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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

Renee vs Spectre

Started by Bricktop, September 16, 2015, 01:54:33 AM

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Quote from: "Renee"Tyre - Acient Phoenician port city....mythical birth place of Europa. Sacked by Alexander in in 332 BC.

You remember that day?

I have been trying REALLY HARD to be nice, Bilbous Baggins...but noooooo, you just can't reciprocate.

Well, no more Mr Nice Guy. I'm reneging on my commitment to play nice, even though it will probably precipitate you running for the door screaming mental rape again.

I'm going to slap the back of your head so hard, it will make the fat on your toes ripple.


GOOD, your nice guy routine was just "wrong" anyway. It was phony, insipid, and just plain bullshit; everyone could smell it a mile away. You're very good at being a dick head, I will give you that, but you make a crappy "nice guy". Actually, to be honest, I'm impressed that you lasted so long outside of your nasty ass comfort zone.

Maybe if you had been more convincing and less contrived in your actions I would have left it be but instead of waiting for the nasty shoe to drop and be blindsided by your viciousness, I figured I would see how easy it was to rip down your disingenuous facade. I see it didn't take much because obviously it was just hastily thrown up with scotch tape and thumb tacks.  

So stuff your muffins up your ass, Methuselah, you know you were just itching for it to go back to normal. I'll bet your asshole puckered up every time you were nice to me. You can relax and be yourself now and you can thank me when you get the chance. But come to think of it, going back to being my whipping boy is all the thanks I really need.  ac_sothere
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Quote from: "Renee"GOOD, your nice guy routine was just "wrong" anyway. It was phony, insipid, and just plain bullshit; everyone could smell it a mile away. You're very good at being a dick head, I will give you that, but you make a crappy "nice guy". Actually, to be honest, I'm impressed that you lasted so long outside of your nasty ass comfort zone.

Maybe if you had been more convincing and less contrived in your actions I would have left it be but instead of waiting for the nasty shoe to drop and be blindsided by your viciousness, I figured I would see how easy it was to rip down your disingenuous facade. I see it didn't take much because obviously it was just hastily thrown up with scotch tape and thumb tacks.  

So stuff your muffins up your ass, Methuselah, you know you were just itching for it to go back to normal. I'll bet your asshole puckered up every time you were nice to me. You can relax and be yourself now and you can thank me when you get the chance. But come to think of it, going back to being my whipping boy is all the thanks I really need.  ac_sothere

And all is right in the world again.   :pop:
Beware of Gaslighters!


Quote from: "Renee"GOOD, your nice guy routine was just "wrong" anyway. It was phony, insipid, and just plain bullshit; everyone could smell it a mile away. You're very good at being a dick head, I will give you that, but you make a crappy "nice guy". Actually, to be honest, I'm impressed that you lasted so long outside of your nasty ass comfort zone.

Maybe if you had been more convincing and less contrived in your actions I would have left it be but instead of waiting for the nasty shoe to drop and be blindsided by your viciousness, I figured I would see how easy it was to rip down your disingenuous facade. I see it didn't take much because obviously it was just hastily thrown up with scotch tape and thumb tacks.  

So stuff your muffins up your ass, Methuselah, you know you were just itching for it to go back to normal. I'll bet your asshole puckered up every time you were nice to me. You can relax and be yourself now and you can thank me when you get the chance. But come to think of it, going back to being my whipping boy is all the thanks I really need.  ac_sothere

Fine. Have it your way. Clearly, you LIKE being humiliated. Works for me, although I prefer more of a challenge. You know, like you trying to walk past a plate of Krispy Kremes without scooping up a mit full.


Quote from: "SPECTRE"
Quote from: "Renee"GOOD, your nice guy routine was just "wrong" anyway. It was phony, insipid, and just plain bullshit; everyone could smell it a mile away. You're very good at being a dick head, I will give you that, but you make a crappy "nice guy". Actually, to be honest, I'm impressed that you lasted so long outside of your nasty ass comfort zone.

Maybe if you had been more convincing and less contrived in your actions I would have left it be but instead of waiting for the nasty shoe to drop and be blindsided by your viciousness, I figured I would see how easy it was to rip down your disingenuous facade. I see it didn't take much because obviously it was just hastily thrown up with scotch tape and thumb tacks.  

