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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


I love Poland

Started by Brent, June 15, 2024, 01:23:39 PM

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Biggie Smiles

Quote from: caskur on June 21, 2024, 11:34:35 AMChina is broke.

The USA has 5,000 nuclear warheads..

They will have to use them won't they.

CHINA has only about 320 nuclear warheads with another 150 being secretly made in their desert.

China is all about allusion according to Serpentza or whatever his name is who lived and worked on mainland China..

I doubt Pakistan and India will join China and Russia since they are part of the commonwealth but if they did then I guess we would be cactus.

See what happens.

ARMAGEDDON is coming... I am not worried. I am looking forward to it.

Drop ONE nuclear weapon anywhere on the planet in an act of hostility and watch the world economy crumble to it's fucking knees.

Drop 5 in densely populated areas of the US and it's meet the fucking flinstones for any of the poor souls not lucky enough to be within the int ital blast radius. At least their deaths would be instantaneous

are you kidding?

Are you living in the 1950's or something where "my nukes are bigger than your nukes" pissing type of a contest had any validity whatsoever?

Biggie Smiles

Far from it me to allege I am a gifted guitarist who can captivate an audience of props in a Kyiv nightclub with some really kewl tunes while young man are dying on the frontlines

or perhaps design to wear a skirt and some stockings to a meeting with fellow joint chiefs of staff or anything like that.

So I am unsure if my basic common sense qualifies me to comment on such intrinsic matters of war planning but I am going throw caution to the wind, go full metal MAGA and comment here nonetheless.

In today's climate of utter social media fueled idiocy you've got tom dick and dork rushing with eager anticipation and nee to collapse all of their compute systems into one of the biggest ripoff scams of all time. Cloud computing. Which means I've only got to take out a few key data-centers in the US to render a good 25% of your economy completely unavailable to you. Then sit back and watch as your dollar disintegrates  into flame fodder in your colder states just to keep warm. 

10 nukes. Check.

According to a simple google search the US power grid is separated into three major regions and is highly delicate and dependent on antiquated technology

6 or 7 nukes coupled with a side order of some cyber security attacks ought to do the trick. Check

There are about 12 US ports accepting incoming shipments of fuel from our world partners

a little sabotage here a little sabotage there followed up with 3 or 4 nukes should suffice to disrupt the supply chain enough to ensure a complete collapse of civilization in key areas that weren't all that civilized to begin with.

How many men of military age have we allowed through our southern border and have no idea who, or where they are?

check check

Should I go on? but if you add up the some of what I've laid forth already you can clearly see you don't even need 50 nukes to render the entire US neutralized for good.

But we have 5000 nukes tho. Yeah, I'd be shocked if we got 500 of those birds in the air before the complete collapse


Putin has already threatened to use nuclear warheads.

I have to sleep.... it's alright for you people who do nothing all day to waste bandwidth shitting yourself about the end of the world.... I'm hanging out for a new heavens and a new earth where righteousness is to dwell.

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol

Biggie Smiles

And if a man with thousands of nukes ""threatens"" to use them you don't think it wise not to provoke him to do so?

Especially when he is of no threat to the average American in any way and we'd actually be better off dismantling cold war era fright fraternities rather than expanding them?

I mean, after all, this whole conflict was instigated under the premise that Ukraine had to join NATO in order to protect them from Russia and Ironically it is the very thing that caused them to be attacked by Russia and yet their leaders press on by throwing thousands of their youngest into the meat grinder

and a person of sound mind and reasonable intelligence has to wonder why.

horse sense

Save your keystrokes Biggie. Caskur is not the sharpest bowling ball in the rack when it comes to exercises in logic, or even common sense. Take it from someone who knows; even should you prove your case, the best outcome you might hope for is decades long antipathy in the hopes that somehow, somewhere, you will put a foot wrong on any given topic so that she might cavort about the place cackling "see, you were wrong after all and I was right".

