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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

avatar_Biggie Smiles

Now this is truly fucking sickening

Started by Biggie Smiles, August 09, 2023, 11:35:21 PM

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I think she was making a pass at me ....

No woman in 20 years of posting has EVER posted a flashing penis at me...

What a puta!!!
"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

Biggie Smiles

She tells people to suck her dick

what kind of a  low class, uncultured, vulgar and repulsive pig tells a man to suck her dick?


Quote from: reaps on August 10, 2023, 01:08:11 PM
Hi Flynn you seem more agitated today then you normally are.Is this due to the fact that you have single handedly managed to take a thriving forum before you took over and turned it in to a ghost town perhaps? My,my what ever will we do lol.Let's take a few moments to explore your great moderation of meltdown.

Vitriol- walked away cause of all your drama.

Blazor-Banned for nothing.

Freud-Banned for nothing.

Biggie-Banned for calling admin a cock sucker.

Dove-Banned for nothing.

Ayran-Banned for nothing.


Now we have all decided what a failior your tenure as mod has been shall we examine what a simple minded tard you really are.The stupid rule of calling posters peedos was never broken.I mean not like when YOU AND ALL THE OTHER MODS CHOSE TO LET POOFER BE CALLED A PEEDO ALL FUCKING WEEKEND.AND DID ABSOLUTELY FUCK ALL TO STOP IT.

No my dear,calling Lotus a child abuser(which she is btw) did not break that rule.The definition of child abuse is this-

Child abuse is when a child is intentionally harmed by an adult or another child – it can be over a period of time but can also be a one-off action. It can be physical, sexual or emotional and it can happen in person or online. It can also be a lack of love, care and attention – this is neglect.

Now at no point in my accusation did I ever infer that Lotus sexually abuse my children,ergo I did not call her a nonce.I quite clearly stated and provided proof that she had wished my children die.Which by the very fucking definition of child abuse,is child abuse you dumb fucking rat.So not only did you ban me for telling the truth,you banned me because you are too dumb to implement the rules properly.

So dumb cunt that is infact TWO apologies that you now owe me.Now as for me returning to that shit-hole are you for real lol.You make out that it's a free speech forum yet feel the need to police peoples free speech.Even though you can't even comprehend the dumb rules you are trying to enforce.I get the fact alot of the lib-tards there now are feeling pretty stupid now Mr.Biggie has posted a link to my S/G profile but I will never return to a place that bans free speech from someone who has told the truth.I mean fuck me you've even pissed off Dilf with your over modedration.

You fucked up Flynn and killed b.f with your over moderation.And you were doing so well at the start.Power get to your head or something Princess lol.Anyhow,have fun posting to yourself on that now dead forum lol.

I wasn't going to make an account here due to me not being able to stand certain peeps that post here but I might just make one now for the lulz.Plus the new owner here seems like a decent fella and seems to allow free speech,unlike the shit hole that is now b/f.

When the news gets around that I was banned for telling the truth,I'd imagine you will lose alot more posters lollololol.

Good job Flynn.

Fuck head didn't even start off good.

Very early on, this fucking jackhole moved my political post about the gender cult from the proper politcs board down to meltdown just so he could shit all over it.

His stupid ass excuse was that he decided my post was a "troll post".  I didn't insult anyone in the post. I was challenging Blurt on his gender beliefs. I also was ignoring the stupid fuck Flynn in meltdown. He couldn't stand he decided to claim my post was a troll and moved it from politics to meltdown. Even though his dumb ass wasn't even a mod for the politics board.

It was ridiculous. But what do you expect from some BH cum guzzler who can't move past his "glory days" at a shitty porn forum who actually views being a moderator on a forum as some power position that everyone desires to have? He is such a pitiful fucking loser he actually sees being a forum janitor as  high status.

So no Flynn definitely did NOT start off good. He is a shitty little weak panel abuser who is power tripping. How powerless do you have to feel in your actual life to act like this online? He has real grudges and personal issues with me.....for years....that alone shows how unhinged this drooling retard is. He is willing to make a complete cringey moron of himself just to interact with me on a regular basis.

He is killing BF because he is a fucking loser who can't even properly mod a TROLL forum.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: caskur on August 12, 2023, 02:15:44 AM
I have never met such a controlling wench that must micro manage every post everyone writes .... very sad.

I guess a life on the couch will do that to a person...

See if Biggie will forward on something I just sent him.

Her and I were friendly enough where she had my phone number and we would chat via text. I spoke with her twice.

This was when I was a mod at SG. I was like a secret wasn't formally announced but I had been helping and we just kept it kinda down low. Oak knew and she was cozy with me.

And when SG was no more and I went to BF....January 6th happened and she texted me "your people are out of control" and I just didn't answer.