So stuff your muffins up your ass, Methuselah, you know you were just itching for it to go back to normal. I'll bet your asshole puckered up every time you were nice to me. You can relax and be yourself now and you can thank me when you get the chance. But come to think of it, going back to being my whipping boy is all the thanks I really need.  ac_sothere

Fine. Have it your way. Clearly, you LIKE being humiliated. Works for me, although I prefer more of a challenge. You know, like you trying to walk past a plate of Krispy Kremes without scooping up a mit full.

Old man, it's not my way as much as it is the way you like it. What brought out that fake nice guy act as it pertained to me, was a complete mystery and shock. It just didn't work, dude. This way is better; you get to pretend that you can keep up with me and you can go back to living the lie that you so love and I get to take out my frustrations on something "safe". Because let's face it, I could be as mean spirited as a wolverine with a bad rash but I can't really offend the dead. ac_dunno
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Spectre and nice are two words I would have never thought to place anywhere near one another. Maybe Spectre and old, Spectre and dumb, or Spectre and warty, but never Spectre and nice.

Those two words just don't fundamentally jive together, ya know?


Quote from: "SPECTRE"
Quote from: "Renee"GOOD, your nice guy routine was just "wrong" anyway. It was phony, insipid, and just plain bullshit; everyone could smell it a mile away. You're very good at being a dick head, I will give you that, but you make a crappy "nice guy". Actually, to be honest, I'm impressed that you lasted so long outside of your nasty ass comfort zone.

Maybe if you had been more convincing and less contrived in your actions I would have left it be but instead of waiting for the nasty shoe to drop and be blindsided by your viciousness, I figured I would see how easy it was to rip down your disingenuous facade. I see it didn't take much because obviously it was just hastily thrown up with scotch tape and thumb tacks.  

So stuff your muffins up your ass, Methuselah, you know you were just itching for it to go back to normal. I'll bet your asshole puckered up every time you were nice to me. You can relax and be yourself now and you can thank me when you get the chance. But come to think of it, going back to being my whipping boy is all the thanks I really need.  ac_sothere

Fine. Have it your way. Clearly, you LIKE being humiliated. Works for me, although I prefer more of a challenge. You know, like you trying to walk past a plate of Krispy Kremes without scooping up a mit full.

We don't need to know about the health or lack of for your wife's undercarriage, Spectre.


Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "SPECTRE"
Quote from: "Renee"GOOD, your nice guy routine was just "wrong" anyway. It was phony, insipid, and just plain bullshit; everyone could smell it a mile away. You're very good at being a dick head, I will give you that, but you make a crappy "nice guy". Actually, to be honest, I'm impressed that you lasted so long outside of your nasty ass comfort zone.

Maybe if you had been more convincing and less contrived in your actions I would have left it be but instead of waiting for the nasty shoe to drop and be blindsided by your viciousness, I figured I would see how easy it was to rip down your disingenuous facade. I see it didn't take much because obviously it was just hastily thrown up with scotch tape and thumb tacks.  

So stuff your muffins up your ass, Methuselah, you know you were just itching for it to go back to normal. I'll bet your asshole puckered up every time you were nice to me. You can relax and be yourself now and you can thank me when you get the chance. But come to think of it, going back to being my whipping boy is all the thanks I really need.  ac_sothere

Fine. Have it your way. Clearly, you LIKE being humiliated. Works for me, although I prefer more of a challenge. You know, like you trying to walk past a plate of Krispy Kremes without scooping up a mit full.

Old man, it's not my way as much as it is the way you like it. What brought out that fake nice guy act as it pertained to me, was a complete mystery and shock. It just didn't work, dude. This way is better; you get to pretend that you can keep up with me and you can go back to living the lie that you so love and I get to take out my frustrations on something "safe". Because let's face it, I could be as mean spirited as a wolverine with a bad rash but I can't really offend the dead. ac_dunno

Listen, Dinky Dirigible, I AM FUCKING NICE. Its just that its hard to be nice to Americans when they are too dense (in your case both physically and literally) to distinguish between true human warmth and American human warmth, which is being gregarious, hospitable and affectionate as long as there is a buck to be made.