She is a very proud, yet ultimately very disappointed woman. She's had the knives out for me for years, ever since I called her out her attempts to doxx V-Agent across multiple boards, even ones he didn't post at. When presented with common sense logic, she doubled down and proceeded to doxx ATVile, requiring multiple posts of hers to be edited and ATVile's full name to be but on the banned words list at Third Rail Forum. Years later and she was still at it, repeatedly linking to Mr Pickles personal Facebook accounts despite repeated warnings from Bra1n at Third Rail and ultimately a suspension which is how she ended up here.

And to be abundantly clear, I didn't owe any of these people any favours. More than one of them were opponents of mine so I could just as easily sat back and let them wipe each other out. Allowing for the setting a bad example for the rest of the community to follow, which was really the only reason I bothered to weigh in at all. All my input served was giving Caskur further reason to dig her heels in. As I said, she is a proud woman and a disappointed one. Being wrong... on anything... is a source of disappointment, shame and ultimately anger for her.

Know that she is one of those people you can speak the truth to for as long as you care to and your words will fall on deaf ears and blind eyes if it runs counter to any idea she considers truth. It's not that she is stupid, she just doesn't appreciate being found out to have backed the wrong horse and will insist until she is blue in the face that it is you that has got it wrong. It's who she is, she's been that way for as long as any of us have known her and it is far too late for her to make the effort and change now.

Sad I know, but true.
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Biggie Smiles

Quote from: horse sense on June 21, 2024, 03:41:39 PMSave your keystrokes Biggie. Caskur is not the sharpest bowling ball in the rack when it comes to exercises in logic, or even common sense. Take it from someone who knows; even should you prove your case, the best outcome you might hope for is decades long antipathy in the hopes that somehow, somewhere, you will put a foot wrong on any given topic so that she might cavort about the place cackling "see, you were wrong after all and I was right".

She is a very proud, yet ultimately very disappointed woman. She's had the knives out for me for years, ever since I called her out her attempts to doxx V-Agent across multiple boards, even ones he didn't post at. When presented with common sense logic, she doubled down and proceeded to doxx ATVile, requiring multiple posts of hers to be edited and ATVile's full name to be but on the banned words list at Third Rail Forum. Years later and she was still at it, repeatedly linking to Mr Pickles personal Facebook accounts despite repeated warnings from Bra1n at Third Rail and ultimately a suspension which is how she ended up here.

And to be abundantly clear, I didn't owe any of these people any favours. More than one of them were opponents of mine so I could just as easily sat back and let them wipe each other out. Allowing for the setting a bad example for the rest of the community to follow, which was really the only reason I bothered to weigh in at all. All my input served was giving Caskur further reason to dig her heels in. As I said, she is a proud woman and a disappointed one. Being wrong... on anything... is a source of disappointment, shame and ultimately anger for her.

Know that she is one of those people you can speak the truth to for as long as you care to and your words will fall on deaf ears and blind eyes if it runs counter to any idea she considers truth. It's not that she is stupid, she just doesn't appreciate being found out to have backed the wrong horse and will insist until she is blue in the face that it is you that has got it wrong. It's who she is, she's been that way for as long as any of us have known her and it is far too late for her to make the effort and change now.

Sad I know, but true.

I hear you bro. Loud and clear. I only take the time to comment in a spirited manner when I feel there is some hope of enlightenment on the part of the person I'm speaking to, or at the very least, those in the audience who may be watching the debate as it unfolds.

But in this instance she is beginning to remind me of the single celled parasites infesting backwards factory. A population of hopelessly dull insects which I regularly counsel avatar_Dove not to engage for very similar reasons. It's an exercise in futility to put it mildly.

It truly does baffle the mind to witness a group of similarly aged people , exposed to pretty much the same circumstance, have such wildly different viewpoints on any one of a dozen or so matters the current propaganda machine is setting forth before us.

I mean, you literally have a situation where the presuppose for joining NATO is alleged to serve as a preemptive barrier to a gratuitous act of Russian hostility also being the very single act that actually instigates the hostility which was to be avoided.

And to make matters far worse than one could ever imagine if they wished to script this travesty of justice before hand, Ukraine, despite the horrifying death toll hasn't even been accepted into NATO. And I truly suspect nor will they ever. So all of this death, dis-membership and destruction, all for naught. And these idiots cannot see this for themselves?

have we really devolved as a species to this low level? 

