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Last post: May 13, 2024, 10:23:35 PM
Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar


I love Poland

Started by Brent, June 15, 2024, 01:23:39 PM

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Shen Li

The West is finished. The whole world wants the West to fail and it is. The West itself wants to fail.

The West win a civilizational war. Yeah fucking right. Countries like Britain and Canada and even the US are having a hard time finding recruits to enlist in their woke armies.
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Quote from: Herman on June 21, 2024, 11:34:30 PMJapan has the highest debt to GDP ratio in the world at 264 percent. The US is at 129 percent and growing fast. China is under eighty percent.

The difference between Japan and China compared to the US is they have huge sovereign wealth funds. The US has sweet bugger all.

I suspect a lot of China's strength as a nation rests upon its ability to marshall a great deal of cheap labour. Where they succeed is their ability to dump a cheaper (though not necessarily better) product to market, making it insanely easy for large businesses to outsource their manufacturing there to keep their stockholders happy.

The same people parroting that China is in the midst of an economic crisis think nothing of buying the products this supposedly "failing" economy produces. A good example would be Australia's trade relationship with the CCP, where over a quarter of Australia's imports come from the CCP itself and of all its exports, nearly 40% are accounted for with chinese investment. And that investment is heavily subsidised to at or below its production costs by the Australian taxpayer.

A sweet deal if you can swing it as China has and it is largely a result of these kinds of arrangements that sees China able to pay its workers pitifully low prices. Meanwhile in the countries that afford the CCP this tasty arrangement the cost of living continues to skyrocket as the jobs market dwindles. Conglomerates pulling their investments from the shores of places like Australia while their governments concoct scare stories like "oh no, the CCP is in the middle of an economic crisis" while aggravating their own nation's prospects further by offering more and more taxpayer funded subsidies to prop up "our biggest trading partner".

China isn't in the middle of any economic crisis, not for as long as the west continues to bail them out in this fashion and at the west's expense. China's economic futures will falter when its trading partners can no longer bleed their own people to the extent China has.

Fun fact - Australia has a vast amount of mineral wealth, yet precious little in the way of refining or processing it. Take their oil reserves for instance - they have an overabundance of crude oil at their disposal, yet must import a staggering 90% of their fuel from overseas (Asia predominantly) because Australia's two remaining oil refineries cry "poor" and come up with excuse after excuse as to why they cannot upgrade their facilities to better provide for the country they are operating within. In fact, they are being paid billions annually just to keep their doors open.

Anyone care to wax lyrical about China's economic misfortunes?

Biggie Smiles

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Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 22, 2024, 08:55:52 PM

A child like understanding of international affairs. Ya, that describes Piers Morgan and a whole lot of others. I am glad to see he mentioned that the US has been behind every dispute in Europe since the end of the last Cold War before the US started a new one.
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