454708 user_id=193
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=425296 time=1635453945 user_id=1728
You have to laugh at anonymous morons who are happy to voice their opinion but are too scared to reveal themselves, for fear of repercussions....

That's the problem with this guest posting nonsense. It gives cowards a platform.

What difference does it make who makes what post. You are going to be ridiculed posting this crap regardless. It is a given. It is the way it has always been when you start this stuff.

Did he lodge a formal complaint about being unfairly harassed yet?.... You know it's coming.... :laugh3:

I think that may be the one thing he knows won't do any good. But then again, I have been wrong before.... :laugh:
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone


Quote from: Renee post_id=425437 time=1635525833 user_id=156
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=425296 time=1635453945 user_id=1728
You have to laugh at anonymous morons who are happy to voice their opinion but are too scared to reveal themselves, for fear of repercussions....

That's the problem with this guest posting nonsense. It gives cowards a platform.

Awww, did you get trolled on an anonymous guest posting subforum?.... Oh you poor thing, does guest posting violate you master race code of ethics????.. :laugh3:

BTW dipshit, what do you think an anonymous guest posting forum is for?... Sitting around quoting passages from Shakespeare or E.E. Cummings? Maybe we should be discussing quantum physics or molecular mechanics?...  :nea:

Your situational awareness is obviously as shitty as your self awareness.... It's absolutely incredible, almost unbelievable but your wobbling back and forth from common ordinary idiot to slack jawed moron, without realizing it, is startling....  :laugh3:

Just so you know, on forums like this, you may not always get what you ask for but invariably you get what you deserve.

That crying like a little girl that folks are picking on him is the gayest frickin thing I have seen yet on these forums. Grown men don't do that.


Quote from: Renee post_id=425438 time=1635526094 user_id=156
Quote from: kiebers post_id=425298 time=1635454708 user_id=193
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=425296 time=1635453945 user_id=1728
You have to laugh at anonymous morons who are happy to voice their opinion but are too scared to reveal themselves, for fear of repercussions....

That's the problem with this guest posting nonsense. It gives cowards a platform.

What difference does it make who makes what post. You are going to be ridiculed posting this crap regardless. It is a given. It is the way it has always been when you start this stuff.

Did he lodge a formal complaint about being unfairly harassed yet?.... You know it's coming.... :laugh3:

I sure did. You don't understand how vulnerable and paranoid us forty something, dim-witted, underachieving, boring, immature nazis feel.


Quote from: kiebers post_id=425305 time=1635455841 user_id=193
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=425301 time=1635455180 user_id=1728
What crap exactly? Are you capable of forming an argument by yourself, without chaining your wheelchair to the latest bandwagon on here which is doing the rounds?

Really, you ask what crap? Don't insult your own intelligence. I don't need to argue/debate with you. I don't agree with you. Never have and never will. Just that simple. Your subject matter isn't worth my time. You come here and drop this crap knowing full well what is going to happen. All I commented on this time was your guest statement. It wasn't an argument, it was a question.

And you mentioned repercussions, what pray tell would those be. You going to smite someone?  ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao

Yes, really I ask what crap. Perhaps then I could attempt to address specifically what exactly it is that you've taken issue with.

When someone attacks another user anonymously via guest posting, as opposed to using their original account, it obviously means that they remain undetected and therefore won't receive any subsequent backlash or hostility.

In future, can you at least switch on your brain before responding to my posts, cheers.


Quote from: Guest post_id=425306 time=1635457379
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=425297 time=1635454396 user_id=1728
Quote from: "Hugo Phucagoat" post_id=425293 time=1635449986
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=425276 time=1635444843 user_id=1728
Quote from: Renee post_id=425266 time=1635436895 user_id=156

Wow, what a surprise, our little nazi wannabe pulls up the pov and words of Ezra Loomis Pound... :laugh3: Are you completely retarded? No need to answer.

For those of you who do not know this overrated bucket of offal, Ezra Pound was a modernist poet...a rather mediocre one at that according to Gertrude Stein and many of his other contemporaries. He was also a devoted fascist and ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Oh and a US expatriate, a convicted traitor and fascist collaborator.

Once in a fit of deluded literary rage, Pound compared both Hitler and Mussolini to Confucius in a letter to then US Senator Burton Wheeler. In that letter he railed against US immigration policy that only allowed immigrants into the country if they could demonstrate a necessary skill or ability...

"I have read a regulation that only those foreigners are to be admitted to the U.S. who are deemed to be useful etc/. The dirtiest jews from Paris, Blum??"

Obviously being a poet, a narcissistic piece of shit, an antisemite and a fascist are not very useful so he was naturally upset at being excluded from entering the US during WWII.... :laugh3: He signed the letter off with "Heil Hitler". It's also documented that at one time while in US miltary custody, he referred to Adolf Hitler as a martyr and compared him to a modern day Joan of Arch... ac_wot

Ezra Pound had a long history of antisemitism going all the way back to the end of WWI. Although he claimed not to be antisemitic, his extensive writings on the subject and personal actions strongly suggest that he was a fucking liar...Funny how his thoughts and pov on this subject directly parallel that of Adolf Hitler.. Coincidence??? I think not....

Pound was basically the prototype for the modern conspiracy theorist. He was intelligent, mentally ill, afflicted with delusions of grandeur, a persecution complex, and totally convinced of his own genius...By the time he died he had basically accused almost every western world leader of being a Jew, a Freemason or under the control of a Jewish Cabal. He was a crackpot and his contributions to literature, art, and intellectualism will be forever marred by his antisemitic lunacy.