I used to wonder how empires crumbled. There is no longer any doubt.

Biggie Smiles

I would love someone of reasonable intelligence to point out to me why WE, the US, are instigating a war between former nation states for any reason other than to fund our own criminal leaders via the industrial war machine kickbacks?

And you leftist scum have the nerve to point to Justice Thomas receiving a few vacations from doners? Fuck.. wake me when one of those 500K vacas results in the deaths of THOUSANDS of young Ukrainian men for NO FUCKING REASON.

If Texas seceded from the Union tomorrow and was brought back into the Union via force to the cheers over over 95% of their population who's fucking business around the world would it be?

oh, are you looking to suppress human tragedy and bring the bounties of freedom and democracy to the oppressed?

Well, if you are that enthusiastic about preserving human life and all the precious rights that come along with it surely I can point you in the direction of a small country, less than 2000 miles away which shares a border with a US ally on the island of Hispaniola. Those people could sure use a bit of saving right now as they are mercilessly slaughtered at the hands of a fucking psychopath named Barbecue.

And here's a bonus for you... if you didn't feel the incentives were quite there yet due to the rampant poverty the nation as a whole suffers.

they are black

and black lives matter, correct? You tell us this with every diversity hire and every instance of fabricated racism do you not?

so why aren't you off helping them, but instead worrying more about your Nordic brethren with the fairer skin instead? Fucking hypocrites... I swear democrats disgust me to no fucking end.  *spits.     
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horse sense

Now, to the question of nuclear exchange. I don't think it impossible, though I do think it unlikely that it will come to that. The people running the show recognise that which Biggie does - namely that more than one state actor commands enough nuclear weaponry to "get the job done" many times over. The reason they do not skip merrily down the path to nuclear armageddon is simply that it costs them more than they care to put up themselves. Me may tentatively rely on that and sleep safe, if uneasily in our beds of a night, for at least as long as it takes before we find a Caskur type at the helm that is prepared to lose it all just so they can have the satisfaction of sticking the knife in.

Putin might be the west's enemy, but he is no bumbling clod, certainly not to the extent the MSM has been known to imply of him. The guy is a patriot, he wants his country to survive with favourable prospects and is by far and away smart enough to realise this is not advanced by torching a sizeable section of the world's economy and resources. I casnnot say the same of Joe Biden; luckily for us he happens to be a vassal of the Deep State which also recognises the costs of overplaying its hand. China? It owns enough of a chunk of the US debt for them to at least think twice about causing its collapse and would prefer instead to weaken it, keep it on life support and subsequently milk it for reparations as Germany was in the wake of World Wars 1 and 2. It's all a balancing act, a rather precarious arrangement which keeps the truly monied interests dancing on the edge as they try to jockey for position.

That's not to say it couldn't go tits up at any moment mind you. I mean we do have other players in the ring and a comparitively under-educated one at that, rife with the kinds of assclowns that wouldn't think twice at pushing a Big Red Button to "win the day" irrespective of the personal costs to themselves. Hamas night fit the bill as one example, and they do have their analog in western circles too. You and I interact with the latter on a daily basis. Should any of them get within coo-ee of a superweapon, that might be cause for some real concern.

But on the, I don't anticipate nuclear exchange to be much past the boogeyman it has proven itself to be over the last 80 years. There's far less lethal means to express humanity's greed and lust for vengeance for it to represent anything past a "fine... if I can't have it then neither can any of you" prospect... in my estimation at least.

horse sense

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 21, 2024, 04:00:47 PMI hear you bro. Loud and clear. I only take the time to comment in a spirited manner when I feel there is some hope of enlightenment on the part of the person I'm speaking to, or at the very least, those in the audience who may be watching the debate as it unfolds.