From then on....she showed up at BF and just started attacking me. Came up with this bullshit that she was only friendly with me because she "felt bad" for me. I don't believe that at all....there was absolutely nothing wrong with my life. Well my marriage was in the shitter but I wasn't discussing that with anyone.

She would rather be seen as some predator who makes fake friends with people she doesn't like and takes advantage of their friendliness and warmth than for being a two faced control freak who turns on people over politics.  I mean....her version makes her look way worse so...yeah. Yuck.

She's a total scum bag and yes, a hypocrite. 

She was all drunk in the shout box one night and was just being nasty and viscious and using my children as "ammo" against me. She heard my children in the back ground on a phone call. They were doing a bigger ones were helping Squish and they were laughing and doing crafts togther. This sounded like child abuse and neglect to Oak....go figure.  :laughinatu:

She will preach about private stuff being used or children being used but it's only wrong if it's done to her or people she is currently's perfectly acceptable to her if she's the one using it or her flying monkeys are using it.

Just an all around scum bag.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 12, 2023, 02:22:39 AM
She tells people to suck her dick

what kind of a  low class, uncultured, vulgar and repulsive pig tells a man to suck her dick?

People like Oak and Murd think that's hilarious and a huge burn.

Trash heaps who resort to vulgarity.

I enjoy when they suddenly clutch their pearls when I start talking my orgasms or reference a sexual experience I've had. I do that on purpose, BTW because it shows what heaping piles of hypocritical shit they are.

It's all okay when Murd describes fucking people in detail and talks about fingering herself until she "squirts" and other such graphic nonsense. They are perfectly fine with vulgarity and sex talk.

Until I show up and talk about it.....whether I'm talking about a real encounter or not is irrelevant.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

Biggie Smiles

Shes gross

And that story about her having a conservative "partner"

ya'll know that's all a made up fantasy.. right? Even Murdy admitted that one to me


Well if Flynn did that then Flynn is a mod panel abuser so I take back what I said in support of Flynn.

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on August 11, 2023, 10:23:23 AM
Oh do go eat a bag of dick you victim. "Waaaaaa, a female impersonator got me banned from a leftie site where they wish cancer on the kiddies... I shall swing my manbag while we all find their antics disgustapating'... drink a bag and cement and harden the fuck up you piss warm beer slurping Bert Newton lookalike!

This is nothing to do with being "holier than thou", it's a bunch of gutless troon loving leftie reacharound merchants twisting your nipples while you go "REE". If anything you ought to be thankful they banned you, their low rent drivel has rotted your fucking brain if my refusal to "be disgusted" at their capers gets you ducking and weaving drunkenly in my direction. I managed to walk away from that shithole over five years ago when I identified its shortcomings and I did it with zero amount of the caterwauling you feel compelled to indulge in today. The fuck is your major malfunction?

You know what - don't bother telling me, I'm not interested. You're here now, fucken be happy it's a place that isn't going to ban your arse   because some transsexual truck driving fuckpuddle with strapon titties gets to whining at the boss that you didn't suck the female penis in quite the way they liked. Surely that's got to count for something you spastic. Get a fucking grip: wishing harm to someone's kids has zero effect until dickheads like you get to leaping up and down and otherwise chimping out over it. If you don't so much as even comment about it (or if you mock and ridiicule it) those goons in the cheap seats will be the ones to lose their shit over their own impotence.

I can't believe I'm having to explain this to you. How old are you anyway? Grow the fuck up!

Your Biggie quote just sent me    :s_laugh:
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on August 12, 2023, 01:49:15 AM
I was just talking to Dovey

she wanted me to tell Oak she's "fat, stupid and mad at life" .

I told her I'm banned at BF because they're a bunch of weak pussies but that Oak licks the windows here more than she reads there and she'll certainly get the message

That Flynn failure faggot licks the windows here too.

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: caskur on August 12, 2023, 02:12:48 AM
She was waving a dick at me.... I hope that isn't a sign she is a muff diver or something.

Eww... she might be a fat lesbian.
Maybe she's taking testosterone. You know what they say... "if a woman acts like a man, she can expect to be treated like one"...

Have you tried kicking her in her nuts?
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

reaps the honest

Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on August 11, 2023, 04:50:31 PM
Reply #49, who was it directed to?

That's right, not you.

Now, while I am delighted you should feel comfortable enough to vomit up last night's condom casserole when DKG suggests we ought to all be disgusted and I've told him I'm not prepared to get that worked up over it, your jiggly bingo wings and twerking bargearse regarding my response to him might only have been relevant had he shoved his manicured fist up your pimply clack and was working your  sweaty-lipped boner-buffer as his own personal fuckmuppet.

