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Re: Seriously?!?! by Lokmar

ATTN: Beautiful Women of The Blue Shoe!

Started by smell the glove, June 11, 2016, 11:24:19 PM

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smell the glove

If I was to start another POF account, what, in your opinion, is the importance of the different aspects of a profile?

For instance, how important are a bunch of pics in exotic locations?  Wouldn't just one or two 'regular' pics suffice?

How about the profile?  The profile has always been a difficult field for me to know what to do with...  Should it be on the humourous side?  The serious side?  Do women really give a shit what my hobbies are?  I don't have any hobbies anyhow, so that's not an issue.

What do people really want to see?

For instance, I made a fake account a while back, just for fun.  I didn't even use my pic.  In fact, I used the pic of an older East Indian guy I randomly found on the net.  I totally BS'd the headline, the profile, etc.  I borderline trolled...  I had a phone number from a younger White chick within an hour of creating that profile, to my shock.

It was sad that trolling could get me such great results, but do I really have to come up with a bunch of BS to get a reply?

Suggestions?  Opinions?

Thanks in advance.


You're a piece of work, why do you want to bother with a bunch of "overweight hags" when you are such a catch? ac_lmfao

I'm sure there are tons of 18 to 23 year old hotties beating down your door as I write this.  ac_toofunny

BTW, in case you are as dumb as the rest of the door knobs in this subforum.....I'm being sarcastic. ac_biggrin

Now I have to go thumb-up some music on my Pandora have a nice night swimming in the bottom of that bottle of bottom shelf vodka. Try not to drown.... ac_toofunny
\"A man\'s rights rest in three boxes. The ballot-box, the jury-box and the cartridge-box.\"

Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867.

smell the glove

Quote from: "Renee"BTW, in case you are as dumb as the rest of the door knobs in this subforum.....I'm being sarcastic. ac_biggrin

I am smarter than the average bear, so you don't have to explain this to me!

And thanks for the awesome advice!  Very helpful...

smell the glove

I know there must be my equal somewhere in the world!

There's something like 1.2 billion White people on this Earth...  Let's assume half of them are female...  That's 600,000,000 White females...

Now, I'll need to break this number down a little more, since I need to take age into account...  Without factoring in the slight differences in generational birth rates, let me just factor in someone that's within 10 years of my age...

So, if the average person lives to 80, I'll divide that into 1/8th chunks...  There should be around 75,000,000 White females that are within 10 years of my age.

Shit...  That's not actually quite as many as I was hoping for...  Now, I don't like fat chicks, so let's just go by a simple number of 25% of the pop is a little on the chubby side (or worse)...  Now I have 56,250,000 available partners.

But wait!  I don't want kids!  In my age range, about 18 to 19% of women are childless...  I'll have to recalculate this from the 75,000,000 figure...  So, I come up with 13,500,000.  Now I have to reduce 1/4 out of this, due to the chubbies...

Ok...  The final number?  10,125,000 worldwide White females, within 10 years of my age, without children.

10,000,000 worldwide?  Fuck, this doesn't look that great for me.

smell the glove

I also need to factor in the marriage rates, since I dont bang married women.  We'll go by US stats...  Around 50% are either never married, divorced, or widowed...  This is within my age range, mind you.

So, we'll simply just chop that number right in half, to 5,062,500.

smell the glove

Population of the Earth?  7,400,000,000.

Women that would fit even my absolutely basic profile requirements, which with these calculations disregard ugly women, those with physical deformities, psycho mentally ill twats, etc:  5,062,500.

I'd have to pass 1,462 people, on a worldwide level, to even meet one that would meet my basic criteria.

smell the glove

As I am at least average looking, and have working arms and legs, etc...  I will reduce this amount by 50%, since I feel that I am at least 50% or above in my requirements...  I only do this calculation, since I am in a position to, and it's probably pretty accurate for me...  As crazy as I may come off as, trust me...  There are many with much bigger problems, both physical and mental, than I...

So, I'll increase the number to 2924 people I would have to, on a worldwide level, need to meet, to even have a chance with one...

3,000 fucking people.  So, after having done the math, any female that I would meet, would literally be one in 3,000.  At least not one in a million!  LOLZORS!

smell the glove

I've somewhat skewed these numbers, though, but I can calculate that out quite easily...  The fact that I'm not much of a 'worldwide traveler,' will mean that where I currently live, there's a better chance of meeting a White female than say, in the Congo!

smell the glove

Canada and the US are something like 75% White or so?

How to recalculate this...

So, 1.2 billion Whites, with females that would work for me at 5,062,500.

OK, so, I'll add 25%, to include non-Whities...  I have come up with .296% now, of the population of North American that may even suit my shit!

smell the glove

Let's just say 0.3%, for easy maths...

I'd have to meet, just talking about North American demographics, 333 people to potentially find one that would meet my minimal requirements...

Again, as one calculation before, I will double that here also, as I am in the higher 50% bracket for looks, mobility, intelligence, have all limbs, etc...  

1 in 666 people that I meet would potentially be a fit.

smell the glove

My maths may be off, but I'm probably pretty close, I bet!

Those odds aren't that great, but I suppose not terrible either!

Oh well, I like to give my alcohol soaked brain a little workout every now and then...


Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds.  ~ Anonymous

smell the glove

Quote from: "Annie"Hi Mel   ac_hithere

What's poppin'!

How come you're up at this hour?


I have been running away from dates because a dealbreaker that she didnt tell me about emerged..

smell the glove

Quote from: "Odinson"I have been running away from dates because a dealbreaker that she didnt tell me about emerged..

It's hard to find normal women these days!  The good ones are taken, it seems!

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