But in this instance she is beginning to remind me of the single celled parasites infesting backwards factory. A population of hopelessly dull insects which I regularly counsel avatar_Dove not to engage for very similar reasons. It's an exercise in futility to put it mildly.
Oh sure, I get it. In fact I indulge in the same myself and with similar hope of breaking through their cocoon of The Stupids to let the light of reason and understanding shine in. You'd think I'd have taken my own advice and stop wasting my own keystrokes for all the headway it's made in that direction. But then DKG would be sad.  :crampe:

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 21, 2024, 04:00:47 PMIt truly does baffle the mind to witness a group of similarly aged people , exposed to pretty much the same circumstance, have such wildly different viewpoints on any one of a dozen or so matters the current propaganda machine is setting forth before us.

I mean, you literally have a situation where the presuppose for joining NATO is alleged to serve as a preemptive barrier to a gratuitous act of Russian hostility also being the very single act that actually instigates the hostility which was to be avoided.

And to make matters far worse than one could ever imagine if they wished to script this travesty of justice before hand, Ukraine, despite the horrifying death toll hasn't even been accepted into NATO. And I truly suspect nor will they ever. So all of this death, dis-membership and destruction, all for naught. And these idiots cannot see this for themselves?

have we really devolved as a species to this low level? 

I used to wonder how empires crumbled. There is no longer any doubt.
We do seem to be on the downward trajectory of the bell curve, huh? It's not "all" for naught though or it wouldn't be happening. Someone is making coin out of it, therefore it is happening. And if I might use a greyhound racing analogy here, if said someone can troll enough of the dogs into chasing a rabbit flavoured mop as it hurls itself over the cliff, then said someone is going to have a much easier time of fattening out his wallet.

People like Caskur are the rabbit. We are the dogs. Any one of us can choose to act the part laid out for us... or say "fuck that shit" and chase something more worthwhile to chase.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: horse sense on June 21, 2024, 06:09:27 PMWe do seem to be on the downward trajectory of the bell curve, huh? It's not "all" for naught though or it wouldn't be happening. Someone is making coin out of it, therefore it is happening.

this is indeed true. Just like the stock market thieves found a way to make money on the way up and even more money on the way down through short sales so is the same case here.

they profit on keeping people stupid with an idea and a piece of paper which tells them they are smart. Sometimes it's scary


I am pretty sure, no absolutely positive I know more than you predestrian dweebs...

You are lucky I give you the time of my day?

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want."
- Andy Warhol


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 21, 2024, 02:42:03 PMAnd if a man with thousands of nukes ""threatens"" to use them you don't think it wise not to provoke him to do so?

Especially when he is of no threat to the average American in any way and we'd actually be better off dismantling cold war era fright fraternities rather than expanding them?

I mean, after all, this whole conflict was instigated under the premise that Ukraine had to join NATO in order to protect them from Russia and Ironically it is the very thing that caused them to be attacked by Russia and yet their leaders press on by throwing thousands of their youngest into the meat grinder

and a person of sound mind and reasonable intelligence has to wonder why.
I am losing patience with people that accept the Biden narrative that Putin attacked Ukraine without provocation. Sorry, instigation.
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gay, conservative and proud

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Thiel on June 21, 2024, 08:06:42 PMI am losing patience with people that accept the Biden narrative that Putin attacked Ukraine without provocation. Sorry, instigation.
They are a mindless and rather tedious lot aren't they? Low rung spastics seemingly undisturbed by evolution and burdened with a vast array of cognitive deficiencies. Yet somehow convinced they are smarter than the rest of us. And you really have to wonder how something so paradoxical is achieved.

I'm thinking higher ed institutions bear much of the accountability for this travesty of reality we find all too common in the modern liberal

I do find it a  bit odd though as Caskur is not particularly known for her affinity to liberal idiotologies


Quote from: caskur on June 21, 2024, 11:34:35 AMARMAGEDDON is coming... I am not worried. I am looking forward to it.

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Quote from: caskur on June 21, 2024, 07:59:26 PMI am pretty sure, no absolutely positive I know more than you predestrian dweebs...

You are lucky I give you the time of my day?

Like you knew that Australian meat pies are the best meat pies in the world despite never leaving Australia in your life?  :crampe:
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