Did he do that? Or did you decide to go digging under your paunch and start strangling your own mushroom cap on the topic. My reply to him did not require your input. Yet here we are... AGAIN... with you white knighting for others like a card carrying member of the Katiekong brigade and getting your shit shoved in for your troubles.

So don't bitch to me that I'm taking time away from you licking the windows of a board you aren't presently in a position to respond to, jackoff. Lotusbludge and Flange trading knitting tips interests me about as much as watching your dicksplashes drying on fistfuls of yellowing shit tickets. DKG's assertion I or anyone else ought to be disgusted by any of it is predicated (I suspect) on the notion that it is some "new low" that deserves the emotional involvement of all present.

And I'm not prepared to invest that. I don't care how fresh it is, it's shit and I don't think it's worth my time (or indeed yours) to reward some BF non-entity's well chewed Crayola penned brainfarts with even the most cursory ejaculations of "oh golly gosh, that was a bit off, wasn't it". A more appropriate reward (I think) would be to starve the buggers for attention until they "do better" at a level that warrants entertaining them a seat at this particular table.

By all means, if you want more of the same, keep doing what you're doing. Far be it for me to deny you in your quest to turn this board into some shrine to all that is wrong with BF. Ever thought of moving to wherever all the Californians fled to?

A simple I wasn't talking to you,you bloody fuckwit would have been sufficient you know.

Sorry old pal.Sometimes I just like to pull the Lions tail you know  :s_hi:.

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: Dove on August 12, 2023, 02:28:05 AM
Fuck head didn't even start off good.

Very early on, this fucking jackhole moved my political post about the gender cult from the proper politcs board down to meltdown just so he could shit all over it.

His stupid ass excuse was that he decided my post was a "troll post".  I didn't insult anyone in the post. I was challenging Blurt on his gender beliefs. I also was ignoring the stupid fuck Flynn in meltdown. He couldn't stand he decided to claim my post was a troll and moved it from politics to meltdown. Even though his dumb ass wasn't even a mod for the politics board.

It was ridiculous. But what do you expect from some BH cum guzzler who can't move past his "glory days" at a shitty porn forum who actually views being a moderator on a forum as some power position that everyone desires to have? He is such a pitiful fucking loser he actually sees being a forum janitor as  high status.

So no Flynn definitely did NOT start off good. He is a shitty little weak panel abuser who is power tripping. How powerless do you have to feel in your actual life to act like this online? He has real grudges and personal issues with me.....for years....that alone shows how unhinged this drooling retard is. He is willing to make a complete cringey moron of himself just to interact with me on a regular basis.

He is killing BF because he is a fucking loser who can't even properly mod a TROLL forum.
Really, what else is new? You talk of Flange's glory days; what if I told you that the management of BH barely regarded him at all and that his crowning achievement during his tenure there was to be considered for a berth in the raiding party. A raiding party whose sole purpose was to go to random places to stir up shit for traffic trolling purposes? And that he backed out of it?

Flange never exhibited much in the way of ability, preferring instead to function as a virtual Xerox machine of other people's material. That might have even worked had he switched it up some, BH was already in the process of sinking at the time of his arrival, but he couldn't even manage that much. All very well and good to strut about pretending you're the greatest, but you need to have something to back it up. All Flange ever had was a backlog of other peoples material and few photos of a ditsy blonde to claim were his own.

So nothing new to bring to the table in other words. And in a forum full of wannabes copycatting that which had played out before, Flange was truly just another faceless crayon munching tard in what was rapidly becoming a tsunami of rebooted rhetoric. When the wave finally broke and rolled back, the site was done and dusted, testament to the poor management and bad decision making authored by its owners, a pair of lefties whose very reason for creating Brawl Hall in the first place was never to build a lasting and awe inspiring edifice, but to bleed everything dry for their own ends.

Something BF is apparently attempting to do now and in that respect, Flange is his huckleberry. You see, Flange was never a smart cookie and never understood the underlying principles of what made flaming work. He only ever saw the end results of those that did understand it. Like the Hollywood movie industry's penchant for rebooting the same franchises over and over, Flange was taking other people's schticks and attempting to pass it off as his own. And screaming it was everyone else's fault when they weren't flocking to it as they had done long before he got there.

The same holds true for his moderator "skills", such that they are. His best example was BH, a site that was already in the throes of failing when he got to it. It had a lot further to fall than BF did, for as trafficked as it might have seemed to the average SGer, BH had been built up to a far more impressive leviathan by people that actually knew a thing or two about driving interest.

But by and large, they all lost interest in it and skipped town. Leaving loudmouthed and unaccomplished retards like Flange in their wake.