I was prepared to allow you the opportunity to mend your mean spirited ways, and even set an example for you to follow without getting stuck in the door frame, but no. True colours are not so easily painted over. Well, I've driven you off before, so I guess I'll have to do it again.

Its always amazed me how Americans can be so thick (again, both physically and literally) yet so thin skinned. Yours must be like tissue paper.


What are you blabbering about? YOU drove ME off? Are you fucking senile? You haven't driven anything since 1985. That was the last time your old, half blind, wrinkled ass could pass a DMV eye exam.

You roo fuckers are about the most ego bloated douche bags on the planet. I'm always shocked at your level of arrogance especially when you have fuck all to be arrogant about. The only thing even slightly worth paying attention to in that fly infested hole is the fact that you change government leaders more often than the average Aussie changes their underwear. Exactly what is the deal with that? Is it the fact that you clowns have the collective attention span of a fruit fly or do you just like to look like fools on the world stage?

The next time you make claims that you ran me off I'd suggest you do yourself a favor and stop and think about it first. Do you really want to make yourself look like more of a blowhard dimwit than you already do? Unless you want everyone here thinking that SPECTRE is a deluded dingo diddling dunce you had better curb that tongue of yours and control that over the top sense of self. Because if you don't, I'm going to drop kick your dust filled ass all the way back to Tasmania or whatever toxic landfill you crawled out of. In fact whenever I'm here, you would do best to keep a low profile. In other words, when I enter the room, you should probably find a corner to hide in and pray to whatever higher power that keeps your old ass alive, that I don't take notice of you.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Quote from: "Renee"What are you blabbering about? YOU drove ME off? Are you fucking senile? You haven't driven anything since 1985. That was the last time your old, half blind, wrinkled ass could pass a DMV eye exam.

You roo fuckers are about the most ego bloated douche bags on the planet. I'm always shocked at your level of arrogance especially when you have fuck all to be arrogant about. The only thing even slightly worth paying attention to in that fly infested hole is the fact that you change government leaders more often than the average Aussie changes their underwear. Exactly what is the deal with that? Is it the fact that you clowns have the collective attention span of a fruit fly or do you just like to look like fools on the world stage?

The next time you make claims that you ran me off I'd suggest you do yourself a favor and stop and think about it first. Do you really want to make yourself look like more of a blowhard dimwit than you already do? Unless you want everyone here thinking that SPECTRE is a deluded dingo diddling dunce you had better curb that tongue of yours and control that over the top sense of self. Because if you don't, I'm going to drop kick your dust filled ass all the way back to Tasmania or whatever toxic landfill you crawled out of. In fact whenever I'm here, you would do best to keep a low profile. In other words, when I enter the room, you should probably find a corner to hide in and pray to whatever higher power that keeps your old ass alive, that I don't take notice of you.

Thar she blows!!!

It is common knowledge and a view held by all (which you can see for yourself if you bothered to research) that I ran you off and caused your recent disappearance. That is not a boast, but a statement of fact.

I marvel at your claim that we Australians are blowhards. That you, as an American, can accuse anyone of being a loudmouthed braggard is hypocrisy at its finest. You clowns actually believe the bullshit propagated by your mass media and mad Presidents; despite the fact that you slaughter your own at a rate 10 times that of a civilised country, like mine for example, you seem to think that you live in a "great" country!!

You may be interested to know that MY country is not interested in building a wall across its borders to keep out the same Mexicans you pay pennies for to pick your watermelons, but scream when they rape your daughters and pour drugs into your sons. And we don't have weird Canadians living in the attic.

Not only that, but we do not have an impending earthquake disaster looming over us as you do. Its even more laughable that you blame this imminent doom on the San Andreas fault, when it is blatantly obvious that the fragmentation of your land mass will be directly caused by the squadrons of mountainous fat asses overloading your country's top layer. Those tectonic plates cannot compete with Wendy's, McDonalds, KFC and other dispensaries of cellulite.  

Now, its true we change our political leaders far too often. I admit it, and I am one of the voices screaming at the political system. However, even with the rapidly revolving door, none of our PM's have fucked their staff, invaded another country without reason or earned their job because they used to star in very bad movies.

Your refuge for the world's garbage is sinking lower each day, and I will be there waving bye bye when you finally disappear up your own assholes.


