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CNN presidential debate

Started by Brent, June 27, 2024, 06:01:05 PM

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Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 28, 2024, 02:52:01 PMSins of the father should not waterfall down to the sons/grandsons/so on. The gauntlet has to drop somewhere.

The problem is Trump has nothing to address the issue preemptively.
He's just all about building a wall and chucking people back across it.

In the absence of any structural changes that would prevent the problem from reoccurring he's basically just being a dick to a bunch of people, most of whom don't deserve it, for at best a temporary reprieve from the condition he's purporting to address.

Like Pappy always said:
If you're going to do something, do it right.

Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 28, 2024, 02:52:01 PMin the absence of tangible evidence to the contrary why aren't you affording him the same benefit of doubt you afforded Cornell West.

West and Trump have very different messages.

West -even (especially?) before embarking on his political experiment- talked about the military, economics, and justice in a way that resonated with me. Trump does not, so even if I take him at his word it's not as if I agree with him on those things anyway.

When Trump says things like we shouldn't be involved in all these wars, of course I agree... but what exactly does he intend to do about it? Because nothing else he says is particularly anti-war or contrary to the never ending expansion of the military industrial complex.


Quote from: Garraty_47 on June 28, 2024, 03:38:38 PMUnderstandable.
The problem is Trump has nothing to address the issue preemptively.
He's just all about building a wall and chucking people back across it.

The Wall at best is a band-aid solution that won't solve the migrant crisis in the long run.

The World, and not just America, needs a plan to bring the birth rates down in order to create sustainable growth.

History has shown they can build a wall and it might work for a while, but eventually it crumbles, and the  Barbarians get in.

ie - the Huns who sacked Rome and destroyed it vastly outnumbered them. They kept breeding and of course what do hungry overpopulated people do? They look for greener pastures and invade the next nearest one.

ie - China also built a wall, but eventually the chinese empire got overrun by the Mongols.

Biggie Smiles

Quote from: Garraty_47 on June 28, 2024, 03:38:38 PMUnderstandable.
The problem is Trump has nothing to address the issue preemptively.
He's just all about building a wall and chucking people back across it.

In the absence of any structural changes that would prevent the problem from reoccurring he's basically just being a dick to a bunch of people, most of whom don't deserve it, for at best a temporary reprieve from the condition he's purporting to address.

Like Pappy always said:
If you're going to do something, do it right.

West and Trump have very different messages.

West -even (especially?) before embarking on his political experiment- talked about the military, economics, and justice in a way that resonated with me. Trump does not, so even if I take him at his word it's not as if I agree with him on those things anyway.

When Trump says things like we shouldn't be involved in all these wars, of course I agree... but what exactly does he intend to do about it? Because nothing else he says is particularly anti-war or contrary to the never ending expansion of the military industrial complex.

I think his aversion to starting or even being involved in outside wars was a pretty good start to that end goal and the fact that certain elements of past sins continue to haunt shouldn't necessarily be a barrier to a strong border policy. Otherwise, we remain in a state of immobility while we await confirmation that every area of the world we've meddled in is now free of our injury in all respects and it is therefore okay to execute on our plan to uphold our national sovereignty

We both know that day will never come. We have to draw the line in the sand somewhere and no matter when we do SOMEONE will be affected. This is simply a fact of life. It is unavoidable.

so in the interim? I am perfectly fine with an executive order which rounds up people who are not supposed to be here and chucks them out the back door expeditiously. Is that harsh? Yes. Is it contrary to underlying christian values? Absolutely. Am I ashamed to say I'm a christian and still don't give the slightest fuck as to the perceived contradiction? Not at all.

I don't pay onto Caesar things which I expect from the Kingdom of GOd. I pay onto to Caesar that which I expect from Caesar. And I expect from Caesar a return on my hefty 6% contribution to social security every year when it is time for me to retire. Not to squander it feeding millions of freeloaders with some sob story that Jesus fed the poor. Good for Jesus and praise be to the father that he did. He never did it with any of my tax dollars and he certainly isn't breathing such an inspiration to do the same into the minds of a bunch of deviants who author laws to mutilate children sexually.

I expect from Caesar safe infrastructure which I pay form rather handsomely in the form of government theft. As a natural born citizen I expect from Caesar basically anything I am entitled to from the contractual obligation that is embedded within our beloved constitution irrespective of what negative consequence that may have on someone who isn't. 

In short, Caeser has a purpose and it doesn't involve being the earth's savior.

In my mind anything short of this stance equates to an affirmation that I believe the Kingdom of God can be effectively replaced by Caesar. And that is something no one will ever get me to believe. The world is flawed and wicked. Caeser is not here to change it, but only serves as a vessel to maintain basic services and structure until which time that man has pushed God's patience too far and incurs the type of wrath I've been hoping to witness for several years now.

Separation of Church and state. Isn't that what the fuckers on the left cry about every time it is proposed that a bible be clearly visible in a school? Well there is where I and they agree. But at the same time, with my agreement comes the following price tag. They make no assumptions whatsoever they can tug on my heart strings or cause some type of inner soul searching with pathetic pity arguments such as "didn't jesus feed the poor, clothe them, house them?" --- you mean the same Jesus you don't want taught about in your public schools? that jesus? 