Now that being said, can we ever expect a legitimate, remotely,  objective source from you in your weak attempts to bolster your reprehensible argument....Aren't you tired of getting kicked in the groin by me and others here?

BTW, the source of your poor attempt to counter my argument, this Mufidah Kassalias chick, appears to be a fellow conspiracy loon and antisemite as well. So it's fitting that your grubby, little, nose picking, fingers would have keyboard access to her tripe...Her claim to fame is the solving Rubic's Cube without any help and she doesn't watch TV... :laugh3: Both rather unimpressive personal accolades if you ask me.

Scouse it is obvious that your bucket has more holes in it than you can plug...My advice is chew more bubble gum and keep working at it. Maybe by the time you reach the infirmity of old age your arguments will hold water.

You haven't refuted a single thing and instead just gone on a long winded tirade attacking the source....

Are you for real?

No doubt in your indoctrinated fat head, anything or anyone branded "anti-Semitic" is automatically not worthy of attention and should automatically be dismissed, regardless of whether the information is credible or not.

GTFO with your shilling ffs.

You really are out if your league, aren't you?

The source is everything. If the source can be proven to be biased or tainted then your argument falls into doubt.

Get a clue, you repetitive moron. Find a source that isn't one of your fellow nazi jew haters and then maybe you will get some credibility. Until then, enjoy being made to look like the pathetic fool that you are.

Bitch please, every single mainstream source which documents WW2 is biased in favour of Jews, otherwise the info is branded "anti-Semitic" and you faggot apologists hound whoever has presented it like a pack of rabid HIV infected dogs.

Same old convient excuse for posting your controversial drivil.

"They did it so why can't I"... ac_crying

The problem being is your sources come from a small circle of fringe dwelling, nazi simps with no tangible basis in fact while theirs is supported by a wide range of historical evidence from recognized, independent, reputable, scholarly, sources.

The burden of proof that your opponents sources are the work of Jewish influence is upon you. Your sources have been thoroughly discredited time and time again. We are still waiting for your rebuttal beyond that of your nazified opinion.

You will never learn because you lack the capacity to recognize your own intellectual limitations.

This is either CC or Shen Li. What happened? Forgot your log in details?

I notice you use the term "discredited" as opposed to disproven, very convenient.

You see, modern academia, particularly in the west, has been compromised and infiltrated since at least the 1950's with Communists, Marxists, liberals and all manner of other left-leaning, anti-Nationalist, anti-white vermin, who have worked tirelessly to surpress information and slander anyone who dares to defy the official anti-Hitler narrative of WW2.

This is the reason why a revisionist movement started, because the truth was branded anti-Semtic by the mainstream historians and any form of dissent was stamped out.


Quote from: Fashionista post_id=425313 time=1635461162 user_id=3254
Quote from: kiebers post_id=425305 time=1635455841 user_id=193
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=425301 time=1635455180 user_id=1728
What crap exactly? Are you capable of forming an argument by yourself, without chaining your wheelchair to the latest bandwagon on here which is doing the rounds?

Really, you ask what crap? Don't insult your own intelligence. I don't need to argue/debate with you. I don't agree with you. Never have and never will. Just that simple. Your subject matter isn't worth my time. You come here and drop this crap knowing full well what is going to happen. All I commented on this time was your guest statement. It wasn't an argument, it was a question.

And you mentioned repercussions, what pray tell would those be. You going to smite someone?  ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao

I know, what a ridiculous question..

His broken record subject matter is not worth any adult's time.

Oh piss off, get an original thought in your head for once....

You never know, it might make you more interesting.


Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=425589 time=1635621154 user_id=1728
Quote from: kiebers post_id=425305 time=1635455841 user_id=193
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=425301 time=1635455180 user_id=1728
What crap exactly? Are you capable of forming an argument by yourself, without chaining your wheelchair to the latest bandwagon on here which is doing the rounds?

Really, you ask what crap? Don't insult your own intelligence. I don't need to argue/debate with you. I don't agree with you. Never have and never will. Just that simple. Your subject matter isn't worth my time. You come here and drop this crap knowing full well what is going to happen. All I commented on this time was your guest statement. It wasn't an argument, it was a question.

And you mentioned repercussions, what pray tell would those be. You going to smite someone?  ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao

Yes, really I ask what crap. Perhaps then I could attempt to address specifically what exactly it is that you've taken issue with.

When someone attacks another user anonymously via guest posting, as opposed to using their original account, it obviously means that they remain undetected and therefore won't receive any subsequent backlash or hostility.

In future, can you at least switch on your brain before responding to my posts, cheers.

I don't take issue with you at all (unless you break the rules). I just don't agree with your nazi beliefs ("crap"). Nothing you can post that will change that. I would wager that there are no members here that agree, yet, here you come posting the same "crap" over and over and over and over. You want a different reaction to your posts then talk about other things. Otherwise, you do know exactly what you are doing posting that "crap" here. So as long as you enjoy getting your ears boxed then by all means continue to do so. As one guest said, you ain't changed anyone's mind here in 6 years. You act like Einstein's definition of insanity: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."


All you have to do is quote the guest to give them any backlash or hostility. Doesn't matter if they are a member here or elsewhere. As long as they don't break the rules they will receive no backlash from management.

This is, after all, the reject area where these kinds of things happen. Perhaps it's your brain that needs to be switched on. (here come the he doesn't have a brain comments)
I've learned that if someone asks you a really stupid question and you reply by telling them what time it is, they'll leave you alone

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