Quote from: "SPECTRE"
Quote from: "Renee"What are you blabbering about? YOU drove ME off? Are you fucking senile? You haven't driven anything since 1985. That was the last time your old, half blind, wrinkled ass could pass a DMV eye exam.

You roo fuckers are about the most ego bloated douche bags on the planet. I'm always shocked at your level of arrogance especially when you have fuck all to be arrogant about. The only thing even slightly worth paying attention to in that fly infested hole is the fact that you change government leaders more often than the average Aussie changes their underwear. Exactly what is the deal with that? Is it the fact that you clowns have the collective attention span of a fruit fly or do you just like to look like fools on the world stage?

The next time you make claims that you ran me off I'd suggest you do yourself a favor and stop and think about it first. Do you really want to make yourself look like more of a blowhard dimwit than you already do? Unless you want everyone here thinking that SPECTRE is a deluded dingo diddling dunce you had better curb that tongue of yours and control that over the top sense of self. Because if you don't, I'm going to drop kick your dust filled ass all the way back to Tasmania or whatever toxic landfill you crawled out of. In fact whenever I'm here, you would do best to keep a low profile. In other words, when I enter the room, you should probably find a corner to hide in and pray to whatever higher power that keeps your old ass alive, that I don't take notice of you.

Thar she blows!!!

It is common knowledge and a view held by all (which you can see for yourself if you bothered to research) that I ran you off and caused your recent disappearance. That is not a boast, but a statement of fact.

I marvel at your claim that we Australians are blowhards. That you, as an American, can accuse anyone of being a loudmouthed braggard is hypocrisy at its finest. You clowns actually believe the bullshit propagated by your mass media and mad Presidents; despite the fact that you slaughter your own at a rate 10 times that of a civilised country, like mine for example, you seem to think that you live in a "great" country!!

You may be interested to know that MY country is not interested in building a wall across its borders to keep out the same Mexicans you pay pennies for to pick your watermelons, but scream when they rape your daughters and pour drugs into your sons. And we don't have weird Canadians living in the attic.

Not only that, but we do not have an impending earthquake disaster looming over us as you do. Its even more laughable that you blame this imminent doom on the San Andreas fault, when it is blatantly obvious that the fragmentation of your land mass will be directly caused by the squadrons of mountainous fat asses overloading your country's top layer. Those tectonic plates cannot compete with Wendy's, McDonalds, KFC and other dispensaries of cellulite.  

Now, its true we change our political leaders far too often. I admit it, and I am one of the voices screaming at the political system. However, even with the rapidly revolving door, none of our PM's have fucked their staff, invaded another country without reason or earned their job because they used to star in very bad movies.

Your refuge for the world's garbage is sinking lower each day, and I will be there waving bye bye when you finally disappear up your own assholes.

Okay, that common knowledge you are speaking of was spread by YOU and only you in my absence. It must be nice to talk shit about someone when they aren't around to call you out on it. Well pal, those day are fucking OVER.

Lets recap and put your mealy mouthed lies to rest once and for all. The public dust up that prompted my leaving never involved you. In fact you were no where to be seen when it took place. The minor flair up that on the surface looked like the reason I left was between myself and someone else and you know damn well who it was. That minor argument has since been invalidated in PM between myself and the other person in question. It's all there for anyone to read and indeed the membership already has and most understand that the disagreement had nothing to do with my leaving.

This ridiculous idea that you had anything to do with my break from the forum is generated entirely in your own swollen head and it is time you gave it a rest. You have been bleating about it for months now and everyone thinks you are a fool. Unfortunately most of the membership is too nice to clue you in to the fact that you are indeed a BLOWHARD. You make that fact very hard to ignore every time you blow off some of that noxious ego gas that you are obviously full of.

You can stop this delusional idea that you could ever affect me in anyway, RIGHT FUCKING NOW. The truth of the matter is I view you like one of your national birds (the fly) trapped in a jar. I shake the jar once in a while just to watch your reaction and eventually when I tire of that, I will take you out of the jar and rip your wings off. Right now I suggest that you just be content that I haven't tired of you yet.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.



Fine by me. My apologies for the elder abuse scattered all over the forum.
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.


Beware of Gaslighters!

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