I'm not surprised in the slightest to see BF drying up as I've seen it before. I registered there not long after its reboot and its owner doing the rounds of places like TRF to pad out the traffic stats. It didn't take me very long at all to see where it was headed, based on the behaviour of its owner and I made my choice to leave them to it. I'm not a fan of rehashes and reruns, not when I understand the mistakes being made and the consequences they bring.

Flange was never offered a panel at BH as far as I'm aware, and consequently his own experience in the role is echoing the blueprint afforded him by the fall and fail of BH. No surprise BF's fortune are in the toilet at this point.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles

Adolf Oliver Bush

Quote from: reaps the honest on August 12, 2023, 05:16:07 AM
A simple I wasn't talking to you,you bloody fuckwit would have been sufficient you know.

Sorry old pal.Sometimes I just like to pull the Lions tail you know  :s_hi:.
I know that. I also know you know that.

You decided to act in a manner that belied your knowledge and I figured I'd entertain your little soiree appropriately. No biggie.
Her fucking fupa looked like a pair of ass cheeks... like someone naked ran into her head first and got stuck. She was like "come eat me out" and I was like "nah I think I'll go snort some anthrax and light myself on fire instead"

 - Biggie Smiles


Quote from: caskur on August 12, 2023, 02:49:01 AM
Well if Flynn did that then Flynn is a mod panel abuser so I take back what I said in support of Flynn.

Then he had to post some bullshit apology because BF was mad about it. I left BF and refused to come back until it was fixed.

Just a weak little petty shit.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.


Quote from: Adolf Oliver Bush on August 12, 2023, 06:01:40 AM
Really, what else is new? You talk of Flange's glory days; what if I told you that the management of BH barely regarded him at all and that his crowning achievement during his tenure there was to be considered for a berth in the raiding party. A raiding party whose sole purpose was to go to random places to stir up shit for traffic trolling purposes? And that he backed out of it?

Flange never exhibited much in the way of ability, preferring instead to function as a virtual Xerox machine of other people's material. That might have even worked had he switched it up some, BH was already in the process of sinking at the time of his arrival, but he couldn't even manage that much. All very well and good to strut about pretending you're the greatest, but you need to have something to back it up. All Flange ever had was a backlog of other peoples material and few photos of a ditsy blonde to claim were his own.

So nothing new to bring to the table in other words. And in a forum full of wannabes copycatting that which had played out before, Flange was truly just another faceless crayon munching tard in what was rapidly becoming a tsunami of rebooted rhetoric. When the wave finally broke and rolled back, the site was done and dusted, testament to the poor management and bad decision making authored by its owners, a pair of lefties whose very reason for creating Brawl Hall in the first place was never to build a lasting and awe inspiring edifice, but to bleed everything dry for their own ends.

Something BF is apparently attempting to do now and in that respect, Flange is his huckleberry. You see, Flange was never a smart cookie and never understood the underlying principles of what made flaming work. He only ever saw the end results of those that did understand it. Like the Hollywood movie industry's penchant for rebooting the same franchises over and over, Flange was taking other people's schticks and attempting to pass it off as his own. And screaming it was everyone else's fault when they weren't flocking to it as they had done long before he got there.

The same holds true for his moderator "skills", such that they are. His best example was BH, a site that was already in the throes of failing when he got to it. It had a lot further to fall than BF did, for as trafficked as it might have seemed to the average SGer, BH had been built up to a far more impressive leviathan by people that actually knew a thing or two about driving interest.

But by and large, they all lost interest in it and skipped town. Leaving loudmouthed and unaccomplished retards like Flange in their wake.

I'm not surprised in the slightest to see BF drying up as I've seen it before. I registered there not long after its reboot and its owner doing the rounds of places like TRF to pad out the traffic stats. It didn't take me very long at all to see where it was headed, based on the behaviour of its owner and I made my choice to leave them to it. I'm not a fan of rehashes and reruns, not when I understand the mistakes being made and the consequences they bring.

Flange was never offered a panel at BH as far as I'm aware, and consequently his own experience in the role is echoing the blueprint afforded him by the fall and fail of BH. No surprise BF's fortune are in the toilet at this point.

Bahahaha dude....did you read that twunts emotional post about how him, Frood, SSS, I THINK you...and some other BH guy all got togther in some private chat area and exchanged PI along with eachothers proudest moments, deepest fears and insecurities...and sexual kinks and all kinds of intimacies?

I was like "how much you wanna bet only Flynn drank the cum cup?" LoL.

It was like he was describing some cyber gay orgey cult initiation.

Whatever it was you guys shared in that dark and private chat room really meant A LOT to this poor fucker lol.
My happiness is all of your misery. I put good dick all in my kidneys.

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