You see, here's the number one problem with your modern socialist ideology. Conceptually and morally they are right on the mark which is what makes their proposition so appealing to the average person instinctively. They are simply looking to the wrong entities to provide it.
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Biggie Smiles

That moment just by the look on Trump's face you can imagine his prayers to God going something like this

"please God, grant me the strength and patience to resist the temptation to go medieval on this man's sorry soul"

trump exercised extraordinary restraint last night not turning this into a complete mockery of this fucking invalid and the very least libtards can do is praise him for the fucking courtesy

you ungrateful bastards


Quote from: Biggie Smiles on June 28, 2024, 04:58:50 PMThat moment just by the look on Trump's face you can imagine his prayers to God going something like this

"please God, grant me the strength and patience to resist the temptation to go medieval on this man's sorry soul"

trump exercised extraordinary restraint last night not turning this into a complete mockery of this fucking invalid and the very least libtards can do is praise him for the fucking courtesy

you ungrateful bastards

I could not resist. I would have mocked that senile old mummy Biden.


Joe Biden's incoherent attempt to defend his economic record failed spectacularly on Thursday night.

Biden's rambling and incoherent effort was a reminder that he isn't fit to run a homeowners' association, much less a global superpower.

Jobs. There were a ton of strange numbers that Biden touted. First, he came out saying he created "15,000 jobs." While he probably meant 15 million, that would have been a giant stretch of the truth. As Donald Trump noted in his rebuttals, jobs that were reclaimed because of the pandemic shutdowns ending hardly count as "job creation." If a house burns down and one is rebuilt in its place, a new home hasn't been created.

Moreover, under Biden, the economy has recently been losing full-time jobs and gaining part-time jobs. Native-born Americans have not seen much in terms of job gains, with most gains going to immigrants — and there is no clear breakdown of how those jobs split between legal and illegal immigrants.

Biden later in the debate claimed to create "thousands of millions" of jobs. One thousand times one million would be a billion, so he was claiming to create billions of jobs, which is fairly demonstrative of the type of fantasy land in which Biden currently lives.

Taxes. Another favorite line of the night was when Biden claimed we had "a thousand trillionaires" in America — perhaps his projection of the rampant inflation experienced under his administration?

Of course, Biden also mentioned that Trump had provided and would provide more tax cuts for Americans. I am not sure he realized that Americans want to keep their own money.

What Biden got wrong was that the previous tax cuts benefitted most Americans and also bolstered government revenue (which is probably why he never sought to overturn them).

Then Biden highlighted that he planned to raise taxes. Given the economic pain Americans are feeling, more taxes are the last thing most people want to hear.

Inflation. Biden first claimed there was no inflation when he came into office. There was, in fact, a low rate of inflation when he came into office, and that's a good thing. In fact, it's much better than the stated 20% inflation under his tenure, which we all know likely had a real impact of at least double that on Americans.

Biden claims that low inflation was because the economy was in shambles. With the exception of the COVID mandates, an unusual outlier "emergency" event that would not be counted by any real statistician, Americans and the economy did well overall under Trump's tenure. Under Biden, inflation reached levels higher than we've seen in four decades.


"In boxing, if you're punch drunk, the referee calls a TKO (technical knockout). It would be a blessing if CNN would call the fight now and put Biden out of his misery," said Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky.


The National Border Patrol Council, which represents approximately 18,000 agents and support personnel, took to social media in the middle of Thursday evening's CNN Presidential Debate to set the record straight after President Joe Biden claimed the group endorsed his presidential run.

While the debate was still underway, NBPC posted on X in response to Biden's statement, "To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden."


Boooooooring! Fell asleep watching it.


Whther they can pull it off in time or not, the DNC is scrambling to find a replacement for Biden.

They will try to talk Biden into stepping down.
gay, conservative and proud

Oliver the Second

I was quite offended when Biden talked about Trump "having sex with a porn star". Whether Trump did or not this is a Presidential Debate and things like sex and porn are simply not discussed. Stooping that low is showing major disrespect to the Office of the Presidency.
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i've never seen libs so quiet before.... the debate was a blessing....
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Justine and Jim Crow Joe are both under pressure to resign. I think both will stay on to lead their parties into defeat.


Quote from: Oliver the Second on June 28, 2024, 08:40:00 PMI was quite offended when Biden talked about Trump "having sex with a porn star". Whether Trump did or not this is a Presidential Debate and things like sex and porn are simply not discussed. Stooping that low is showing major disrespect to the Office of the Presidency.

That was the funniest moment in the debate.
Perhaps a bit childish from an Old Man with a failing mind, but funny nevertheless.

America's gonna have a Tabloid President. LOL.
That's too much.
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Quote from: deadskinmask on June 28, 2024, 08:53:35 PMi've never seen libs so quiet before.... the debate was a blessing....
Neither have I. We can thank Biden for that.